15 research outputs found

    Re-Encryption Scheme for Providing Data Security in Clouds

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    Cloud computing is the trendy topic all over the world. With increase in popularity of cloud computing, more and more enterprises will outsource their sensitive data for sharing in a cloud. Cloud computing allows the users to share the data among the members of cloud. One of the issue in cloud computing is data security. Here the problem is whenever a user is revoked from cloud the data owners will send re-encryption command to cloud in order to re-encrypt the data so that the data is prevented from revoked users. In this paper, we propose a time-based re-encryption scheme using blowfish algorithm. This scheme allows the cloud to automatically re-encrypt the data based on the internal clock, users can access data within given time period, after time period get over user cannot access data, this scheme also prevents the revoked users from decrypting the data using their old decryption keys

    Rapid Recovery for Systems with Scarce Faults

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    Our goal is to achieve a high degree of fault tolerance through the control of a safety critical systems. This reduces to solving a game between a malicious environment that injects failures and a controller who tries to establish a correct behavior. We suggest a new control objective for such systems that offers a better balance between complexity and precision: we seek systems that are k-resilient. In order to be k-resilient, a system needs to be able to rapidly recover from a small number, up to k, of local faults infinitely many times, provided that blocks of up to k faults are separated by short recovery periods in which no fault occurs. k-resilience is a simple but powerful abstraction from the precise distribution of local faults, but much more refined than the traditional objective to maximize the number of local faults. We argue why we believe this to be the right level of abstraction for safety critical systems when local faults are few and far between. We show that the computational complexity of constructing optimal control with respect to resilience is low and demonstrate the feasibility through an implementation and experimental results.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Clock synchronization in multiprocessor systems

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    MuON: Epidemic based mutual anonymity in unstructured P2P networks

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    A mutual anonymity system enables communication between a client and a service provider without revealing their identities. In general, the anonymity guarantees made by the protocol are enhanced when a large number of participants are recruited into the anonymity system. Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are able to attract a large number of nodes and hence are highly suitable for anonymity systems. However, the churn (changes in system membership) within P2P networks, poses a significant challenge for low-bandwidth reliable anonymous communication in these networks. This paper presents MuON, a protocol to achieve mutual anonymity in unstructured P2P networks. MuON leverages epidemic-style data dissemination to deal with churn. Simulation results and security analysis indicate that MuON provides mutual anonymity in networks with high churn, while maintaining predictable latencies, high reliability, and low communication overhead

    A Primer on Architectural Level Fault Tolerance

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    This paper introduces the fundamental concepts of fault tolerant computing. Key topics covered are voting, fault detection, clock synchronization, Byzantine Agreement, diagnosis, and reliability analysis. Low level mechanisms such as Hamming codes or low level communications protocols are not covered. The paper is tutorial in nature and does not cover any topic in detail. The focus is on rationale and approach rather than detailed exposition

    Verification of fault-tolerant clock synchronization systems

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    A critical function in a fault-tolerant computer architecture is the synchronization of the redundant computing elements. The synchronization algorithm must include safeguards to ensure that failed components do not corrupt the behavior of good clocks. Reasoning about fault-tolerant clock synchronization is difficult because of the possibility of subtle interactions involving failed components. Therefore, mechanical proof systems are used to ensure that the verification of the synchronization system is correct. In 1987, Schneider presented a general proof of correctness for several fault-tolerant clock synchronization algorithms. Subsequently, Shankar verified Schneider's proof by using the mechanical proof system EHDM. This proof ensures that any system satisfying its underlying assumptions will provide Byzantine fault-tolerant clock synchronization. The utility of Shankar's mechanization of Schneider's theory for the verification of clock synchronization systems is explored. Some limitations of Shankar's mechanically verified theory were encountered. With minor modifications to the theory, a mechanically checked proof is provided that removes these limitations. The revised theory also allows for proven recovery from transient faults. Use of the revised theory is illustrated with the verification of an abstract design of a clock synchronization system

    A real-time networked camera system:a scheduled distributed camera system reduces the latency

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    This report presents the results of a Real-time Networked Camera System, com-missioned by the SAN Group in TU/e. Distributed Systems are motivated by two reasons, the first reason is the physical environment as a requirement and the second reason is to provide a better Quality of Service (QoS). This project describes the distributed system with a video processing application. The aim is to deal with the distributed system as one system thus minimizing delays while keeping the predictability in a real-time context. Time is the most crucial ingredient for the real-time systems in the sense that the tasks within the application should meet with the task deadline. With respect to the distributed system we need to consider a couple of issues. The first one is to have a distributed system and a modular application that is mapped to multiple system nodes. The second issue is to schedule the modules collectively and the third is to propose a solution when shared resource(s) (such as the network) are required by several nodes at the same time. In order to provide a distributed system, we connect 2 cameras with 1 PC via a network switch. Video processing has two parts; the first part consists of creating a frame, encoding the frame, and streaming it to the network and the second part deals with receiving the frame, decoding the frame, and displaying the frame. The first part is running on the cameras and the second part is running on the PC. In order to give real-time behavior to the system, the system components should provide the real-time behavior. The camera is installed with the µC/OS-II (Open Source Real-time Kernel). We investigated the Real-time Operating System and its installation on the PC. In order to provide resource management to the shared resources, we designed and implemented Admission control which controls access to the required con-nection to the PC. We designed and implemented a component to delay the start of any of the cameras in order to synchronize the network utilization. We also designed an enforcement component to allow the tasks to run as much as they should and monitor the frames streamed to the network. The results show that with the Admission Control, cameras only send as many frames as the network can transport. The given start delay to the system shows that overlap can be prevented, but we could not evaluate it because of the semi-tested/unreleased code which is provided by the camera providers. The source code we used is the test source code which was not mature

    Global state predicates in rough real-time

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    Distributed systems are characterized by the fact that the constituent processes have neither common memory nor a common system clock. These processes communicate solely via message passing. While providing a number of benefits such as increased reliability, increased computational power, and geographic dispersion, this architecture significantly complicates many of the tasks of software development and verification, including evaluation of the program state. In the case of distributed systems, the program state is comprised of the local states of the constituent processes, as well as the state of the channels between processes, and is called the global state.;With no common system clock, many distributed system protocols rely on the global ordering of local process events imposed by the message passing that occurs between processes. This leads to a partial global ordering of local process events, which can then be used to determine which process states could (or could not) have occurred simultaneously.;Traditional predicate evaluation protocols evaluate predicates on the global state of a distributed computation using consistent global states. This evaluation is complicated by the fact that the event ordering imposed by message passing is only partial. A complete history of the global states that occurred during an execution cannot always be constructed. This introduces inefficiency into predicate detection protocols and prohibits detection of certain predicates.;This dissertation explores the use of this rough global time base for global state predicate evaluation within distributed systems. By structuring the evaluation on the assumption that a global time base exists, we can develop simple and efficient protocols for both stable and unstable predicate evaluation. Further, we can evaluate certain predicates which are not easily evaluated using consistent global states. We demonstrate these advantages by developing protocols for detection of distributed termination, distributed deadlock detection, and detection of certain unstable predicates as they occur. as the global time base is rough, we can only detect unstable predicates which remain true for a sufficient duration. We additionally develop several formalizations which assist the protocol developer in dealing with the fact that the global time base is not perfect. We demonstrate the application of these formalizations within the protocols that we develop