125 research outputs found

    Structural engineering of evolving complex dynamical networks

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    Networks are ubiquitous in nature and many natural and man-made systems can be modelled as networked systems. Complex networks, systems comprising a number of nodes that are connected through edges, have been frequently used to model large-scale systems from various disciplines such as biology, ecology, and engineering. Dynamical systems interacting through a network may exhibit collective behaviours such as synchronisation, consensus, opinion formation, flocking and unusual phase transitions. Evolution of such collective behaviours is highly dependent on the structure of the interaction network. Optimisation of network topology to improve collective behaviours and network robustness can be achieved by intelligently modifying the network structure. Here, it is referred to as "Engineering of the Network". Although coupled dynamical systems can develop spontaneous synchronous patterns if their coupling strength lies in an appropriate range, in some applications one needs to control a fraction of nodes, known as driver nodes, in order to facilitate the synchrony. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying the set of best drivers, leading to the best pinning control performance. The eigen-ratio of the augmented Laplacian matrix, that is the largest eigenvalue divided by the second smallest one, is chosen as the controllability metric. The approach introduced in this thesis is to obtain the set of optimal drivers based on sensitivity analysis of the eigen-ratio, which requires only a single computation of the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue, and thus is applicable for large-scale networks. This leads to a new "controllability centrality" metric for each subset of nodes. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed metric in predicting the most important driver(s) correctly.     Interactions in complex networks might also facilitate the propagation of undesired effects, such as node/edge failure, which may crucially affect the performance of collective behaviours. In order to study the effect of node failure on network synchronisation, an analytical metric is proposed that measures the effect of a node removal on any desired eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix. Using this metric, which is based on the local multiplicity of each eigenvalue at each node, one can approximate the impact of any node removal on the spectrum of a graph. The metric is computationally efficient as it only needs a single eigen-decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. It also provides a reliable approximation for the "Laplacian energy" of a network. Simulation results verify the accuracy of this metric in networks with different topologies. This thesis also considers formation control as an application of network synchronisation and studies the "rigidity maintenance" problem, which is one of the major challenges in this field. This problem is to preserve the rigidity of the sensing graph in a formation during motion, taking into consideration constraints such as line-of-sight requirements, sensing ranges and power limitations. By introducing a "Lattice of Configurations" for each node, a distributed rigidity maintenance algorithm is proposed to preserve the rigidity of the sensing network when failure in a sensing link would result in loss of rigidity. The proposed algorithm recovers rigidity by activating, almost always, the minimum number of new sensing links and considers real-time constraints of practical formations. A sufficient condition for this problem is proved and tested via numerical simulations. Based on the above results, a number of other areas and applications of network dynamics are studied and expounded upon in this thesis

    Enhancing speed of pinning synchronizability: low-degree nodes with high feedback gains

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    Controlling complex networks is of paramount importance in science and engineering. Despite recent efforts to improve controllability and synchronous strength, little attention has been paid to the speed of pinning synchronizability (rate of convergence in pinning control) and the corresponding pinning node selection. To address this issue, we propose a hypothesis to restrict the control cost, then build a linear matrix inequality related to the speed of pinning controllability. By solving the inequality, we obtain both the speed of pinning controllability and optimal control strength (feedback gains in pinning control) for all nodes. Interestingly, some low-degree nodes are able to achieve large feedback gains, which suggests that they have high influence on controlling system. In addition, when choosing nodes with high feedback gains as pinning nodes, the controlling speed of real systems is remarkably enhanced compared to that of traditional large-degree and large-betweenness selections. Thus, the proposed approach provides a novel way to investigate the speed of pinning controllability and can evoke other effective heuristic pinning node selections for large-scale systems

    Robust Engineering of Dynamic Structures in Complex Networks

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    Populations of nearly identical dynamical systems are ubiquitous in natural and engineered systems, in which each unit plays a crucial role in determining the functioning of the ensemble. Robust and optimal control of such large collections of dynamical units remains a grand challenge, especially, when these units interact and form a complex network. Motivated by compelling practical problems in power systems, neural engineering and quantum control, where individual units often have to work in tandem to achieve a desired dynamic behavior, e.g., maintaining synchronization of generators in a power grid or conveying information in a neuronal network; in this dissertation, we focus on developing novel analytical tools and optimal control policies for large-scale ensembles and networks. To this end, we first formulate and solve an optimal tracking control problem for bilinear systems. We developed an iterative algorithm that synthesizes the optimal control input by solving a sequence of state-dependent differential equations that characterize the optimal solution. This iterative scheme is then extended to treat isolated population or networked systems. We demonstrate the robustness and versatility of the iterative control algorithm through diverse applications from different fields, involving nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and imaging (MRI), electrochemistry, neuroscience, and neural engineering. For example, we design synchronization controls for optimal manipulation of spatiotemporal spike patterns in neuron ensembles. Such a task plays an important role in neural systems. Furthermore, we show that the formation of such spatiotemporal patterns is restricted when the network of neurons is only partially controllable. In neural circuitry, for instance, loss of controllability could imply loss of neural functions. In addition, we employ the phase reduction theory to leverage the development of novel control paradigms for cyclic deferrable loads, e.g., air conditioners, that are used to support grid stability through demand response (DR) programs. More importantly, we introduce novel theoretical tools for evaluating DR capacity and bandwidth. We also study pinning control of complex networks, where we establish a control-theoretic approach to identifying the most influential nodes in both undirected and directed complex networks. Such pinning strategies have extensive practical implications, e.g., identifying the most influential spreaders in epidemic and social networks, and lead to the discovery of degenerate networks, where the most influential node relocates depending on the coupling strength. This phenomenon had not been discovered until our recent study

    Discovering important nodes of complex networks based on laplacian spectra

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Knowledge of the Laplacian eigenvalues of a network provides important insights into its structural features and dynamical behaviours. Node or link removal caused by possible outage events, such as mechanical and electrical failures or malicious attacks, significantly impacts the Laplacian spectra. This can also happen due to intentional node removal against which, increasing the algebraic connectivity is desired. In this article, an analytical metric is proposed to measure the effect of node removal on the Laplacian eigenvalues of the network. The metric is formulated based on the local multiplicity of each eigenvalue at each node, so that the effect of node removal on any particular eigenvalues can be approximated using only one single eigen-decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. The metric is applicable to undirected networks as well as strongly-connected directed ones. It also provides a reliable approximation for the “Laplacian energy” of a network. The performance of the metric is evaluated for several synthetic networks and also the American Western States power grid. Results show that this metric has a nearly perfect precision in correctly predicting the most central nodes, and significantly outperforms other comparable heuristic methods.This research was partly supported by the Erasmus+ KA107 grant. AMA, MJ, LS and XY were supported by the Australian Research Council through project No. DP170102303. MJ and XY are also supported by the Australian Research Council through project No. DP200101199. MAF was supported by AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 2017SGR1087, and by MICINN from the Spanish Government with the European Regional Development Fund under project PGC2018-095471-B-I00Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Power network and smart grids analysis from a graph theoretic perspective

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    The growing size and complexity of power systems has given raise to the use of complex network theory in their modelling, analysis, and synthesis. Though most of the previous studies in this area have focused on distributed control through well established protocols like synchronization and consensus, recently, a few fundamental concepts from graph theory have also been applied, for example in symmetry-based cluster synchronization. Among the existing notions of graph theory, graph symmetry is the focus of this proposal. However, there are other development around some concepts from complex network theory such as graph clustering in the study. In spite of the widespread applications of symmetry concepts in many real world complex networks, one can rarely find an article exploiting the symmetry in power systems. In addition, no study has been conducted in analysing controllability and robustness for a power network employing graph symmetry. It has been verified that graph symmetry promotes robustness but impedes controllability. A largely absent work, even in other fields outside power systems, is the simultaneous investigation of the symmetry effect on controllability and robustness. The thesis can be divided into two section. The first section, including Chapters 2-3, establishes the major theoretical development around the applications of graph symmetry in power networks. A few important topics in power systems and smart grids such as controllability and robustness are addressed using the symmetry concept. These topics are directed toward solving specific problems in complex power networks. The controllability analysis will lead to new algorithms elaborating current controllability benchmarks such as the maximum matching and the minimum dominant set. The resulting algorithms will optimize the number of required driver nodes indicated as FACTS devices in power networks. The second topic, robustness, will be tackled by the symmetry analysis of the network to investigate three aspects of network robustness: robustness of controllability, disturbance decoupling, and fault tolerance against failure in a network element. In the second section, including Chapters 4-8, in addition to theoretical development, a few novel applications are proposed for the theoretical development proposed in both sections one and two. In Chapter 4, an application for the proposed approaches is introduced and developed. The placement of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) is investigated where the cybersecurity of the associated data exchange under the wide area power networks is also considered. A new notion of security, i.e. moderated-k-symmetry, is introduced to leverage on the symmetry characteristics of the network to obscure the network data from the adversary perspective. In chapters 5-8, the use of graph theory, and in particular, graph symmetry and centrality, are adapted for the complex network of charging stations. In Chapter 5, the placement and sizing of charging stations (CSs) of the network of electric vehicles are addressed by proposing a novel complex network model of the charging stations. The problems of placement and sizing are then reformulated in a control framework and the impact of symmetry on the number and locations of charging stations is also investigated. These results are developed in Chapters 6-7 to robust placement and sizing of charging stations for the Tesla network of Sydney where the problem of extending the capacity having a set of pre-existing CSs are addressed. The role of centrality in placement of CSs is investigated in Chapter 8. Finally, concluding remarks and future works are presented in Chapter 9

    Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems

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    We thank Dr. R. Yang (formerly at ASU), Dr. R.-Q. Su (formerly at ASU), and Mr. Zhesi Shen for their contributions to a number of original papers on which this Review is partly based. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504. W.-X. Wang was also supported by NSFC under Grants No. 61573064 and No. 61074116, as well as by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Beijing Nova Programme.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Engineering Emergence: A Survey on Control in the World of Complex Networks

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    Complex networks make an enticing research topic that has been increasingly attracting researchers from control systems and various other domains over the last two decades. The aim of this paper was to survey the interest in control related to complex networks research over time since 2000 and to identify recent trends that may generate new research directions. The survey was performed for Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEEXplore publications related to complex networks. Based on our findings, we raised several questions and highlighted ongoing interests in the control of complex networks.publishedVersio

    Moment-based analysis of pinning synchronization in complex networks with sign inner-coupling configurations

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    In this paper, pinning synchronization of complex networks with sign inner-coupling configurations is investigated from a moment-based analysis approach. First, two representative non-linear systems with varying dynamics parameters are presented to illustrate the bifurcation of the synchronized regions. The influence of sign inner-coupling configurations on network synchronizability is then studied in detail. It is found that adding negative parameters in the inner-coupling matrix can significantly enhance the network synchronizability. Furthermore, the eigenvalue distribution of the coupling and control matrix in the pinned network is estimated using the spectral moment analysis. Finally, numerical simulations are given for illustration