20 research outputs found

    Investigating knowledge transfer methods and practices in a small family-run business

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    Abstract: Knowledge transfer is an essential part of growth in any environment. Small family-run businesses have a unique advantage in their abilities to transfer knowledge. A lot of literature that has explored knowledge transfer in small family-run businesses is directed to the contribution of knowledge transfer in the succession process. In this research study, research was carried out to find out how and why knowledge is transferred within a small family-run business. A qualitative study was conducted using one-on-one interviews with predecessors, successors and non-family employees working in a small family-run business. Participants were asked open-ended questions about their knowledge transfer methods and practices in the business. The aim of this research was to identify the extent of knowledge transfer in a small family-run business by analysing the transfer practices within the business as well as how they are unique from non-family-run businesses. The results from the case study in this research revealed that apprenticeships, mentorships, and learning-by-doing are common practices in small family-run businesses. It was also revealed that the process of knowledge transfer begins early in the successor’s life and can continue for many years after that. Therefore, knowledge transfer is dependent on the receiver and it is not simply an act of replicating what has been transferred but also building on the transferred knowledge with experiences that are unique to the individual


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dalam proses transfer pengetahuan yang mempengaruhi suksesor untuk mengambil alih keluarga. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara secara mendalam dengan para partisipan, sedangkan data sekunder berupa penelitian terdahulu yang menjadi landasan teori yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan topik yang akan diteliti yaitu faktor-faktor dalam proses transfer pengetahuan yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan suksesor untuk mengambil alih usaha keluarga, dan dokumen-dokumen milik usaha keluarga yang akan mendukung hasil dari penelitian. Proses analisis data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dimana penulis melakukan wawancara dengan generasi usaha keluarga sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, faktor-faktor dalam proses transfer ilmu pengetahuan yang mempengaruhi suksesor untuk mengambil alih usaha keluarga adalah faktor keterlibatan suksesor dalam usaha keluarga, faktor komitmen antara calon suksesor dengan generasi sebelumnya, faktor timbal balik atau feedback dari generasi sebelumnya, faktor hubungan personal antara suksesor dengan generasi sebelumnya, faktor kepercayaan dari generasi sebelumnya, faktor cara pembelajaran dari generasi sebelumnya, dan faktor motivasi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi penentu intensi dari seseorang untuk memilih karier meneruskan bisnis keluarga. Subyek yang menjadi fokus penelitian adalah para calon generasi penerus bisnis keluarga yang sedang menjalani perkuliahan di universitas. Model penelitian dibuat dengan menggunakan dasar Theory of Planned Behavior untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara intensi melanjutkan bisnis keluarga dengan faktor-faktor pendorongnya (anteseden). Model intensi dipilih karena model ini dapat menggambarkan prediksi kemungkinan pemilihan karier bagi para mahasiswa setelah mereka lulus kuliah dan bekerja. Faktor pendidikan dan faktor familiness ditambahkan sebagai faktor pendukung untuk mendapatkan model yang lebih mewakili kondisi sebenarnya. Data didapatkan melalui survei kuantitatif pada mahasiswa dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua faktor berpengaruh pada intensi mahasiswa untuk melanjutkan bisnis keluarga selepas mereka lulus. Faktor perspektif diri terhadap bisnis keluarga, dukungan keluarga, dan kondisi bisnis keluarga merupakan faktor terkuat yang dapat meningkatkan intensi para generasi penerus ini untuk berpartisipasi di dalam bisnis keluarga di masa depan

    Eficacia del proceso de sucesión en empresas familiares vinculadas a la mediana minería formal peruana

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    La investigación propone una medida de la eficacia de la sucesión en empresas familiares vinculadas a la minería peruana por medio de una evaluación del cambio de valor de mercado del grupo empresarial que representan. Se revisaron 12 casos de grupos empresariales y 85 reportes corporativos de empresas familiares peruanas vinculadas a la mediana minería formal durante el período 2000-2015 encontrándose hasta cuatro categorías marcadas en el cambio de valor que expresan distintas condiciones de contexto en el cambio de enfoque y dirección de la empresa ante la sucesión en el mando de la misma. Los resultados muestran tasas de cambio en el valor de mercado (>10%) para los casos donde el cambio se generó como consecuencia del fallecimiento inesperado del patriarca y a la vez la segunda generación estaba profesionalmente preparada para hacerse cargo de la dirección de la compañía, tasas de cambio en el rango de para los casos donde la segunda generación no había seguido un proceso de preparación profesional planificada para la sucesión y tasas de cambio inferiores al 5% para los casos donde la sucesión corresponde a la coexistencia en la gestión de las distintas actividades de la empresa entre patriarca y los sucesor(es).Research proposes an effectiveness measurement about succession towards the medium Peruvian mining companies through an evaluation of the market value change of the company group represented. Twelve company groups cases were reviewed and 85 Peruvian familycorporate companies related to the medium formal mining industry during the 2000-2015 period, in which up to four categories were found as part of the value change that presents different context conditions about focus change and company direction as a result of the succession in charge. The results show exchange rates in the market value of (>10%) as consequence of succession process for the family companies’ cases where the change was professionally prepared to take over the leadership of the company; exchange rates in the range of 5% to 10% for cases where the second generation had not followed a process of professionally planned preparation of succession; and lower change rates of 5% for cases where the succession corresponds to the coexistence in the management of the various activities of the company between patriarch and successor(s)

    Primogeniture in Turkish Family Owned Businesses: An examination of daughter succession, the impact of national culture on gendered norms and leadership challenge.

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    Family owned and controlled businesses, which may be owned, controlled or operated by various family members, account for an enormous percentage of global employment, revenues and GDP. Although the majority of well-known companies are family owned, research indicates that unfortunately, only thirty percent of family businesses survive to the second generation. Therefore, successful transfer of the business to the next generation is an important issue for the family business literature. However, although succession is a vital issue for Family Owned Businesses (FOBs), the process is unfortunately very gender biased in most societies, with boys being generally favoured over girls so daughters are always excluded as candidates and other women are seldom considered as successors in family businesses. In many cases, especially in certain cultures, female members of the next generation are not even perceived as a viable option. Even in today’s rapidly changing business climate, primogeniture continues to dominate the value system of family businesses. Primogeniture is an accepted approach to family business succession planning; daughters are only considered for family business succession when all descendants are female or the daughter is the first born. This study aims to identify the reasons behind the primogeniture in Turkish FOBs. The objectives of the study were to examine the key factors identified by the incumbents related with the primogeniture. In this research study, an interpretive methodology was adopted to explore, interpret and to understand meanings of knowledge. For this research, qualitative data were gathered via in-depth open-ended interviews with 20 male FOB owners who have at least one daughter and 20 daughters working at their FOB with their fathers. The questions were designed to measure different facets of FOB demographics and culture to understand their effects on the selection process within Turkish FOBs and gender norms in the context of FOB norms, which influence both family members and the business it. This study investigated daughters’ succession in FOBs in Turkey, a developing country where women are less likely than men to engage in entrepreneurial activities and show that gendered norms are still considered when choosing the successor, in other word, primogeniture still dominates the family business succession process

    Family businesses: capital structure and socio-emotional wealth

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    En este artículo se revisan los aportes teórico-conceptuales y empíricos, más destacables relacionados con las decisiones de financiamiento en empresas familiares, con el objetivo de contextualizar a la firma familiar como un área de estudio por sí misma. El análisis bibliográfico sigue un método que da cuenta de un recorrido conceptual por los elementos más importantes en la empresa familiar contrarrestándolos con lo comúnmente observado para las empresas no familiares e incluyendo para tal efecto, la mención a trabajos que presenten resultados empíricos. La revisión da como resultado el hallazgo de coincidencias entre distintos trabajos, en cuanto se refiere a la existencia en la empresa familiar, de una realidad socioemocional y otra puramente de negocios, por lo tanto, la existencia de un aparente conflicto en las decisiones derivadas de la contradicción entre lo normativo y lo comportamental, utilizando como elemento básico del análisis, a las decisiones sobre estructura de capital. La relevancia del trabajo resulta de la esquematización del problema bajo estudio y la detección de vacíos de conocimiento, lo que sirve como base para futuras investigaciones. Las limitaciones se derivan del riesgo de no detectar en la revisión de antecedentes aportes innovadores, aunque con bajo número de citas.This article reviews the most significant theorical, conceptual and empirical literature related to the financing decisions adopted in family owned business. The purpose is to conceptualize family business as an independent study area. The bibliographic analysis has been designed to recount a conceptual itinerary that contrasts the most important elements of family business literature with what is most commonly observed in non-family business research -these includes studies that present empirical results. Using capital structure as the main unit of analysis, the review shows certain coincidences amongst different works that point to the existence of a socioemotional reality and another purely corporate. The coexistence of both realities results in an apparent conflict in family business decisions that stems from the contradiction between the normative and the behavioral approach. The relevance of the work results from the schematization of the problem under study and the detection of knowledge gaps, which serves as the basis for future research. The limitations derive from the risk of not detecting innovative contributions in the background check, although with a low number of citations.Fil: Aguilar, Víctor G.. Universidad de Cuenca; EcuadorFil: Briozzo, Anahi Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Economía. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur; Argentin

    Keys to business longevity

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    Why some companies fail before second generation while others survive through centuries is a fundamental puzzle for business research. Contradictory to most business sectors, the agricultural sector is characterized by being owned and driven by families over generations. For decades, research has posited knowledge as among the key factors for business longevity. Pursuing an aim to understand the phenomenon of organizational learning, this study takes its interest in the process of tacit knowledge creation and transfer. The empirical contribution is the stories and thoughts of farmers, regarding knowledge transfer over generations of the family farm business. Embracing the inherent complexity of real-world organizations, indepth interviews were conducted and analyzed with the aid from a conceptual framework constituted from two main literature areas within organization theory; family business and organizational learning. Family farm businesses, as a sub-category of family businesses, are selected as empirics of interest due to the intergenerational character and thus, the importance of a successful generational shift. Empirically, it is found that the coherent processes of organizational learning are both present and viable in the family farm business. The findings of this study support the notion of the individual level as the origin of tacit knowledge in an organization and indicate that business longevity is enabled to study through processes of organizational learning. This study contributes with descriptions of approaching the distressed balance between knowledge renewal and conservation of knowledge. The descriptions of tacit knowledge transfer and its prerequisites contributes to knowledge of family business longevity. The conceptual framework of this study can be generalized to other small family businesses, such as the family farm business, to further describe tacit knowledge and its connection to family business longevity

    Hospital Executive Succession Planning Strategies

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    Approximately 50% of New York City hospitals lack succession planning as baby boomers transition out of the workforce into retirement. The potential loss of knowledge capital could affect leadership development and corporate stability. Guided by the transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this single site case study was to explore successful strategies executive-level leaders used to facilitate succession planning within their hospital. Three hospital executive-level leaders from a single site location participated in a semistructured face-to-face interview and provided data that assisted the analysis. Four themes emerged from the data analysis through a word cloud format that showed the most commonly used words and phrases from participants\u27 responses to interview questions and review of company succession planning documents. The themes were organizational strategies used to promote executive-level succession planning, encouraging peer-mentorship, knowledge sharing strategies, and talent management. The findings revealed that the participants\u27 organization lacked formal succession planning strategies, but policies were in place that promoted in-house training and development to prepare the next generation of executive-level leaders. The findings of this study can contribute to positive social change by providing a work-related environment that embraces knowledge sharing and leadership development to increase leadership performance, income, and productivity, to ensure a better quality of life for employees and to improve the healthcare of patients and the community served

    Roles of Affiliated Ownership on Manager’s Perquisites in Indonesia: Stage of Firm Cycle Approach

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    The research is purposely designed for determining perquisites in private sector through ownership, either those which are affiliated in business group and non-group; or family and group ownership non-family ownership and group affiliated. Moreover, the research examines either perquisites in private sectors is really exist on different stage of firm cycle, and different ownership structure. There will be 2 hypotheses with 8 minor hypotheses based on four firm’s stages. This research uses linear regression Pooled Least Square with interaction variables. The result showed that perquisites manager’s occurred on maturity stage in group and family group. The tendency showed that cash flow is used to maintain manager behavior by monitoring mechanism of debt policy. In the growth stage, this research is able to explain that cash flow is used for perquisites and managers tend to use it; however debt is used to bonding such perquisites behavior. Moreover, this research also found that ownership concentration also minimizes manager’s perquisites. The major differences of this research compared to the previous research are the proposed arguments in which companies are divided into group and non-group affiliation, and also family and non-family group. Besides, this research divides the companies groups into different stages such as maturity, growth, star, and decline