433 research outputs found

    Formal Modeling of Connectionism using Concurrency Theory, an Approach Based on Automata and Model Checking

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    This paper illustrates a framework for applying formal methods techniques, which are symbolic in nature, to specifying and verifying neural networks, which are sub-symbolic in nature. The paper describes a communicating automata [Bowman & Gomez, 2006] model of neural networks. We also implement the model using timed automata [Alur & Dill, 1994] and then undertake a verification of these models using the model checker Uppaal [Pettersson, 2000] in order to evaluate the performance of learning algorithms. This paper also presents discussion of a number of broad issues concerning cognitive neuroscience and the debate as to whether symbolic processing or connectionism is a suitable representation of cognitive systems. Additionally, the issue of integrating symbolic techniques, such as formal methods, with complex neural networks is discussed. We then argue that symbolic verifications may give theoretically well-founded ways to evaluate and justify neural learning systems in the field of both theoretical research and real world applications

    Formalising the Continuous/Discrete Modeling Step

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    Formally capturing the transition from a continuous model to a discrete model is investigated using model based refinement techniques. A very simple model for stopping (eg. of a train) is developed in both the continuous and discrete domains. The difference between the two is quantified using generic results from ODE theory, and these estimates can be compared with the exact solutions. Such results do not fit well into a conventional model based refinement framework; however they can be accommodated into a model based retrenchment. The retrenchment is described, and the way it can interface to refinement development on both the continuous and discrete sides is outlined. The approach is compared to what can be achieved using hybrid systems techniques.Comment: In Proceedings Refine 2011, arXiv:1106.348

    From stateflow simulation to verified implementation: A verification approach and a real-time train controller design

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    Simulink is widely used for model driven development (MDD) of industrial software systems. Typically, the Simulink based development is initiated from Stateflow modeling, followed by simulation, validation and code generation mapped to physical execution platforms. However, recent industrial trends have raised the demands of rigorous verification on safety-critical applications, which is unfortunately challenging for Simulink. In this paper, we present an approach to bridge the Stateflow based model driven development and a well- defined rigorous verification. First, we develop a self- contained toolkit to translate Stateflow model into timed automata, where major advanced modeling features in Stateflow are supported. Taking advantage of the strong verification capability of Uppaal, we can not only find bugs in Stateflow models which are missed by Simulink Design Verifier, but also check more important temporal properties. Next, we customize a runtime verifier for the generated nonintrusive VHDL and C code of Stateflow model for monitoring. The major strength of the customization is the flexibility to collect and analyze runtime properties with a pure software monitor, which opens more opportunities for engineers to achieve high reliability of the target system compared with the traditional act that only relies on Simulink Polyspace. We incorporate these two parts into original Stateflow based MDD seamlessly. In this way, safety-critical properties are both verified at the model level, and at the consistent system implementation level with physical execution environment in consideration. We apply our approach on a train controller design, and the verified implementation is tested and deployed on a real hardware platform

    Modeling and verifying the FlexRay physical layer protocol with reachability checking of timed automata

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    In this thesis, I report on the verification of the resilience of the FlexRay automotive bus protocol's physical layer protocol against glitches during message transmission and drifting clocks. This entailed modeling a significant part of this industrially used communictation protocol and the underlying hardware as well as the possible error scenarios in fine detail. Verifying such a complex model with model-checking led me to the development of data-structures and algorithms able to handle the associated complexity using only reasonable resources. This thesis presents such data-structures and algorithms for reachability checking of timed automata. It also present modeling principles enabling the construction of timed automata models that can be efficiently checked, as well as the models arrived at. Finally, it reports on the verified resilience of FlexRay's physical layer protocol against specific patterns of glitches under varying assumptions about the underlying hardware, like clock drift.In dieser Dissertation berichte ich über den Nachweis der Resilienz des Bitübertragungsprotokolls für die physikalische Schicht des FlexRay-Fahrzeugbusprotokolls gegenüber Übertragungsfehlern und Uhrenverschiebung. Dafür wurde es notwendig, einen signifikanten Teil dieses industriell genutzten Kommunikationsprotokolls mit seiner Hardwareumgebung und die möglichen Fehlerszenarien detailliert zu modellieren. Ein so komplexes Modell mittels Modellprüfung zu überprüfen führte mich zur Entwicklung von Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen, die die damit verbundene Komplexität mit vernünftigen Ressourcenanforderungen bewältigen können. Diese Dissertation stellt solche Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen zur Erreichbarkeitsprüfung gezeiteter Automaten vor. Sie stellt auch Modellierungsprinzipien vor, die es ermöglichen, Modelle in Form gezeiteter Automaten zu konstruieren, die effizient überprüft werden können, sowie die erstellten Modelle. Schließlich berichtet sie über die überprüfte Resilienz des FlexRay-Bitübertragungsprotokolls gegenüber spezifischen Übertragungsfehlermustern unter verschiedenen Annahmen über die Hardwareumgebung, wie etwa die Uhrenverschiebung.DFG: SFB/TRR 14 "AVACS - Automatische Verifikation und Analyse komplexer Systeme

    Efficient Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Quantitative Systems

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    Performance modelling and the representation of large scale distributed system functions

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    This thesis presents a resource based approach to model generation for performance characterization and correctness checking of large scale telecommunications networks. A notion called the timed automaton is proposed and then developed to encapsulate behaviours of networking equipment, system control policies and non-deterministic user behaviours. The states of pooled network resources and the behaviours of resource consumers are represented as continually varying geometric patterns; these patterns form part of the data operated upon by the timed automata. Such a representation technique allows for great flexibility regarding the level of abstraction that can be chosen in the modelling of telecommunications systems. None the less, the notion of system functions is proposed to serve as a constraining framework for specifying bounded behaviours and features of telecommunications systems. Operational concepts are developed for the timed automata; these concepts are based on limit preserving relations. Relations over system states represent the evolution of system properties observable at various locations within the network under study. The declarative nature of such permutative state relations provides a direct framework for generating highly expressive models suitable for carrying out optimization experiments. The usefulness of the developed procedure is demonstrated by tackling a large scale case study, in particular the problem of congestion avoidance in networks; it is shown that there can be global coupling among local behaviours within a telecommunications network. The uncovering of such a phenomenon through a function oriented simulation is a contribution to the area of network modelling. The direct and faithful way of deriving performance metrics for loss in networks from resource utilization patterns is also a new contribution to the work area