11 research outputs found

    BeSpaceD: Towards a Tool Framework and Methodology for the Specification and Verification of Spatial Behavior of Distributed Software Component Systems

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    In this report, we present work towards a framework for modeling and checking behavior of spatially distributed component systems. Design goals of our framework are the ability to model spatial behavior in a component oriented, simple and intuitive way, the possibility to automatically analyse and verify systems and integration possibilities with other modeling and verification tools. We present examples and the verification steps necessary to prove properties such as range coverage or the absence of collisions between components and technical details

    Computing the minimum distance between two Bézier curves

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    International audienceA sweeping sphere clipping method is presented for computing the minimum distance between two Bézier curves. The sweeping sphere is constructed by rolling a sphere with its center point along a curve. The initial radius of the sweeping sphere can be set as the minimum distance between an end point and the other curve. The nearest point on a curve must be contained in the sweeping sphere along the other curve, and all of the parts outside the sweeping sphere can be eliminated. A simple sufficient condition when the nearest point is one of the two end points of a curve is provided, which turns the curve/curve case into a point/curve case and leads to higher efficiency. Examples are shown to illustrate efficiency and robustness of the new method

    The effect of soft tissue on detecting hip impingement

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    Hip impingement is a hip associated abnormality and it reduces the activity of those affected and also it can result in osteoarthritis. Current clinical methods in detecting hip impingement known as FADIR test. This is a manual method and relies heavily on surgeons experience and the method is prone to error. The use of computational programmes are known to be more accurate and reliable as the kinematic of contact can easily be studied using the digitised bones of the hip joint assuming that the impingement is determined by bone to bone contact kinematics. Current impingement studies assume that the kinematics of hip joint can be studied by assuming the centre of rotation is fixed for hip joint. For highly conforming joints this assumption is acceptable but for cases where conformity is poor the presence of soft tissue and soft tissue loading becomes very important. The important need in orthopaedics field is to develop a model without too much simplification. All previous work on detecting impingement has ignored the factor of soft tissue. In this paper for the first time the complete computational model of hip with soft tissue has been used to detect the impingement in a specific patient. In this paper the femur, acetabulum, cartilage and ligaments of specific patients were modelled in MIMICs using both MRI and CT scan. 3D hip models with and without soft tissues of normal hip, hip with impingement and hip with impingement after reshaping were modelled. The hip models were imported to detect impingement zone and impingement angle. Our results show that the soft tissue in hip model affects hip impingement angle and hip biomechanics. This finding also shows that, if the boundary condition is closer to the real hip, then the results of computer-aided program will be more reliable

    A superexploração da força de trabalho e suas influências na escola: entre a experiência de forma-se como professor e a situação da realidade brasileira

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    O artigo apresentado teve por finalidade apresentar uma conclusão do curso de História grau Licenciatura da Unila. O trabalho desenvolvido configurou um balanço dos conhecimentos apreendidos, de forma interdisciplinar, na instituição. Entre a teoria sobre Nuestra América e a pratica de um jovem professor.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e História da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Licenciada em História Orientador: Prof. Dr. Tiago Costa SanchesA pesquisa aqui desenvolvida tem por finalidade demonstrar como as relações de trabalho influenciam na experiência educacional do educador e do educando. O autor que nos oriente sobre a experiência pedagógica na realidade brasileira é Paulo Freire. Nossa inquietação com o tema surge após um estudo de caso sobre o tema da “consciência histórica de si em estudantes-trabalhadores” em uma determinada escola de Foz do Iguaçu. Após formuladas as inquietações percebemos que nosso objeto de estudo ampliou-se. Buscamos na sequência responder como se dá o modo de produção e reprodução da vida na periferia do capitalismo e também como é e como se configura a consciência de classe. Ao final demonstramos como que a superexploração do trabalho e o capitalismo dependente são produtos e produtores da experiência educacional de educadores e educandos

    Efficient collision detection using bounding volume hierarchies of k-DOPs

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    Detection and Resolution of Interpenetrations of Woven Tows

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    Woven composite tows can be approximated by creating surfaces using the Virtual Textile Morphology Suite (VTMS) developed at the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). These surfaces have interpenetrations between tow surface meshes which must be resolved in order to have strict, compatible mesh between all domains. A compatible mesh is desirable to reduce the complexity of the model and allow for a wider range of FEA tools to be used for analysis. To detect these interpenetrations, the surfaces were approximated using Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surfaces with the SISL library from SINTEF. The interpenetration regions were then identified by B-Spline curves which, when included during the mesh generation process, allowed the surface interpenetrations to be removed and replaced with a compatible mesh between tows. The meshes are strictly tied together to investigate the effects of removing the thin slices of matrix from between tows in close proximity. These resulting meshes were subjected to a simple in-plane loading and compared to another method for removing interpenetrations that shrinks the tow cross-sections until they no longer penetrate. The predicted stresses show that the new method can create small regions of high magnitude stress in the tow local to the edge of the connected region between tows, and that high mesh refinement around these regions can increase the magnitude of these stress concentrations. In regions away from the boundary of the connected regions, both models predict similar stress responses. Also, the analysis predicts less matrix volume at high von Mises stress due to the lack of matrix between tows in the NURBS method meshes. While the analysis shows evidence of singularities, the size of the concentrations and the similar overall response as the previous method show that the new method has some merit, particularly when considering the potential use cases for compatible, connected regions between tow meshes

    An Improved 2DOF Elastokinematic Surrogate Model for Continuous Motion Prediction and Visualisation of Forearm Pro-and Supination for Surgical Planning

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    Forearm rotation (pro-/supination) involves a non-trivial combination of rotation and translation of two bones, namely, radius and ulna, relatively to each other. Early works regarded this relative motion as a rotation about a fixed (skew) axis. However, this assumption turns out not to be exact. This thesis regards a spatial-loop surrogate mechanism involving two degrees of freedom with an elastic coupling for better forearm motion prediction. In addition, the influence of the bone morphology and position of elbow on kinematics are also considered. The model parameters are not measured directly from the anatomical components, but are fitted by reducing the errors between predicted and measured values in an optimization loop. For non-invasive measurement of bone position, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is employed. We present a method to self-calibrate the arm position in the MRI scanning tube and to fit the model parameters from a few, coarse MRI scans. Results show a good concordance between measurement and simulation. Moreover, the minimum distance changing between bones during forearm rotation is elucidated, which is not yet proved in anatomical and clinical literatures. The minimum distance is calculated by searching for the global shortest distance between bone contours on ulna and radius by a two-level selection and a following multidimensional Newton-Raphson algorithm. To this end, the methodology is extended from healthy bones to deformed arms and an angulated forearm model is developed. The 3D angulated bone geometry is obtained by manually separating the bone structure at the broken position, and the minimum distance and the range of motion of fractured forearms are analyzed. As shown for a single case validation, simulated results show very small deviations from anatomical data. Furthermore, the simulations discussed above are visualized using interactive interfaces, which facilitates the application of the model in clinical planning.Die Unterarmrotation beinhaltet eine nicht triviale Kombination einer Rotation und Translokation zweier Knochen, Radius und Ulna relativ zu einander. Frühere Arbeiten betrachteten diese relative Bewegung als eine Rotation um eine fixierte Achse. Allerdings scheint diese Annahme ungenau zu sein. Diese Arbeit betrachtet ein Spatial-Loop Surrogat Mechanismus unter Berücksichtigung von zwei Freiheitsgraden mit einer elastischen Gelenkverbindung für eine bessere Prognose der Unterarm-Bewegung. Zusätzlich wird der Einfluss der Knochenmorphologie und die Position des Ellenbogens auf die Kinematik berücksichtig. Die Modellparameter werden nicht direkt von den anatomischen Komponenten bestimmt, sondern unter Berücksichtigung der Abweichung von Annahme und Messung. Zur nicht invasiven Messung der Knochenposition wird die Methode der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) angewendet. Wir stellen hier eine Methode um die Arm-Position in das MRI Scan-Rohr selbst zu kalibrieren und die Modellparameter aus einige grobe MRT-Aufnahmen zu passen. Die simulierten Ergebnisse zeigen sehr kleine Abweichungen von anatomischen Daten. Eine minimale Änderung der Distanz zwischen den Knochen während der Unterarmrotation wird beleuchte, die bisher nicht in der anatomischen und klinischen Literatur beschrieben ist. Die Berechnung der minimalen Distanz erfolgt über die Ermittlung der gesamt kürzesten Distanz. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Methodik von gesunden Knochen auf deformiere Arme und ein angewinkeltes Unterarmmodel entwickelt. Die 3D gewinkelte Knochen-Geometrie ergibt sich aus der Knochenstruktur an der gebrochener Position manuell zu trennen, und darauf werden der Mindestabstand und der Bereich der Bewegung von dem gebrochenen Unterarm analysiert. Wie dies bei einer einzelnen Fall Validierung, zeigen die simulierten Ergebnisse sehr kleine Abweichungen von anatomischen Daten. Darüber hinaus werden die oben beschrieben Simulationen mit interaktiven Benutzeroberflächen visualisiert, welche die Anwendung des Modells in der klinischen Planung erleichtert

    Isogeometric Analysis for High Order Geometric Partial Differential Equations with Applications

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    In this thesis, we consider the numerical approximation of high order geometric Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). We first consider high order PDEs defined on surfaces in the 3D space that are represented by single-patch tensor product NURBS. Then, we spatially discretize the PDEs by means of NURBS-based Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) in the framework of the Galerkin method. With this aim, we consider the construction of periodic NURBS function spaces with high degree of global continuity, even on closed surfaces. As benchmark problems for the proposed discretization, we propose Laplace-Beltrami problems of the fourth and sixth orders, as well as the corresponding eigenvalue problems, and we analyze the impact of the continuity of the basis functions on the accuracy as well as on computational costs. The numerical solution of two high order phase field problems on both open and closed surfaces is also considered: the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation and the sixth order crystal equation, both discretized in time with the generalized-alpha method. We then consider the numerical approximation of geometric PDEs, derived, in particular, from the minimization of shape energy functionals by L^2-gradient flows. We analyze the mean curvature and the Willmore gradient flows, leading to second and fourth order PDEs, respectively. These nonlinear geometric PDEs are discretized in time with Backward Differentiation Formulas (BDF), with a semi-implicit formulation based on an extrapolation of the geometry, leading to a linear problem to be solved at each time step. Results about the numerical approximation of the two geometric flows on several geometries are analyzed. Then, we study how the proposed mathematical framework can be employed to numerically approximate the equilibrium shapes of lipid bilayer biomembranes, or vesicles, governed by the Canham-Helfrich curvature model. We propose two numerical schemes for enforcing the conservation of the area and volume of the vesicles, and report results on benchmark problems. Then, the approximation of the equilibrium shapes of biomembranes with different values of reduced volume is presented. Finally, we consider the dynamics of a vesicle, e.g. a red blood cell, immersed in a fluid, e.g. the plasma. In particular, we couple the curvature-driven model for the lipid membrane with the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations governing the fluid. We consider a segregated approach, with a formulation based on the Resistive Immersed Surface method applied to NURBS geometries. After analyzing benchmark fluid simulations with immersed NURBS objects, we report numerical results for the investigation of the dynamics of a vesicle under different flow conditions


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    This thesis is composed of theoretical, experimental, and numerical studies. In Part I, it discusses fundamental challenges of the discrete element method, provides a set of algorithms for addressing them, and presents performance gains of an improved algorithm on a target computer platform. A new contact detection and force resolution algorithm based upon (i) the fast common-plane (FCP) algorithm, (ii) using axisaligned bounding boxes (AABBs) to perform a proximity search, (iii) estimating the time of collision, and (iv) accurate resolution of contact points is presented. Benchmark simulations indicate an order of magnitude increase in performance is achievable for a relatively small number of elements. A new parallel discrete element algorithm is presented which combines the domain decomposition, object-oriented, and perfectly parallel strategies of parallelism to eliminate the drawbacks of parallel discrete element algorithms put forth by past studies. A significant speed-up is observed in comparison to past studies in trials conducted on a NUMA-based SMP computer. In Part II, various applications of the discrete element method are reviewed, with an emphasis on ice-structure interaction. The conical design of the Kulluk drillship is of particular interest due to its success in operating in the Beaufort Sea from 1975- 1993 and its subsequent purchase and recommission by Shell in 2006. Three previous experimental studies and a unique set of full-scale data measurements form the basis for comparison of a concurrent experimental and numerical investigation. The results of a model scale experiment at the NRC-IOT are analyzed and presented, followed by results of the numerical simulations. A 1:40 scale replica of the Kulluk platform in level ice produces results which are consistent with past experiments and confirm expected trends as well as different regimes of results dependent on the ductile/brittle behavior of ice. The numerical setup models the full-scale platform in three dimensions with a 24-sided rigid conical structure, ice as an elastic brittle material with plate-bending elements, and platform mooring through the implementation of a spread mooring algorithm. Numerical results are in agreement with past results for ice thickness of less than 1.2m, confirming that the initial design goal of the Kulluk was achieved while still overestimating the loads in comparison to the full-scale data set. Two explanations are presented for the non-conformity of the experimental and numerical predictions to the full-scale data results