9 research outputs found

    Vorschläge für eine Weiterentwicklung der Sacherschließung und Schritte zur fortgesetzten strukturellen Aufwertung der GND

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    Aufgrund der fortgesetzten Publikationsflut stellt sich immer dringender die Frage, wie die Schwellen für die Titel- und Normdatenpflege gesenkt werden können – sowohl für die intellektuelle als auch die automatisierte Sacherschließung. Zu einer Verbesserung der Daten- und Arbeitsqualität in der Sacherschließung kann beigetragen werden a) durch eine flexible Visualisierung der Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) und anderer Wissensorganisationssysteme, so dass deren Graphstruktur intuitiv erfassbar wird, und b) durch eine investigative Analyse ihrer aktuellen Struktur und die Entwicklung angepasster automatisierter Methoden zur Ermittlung und Korrektur fehlerhafter Muster. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) prüft im Rahmen des GND-Entwicklungsprogramms 2017–2021, welche Bedingungen für eine fruchtbare community-getriebene Open-Source-Entwicklung entsprechender Werkzeuge gegeben sein müssen. Weiteres Potential steckt in einem langfristigen Übergang zu einer Darstellung von Titel- und Normdaten in Beschreibungssprachen im Sinne des Semantic Web (RDF; OWL, SKOS). So profitiert die GND von der Interoperabilität mit anderen kontrollierten Vokabularen und von einer erleichterten Interaktion mit anderen Fach-Communities und kann umgekehrt auch außerhalb des Bibliothekswesens zu einem noch attraktiveren Wissensorganisationssystem werden. Darüber hinaus bieten die Ansätze aus dem Semantic Web die Möglichkeit, stärker formalisierte, strukturierende Satellitenvokabulare rund um die GND zu entwickeln. Daraus ergeben sich nicht zuletzt auch neue Perspektiven für die automatisierte Sacherschließung. Es wäre lohnend, näher auszuloten, wie und inwieweit semantisch-logische Verfahren den bestehenden Methodenmix bereichern können

    Detecting Good Practices and Pitfalls when Publishing Vocabularies on the Web

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    The uptake of Linked Data (LD) has promoted the proliferation of datasets and their associated ontologies bringing their semantic to the data being published. These ontologies should be evaluated at different stages, both during their development and their publication. As important as correctly modelling the intended part of the world to be captured in an ontology, is publishing, sharing and facilitating the (re)use of the obtained model. In this paper, 11 evaluation characteristics, with respect to publish, share and facilitate the reuse, are proposed. In particular, 6 good practices and 5 pitfalls are presented, together with their associated detection methods. In addition, a grid-based rating system is generated. Both contributions, the set of evaluation characteristics and the grid system, could be useful for ontologists in order to reuse existing LD vocabularies or to check the one being built

    A Semantic Web methodological framework to evaluate the support of integrity in thesaurus tools

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    12 p.With the Semantic Web, thesauri recover a relevant role supporting semantic searches and other added-value services. Thesaurus standards define what constructs a thesaurus can have and the integrity rules it must comply with. Thesaurus editors can be helped in their work if thesaurus tools offer them support for integrity, warning when integrity rules are violated and/or helping them to correct these mistakes. The most recent thesaurus standard is ISO 25964, which supersedes ISO 2788, evolving towards concept-based thesauri, better aligned with the Semantic Web approach than the term-based thesauri of ISO 2788. However, the W3C recommendation for KOS (Knowledge Organization System) representation in the semantic web context is SKOS, which is in fact prior to ISO 25964. This paper focuses on thesaurus integrity and the evolution from ISO 2788 to ISO 25964. Its effect on integrity issues is analyzed. A methodological proposal for evaluating integrity support in thesaurus tools, arising from the results of this work, is presented. Its target audience is professionals in charge of thesaurus edition. Besides being adapted to the most recent thesaurus standard, ISO 25964, it also includes the comparison of ISO standards with SKOS. The paper is completed with the presentation of the results of applying it to three thesaurus tools

    Propuesta de un modelo estructurado de análisis de vocabularios SKOS

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    This work aims to define a structured model for evaluating SKOS vocabularies. The main Semantic Web technologies involved in this task, essentially RDF and SPARQL, are analyzed, along with the different elements, definitions and integrity conditions of SKOS recommendation. Several proposals of quantitative indicators and quality criteria for the evaluation of SKOS vocabularies are also studied. Furthermore, we pointed out SPARQL queries, steps and algorithms required to perform an appropriate analysis. The result is an evaluation model that incorporates metrics, normative requirements and quality criteria. This model organizes the analysis elements into a twofold classification: functional aspects and requirement levels. The proposed model is easy to apply for the development of analysis and validation services of SKOS vocabularies. New indicators and additional quality criteria can be added

    Propuesta de un modelo estructurado de análisis de vocabularios SKOS

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    This work aims to define a structured model for evaluating SKOS vocabularies. The main Semantic Web technologies involved in this task, essentially RDF and SPARQL, are analyzed, along with the different elements, definitions and integrity conditions of SKOS recommendation. Several proposals of quantitative indicators and quality criteria for the evaluation of SKOS vocabularies are also studied. Furthermore, we pointed out SPARQL queries, steps and algorithms required to perform an appropriate analysis. The result is an evaluation model that incorporates metrics, normative requirements and quality criteria. This model organizes the analysis elements into a twofold classification: functional aspects and requirement levels. The proposed model is easy to apply for the development of analysis and validation services of SKOS vocabularies. New indicators and additional quality criteria can be added

    Measuring metadata quality

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    Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages

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    In this thesis, a validation framework is introduced that enables to consistently execute RDF-based constraint languages on RDF data and to formulate constraints of any type. The framework reduces the representation of constraints to the absolute minimum, is based on formal logics, consists of a small lightweight vocabulary, and ensures consistency regarding validation results and enables constraint transformations for each constraint type across RDF-based constraint languages

    Differences in Representations and their Causes in Classification Schemes Represented with SKOS

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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201