627 research outputs found

    Graph Laplacian for Image Anomaly Detection

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    Reed-Xiaoli detector (RXD) is recognized as the benchmark algorithm for image anomaly detection; however, it presents known limitations, namely the dependence over the image following a multivariate Gaussian model, the estimation and inversion of a high-dimensional covariance matrix, and the inability to effectively include spatial awareness in its evaluation. In this work, a novel graph-based solution to the image anomaly detection problem is proposed; leveraging the graph Fourier transform, we are able to overcome some of RXD's limitations while reducing computational cost at the same time. Tests over both hyperspectral and medical images, using both synthetic and real anomalies, prove the proposed technique is able to obtain significant gains over performance by other algorithms in the state of the art.Comment: Published in Machine Vision and Applications (Springer

    Anomaly detection in hyperspectral signatures using automated derivative spectroscopy methods

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    The goal of this research was to detect anomalies in remotely sensed Hyperspectral images using automated derivative based methods. A database of Hyperspectral signatures was used that had simulated additive Gaussian anomalies that modeled a weakly concentrated aerosol in several spectral bands. The automated pattern detection system was carried out in four steps. They were: (1) feature extraction, (2) feature reduction through linear discriminant analysis, (3) performance characterization through receiver operating characteristic curves, and (4) signature classification using nearest mean and maximum likelihood classifiers. The Hyperspectral database contained signatures with various anomaly concentrations ranging from weakly present to moderately present and also anomalies in various spectral reflective and absorptive bands. It was found that the automated derivative based detection system gave classification accuracies of 97 percent for a Gaussian anomaly of SNR -45 dB and 70 percent for Gaussian anomaly of SNR -85 dB. This demonstrates the applicability of using derivative analysis methods for pattern detection and classification with remotely sensed Hyperspectral images


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    A new technique Multiple-feature-based adaptive sparse representation (MFASR) has been demonstrated for Hyperspectral Images (HSI's) classification. This method involves mainly in four steps at the various stages. The spectral and spatial information reflected from the original Hyperspectral Images with four various features. A shape adaptive (SA) spatial region is obtained in each pixel region at the second step. The algorithm namely sparse representation has applied to get the coefficients of sparse for each shape adaptive region in the form of matrix with multiple features. For each test pixel, the class label is determined with the help of obtained coefficients. The performances of MFASR have much better classification results than other classifiers in the terms of quantitative and qualitative percentage of results. This MFASR will make benefit of strong correlations that are obtained from different extracted features and this make use of effective features and effective adaptive sparse representation. Thus, the very high classification performance was achieved through this MFASR technique

    An Unsupervised Algorithm for Change Detection in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Using Synthetically Fused Images and Derivative Spectral Profiles

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    Multitemporal hyperspectral remote sensing data have the potential to detect altered areas on the earth’s surface. However, dissimilar radiometric and geometric properties between the multitemporal data due to the acquisition time or position of the sensors should be resolved to enable hyperspectral imagery for detecting changes in natural and human-impacted areas. In addition, data noise in the hyperspectral imagery spectrum decreases the change-detection accuracy when general change-detection algorithms are applied to hyperspectral images. To address these problems, we present an unsupervised change-detection algorithm based on statistical analyses of spectral profiles; the profiles are generated from a synthetic image fusion method for multitemporal hyperspectral images. This method aims to minimize the noise between the spectra corresponding to the locations of identical positions by increasing the change-detection rate and decreasing the false-alarm rate without reducing the dimensionality of the original hyperspectral data. Using a quantitative comparison of an actual dataset acquired by airborne hyperspectral sensors, we demonstrate that the proposed method provides superb change-detection results relative to the state-of-the-art unsupervised change-detection algorithms

    Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Image Processing

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    Remote sensing images have many applications such as ground object detection, environmental change monitoring, urban growth monitoring and natural disaster damage assessment. As of 2019, there were roughly 700 satellites listing “earth observation” as their primary application. Both spatial and temporal resolutions of satellite images have improved consistently in recent years and provided opportunities in resolving fine details on the Earth\u27s surface. In the past decade, deep learning techniques have revolutionized many applications in the field of computer vision but have not fully been explored in remote sensing image processing. In this dissertation, several state-of-the-art deep learning models have been investigated and customized for satellite image processing in the applications of landcover classification and ground object detection. First, a simple and effective Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model is developed to detect fresh soil from tunnel digging activities near the U.S. and Mexico border by using pansharpened synthetic hyperspectral images. These tunnels’ exits are usually hidden under warehouses and are used for illegal activities, for example, by drug dealers. Detecting fresh soil nearby is an indirect way to search for these tunnels. While multispectral images have been used widely and regularly in remote sensing since the 1970s, with the fast advances in hyperspectral sensors, hyperspectral imagery is becoming popular. A combination of 80 synthetic hyperspectral channels with the original eight multispectral channels collected by the WorldView-2 satellite are used by CNN to detect fresh soil. Experimental results show that detection performance can be significantly improved by the combination of synthetic hyperspectral images with those original multispectral channels. Second, an end-to-end, pixel-level Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) model is implemented to estimate the number of refugee tents in the Rukban area near the Syrian-Jordan border using high-resolution multispectral satellite images collected by WordView-2. Rukban is a desert area crossing the border between Syria and Jordan, and thousands of Syrian refugees have fled into this area since the Syrian civil war in 2014. In the past few years, the number of refugee shelters for the forcibly displaced Syrian refugees in this area has increased rapidly. Estimating the location and number of refugee tents has become a key factor in maintaining the sustainability of the refugee shelter camps. Manually counting the shelters is labor-intensive and sometimes prohibitive given the large quantities. In addition, these shelters/tents are usually small in size, irregular in shape, and sparsely distributed in a very large area and could be easily missed by the traditional image-analysis techniques, making the image-based approaches also challenging. The FCN model is also boosted by transfer learning with the knowledge in the pre-trained VGG-16 model. Experimental results show that the FCN model is very accurate and has less than 2% of error. Last, we investigate the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to augment training data to improve the training of FCN model for refugee tent detection. Segmentation based methods like FCN require a large amount of finely labeled images for training. In practice, this is labor-intensive, time consuming, and tedious. The data-hungry problem is currently a big hurdle for this application. Experimental results show that the GAN model is a better tool as compared to traditional methods for data augmentation. Overall, our research made a significant contribution to remote sensing image processin

    Drone-based Integration of Hyperspectral Imaging and Magnetics for Mineral Exploration

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    The advent of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) as disruptive technology has a lasting impact on remote sensing, geophysics and most geosciences. Small, lightweight, and low-cost UAS enable researchers and surveyors to acquire earth observation data in higher spatial and spectral resolution as compared to airborne and satellite data. UAS-based applications range from rapid topographic mapping using photogrammetric techniques to hyperspectral and geophysical measurements of surface and subsurface geology. UAS surveys contribute to identifying metal deposits, monitoring of mine sites and can reveal arising environmental issues associated with mining. Further, affordable UAS technology will boost exploration data availability and expertise in the global south. This thesis investigates the application of UAS-based multi-sensor data for mineral exploration, in particular the integration of hyperspectral imagers, magnetometers and digital cameras (covering the visible red, green, blue light spectrum). UAS-based research is maturing, however the aforementioned methods are not unified effectively. RGB-based photogrammetry is used to investigate topography and surface texture. Image spectrometers measure mineral-specific surface signatures. Magnetometers detect geomagnetic field changes caused by magnetic minerals at surface and depth. The integration of such UAS sensor-based methods in this thesis augments exploration potential with non-invasive, high-resolution, safe, rapid and practical survey methods. UAS-based surveying acquired, processed and integrated data from three distinct test sites. The sites are located in Finland (Fe-Ti-V at Otanmäki; apatite at Siilinjärvi) and Greenland (Ni-Cu-PGE at Qullissat, Disko Island) and were chosen as geologically diverse areas in subarctic to arctic environments. Restricted accessibility, unfavourable atmospheric conditions, dark rocks, debris and vegetation cover and low solar illumination were common features. While the topography in Finland was moderately flat, a steep landscape challenged the Greenland field work. These restraints meant that acquisitions varied from site to site and how data was integrated and interpreted is dependent on the commodity of interest. Iron-based spectral absorption and magnetic mineral response were detected using hyperspectral and magnetic surveying in Otanmäki. Multi-sensor-based image feature detection and classification combined with magnetic forward modelling enabled seamless geologic mapping in Siilinjärvi. Detailed magnetic inversion and multispectral photogrammetry led to the construction of a comprehensive 3D model of magmatic exploration targets in Greenland. Ground truth at different intensity was employed to verify UAS-based data interpretations during all case studies. Laboratory analysis was applied when deemed necessary to acquire geologic-mineralogic validation (e.g., X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy for mineral identification to establish lithologic domains, magnetic susceptibility measurements for subsurface modelling), for example for trace amounts of magnetite in carbonatite (Siilinjärvi) and native iron occurrence in basalt (Qullissat). Technical achievements were the integration of a multicopter-based prototype fluxgate-magnetometer data from different survey altitudes with ground truth, and a feasibility study with a high-speed multispectral image system for fixed-wing UAS. The employed case studies transfer the experiences made towards general recommendations for UAS application-based multi-sensor integration. This thesis highlights the feasibility of UAS-based surveying at target scale (1–50 km2) and solidifies versatile survey approaches for multi-sensor integration.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Potenzial einer Drohnen-basierten Mineralexploration mit Multisensor-Datenintegration unter Verwendung optisch-spektroskopischer und magnetischer Methoden zu untersuchen, um u. a. übertragbare Arbeitsabläufe zu erstellen. Die untersuchte Literatur legt nahe, dass Drohnen-basierte Bildspektroskopie und magnetische Sensoren ein ausgereiftes technologisches Niveau erreichen und erhebliches Potenzial für die Anwendungsentwicklung bieten, aber es noch keine ausreichende Synergie von hyperspektralen und magnetischen Methoden gibt. Diese Arbeit umfasste drei Fallstudien, bei denen die Drohnengestützte Vermessung von geologischen Zielen in subarktischen bis arktischen Regionen angewendet wurde. Eine Kombination von Drohnen-Technologie mit RGB, Multi- und Hyperspektralkameras und Magnetometern ist vorteilhaft und schuf die Grundlage für eine integrierte Modellierung in den Fallstudien. Die Untersuchungen wurden in einem Gelände mit flacher und zerklüfteter Topografie, verdeckten Zielen und unter oft schlechten Lichtverhältnissen durchgeführt. Unter diesen Bedingungen war es das Ziel, die Anwendbarkeit von Drohnen-basierten Multisensordaten in verschiedenen Explorationsumgebungen zu bewerten. Hochauflösende Oberflächenbilder und Untergrundinformationen aus der Magnetik wurden fusioniert und gemeinsam interpretiert, dabei war eine selektive Gesteinsprobennahme und Analyse ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit und für die Validierung notwendig. Für eine Eisenerzlagerstätte wurde eine einfache Ressourcenschätzung durchgeführt, indem Magnetik, bildspektroskopisch-basierte Indizes und 2D-Strukturinterpretation integriert wurden. Fotogrammetrische 3D-Modellierung, magnetisches forward-modelling und hyperspektrale Klassifizierungen wurden für eine Karbonatit-Intrusion angewendet, um einen kompletten Explorationsabschnitt zu erfassen. Eine Vektorinversion von magnetischen Daten von Disko Island, Grönland, wurden genutzt, um großräumige 3D-Modelle von undifferenzierten Erdrutschblöcken zu erstellen, sowie diese zu identifizieren und zu vermessen. Die integrierte spektrale und magnetische Kartierung in komplexen Gebieten verbesserte die Erkennungsrate und räumliche Auflösung von Erkundungszielen und reduzierte Zeit, Aufwand und benötigtes Probenmaterial für eine komplexe Interpretation. Der Prototyp einer Multispektralkamera, gebaut für eine Starrflügler-Drohne für die schnelle Vermessung, wurde entwickelt, erfolgreich getestet und zum Teil ausgewertet. Die vorgelegte Arbeit zeigt die Vorteile und Potenziale von Multisensor-Drohnen als praktisches, leichtes, sicheres, schnelles und komfortabel einsetzbares geowissenschaftliches Werkzeug, um digitale Modelle für präzise Rohstofferkundung und geologische Kartierung zu erstellen

    Caracterização e estudo comparativo de exsudações de hidrocarbonetos e plays petrolíferos em bacias terrestres das regiões central do Irã e sudeste do Brasil usando sensoriamento remoto espectral

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    Orientador: Carlos Roberto de Souza FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar as assinaturas de exsudações de hidrocarbonetos na superfície usando a tecnologia de detecção remota espectral. Isso foi alcançado primeiro, realizando uma revisão abrangente das capacidades e potenciais técnicas de detecção direta e indireta. Em seguida, a técnica foi aplicada para investigar dois locais de teste localizados no Irã e no Brasil, conhecidos por hospedar sistemas ativos de micro-exsudações e afloramentos betuminosos, respectivamente. A primeira área de estudo está localizada perto da cidade de Qom (Irã), e está inserida no campo petrolífero Alborz, enterrado sob sedimentos datados do Oligoceno da Formação Upper Red. O segundo local está localizado perto da cidade de Anhembi (SP), na margem oriental da bacia do Paraná, no Brasil, e inclui acumulações de betume em arenitos triássicos da Formação Pirambóia. O trabalho na área de Qom integrou evidências de (i) estudos petrográficos e geoquímicos em laboratório, (ii) investigações de afloramentos em campo, e (iii) mapeamento de anomalia em larga escala através de conjuntos de dados multi-espectrais ASTER e Sentinel-2. O resultado deste estudo se trata de novos indicadores mineralógicos e geoquímicos para a exploração de micro-exsudações e um modelo de micro-exsudações atualizado. Durante este trabalho, conseguimos desenvolver novas metodologias para análise de dados espectroscópicos. Através da utilização de dados simulados, indicamos que o instrumento de satélite WorldView-3 tem potencial para detecção direta de hidrocarbonetos. Na sequência do estudo, dados reais sobre afloramentos de arenitos e óleo na área de Anhembi foram investigados. A área foi fotografada novamente no chão e usando o sistema de imagem hiperespectral AisaFENIX. Seguiu-se estudos e amostragem no campo,incluindo espectroscopia de alcance fechado das amostras no laboratório usando instrumentos de imagem (ou seja, sisuCHEMA) e não-imagem (ou seja, FieldSpec-4). O estudo demonstrou que uma abordagem espectroscópica multi-escala poderia fornecer uma imagem completa das variações no conteúdo e composição do betume e minerais de alteração que acompanham. A assinatura de hidrocarbonetos, especialmente a centrada em 2300 nm, mostrou-se consistente e comparável entre as escalas e capaz de estimar o teor de betume de areias de petróleo em todas as escalas de imagemAbstract: The objective of this research was to explore for the signatures of seeping hydrocarbons on the surface using spectral remote sensing technology. It was achieved firstly by conducting a comprehensive review of the capacities and potentials of the technique for direct and indirect seepage detection. Next, the technique was applied to investigate two distinctive test sites located in Iran and Brazil known to retain active microseepage systems and bituminous outcrops, respectively. The first study area is located near the city of Qom in Iran, and consists of Alborz oilfield buried under Oligocene sediments of the Upper-Red Formation. The second site is located near the town of Anhembi on the eastern edge of the Paraná Basin in Brazil and includes bitumen accumulations in the Triassic sandstones of the Pirambóia Formation. Our work in Qom area integrated evidence from (i) petrographic, spectroscopic, and geochemical studies in the laboratory, (ii) outcrop investigations in the field, and (iii) broad-scale anomaly mapping via orbital remote sensing data. The outcomes of this study was novel mineralogical and geochemical indicators for microseepage characterization and a classification scheme for the microseepage-induced alterations. Our study indicated that active microseepage systems occur in large parts of the lithofacies in Qom area, implying that the extent of the petroleum reservoir is much larger than previously thought. During this work, we also developed new methodologies for spectroscopic data analysis and processing. On the other side, by using simulated data, we indicated that WorldView-3 satellite instrument has the potential for direct hydrocarbon detection. Following this demonstration, real datasets were acquired over oil-sand outcrops of the Anhembi area. The area was further imaged on the ground and from the air by using an AisaFENIX hyperspectral imaging system. This was followed by outcrop studies and sampling in the field and close-range spectroscopy in the laboratory using both imaging (i.e. sisuCHEMA) and nonimaging instruments. The study demonstrated that a multi-scale spectroscopic approach could provide a complete picture of the variations in the content and composition of bitumen and associated alteration mineralogy. The oil signature, especially the one centered at 2300 nm, was shown to be consistent and comparable among scales, and capable of estimating the bitumen content of oil-sands at all imaging scalesDoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutor em Geociências2015/06663-7FAPES

    Optimized Hyperspectral Imagery Anomaly Detection Through Robust Parameter Design

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    Anomaly detection algorithms for hyperspectral imagery (HSI) are an important first step in the analysis chain which can reduce the overall amount of data to be processed. The actual amount of data reduced depends greatly on the accuracy of the anomaly detection algorithm implemented. Most, if not all, anomaly detection algorithms require a user to identify some initial parameters. These parameters (or controls) affect overall algorithm performance. Regardless of the anomaly detector being utilized, algorithm performance is often negatively impacted by uncontrollable noise factors which introduce additional variance into the process. In the case of HSI, the noise variables are embedded in the image under consideration. Robust parameter design (RPD) offers a method to model the controls as well as the noise variables and identify robust parameters. This research identifies image noise characteristics necessary to perform RPD on HSI. Additionally, a small sample training and test algorithm is presented. Finally, the standard RPD model is extended to consider higher order noise coefficients. Mean and variance RPD models are optimized in a dual response function suggested by Lin and Tu. Results are presented from simulations and two anomaly detection algorithms, the Reed-Xiaoli anomaly detector and the autonomous global anomaly detector