173 research outputs found

    Optical fibre local area networks

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    Service management for multi-domain Active Networks

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    The Internet is an example of a multi-agent system. In our context, an agent is synonymous with network operators, Internet service providers (ISPs) and content providers. ISPs mutually interact for connectivity's sake, but the fact remains that two peering agents are inevitably self-interested. Egoistic behaviour manifests itself in two ways. Firstly, the ISPs are able to act in an environment where different ISPs would have different spheres of influence, in the sense that they will have control and management responsibilities over different parts of the environment. On the other hand, contention occurs when an ISP intends to sell resources to another, which gives rise to at least two of its customers sharing (hence contending for) a common transport medium. The multi-agent interaction was analysed by simulating a game theoretic approach and the alignment of dominant strategies adopted by agents with evolving traits were abstracted. In particular, the contention for network resources is arbitrated such that a self-policing environment may emerge from a congested bottleneck. Over the past 5 years, larger ISPs have simply peddled as fast as they could to meet the growing demand for bandwidth by throwing bandwidth at congestion problems. Today, the dire financial positions of Worldcom and Global Crossing illustrate, to a certain degree, the fallacies of over-provisioning network resources. The proposed framework in this thesis enables subscribers of an ISP to monitor and police each other's traffic in order to establish a well-behaved norm in utilising limited resources. This framework can be expanded to other inter-domain bottlenecks within the Internet. One of the main objectives of this thesis is also to investigate the impact on multi-domain service management in the future Internet, where active nodes could potentially be located amongst traditional passive routers. The advent of Active Networking technology necessitates node-level computational resource allocations, in addition to prevailing resource reservation approaches for communication bandwidth. Our motivation is to ensure that a service negotiation protocol takes account of these resources so that the response to a specific service deployment request from the end-user is consistent and predictable. To promote the acceleration of service deployment by means of Active Networking technology, a pricing model is also evaluated for computational resources (e.g., CPU time and memory). Previous work in these areas of research only concentrate on bandwidth (i.e., communication) - related resources. Our pricing approach takes account of both guaranteed and best-effort service by adapting the arbitrage theorem from financial theory. The central tenet for our approach is to synthesise insights from different disciplines to address problems in data networks. The greater parts of research experience have been obtained during direct and indirect participation in the 1ST-10561 project known as FAIN (Future Active IP Networks) and ACTS-AC338 project called MIAMI (Mobile Intelligent Agent for Managing the Information Infrastructure). The Inter-domain Manager (IDM) component was integrated as an integral part of the FAIN policy-based network management systems (PBNM). Its monitoring component (developed during the MIAMI project) learns about routing changes that occur within a domain so that the management system and the managed nodes have the same topological view of the network. This enabled our reservation mechanism to reserve resources along the existing route set up by whichever underlying routing protocol is in place

    A Virtual-Machines-MIB

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    Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta a Virtual-Machines-MIB, uma MIB para a gerˆencia de m´aquinas virtuais baseada no Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). A Virtual-Machines- MIB define uma interface padronizada para a gerˆencia de m´aquinas virtuais, permitindo que a mesma ferramenta possa gerenciar, atrav´es do protocolo SNMP, diferentes monitores de m´aquinas virtuais, como KVM, Xen e VMWare. Diferente da maior parte das MIB's existentes, a Virtual-Machines-MIB permite ao gerente n˜ao apenas monitorar aspectos da m´aquina f´?sica e das VM's, mas tamb´em executar a?c˜oes de controle, como criar, excluir, reiniciar, ligar, desligar e congelar VM's. Tamb´em ´e poss´?vel alterar o nome, a quantidade de mem´oria RAM e de CPU's das VM's, al´em de alterar as unidades de armazenamento das mesmas. Resultados pr´aticos s˜ao apresentados utilizando ferramentas de gerˆencia SNMP comuns para gerenciar diferentes monitores de m´aquinas virtuais. Para isso, foram criados agentes SNMP que oferecem suporte `a Virtual-Machines-MIB e instalados em m´aquinas com o KVM e o Xen. Os agentes foram criados com base no agente SNMP de dom´?nio p´ublico NET-SNMP, que foi estendido para que passe a oferecer suporte `a Virtual-Machines-MIB utilizando as fun?c˜oes da libvirt

    Diseño De Red De Comunicación De Datos Para La Institución Educativa Privada Emilio Soyer Cabero Ubicado En El Distrito De Chorrillos, Lima, Perú

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    El presente trabajo de investigación lleva por título “DISEÑO DE RED DE COMUNICACIÓN DE DATOS PARA LA INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA PRIVADA EMILIO SOYER CABERO UBICADA EN EL DISTRITO DE CHORRILLOS, LIMA, PERÚ”, para optar el título de Ingeniero Electrónico y Telecomunicaciones, presentado por el alumno Jhaset Raúl Ortega Cubas. En primer lugar se aborda la realidad problemática observada relacionada con la importancia y necesidad de diseñar una Red de Comunicación de Datos con el fin de dotar a la Institución Educativa Privada Emilio Soyer Cabero de un sistema de transmisión de información mediante la comunicación de todos los dispositivos de red que ésta maneje para ventaja de los trabajadores, docentes y alumnos. La estructura que hemos seguido en este proyecto se compone de 3 capítulos. El primer capítulo comprende el planteamiento del problema, el segundo capítulo el desarrollo del marco teórico y el tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo del diseño

    A Fully Userspace Remote Storage Access Stack

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    As computer networking has evolved and the available throughput has increased, the efficiency of the network software stack has become increasingly important. This is because the latency introduced by software has gone from insignificant, compared to historically poor network performance, to the largest component of latency for a modern local-area network. Currently, the vast majority of code that accesses the hardware is part of the kernel, because the kernel is responsible for ensuring that user applications do not interfere with each other when accessing the hardware. Remote Direct Memory Access~(RDMA) provides a solution for applications to perform direct data transfers over the network without requiring context switches into the kernel, but relies instead on specialized hardware interfaces to handle the virtual address mappings and transport protocols. This more intelligent hardware allows for direct control from the userspace application, eliminating the cost of context switches into the kernel. This in turn reduces the overall latency of message transfers. Just like networking, storage is currently undergoing a similar evolution. For most of the recent history of computing, the most common durable storage mechanism has been mechanical hard disk drives, which can only be accessed at block level and have high latency compared to the software drivers used to access the data. However, the introduction of solid state disks~(SSDs) based on Flash significantly decreased the latency, as there are no mechanical parts that need to move to access the data. Upcoming non-volatile memory solutions reduce this latency even further, and even allow byte-level access to the storage medium. Thus, just like with networking, software drivers become the bottleneck and we look for solutions to bypass the kernel to improve the efficiency of direct userspace access to storage. This thesis offers two contributions as part of a solution to these problems. The first part introduces urdma, a software RDMA driver which leverages the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) to perform network data transfers in userspace without specialized RDMA interface hardware. The second part examines remote locking protocols, which are required for synchronization in distributed storage systems. We define an RDMA locking mechanism referred to as Verbs Offload Locking Technology (VOLT), which allows acquisition of a remote lock object without any CPU usage by the target node. This offloading allows VOLT to be used with disaggregated memory servers that have limited onboard CPU resources, while also lowering the application overhead for remote locking. Finally, we define a bytecode framework using enhanced Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) bytecode for extending the capabilities of an RDMA-capable network interface card (NIC) with new operations, and show how this can be used to implement our remote locking operation

    Efficient and predictable high-speed storage access for real-time embedded systems

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    As the speed, size, reliability and power efficiency of non-volatile storage media increases, and the data demands of many application domains grow, operating systems are being put under escalating pressure to provide high-speed access to storage. Traditional models of storage access assume devices to be slow, expecting plenty of slack time in which to process data between requests being serviced, and that all significant variations in timing will be down to the storage device itself. Modern high-speed storage devices break this assumption, causing storage applications to become processor-bound, rather than I/O-bound, in an increasing number of situations. This is especially an issue in real-time embedded systems, where limited processing resources and strict timing and predictability requirements amplify any issues caused by the complexity of the software storage stack. This thesis explores the issues related to accessing high-speed storage from real-time embedded systems, providing a thorough analysis of storage operations based on metrics relevant to the area. From this analysis, a number of alternative storage architectures are proposed and explored, showing that a simpler, more direct path from applications to storage can have a positive impact on efficiency and predictability in such systems

    Enhanced connectivity in wireless mobile programmable networks

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    Mención Interancional en el título de doctorThe architecture of current operator infrastructures is being challenged by the non-stop growing demand of data hungry services appearing every day. While currently deployed operator networks have been able to cope with traffic demands so far, the architectures for the 5th generation of mobile networks (5G) are expected to support unprecedented traffic loads while decreasing costs associated with the network deployment and operations. Indeed, the forthcoming set of 5G standards will bring programmability and flexibility to levels never seen before. This has required introducing changes in the architecture of mobile networks, enabling different features such as the split of control and data planes, as required to support rapid programming of heterogeneous data planes. Network softwarisation is hence seen as a key enabler to cope with such network evolution, as it permits controlling all networking functions through (re)programming, thus providing higher flexibility to meet heterogeneous requirements while keeping deployment and operational costs low. A great diversity in terms of traffic patterns, multi-tenancy, heterogeneous and stringent traffic requirements is therefore expected in 5G networks. Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) have emerged as a basic tool-set for operators to manage their infrastructure with increased flexibility and reduced costs. As a result, new 5G services can now be envisioned and quickly programmed and provisioned in response to user and market necessities, imposing a paradigm shift in the services design. However, such flexibility requires the 5G transport network to undergo a profound transformation, evolving from a static connectivity substrate into a service-oriented infrastructure capable of accommodating the various 5G services, including Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC). Moreover, to achieve the desired flexibility and cost reduction, one promising approach is to leverage virtualisation technologies to dynamically host contents, services, and applications closer to the users so as to offload the core network and reduce the communication delay. This thesis tackles the above challengeswhicharedetailedinthefollowing. A common characteristic of the 5G servicesistheubiquityandthealmostpermanent connection that is required from the mobile network. This really imposes a challenge in thesignallingproceduresprovidedtogettrack of the users and to guarantee session continuity. The mobility management mechanisms will hence play a central role in the 5G networks because of the always-on connectivity demand. Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) helps going towards this direction, by flattening the network, hence improving its scalability,andenablinglocalaccesstotheInternet and other communication services, like mobile-edge clouds. Simultaneously, SDN opens up the possibility of running a multitude of intelligent and advanced applications for network optimisation purposes in a centralised network controller. The combination of DMM architectural principles with SDN management appears as a powerful tool for operators to cope with the management and data burden expected in 5G networks. To meet the future mobile user demand at a reduced cost, operators are also looking at solutions such as C-RAN and different functional splits to decrease the cost of deploying and maintaining cell sites. The increasing stress on mobile radio access performance in a context of declining revenues for operators is hence requiring the evolution of backhaul and fronthaul transport networks, which currently work decoupled. The heterogeneity of the nodes and transmisión technologies inter-connecting the fronthaul and backhaul segments makes the network quite complex, costly and inefficient to manage flexibly and dynamically. Indeed, the use of heterogeneous technologies forces operators to manage two physically separated networks, one for backhaul and one forfronthaul. In order to meet 5G requirements in a costeffective manner, a unified 5G transport network that unifies the data, control, and management planes is hence required. Such an integrated fronthaul/backhaul transport network, denoted as crosshaul, will hence carry both fronthaul and backhaul traffic operating over heterogeneous data plane technologies, which are software-controlled so as to adapt to the fluctuating capacity demand of the 5G air interfaces. Moreover, 5G transport networks will need to accommodate a wide spectrum of services on top of the same physical infrastructure. To that end, network slicing is seen as a suitable candidate for providing the necessary Quality of Service (QoS). Traffic differentiation is usually enforced at the border of the network in order to ensure a proper forwarding of the traffic according to its class through the backbone. With network slicing, the traffic may now traverse many slice edges where the traffic policy needs to be enforced, discriminated and ensured, according to the service and tenants needs. However, the very basic nature that makes this efficient management and operation possible in a flexible way – the logical centralisation – poses important challenges due to the lack of proper monitoring tools, suited for SDN-based architectures. In order to take timely and right decisions while operating a network, centralised intelligence applications need to be fed with a continuous stream of up-to-date network statistics. However, this is not feasible with current SDN solutions due to scalability and accuracy issues. Therefore, an adaptive telemetry system is required so as to support the diversity of 5G services and their stringent traffic requirements. The path towards 5G wireless networks alsopresentsacleartrendofcarryingoutcomputations close to end users. Indeed, pushing contents, applications, and network functios closer to end users is necessary to cope with thehugedatavolumeandlowlatencyrequired in future 5G networks. Edge and fog frameworks have emerged recently to address this challenge. Whilst the edge framework was more infrastructure-focused and more mobile operator-oriented, the fog was more pervasive and included any node (stationary or mobile), including terminal devices. By further utilising pervasive computational resources in proximity to users, edge and fog can be merged to construct a computing platform, which can also be used as a common stage for multiple radio access technologies (RATs) to share their information, hence opening a new dimension of multi-RAT integration.La arquitectura de las infraestructuras actuales de los operadores está siendo desafiada por la demanda creciente e incesante de servicios con un elevado consumo de datos que aparecen todos los días. Mientras que las redes de operadores implementadas actualmente han sido capaces de lidiar con las demandas de tráfico hasta ahora, se espera que las arquitecturas de la quinta generación de redes móviles (5G) soporten cargas de tráfico sin precedentes a la vez que disminuyen los costes asociados a la implementación y operaciones de la red. De hecho, el próximo conjunto de estándares 5G traerá la programabilidad y flexibilidad a niveles nunca antes vistos. Esto ha requerido la introducción de cambios en la arquitectura de las redes móviles, lo que permite diferentes funciones, como la división de los planos de control y de datos, según sea necesario para soportar una programación rápida de planos de datos heterogéneos. La softwarisación de red se considera una herramienta clave para hacer frente a dicha evolución de red, ya que proporciona la capacidad de controlar todas las funciones de red mediante (re)programación, proporcionando así una mayor flexibilidad para cumplir requisitos heterogéneos mientras se mantienen bajos los costes operativos y de implementación. Por lo tanto, se espera una gran diversidad en términos de patrones de tráfico, multi-tenancy, requisitos de tráfico heterogéneos y estrictos en las redes 5G. Software Defined Networking (SDN) y Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) se han convertido en un conjunto de herramientas básicas para que los operadores administren su infraestructura con mayor flexibilidad y menores costes. Como resultado, los nuevos servicios 5G ahora pueden planificarse, programarse y aprovisionarse rápidamente en respuesta a las necesidades de los usuarios y del mercado, imponiendo un cambio de paradigma en el diseño de los servicios. Sin embargo, dicha flexibilidad requiere que la red de transporte 5G experimente una transformación profunda, que evoluciona de un sustrato de conectividad estática a una infraestructura orientada a servicios capaz de acomodar los diversos servicios 5G, incluso Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC). Además, para lograr la flexibilidad y la reducción de costes deseadas, un enfoque prometedores aprovechar las tecnologías de virtualización para alojar dinámicamente los contenidos, servicios y aplicaciones más cerca de los usuarios para descargar la red central y reducir la latencia. Esta tesis aborda los desafíos anteriores que se detallan a continuación. Una característica común de los servicios 5G es la ubicuidad y la conexión casi permanente que se requiere para la red móvil. Esto impone un desafío en los procedimientos de señalización proporcionados para hacer un seguimiento de los usuarios y garantizar la continuidad de la sesión. Por lo tanto, los mecanismos de gestión de la movilidad desempeñarán un papel central en las redes 5G debido a la demanda de conectividad siempre activa. Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) ayuda a ir en esta dirección, al aplanar la red, lo que mejora su escalabilidad y permite el acceso local a Internet y a otros servicios de comunicaciones, como recursos en “nubes” situadas en el borde de la red móvil. Al mismo tiempo, SDN abre la posibilidad de ejecutar una multitud de aplicaciones inteligentes y avanzadas para optimizar la red en un controlador de red centralizado. La combinación de los principios arquitectónicos DMM con SDN aparece como una poderosa herramienta para que los operadores puedan hacer frente a la carga de administración y datos que se espera en las redes 5G. Para satisfacer la demanda futura de usuarios móviles a un coste reducido, los operadores también están buscando soluciones tales como C-RAN y diferentes divisiones funcionales para disminuir el coste de implementación y mantenimiento de emplazamientos celulares. El creciente estrés en el rendimiento del acceso a la radio móvil en un contexto de menores ingresos para los operadores requiere, por lo tanto, la evolución de las redes de transporte de backhaul y fronthaul, que actualmente funcionan disociadas. La heterogeneidad de los nodos y las tecnologías de transmisión que interconectan los segmentos de fronthaul y backhaul hacen que la red sea bastante compleja, costosa e ineficiente para gestionar de manera flexible y dinámica. De hecho, el uso de tecnologías heterogéneas obliga a los operadores a gestionar dos redes separadas físicamente, una para la red de backhaul y otra para el fronthaul. Para cumplir con los requisitos de 5G de manera rentable, se requiere una red de transporte única 5G que unifique los planos de control, datos y de gestión. Dicha red de transporte fronthaul/backhaul integrada, denominada “crosshaul”, transportará tráfico de fronthaul y backhaul operando sobre tecnologías heterogéneas de plano de datos, que están controladas por software para adaptarse a la demanda de capacidad fluctuante de las interfaces radio 5G. Además, las redes de transporte 5G necesitarán acomodar un amplio espectro de servicios sobre la misma infraestructura física y el network slicing se considera un candidato adecuado para proporcionar la calidad de servicio necesario. La diferenciación del tráfico generalmente se aplica en el borde de la red para garantizar un reenvío adecuado del tráfico según su clase a través de la red troncal. Con el networkslicing, el tráfico ahora puede atravesar muchos fronteras entre “network slices” donde la política de tráfico debe aplicarse, discriminarse y garantizarse, de acuerdo con las necesidades del servicio y de los usuarios. Sin embargo, el principio básico que hace posible esta gestión y operación eficientes de forma flexible – la centralización lógica – plantea importantes desafíos debido a la falta de herramientas de supervisión necesarias para las arquitecturas basadas en SDN. Para tomar decisiones oportunas y correctas mientras se opera una red, las aplicaciones de inteligencia centralizada necesitan alimentarse con un flujo continuo de estadísticas de red actualizadas. Sin embargo, esto no es factible con las soluciones SDN actuales debido a problemas de escalabilidad y falta de precisión. Por lo tanto, se requiere un sistema de telemetría adaptable para respaldar la diversidad de los servicios 5G y sus estrictos requisitos de tráfico. El camino hacia las redes inalámbricas 5G también presenta una tendencia clara de realizar acciones cerca de los usuarios finales. De hecho, acercar los contenidos, las aplicaciones y las funciones de red a los usuarios finales es necesario para hacer frente al enorme volumen de datos y la baja latencia requerida en las futuras redes 5G. Los paradigmas de “edge” y “fog” han surgido recientemente para abordar este desafío. Mientras que el edge está más centrado en la infraestructura y más orientado al operador móvil, el fog es más ubicuo e incluye cualquier nodo (fijo o móvil), incluidos los dispositivos finales. Al utilizar recursos de computación de propósito general en las proximidades de los usuarios, el edge y el fog pueden combinarse para construir una plataforma de computación, que también se puede utilizar para compartir información entre múltiples tecnologías de acceso radio (RAT) y, por lo tanto, abre una nueva dimensión de la integración multi-RAT.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Carla Fabiana Chiasserini.- Secretario: Vincenzo Mancuso.- Vocal: Diego Rafael López Garcí

    Propuesta De Diseño De Red De Datos Para La Empresa Bata En El Distrito De Miraflores

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    El proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un “Modelo de Red de Datos” como apoyo a las dependencias administrativas de la Empresa BATA, y la necesidad de aplicar políticas de seguridad y administración a todos los usuarios de la red LAN, lo cual resulta una tarea compleja en la tecnología actual pero se puede resolver aplicando diversas tecnologías y equipos de red ideales para el diseño que se quiere lograr, el presente modelo de red se propone para cumplir con los requerimientos de la Empresa en cuanto a Costo y Fidelidad. En la actualidad la necesidad de las empresas de contar con un diseño de Red confiable, seguro y eficiente para la transmisión de datos es un tema de mucha importancia debido a que las empresas requieren la interconectividad de todos sus dispositivos de red dentro de un determinado lugar y también al exterior a través de Internet, teniendo más facilidades y beneficios para la empresa. La estructura que hemos seguido en este proyecto se compone de 3 capítulos. El Primer Capítulo comprende el Planteamiento del Problema, el Segundo Capítulo el Desarrollo del marco teórico y el tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo del Proyecto.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Implementação de um software discriminador de repasse de eventos para a arquitetura internet

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Este trabalho apresenta um Software Discriminador deRepasse de Eventos (SDRE) construído em Java, aplicando as funcionalidades do modelo OSI em ambientes SNMP. É feita uma revisão bibliográfica das duas arquiteturas de gerência de redes, buscando adequar a norma OSI/ITU-T X-734 à Internet e são apresentadas motivações que demonstram esforços atuais nesta área. Esta aplicação é simples e funcional, enfatizando a técnica de relatório de eventos, filtrando os mesmos e podendo selecionar várias estações de gerenciamento destinatárias, como forma de descentralizar e melhorar o desempenho da arquitetura de gerência de redes Internet. Por fim são apresentados os resultados dos testes efetuados, a avaliação e a validação do software, bem como o ambiente simulado e de produção onde foi implantado o discriminador