12 research outputs found

    Towards providing low-overhead data race detection for large OpenMP applications

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    pre-printNeither static nor dynamic data race detection methods, by themselves, have proven to be sufficient for large HPC applications, as they often result in high runtime overheads and/or low race-checking accuracy. While combined static and dynamic approaches can fare better, creating such combinations, in practice, requires attention to many details. Specifically, existing state of the art dynamic race detectors are aimed at low level threading models, and cannot handle high level models such as OpenMP. Further, they do not provide mechanisms by which static analysis methods can target selected regions of code with sufficient precision. In this paper, we present our solutions to both challenges. Specifically, we identify patterns within OpenMP run times that tend to mislead existing dynamic race checkers and provide mechanisms that help establish an explicit happens before relation to prevent such misleading checks. We also implement a fine-grained blacklist mechanism to allow a runtime analyzer to exclude regions of code at line number granularity. We support race checking by adapting Thread Sanitizer, a mature data-race checker developed at Google that is now an integral part of Clang and GCC; and we have implemented our techniques within the state-of-the-art Intel OpenMP Runtime. Our results demonstrate that these techniques can significantly improve run time analysis accuracy and overhead in the context of data race checking of Open MP applications

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationHigh Performance Computing (HPC) on-node parallelism is of extreme importance to guarantee and maintain scalability across large clusters of hundreds of thousands of multicore nodes. HPC programming is dominated by the hybrid model "MPI + X", with MPI to exploit the parallelism across the nodes, and "X" as some shared memory parallel programming model to accomplish multicore parallelism across CPUs or GPUs. OpenMP has become the "X" standard de-facto in HPC to exploit the multicore architectures of modern CPUs. Data races are one of the most common and insidious of concurrent errors in shared memory programming models and OpenMP programs are not immune to them. The OpenMP-provided ease of use to parallelizing programs can often make it error-prone to data races which become hard to find in large applications with thousands lines of code. Unfortunately, prior tools are unable to impact practice owing to their poor coverage or poor scalability. In this work, we develop several new approaches for low overhead data race detection. Our approaches aim to guarantee high precision and accuracy of race checking while maintaining a low runtime and memory overhead. We present two race checkers for C/C++ OpenMP programs that target two different classes of programs. The first, ARCHER, is fast but requires large amount of memory, so it ideally targets applications that require only a small portion of the available on-node memory. On the other hand, SWORD strikes a balance between fast zero memory overhead data collection followed by offline analysis that can take a long time, but it often report most races quickly. Given that race checking was impossible for large OpenMP applications, our contributions are the best available advances in what is known to be a difficult NP-complete problem. We performed an extensive evaluation of the tools on existing OpenMP programs and HPC benchmarks. Results show that both tools guarantee to identify all the races of a program in a given run without reporting any false alarms. The tools are user-friendly, hence serve as an important instrument for the daily work of programmers to help them identify data races early during development and production testing. Furthermore, our demonstrated success on real-world applications puts these tools on the top list of debugging tools for scientists at large

    LLOV: A Fast Static Data-Race Checker for OpenMP Programs

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    In the era of Exascale computing, writing efficient parallel programs is indispensable and at the same time, writing sound parallel programs is highly difficult. While parallel programming is easier with frameworks such as OpenMP, the possibility of data races in these programs still persists. In this paper, we propose a fast, lightweight, language agnostic, and static data race checker for OpenMP programs based on the LLVM compiler framework. We compare our tool with other state-of-the-art data race checkers on a variety of well-established benchmarks. We show that the precision, accuracy, and the F1 score of our tool is comparable to other checkers while being orders of magnitude faster. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the only tool among the state-of-the-art data race checkers that can verify a FORTRAN program to be data race free

    LLOV: A Fast Static Data-Race Checker for OpenMP Programs

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    In the era of Exascale computing, writing efficient parallel programs is indispensable and at the same time, writing sound parallel programs is very difficult. Specifying parallelism with frameworks such as OpenMP is relatively easy, but data races in these programs are an important source of bugs. In this paper, we propose LLOV, a fast, lightweight, language agnostic, and static data race checker for OpenMP programs based on the LLVM compiler framework. We compare LLOV with other state-of-the-art data race checkers on a variety of well-established benchmarks. We show that the precision, accuracy, and the F1 score of LLOV is comparable to other checkers while being orders of magnitude faster. To the best of our knowledge, LLOV is the only tool among the state-of-the-art data race checkers that can verify a C/C++ or FORTRAN program to be data race free.Comment: Accepted in ACM TACO, August 202

    Extending OmpSs-2 with flexible task-based array reductions

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    Reductions are a well-known computational pattern found in scientific applications that needs efficient parallelisation mechanisms. In this thesis we present a flexible scheme for computing reductions of arrays in the context of OmpSs-2, a task-based programming model similar to OpenMP

    Scalability Engineering for Parallel Programs Using Empirical Performance Models

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    Performance engineering is a fundamental task in high-performance computing (HPC). By definition, HPC applications should strive for maximum performance. As HPC systems grow larger and more complex, the scalability of an application has become of primary concern. Scalability is the ability of an application to show satisfactory performance even when the number of processors or the problems size is increased. Although various analysis techniques for scalability were suggested in past, engineering applications for extreme-scale systems still occurs ad hoc. The challenge is to provide techniques that explicitly target scalability throughout the whole development cycle, thereby allowing developers to uncover bottlenecks earlier in the development process. In this work, we develop a number of fundamental approaches in which we use empirical performance models to gain insights into the code behavior at higher scales. In the first contribution, we propose a new software engineering approach for extreme-scale systems. Specifically, we develop a framework that validates asymptotic scalability expectations of programs against their actual behavior. The most important applications of this method, which is especially well suited for libraries encapsulating well-studied algorithms, include initial validation, regression testing, and benchmarking to compare implementation and platform alternatives. We supply a tool-chain that automates large parts of the framework, thus allowing it to be continuously applied throughout the development cycle with very little effort. We evaluate the framework with MPI collective operations, a data-mining code, and various OpenMP constructs. In addition to revealing unexpected scalability bottlenecks, the results also show that it is a viable approach for systematic validation of performance expectations. As the second contribution, we show how the isoefficiency function of a task-based program can be determined empirically and used in practice to control the efficiency. Isoefficiency, a concept borrowed from theoretical algorithm analysis, binds efficiency, core count, and the input size in one analytical expression, thereby allowing the latter two to be adjusted according to given (realistic) efficiency objectives. Moreover, we analyze resource contention by modeling the efficiency of contention-free execution. This allows poor scaling to be attributed either to excessive resource contention overhead or structural conflicts related to task dependencies or scheduling. Our results, obtained with applications from two benchmark suites, demonstrate that our approach provides insights into fundamental scalability limitations or excessive resource overhead and can help answer critical co-design questions. Our contributions for better scalability engineering can be used not only in the traditional software development cycle, but also in other, related fields, such as algorithm engineering. It is a field that uses the software engineering cycle to produce algorithms that can be utilized in applications more easily. Using our contributions, algorithm engineers can make informed design decisions, get better insights, and save experimentation time

    Optimizing the Performance of Parallel and Concurrent Applications Based on Asynchronous Many-Task Runtimes

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    Nowadays, High-performance Computing (HPC) scientific applications often face per- formance challenges when running on heterogeneous supercomputers, so do scalability, portability, and efficiency issues. For years, supercomputer architectures have been rapidly changing and becoming more complex, and this challenge will become even more com- plicated as we enter the exascale era, where computers will exceed one quintillion cal- culations per second. Software adaption and optimization are needed to address these challenges. Asynchronous many-task (AMT) systems show promise against the exascale challenge as they combine advantages of multi-core architectures with light-weight threads, asynchronous executions, smart scheduling, and portability across diverse architectures. In this research, we optimize the performance of a highly scalable scientific application using HPX, an AMT runtime system, and address its performance bottlenecks on super- computers. We use DCA++ (Dynamical Cluster Approximation) as a research vehicle for studying the performance bottlenecks in parallel and concurrent applications. DCA++ is a high-performance research software application that provides a modern C++ imple- mentation to solve quantum many-body problems with a Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) kernel. QMC solver applications are widely used and are mission-critical across the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) application landscape. Throughout the research, we implement several optimization techniques. Firstly, we add HPX threading backend support to DCA++ and achieve significant performance speedup. Secondly, we solve a memory-bound challenge in DCA++ and develop ring- based communication algorithms using GPU RDMA technology that allow much larger scientific simulation cases. Thirdly, we explore a methodology for using LLVM-based tools to tune the DCA++ that targets the new ARM A64Fx processor. We profile all imple- mentations in-depth and observe significant performance improvement throughout all the implementations

    Intelligent instrumentation techniques to improve the traces information-volume ratio

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    With ever more powerful machines being constantly deployed, it is crucial to manage the computational resources efficiently. This is important both from the point of view of the individual user, who expects fast results; and the supercomputing center hosting the whole infrastructure, that is interested in maximizing its overall productivity. Nevertheless, the real sustained performance achieved by the applications can be significantly lower than the theoretical peak performance of the machines. A key factor to bridge this performance gap is to understand how parallel computers behave. Performance analysis tools are essential not only to understand the behavior of parallel applications, but to identify why performance expectations might not have been met, serving as guidelines to improve the inefficiencies that caused poor performance, and driving both software and hardware optimizations. However, detailed analysis of the behavior of a parallel application requires to process a large amount of data that also grows extremely fast. Current large scale systems already comprise hundreds of thousands of cores, and upcoming exascale systems are expected to assemble more than a million processing elements. With such number of hardware components, the traditional analysis methodologies consisting in blindly collecting as much data as possible and then performing exhaustive lookups are no longer applicable, because the volume of performance data generated becomes absolutely unmanageable to store, process and analyze. The evolution of the tools suggests that more complex approaches are needed, incorporating intelligence to perform competently the challenging and important task of detailed analysis. In this thesis, we address the problem of scalability of performance analysis tools in large scale systems. In such scenarios, in-depth understanding of the interactions between all the system components is more compelling than ever for an effective use of the parallel resources. To this end, our work includes a thorough review of techniques that have been successfully applied to aid in the task of Big Data Analytics in fields like machine learning, data mining, signal processing and computer vision. We have leveraged these techniques to improve the analysis of large-scale parallel applications by automatically uncovering repetitive patterns, finding data correlations, detecting performance trends and further useful analysis information. Combinining their use, we have minimized the volume of performance data captured from an execution, while maximizing the benefit and insight gained from this data, and have proposed new and more effective methodologies for single and multi-experiment performance analysis.Con el incesante aumento de potencia y capacidad de los superordenadores, la habilidad de emplear de forma efectiva todos los recursos disponibles se ha convertido en un factor crucial. La necesidad de un uso eficiente radica tanto en la aspiración de los usuarios por obtener resultados en el menor tiempo posible, como en el interés del propio centro de cálculo que alberga la infraestructura computacional por maximizar la productividad de los recursos. Sin embargo, el rendimiento real que las aplicaciones son capaces de alcanzar suele ser significativamente menor que el rendimiento teórico de las máquinas. Y la clave para salvar esta distancia consiste en comprender el comportamiento de las máquinas paralelas. Las herramientas de análisis de rendimiento son instrumentos fundamentales no solo para entender como funcionan las aplicaciones paralelas, sino también para identificar los problemas por los que el rendimiento obtenido dista del esperado, sirviendo como guías para mejorar aquellas deficiencias software y/o hardware que son causas de degradación. No obstante, un análisis en detalle del comportamiento de una aplicación paralela requiere procesar una gran cantidad de datos que crece extremadamente rápido. Los sistemas actuales de gran escala ya comprenden cientos de miles de procesadores, y se espera que los inminentes sistemas exa-escala reunan millones de elementos de procesamiento. Con semejante número de componentes, las estrategias tradicionales de obtención indiscriminada de datos para mejorar la precisión de las herramientas de análisis caerán en desuso debido a las dificultades que entraña almacenarlos y procesarlos. En este aspecto, la evolución de las herramientas sugiere que son necesarios métodos más sofisticados, que incorporen inteligencia para desarrollar la tarea de análisis de manera más competente. Esta tesis aborda el problema de escalabilidad de las herramientas de análisis en sistemas de gran escala, donde es primordial el conocimiento detallado de las interacciones entre todos los componentes para emplear los recursos paralelos de la forma más óptima. Con este fin, esta investigación incluye una revisión exhaustiva de las técnicas que se han aplicado satisfactoriamente para extraer información de grandes volumenes de datos en otras áreas como aprendizaje automático, minería de datos y procesado de señal. Hemos adaptado estas técnicas para mejorar el análisis de aplicaciones paralelas de gran escala, detectando automáticamente patrones repetitivos, correlaciones de datos, tendencias de rendimiento, y demás información relevante. Combinando el uso de estas técnicas, se ha conseguido disminuir el volumen de datos generado durante una ejecución, a la vez que aumentar la cantidad de información útil que se puede extraer de los datos mediante la aplicación de nuevas y más efectivas metodologías de análisis para el estudio del rendimiento de experimentos individuales o en seri