247 research outputs found

    Firewall management with FireWall synthesizer

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    Firewalls are notoriously hard to configure and maintain. Policies are written in low-level, system-specific languages where rules are inspected and enforced along non-trivial control flow paths. Moreover, firewalls are tightly related to Network Address Translation (NAT) since filters need to be specified taking into account the possible translations of packet addresses, further complicating the task of network administrators. To simplify this job, we propose FIRE WALL SYNTHESIZER (FWS), a tool that decompiles real firewall configurations from different systems into an abstract specification. This representation highlights the meaning of a configuration, i.e., the allowed connections with possible address translations. We show the usage of FWS in analyzing and maintaining a configuration on a simple (yet realistic) scenario and we discuss how the tool scales on real-world policies

    Automated Approaches for Program Verification and Repair

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    Formal methods techniques, such as verification, analysis, and synthesis,allow programmers to prove properties of their programs, or automatically derive programs from specifications. Making such techniques usable requires care: they must provide useful debugging information, be scalable, and enable automation. This dissertation presents automated analysis and synthesis techniques to ease the debugging of modular verification systems and allow easy access to constraint solvers from functional code. Further, it introduces machine learning based techniques to improve the scalability of off-the-shelf syntax-guided synthesis solvers and techniques to reduce the burden of network administrators writing and analyzing firewalls. We describe the design and implementationof a symbolic execution engine, G2, for non-strict functional languages such as Haskell. We extend G2 to both debug and automate the process of modular verification, and give Haskell programmers easy access to constraints solvers via a library named G2Q. Modular verifiers, such as LiquidHaskell, Dafny, and ESC/Java,allow programmers to write and prove specifications of their code. When a modular verifier fails to verify a program, it is not necessarily because of an actual bug in the program. This is because when verifying a function f, modular verifiers consider only the specification of a called function g, not the actual definition of g. Thus, a modular verifier may fail to prove a true specification of f if the specification of g is too weak. We present a technique, counterfactual symbolic execution, to aid in the debugging of modular verification failures. The approach uses symbolic execution to find concrete counterexamples, in the case of an actual inconsistency between a program and a specification; and abstract counterexamples, in the case that a function specification is too weak. Further, a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) loop based technique is introduced to fully automate the process of modular verification, by using found counterexamples to automatically infer needed function specifications. The counterfactual symbolic execution and automated specification inference techniques are implemented in G2, and evaluated on existing LiquidHaskell errors and programs. We also leveraged G2 to build a library, G2Q, which allows writing constraint solving problemsdirectly as Haskell code. Users of G2Q can embed specially marked Haskell constraints (Boolean expressions) into their normal Haskell code, while marking some of the variables in the constraint as symbolic. Then, at runtime, G2Q automatically derives values for the symbolic variables that satisfy the constraint, and returns those values to the outside code. Unlike other constraint solving solutions, such as directly calling an SMT solver, G2Q uses symbolic execution to unroll recursive function definitions, and guarantees that the use of G2Q constraints will preserve type correctness. We further consider the problem of synthesizing functions viaa class of tools known as syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS) solvers. We introduce a machine learning based technique to preprocess SyGuS problems, and reduce the space that the solver must search for a solution in. We demonstrate that the technique speeds up an existing SyGuS solver, CVC4, on a set of SyGuS solver benchmarks. Finally, we describe techniques to ease analysis and repair of firewalls.Firewalls are widely deployed to manage network security. However, firewall systems provide only a primitive interface, in which the specification is given as an ordered list of rules. This makes it hard to manually track and maintain the behavior of a firewall. We introduce a formal semantics for iptables firewall rules via a translation to first-order logic with uninterpreted functions and linear integer arithmetic, which allows encoding of firewalls into a decidable logic. We then describe techniques to automate the analysis and repair of firewalls using SMT solvers, based on user provided specifications of the desired behavior. We evaluate this approach with real world case studies collected from StackOverflow users

    High-Level Abstractions for Programming Network Policies

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    The emergence of network programmability enabled by innovations such as active network- ing, SDN and NFV offers tremendous flexibility to program network policies. However, it also poses a new demand to network operators on programming network policies. The motivation of this dissertation is to study the feasibility of using high-level abstractions to simplify the programming of network policies. First, we propose scenario-based programming, a framework that allows network operators to program stateful network policies by describing example behaviors in representative scenarios. Given these scenarios, our scenario-based programming tool NetEgg automatically infers the controller state that needs to be maintained along with the rules to process network events and update state. The NetEgg interpreter can execute the generated policy implementation on top of a centralized controller, but also automatically infers flow-table rules that can be pushed to switches to improve throughput. We study a range of policies considered in the literature and report our experience regarding specifying these policies using scenarios. We evaluate NetEgg based on the computational requirements of our synthesis algorithm as well as the overhead introduced by the generated policy implementation. Our results show that our synthesis algorithm can generate policy implementations in seconds, and the automatically generated policy implementations have performance comparable to their hand-crafted implementations. Our preliminary user study results show that NetEgg was able to reduce the programming time of the policies we studied. Second, we propose NetQRE, a high-level declarative language for programming quantitative network policies that require monitoring a stream of network packets. Based on a novel theoretical foundation of parameterized quantitative regular expressions, NetQRE integrates regular-expression-like pattern matching at flow-level as well as application-level payloads with aggregation operations such as sum and average counts. We describe a compiler for NetQRE that automatically generates an efficient implementation from the specification in NetQRE. Our evaluation results demonstrate that NetQRE is expressive to specify a wide range of quantitative network policies that cannot be naturally specified in other systems. The performance of the generated implementations is comparable with that of the manually-optimized low-level code. NetQRE can be deployed in different settings. Our proof-of-concept deployment shows that NetQRE can provide timely enforcement of quantitative network policies

    Access Control Synthesis for Physical Spaces

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    Access-control requirements for physical spaces, like office buildings and airports, are best formulated from a global viewpoint in terms of system-wide requirements. For example, "there is an authorized path to exit the building from every room." In contrast, individual access-control components, such as doors and turnstiles, can only enforce local policies, specifying when the component may open. In practice, the gap between the system-wide, global requirements and the many local policies is bridged manually, which is tedious, error-prone, and scales poorly. We propose a framework to automatically synthesize local access control policies from a set of global requirements for physical spaces. Our framework consists of an expressive language to specify both global requirements and physical spaces, and an algorithm for synthesizing local, attribute-based policies from the global specification. We empirically demonstrate the framework's effectiveness on three substantial case studies. The studies demonstrate that access control synthesis is practical even for complex physical spaces, such as airports, with many interrelated security requirements

    Network-wide Configuration Synthesis

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    Computer networks are hard to manage. Given a set of high-level requirements (e.g., reachability, security), operators have to manually figure out the individual configuration of potentially hundreds of devices running complex distributed protocols so that they, collectively, compute a compatible forwarding state. Not surprisingly, operators often make mistakes which lead to downtimes. To address this problem, we present a novel synthesis approach that automatically computes correct network configurations that comply with the operator's requirements. We capture the behavior of existing routers along with the distributed protocols they run in stratified Datalog. Our key insight is to reduce the problem of finding correct input configurations to the task of synthesizing inputs for a stratified Datalog program. To solve this synthesis task, we introduce a new algorithm that synthesizes inputs for stratified Datalog programs. This algorithm is applicable beyond the domain of networks. We leverage our synthesis algorithm to construct the first network-wide configuration synthesis system, called SyNET, that support multiple interacting routing protocols (OSPF and BGP) and static routes. We show that our system is practical and can infer correct input configurations, in a reasonable amount time, for networks of realistic size (> 50 routers) that forward packets for multiple traffic classes.Comment: 24 Pages, short version published in CAV 201

    Real time speech translator

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    This document is written to report on my work on the Real Time Voice Translator Project, the project I carried out as my final thesis project during the academic year 2007‐2008. During this period I have been working in the Research and Development Center (RDC) for Mobile Applications, a department of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. In the RDC I was a member of the Automatic Call Center Project (ACC Project) team, and within it, I was assigned to carry out the Real Time Voice Translator Project. The Automatic Call Center Project (ACC Project), now renamed to Voice2Web Project, is a project carried out by the Research and Development Center. The RDC is a department inside the Electro Technical Faculty of the CTU that carries out Research and Development projects regrding the Information Technologies (IT). Some of its partners are IBM, Vodafone and Ericson, who the RDC is doing projects for.  The ACC Project began on 2007 and its aim is to develop Voice Applications, within the IBM and RDC agreement, using IBM Voice Technologies and whatever open standards or open source software. IBM is an ACC Project partner and provides financing for it. It also provides hardware and software licenses to the ACC Project and gives us support. The members of the ACC Project are developing several Voice Applications at the same time, all them following the ACC Project purposes.   Although this document is focused on the Real Time Voice Translator Project, it will also explain in the introduction some aspects of the ACC Project. This is because the Real Time Voice Translator Project has a lot of points in common with it and it is worth, to understand it well, understand some points of the ACC Project as well. 

    Threat Repair with Optimization Modulo Theories

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    We propose a model-based procedure for automatically preventing security threats using formal models. We encode system models and potential threats as satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) formulas. This model allows us to ask security questions as satisfiability queries. We formulate threat prevention as an optimization problem over the same formulas. The outcome of our threat prevention procedure is a suggestion of model attribute repair that eliminates threats. Whenever threat prevention fails, we automatically explain why the threat happens. We implement our approach using the state-of-the-art Z3 SMT solver and interface it with the threat analysis tool THREATGET. We demonstrate the value of our procedure in two case studies from automotive and smart home domains, including an industrial-strength example

    Attribute Repair for Threat Prevention

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    We propose a model-based procedure for preventing security threats using formal models. We encode system models and threats as satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) formulas. This model allows us to ask security questions as satisfiability queries. We formulate threat preven- tion as an optimization problem over the same formulas. The outcome of our threat prevention procedure is a suggestion of model attribute repair that eliminates threats. We implement our approach using the state-of-the-art Z3 SMT solver and interface it with the threat analysis tool THREATGET. We demonstrate the value of our procedure in two case studies from automotive and smart home domains