289 research outputs found

    Analysis and Approximation of Optimal Co-Scheduling on CMP

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    In recent years, the increasing design complexity and the problems of power and heat dissipation have caused a shift in processor technology to favor Chip Multiprocessors. In Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) architecture, it is common that multiple cores share some on-chip cache. The sharing may cause cache thrashing and contention among co-running jobs. Job co-scheduling is an approach to tackling the problem by assigning jobs to cores appropriately so that the contention and consequent performance degradations are minimized. This dissertation aims to tackle two of the most prominent challenges in job co-scheduling.;The first challenge is in the computational complexity for determining optimal job co-schedules. This dissertation presents one of the first systematic analyses on the complexity of job co-scheduling. Besides proving the NP completeness of job co-scheduling, it introduces a set of algorithms, based on graph theory and Integer/Linear Programming, for computing optimal co-schedules or their lower bounds in scenarios with or without job migrations. For complex cases, it empirically demonstrates the feasibility for approximating the optimal schedules effectively by proposing several heuristics-based algorithms. These discoveries facilitate the assessment of job co-schedulers by providing necessary baselines, and shed insights to the development of practical co-scheduling systems.;The second challenge resides in the prediction of the performance of processes co-running on a shared cache. This dissertation explores the influence on co-run performance prediction imposed by co-runners, program inputs, and cache configurations. Through a sequence of formal analysis, we derive an analytical co-run locality model, uncovering the inherent statistical connections between the data references of programs single-runs and their co-run locality. The model offers theoretical insights on co-run locality analysis and leads to a lightweight approach for fast prediction of shared cache performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in enabling proactive job co-scheduling.;Together, the two-dimensional findings open up many new opportunities for cache management on modern CMP by laying the foundation for job co-scheduling, and enhancing the understanding to data locality and cache sharing significantly

    mPart: Miss Ratio Curve Guided Partitioning in Key-Value Stores

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    Web applications employ key-value stores to cache the data that is most commonly accessed. The cache improves an web application’s performance by serving its requests from memory, avoiding fetching them from the backend database. Since the memory space is limited, maximizing the memory utilization is a key to delivering the best performance possible. This has lead to the use of multi-tenant systems, allowing applications to share cache space. In addition, application data access patterns change over time, so the system should be adaptive in its memory allocation. In this thesis, we address both multi-tenancy (where a single cache is used for mul- tiple applications) and dynamic workloads (changing access patterns) using a model that relates the cache size to the application miss ratio, known as a miss ratio curve. Intuitively, the larger the cache, the less likely the system will need to fetch the data from the database. Our efficient, online construction of the miss ratio curve allows us to determine a near optimal memory allocation given the available system memory, while adapting to changing data access patterns. We show that our model outper- forms an existing state-of-the-art sharing model, Memshare, in terms of cache hit ratio and does so at a lower time cost. We show that average hit ratio is consistently 1 percentage point greater and 99.9th percentile latency is reduced by as much as 2.9% under standard web application workloads containing millions of requests


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    Computer simulation programs are essential tools for scientists and engineers to understand a particular system of interest. As expected, the complexity of the software increases with the depth of the model used. In addition to the exigent demands of software engineering, verification of simulation programs is especially challenging because the models represented are complex and ridden with unknowns that will be discovered by developers in an iterative process. To manage such complexity, advanced verification techniques for continually matching the intended model to the implemented model are necessary. Therefore, the main goal of this research work is to design a useful verification and validation framework that is able to identify model representation errors and is applicable to generic simulators. The framework that was developed and implemented consists of two parts. The first part is First-Order Logic Constraint Specification Language (FOLCSL) that enables users to specify the invariants of a model under consideration. From the first-order logic specification, the FOLCSL translator automatically synthesizes a verification program that reads the event trace generated by a simulator and signals whether all invariants are respected. The second part consists of mining the temporal flow of events using a newly developed representation called State Flow Temporal Analysis Graph (SFTAG). While the first part seeks an assurance of implementation correctness by checking that the model invariants hold, the second part derives an extended model of the implementation and hence enables a deeper understanding of what was implemented. The main application studied in this work is the validation of the timing behavior of micro-architecture simulators. The study includes SFTAGs generated for a wide set of benchmark programs and their analysis using several artificial intelligence algorithms. This work improves the computer architecture research and verification processes as shown by the case studies and experiments that have been conducted

    Using Locality and Interleaving Information to Improve Shared Cache Performance

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    The cache interference is found to play a critical role in optimizing cache allocation among concurrent threads for shared cache. Conventional LRU policy usually works well for low interference workloads, while high cache interference among threads demands explicit allocation regulation, such as cache partitioning. Cache interference is shown to be tied to inter-thread memory reference interleaving granularity: high interference is caused by ne-grain interleaving while low interference is caused coarse-grain interleaving. Proling of real multi-program workloads shows that cache set mapping and temporal phase result in the variation of interleaving granularity. When memory references from dierent threads map to disjoint cache sets, or they occur in distinct time windows, they tend to cause little interference due to coarse-grain interleaving. The interleaving granularity measured by runlength in workloads is found to correlate with the preference of cache management policy: ne-grain interleaving workloads perform better with cache partitioning, and coarse-grain interleaving workloads perform better with LRU. Most existing shared cache management techniques are based on working set locality analysis. This dissertation studies the shared cache performance by taking both locality and interleaving information into consideration. Oracle algorithm which provides theoretical best performance is investigated to provide insight into how to design a better practical policy. Proling and analysis of Oracle algorithm lead to the proposal of probabilistic replacement (PR), a novel cache allocation policy. With aggressor threads information learned on-line, PR evicts the bad locality blocks of aggressor threads probabilistically while preserving good locality blocks of non-aggressor threads. PR is shown to be able to adapt to the different interleaving granularities in different sets over time. Its flexibility in tuning eviction probability also improves fairness among thread performance. Evaluation indicates that PR outperforms LRU, UCP, and ideal cache partitioning at moderate hardware cost. For single program cache management, this dissertation also proposes a novel technique: reuse distance last touch predictor (RD-LTP). RD-LTP is able to capture reuse distance information, which represents the intrinsic memory reference pattern. Based on this improved LT predictor, an MRU LT eviction policy is developed to select the right victim at the presence of incorrect LT prediction. In addition to LT predictor, another predictor: reuse distance predictors (RDPs) is proposed, which is able to predict actual reuse distance values. Compared to various existing cache management techniques, these two novel predictors deliver higher cache performance with higher prediction coverage and accuracy at moderate hardware cost
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