10 research outputs found

    Mesh adaptation on the sphere using optimal transport and the numerical solution of a Monge-Ampère type equation

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    An equation of Monge-Ampère type has, for the first time, been solved numerically on the surface of the sphere in order to generate optimally transported (OT) meshes, equidistributed with respect to a monitor function. Optimal transport generates meshes that keep the same connectivity as the original mesh, making them suitable for r-adaptive simulations, in which the equations of motion can be solved in a moving frame of reference in order to avoid mapping the solution between old and new meshes and to avoid load balancing problems on parallel computers. The semi-implicit solution of the Monge-Ampère type equation involves a new linearisation of the Hessian term, and exponential maps are used to map from old to new meshes on the sphere. The determinant of the Hessian is evaluated as the change in volume between old and new mesh cells, rather than using numerical approximations to the gradients. OT meshes are generated to compare with centroidal Voronoi tesselations on the sphere and are found to have advantages and disadvantages; OT equidistribution is more accurate, the number of iterations to convergence is independent of the mesh size, face skewness is reduced and the connectivity does not change. However anisotropy is higher and the OT meshes are non-orthogonal. It is shown that optimal transport on the sphere leads to meshes that do not tangle. However, tangling can be introduced by numerical errors in calculating the gradient of the mesh potential. Methods for alleviating this problem are explored. Finally, OT meshes are generated using observed precipitation as a monitor function, in order to demonstrate the potential power of the technique

    Bandwidth-based mesh adaptation in multiple dimensions

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    Spectral methods are becoming increasingly prevalent in solving time-varying partial differential equations due to their fast convergence properties. However, they typically use regular computational meshes that do not account for spatially varying resolution requirements. This can significantly increase the overall grid density when resolution requirements vary sharply over the modelled domain. Moving mesh methods offer a remedy for this, by allowing the position of mesh nodes to adapt to the simulated model solution. In this paper, a mesh specification is presented that is based on a local measure of the spatial bandwidth of the model solution. This addresses the rate of decay of the model solution's frequency components by producing high-sampling rates when this decay is slow. The spatial bandwidth is computed using a combination of the original solution and its Riesz transformed counterparts. It is then integrated into a Fourier spectral moving mesh method, using the parabolic Monge–Ampère equation for mesh control. This method is used to solve a multidimensional version of the viscous Burgers equation, and a heterogeneous advection equation. The performance of bandwidth-based mesh adaptation is compared with arclength- and curvature-based adaptation, and against a static mesh. These numerical experiments show that the bandwidth-based approach produces superior convergence rates, and hence requires fewer mesh nodes for a given level of solution accuracy

    The scaling and skewness of optimally transported meshes on the sphere

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    In the context of numerical solution of PDEs, dynamic mesh redistribution methods (r-adaptive methods) are an important procedure for increasing the resolution in regions of interest, without modifying the connectivity of the mesh. Key to the success of these methods is that the mesh should be sufficiently refined (locally) and flexible in order to resolve evolving solution features, but at the same time not introduce errors through skewness and lack of regularity. Some state-of-the-art methods are bottom-up in that they attempt to prescribe both the local cell size and the alignment to features of the solution. However, the resulting problem is overdetermined, necessitating a compromise between these conflicting requirements. An alternative approach, described in this paper, is to prescribe only the local cell size and augment this an optimal transport condition to provide global regularity. This leads to a robust and flexible algorithm for generating meshes fitted to an evolving solution, with minimal need for tuning parameters. Of particular interest for geophysical modelling are meshes constructed on the surface of the sphere. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that meshes generated on the sphere using this optimal transport approach have good a-priori regularity and that the meshes produced are naturally aligned to various simple features. It is further shown that the sphere's intrinsic curvature leads to more regular meshes than the plane. In addition to these general results, we provide a wide range of examples relevant to practical applications, to showcase the behaviour of optimally transported meshes on the sphere. These range from axisymmetric cases that can be solved analytically to more general examples that are tackled numerically. Evaluation of the singular values and singular vectors of the mesh transformation provides a quantitative measure of the mesh aniso...Comment: Updated following reviewer comment

    Time-accurate anisotropic mesh adaptation for three-dimensional time-dependent problems with body-fitted moving geometries

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    International audienceAnisotropic metric-based mesh adaptation has proved its efficiency to reduce the CPU time of steady and unsteady simulations while improving their accuracy. However, its extension to time-dependent problems with body-fitted moving geometries is far from straightforward. This paper establishes a well-founded framework for multiscale mesh adaptation of unsteady problems with moving boundaries. This framework is based on a novel space–time analysis of the interpolation error, within the continuous mesh theory. An optimal metric field, called ALE metric field, is derived, which takes into account the movement of the mesh during the adaptation. Based on this analysis, the global fixed-point adaptation algorithm for time-dependent simulations is extended to moving boundary problems, within the range of body-fitted moving meshes and ALE simulations. Finally, three dimensional adaptive simulations with moving boundaries are presented to validate the proposed approach

    Towards Adaptive and Grid-Transparent Adjoint-Based Design Optimization Frameworks

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    With the growing environmental consciousness, the global perspective in energy production is shifting towards renewable resources. As recently reported by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, wind-generated electricity is the least expensive form of renewable power and is becoming one of the cheapest forms of electricity from any source. The aeromechanical design of wind turbines is a complex and multidisciplinary task which necessitates a high-fidelity flow solver as well as efficient design optimization tools. With the advances in computer technologies, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has established its role as a high-fidelity tool for aerodynamic design.In this dissertation, a grid-transparent unstructured two- and three-dimensional compressible Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver, named UNPAC, is developed. This solver is enhanced with an algebraic transition model that has proven to offer accurate flow separation and reattachment predictions for the transitional flows. For the unsteady time-periodic flows, a harmonic balance (HB) method is incorporated that couples the sub-time level solutions over a single period via a pseudo-spectral operator. Convergence to the steady-state solution is accelerated using a novel reduced-order-model (ROM) approach that can offer significant reductions in the number of iterations as well as CPU times for the explicit solver. The unstructured grid is adapted in both steady and HB cases using an r-adaptive mesh redistribution (AMR) technique that can efficiently cluster nodes around regions of large flow gradients.Additionally, a novel toolbox for sensitivity analysis based on the discrete adjoint method is developed in this work. The Fast automatic Differentiation using Operator-overloading Technique (FDOT) toolbox uses an iterative process to evaluate the sensitivities of the cost function with respect to the entire design space and requires only minimal modifications to the available solver. The FDOT toolbox is coupled with the UNPAC solver to offer fast and accurate gradient information. Ultimately, a wrapper program for the design optimization framework, UNPAC-DOF, has been developed. The nominal and adjoint flow solutions are directly incorporated into a gradient-based design optimization algorithm with the goal of improving designs in terms of minimized drag or maximized efficiency

    Mesh adaptation for pseudospectral ultrasound simulations

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    High-intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) is an emerging cancer therapy that holds great promise, as it is minimially invasive, requires no ionising radiation, and can treat small volumes precisely. However, currently therapies are hindered by an inadequate capacity for treatment planning, as the interactions between the sound waves and tissue are complex and difficult to simulate. The Fourier pseudospectral method is one way of efficiently performing these simulations, as it can provide high accuracies with low computational costs. However, it is typically used with uniform computational meshes, wasting resolution in regions of the simulation where only low frequencies are present, and typically under-resolving the acoustic field in the focal region. This thesis addresses this problem in two ways: First, a bandwidth-based measure of the spatial resolution requirements for a model solution is developed and integrated into a moving mesh method. This allows spatially and temporally-varying resolution requirements to be met. Bandwidth-based meshes are shown to perform very well when compared with current mesh adaptation approaches. Second, a technique is presented for discretising arbitrary acoustic source distributions that does not rely on the source's region of support coinciding with the mesh. This not only allows sources to be represented with adaptive meshes, but greatly improves the accuracy of source discretisations for uniform meshes as well. These two contributions are of vital importance in the context of HIFU simulation, and can easily be applied to the many other problems for which the Fourier pseudospectral method is used

    Numerical Methods for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Applications

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    Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations are nonlinear controlled partial differential equations (PDEs). In this thesis, we propose various numerical methods for HJB equations arising from three specific applications. First, we study numerical methods for the HJB equation coupled with a Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck (KFP) equation arising from mean field games. In order to solve the nonlinear discretized systems efficiently, we propose a multigrid method. The main novelty of our approach is that we subtract artificial viscosity from the direct discretization coarse grid operators, such that the coarse grid error estimations are more accurate. The convergence rate of the proposed multigrid method is mesh-independent and faster than the existing methods in the literature. Next, we investigate numerical methods for the HJB formulation that arises from the mass transport image registration model. We convert the PDE of the model (a Monge-Ampère equation) to an equivalent HJB equation, propose a monotone mixed discretization, and prove that it is guaranteed to converge to the viscosity solution. Then we propose multigrid methods for the mixed discretization, where we set wide stencil points as coarse grid points, use injection at wide stencil points as the restriction, and achieve a mesh-independent convergence rate. Moreover, we propose a novel periodic boundary condition for the image registration PDE, such that when two images are related by a combination of a translation and a non-rigid deformation, the numerical scheme recovers the underlying transformation correctly. Finally, we propose a deep neural network framework for the HJB equations emerging from the study of American options in high dimensions. We convert the HJB equation to an equivalent Backward Stochastic Differential Equation (BSDE), introduce the least squares residual of the BSDE as the loss function, and propose a new neural network architecture that utilizes the domain knowledge of American options. Our proposed framework yields American option prices and deltas on the entire spacetime, not only at a given point. The computational cost of the proposed approach is quadratic in dimension, which addresses the curse of dimensionality issue that state-of-the-art approaches suffer