10 research outputs found

    A Review of Self-efficacy of Learners through Online Learning

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    E‐learning has been adopted as the alternative learning mode across the board during COVID‐ 19 pandemic to persist academic activities due to nationwide closures. Self-efficacy plays a mediated role in and is positively correlated with academic achievements of distance education. Objective factors (online connection, online learning experience and knowledge, online classroom environment, and others) and subjective factors (learning attitudes of students, interaction among students, online teaching capability of teachers, emotion and psychological states and others), influence by and large self-efficacy of learners who conduct online education. Additionally, different measurements of self-efficacy are discussed, with the result that Questionnaire of English Self-Efficacy (QESE) is a professional and valid tool to measure self-efficacy of English-major learners. There is such a paucity of studying learners’ self-efficacy via e-learning that this paper fills the gap to study the topic


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    The new normal education policy in response to the pandemic crisis pushed institutions to shift from traditional face-to-face to asynchronous instruction that posed challenges particularly to science courses in higher education. The purpose of this study was to understand the learning experiences of the students and the implications of asynchronous teaching instruction in the Science, Technology, and Society course. This study utilized a convergent parallel mixed method of research employing descriptive-comparative and descriptive phenomenological research designs. There were 100 respondents for the quantitative part and 12 participants for the qualitative part. Based on the quantitative findings, the overall implementation of asynchronous instruction in the course was "excellent." Specifically, the level of implementation was "very satisfactory" in terms of Content and Course Evaluation, while "excellent" in terms of Instructional Design, Student Assessment, and Technology. There was no significant difference in the level of implementation of the course asynchronous instruction when analyzed by specialization. Moreover, based on the qualitative analysis, the learning experiences of students in asynchronous instruction were both positive and negative that implied two-way learning experiences. The general recommendation gleaned from the students was science, technology, and society asynchronous delivery improvement that covered teacher improvement, SIM improvement, and assessment tool improvement. The general recommendations of this study were improving asynchronous instruction delivery through teachers training proposals, modification of self-instructional materials, increasing the awareness and effective use of the varied assessment tools in sustaining the needs and interest of students in studying the course, creating a safe learning environment for the students, and conducting future researches to reveal significant factors which affect the learning experiences of students and the other points that the current researchers have not yet explored.  Article visualizations

    Indonesian EFL Students’ Autonomus Learning Implementation in Online Learning

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    Although studies on online learning have been widely discussed, most of the studies still focus on the students’ experiences adjusting to online learning. However, few studies have analyzed students’ experiences in online learning regarding autonomous learning implementation. This study aimed at identifying Indonesian EFL students' autonomous learning implementation in online learning. A questionnaire adapted from Khotimah et al. (2019) and Hidayati and Husna (2020) was used as a single instrument to obtain data from EFL students from 22 universities around Indonesia. This study sample was selected using a random sampling technique, and the data was analyzed using a simple percentage statistics formula. The results showed how students learned English online in four areas: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. They also showed how the students felt about online learning on their own. These experiences relate to students’ experiences selecting learning materials and learning activity preferences. These preferences are divided into learning English for academic purposes and learning English for pleasure. However, regarding students’ efforts to foster their autonomous online learning, the students had implemented three categories of autonomous learning, namely the initiating process, monitoring process, and evaluating process in their learning process. Hence, the research results are expected to provide new insights for the readers about implementing online learning, which can support the students to be more autonomous learners

    Postgraduate students' experiences with learning management systems at a selected nursing education institution in KwaZulu-Natal Province

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    Background. Learning management systems (LMS) are indispensable teaching and learning tools in nursing education, and in recent years, LMS have become a cornerstone to support online learning, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The South African (SA) e-education policy requires every teacher and learner in the education and training sector to be information and communication technology (ICT)-capable, and able to use ICTs confidently and creatively to help develop the skills and knowledge they need as lifelong learners to achieve their personal goals and be full participants in their global communities. Objective. To investigate postgraduate students’ experiences with learning management systems at a selected nursing education institution in KwaZulu-Natal Province, SA. Method. An exploratory, descriptive research design was used, and the whole population of 16 postgraduate nursing education students who were exposed to Moodle as a learning management system participated in the study. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews, followed by focus group discussions, with thematic analysis used to analyse data. Results. This was the first time that most participants had been exposed to an online learning course, and the experience made them feel empowered as it provided enabled reflection and deep learning. Participants indicated that the range of interactions and level of engagement determined the eventual level of knowledge constructed. The online facilitator played a central role in guiding and supporting students, and ensuring that they achieved the learning outcomes. The online learning benefits included increased socialisation, convenience and flexibility, asynchronicity and accessibility of learning material. The challenges were the lack of real-time response, financial cost and technical issues. Conclusion. An intense ICT orientation for students is recommended to ensure that they are informed of the requirements before starting the online course. The online facilitators must be more visible in the online space, participate more often in discussions and stimulate constructive dialogue

    Exploring disruption through the lens of an adapted Five Senses Framework

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    This quasi-experimental research design surveyed 688 students through a self-administered online survey to specifically explore relations between student self-assessed capabilities (Lizzio Five Senses, 2006), overall program satisfaction, withdrawal behaviours, demographics and year of study in their university courses during an emergency COVID-19 lockdown experience. Importantly, this research offers a more nuanced view of the Five Senses and confirms their importance as a university strategy for student success. These findings offer further granularity into the complex set of relations that impact decisions around satisfaction, persistence, and capability in higher education and support previous research by Lizzio and Wilson (2008) indicating students’ perceptions of purpose is the strongest predictor of satisfaction, lower anxiety and lower course withdrawal. Ultimately, the paper suggests as higher education looks towards future possible disruptions due to climate, health or political realities, equipping and fostering a strong sense of purpose, connectedness, and resourcefulness as well as sense of capability and academic culture will buffer and support students to persevere. In addition, this research suggests that those students who may have weak associations with these senses merit additional attention

    Student Perceptions of the Visual Design of Learning Management Systems

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    Research on the impact of the visual design of the user interface of learning management systems (LMS) on learning experience is sparse. The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary examination of students’ perceptions of the visual design of their postsecondary institutions’ LMS and their learning experiences using survey methodology (N= 46). Students generally agreed that the course homepages were well organized and that the LMS colours, while deemed moderately to very important, did not enhance learning or increase the ability to remember course content. However, more positive perceptions of the visual appearance of the LMS were associated with greater satisfaction with grades. Expected end of term grade point average was negatively correlated with the degree to which students perceived that colour enhanced their learning. Students reported a greater satisfaction with the contribution of the LMS to learning correlated to the number of school terms they had used an LMS, their LMS proficiency, and their perceptions about the visual appeal of the LMS design. Together, these results suggest that exploring the impact of LMS colour and other dimensions of visual design on student engagement and learning are important and have practical value for LMS developers, instructional designers, and instructors

    The Intersection of Job Satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction, and Motivation of Instructional Designers in Online Higher Education: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study

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    Online education has become a significant part of the strategic growth and health of institutions of higher education (HEIs) today. Instructional designers support the strategic mission of the HEI, and while research to date has looked extensively at the role of the instructional designer in higher education, no research has looked at the experience of the instructional designer focusing specifically on the feelings and intersection of job satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and motivation. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study is to understand the experiences related to job satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and motivation for instructional designers working in online higher education. The theoretical framework for this study is Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. The central research question is what experiences do instructional designers in online higher education associate with feelings of job satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and motivation? Participants were instructional designers working in online higher education, and data collection included interviews and screen-captured videos of instructional resources created by instructional designers. Data analysis followed the recommended format outlined for transcendental phenomenology. Findings indicated that job satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and motivation were related to their work, the relationships they developed, the institutional context, and their individual values and motivation. Although instructional designers generally expressed motivation to do quality work regardless of levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, they also expressed greater levels of organizational engagement with greater job satisfaction. This area would benefit from further research in the role and satisfaction of instructional designers considering current events related to the transition to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as specific research in job satisfaction related to the organizational structure of the instructional design team

    The influence of the learning environment on students' mathematical achievement

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    Образовање је процес у коме друштво преноси акумулирано знање, вештине и вредности с генерације на генерацију. Активно учешће ученика и студената у друштву је један од главних циљева образовања. Учење математике је много више од самог примања информација, тако да многобројни фактори утичу на ученичка и студентска знања из математике. Како би креирали квалитетну наставу и поспешили усвајањe знања, неопходно је испитати много различитих сегмената. Зато су веома важна и значајна истраживања проблема у настави математике и математичког образовања. Разумевање начина на који модерне технологије могу пружити додатну помоћ студентима да лакше усвајају знања, од пресудне важности а развој традиционалних система за учење и креирања дигиталних наставних материјала. Наставни процес је, од почетка пандемије изазване вирусом Ковид-19, претрпео нагле и велике промене у целом свету. Захваљујући достигнућима информационо комуникационих технологија настава је организована „на даљину“. Окружење за учење је имало велики утицај на организовање и извођење наставног процеса за товреме. Имајући то у виду, у дисертацији је приказано истраживање које пружа емпиријске доказе и испитује утицај различитог окружења за учење на постигнућа студената у оквиру основног курса математике. Испитано је и под којим околностима и у којој мери испитаници постижу боље резултате на сумативним и ормативним проценама знања. За истраживање тема коришћене су квалитативне и квантитативне методе истраживања које користе релевантне статистичке технике. Истраживање је рађено у циљу испитивања и идентификације тренутног стања (у којој мери испитаници исправно интерпретирају стечена знања из математике) као и откривања потенцијалних когнитивних конфликата како би се радило на њиховом превазилажењу и унапређењу наставног окружења и наставних материјала. У околностима споменуте пандемије било је важно детаљније испитати и перцепције студената као и њихову мотивацију и искуство током учења на даљину у тако измењеном образовном окружењу. Иако доприноси раније литературе јасно указују да је мотивација студената позитивно повезана са њиховим понашањем, академским постигнућем и перцепцијом окружења за учење, тренутно постоји потреба за бољим разумевањем како су брзе и неопходне промене учења изазване пандемијом повезане са унутрашњом мотивацијом студената. Мотивација и разумевање студентских перцепција имају значајан утицај на квалитет процеса учења, јер утичу на ангажовање студената у учењу, помажу просветним радницима да преиспитају принципе дизајна учења и даље унапређују и развијају наставне планове и програме. У дисертацији је приказано и друго истраживање које испитује да ли су демографске карактеристике студената утицале на њихову перцепцију о димензијама мотивације (труд(напор)/важност, вредност/корисност и интересовање/уживање). Такође, разматрано је и испитивање свести студената (позитивне и негативне аспекте) о образовним променама и модификацијама које нису добро познате, као и о недостатку емпиријских доказа у савременој литератури. Стога, ово истраживање има за циљ да допринесе том разумевању истражујући перцепцију студената.Obrazovanje je proces u kome društvo prenosi akumulirano znanje, veštine i vrednosti s generacije na generaciju. Aktivno učešće učenika i studenata u društvu je jedan od glavnih ciljeva obrazovanja. Učenje matematike je mnogo više od samog primanja informacija, tako da mnogobrojni faktori utiču na učenička i studentska znanja iz matematike. Kako bi kreirali kvalitetnu nastavu i pospešili usvajanje znanja, neophodno je ispitati mnogo različitih segmenata. Zato su veoma važna i značajna istraživanja problema u nastavi matematike i matematičkog obrazovanja. Razumevanje načina na koji moderne tehnologije mogu pružiti dodatnu pomoć studentima da lakše usvajaju znanja, od presudne važnosti a razvoj tradicionalnih sistema za učenje i kreiranja digitalnih nastavnih materijala. Nastavni proces je, od početka pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19, pretrpeo nagle i velike promene u celom svetu. Zahvaljujući dostignućima informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija nastava je organizovana „na daljinu“. Okruženje za učenje je imalo veliki uticaj na organizovanje i izvođenje nastavnog procesa za tovreme. Imajući to u vidu, u disertaciji je prikazano istraživanje koje pruža empirijske dokaze i ispituje uticaj različitog okruženja za učenje na postignuća studenata u okviru osnovnog kursa matematike. Ispitano je i pod kojim okolnostima i u kojoj meri ispitanici postižu bolje rezultate na sumativnim i ormativnim procenama znanja. Za istraživanje tema korišćene su kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode istraživanja koje koriste relevantne statističke tehnike. Istraživanje je rađeno u cilju ispitivanja i identifikacije trenutnog stanja (u kojoj meri ispitanici ispravno interpretiraju stečena znanja iz matematike) kao i otkrivanja potencijalnih kognitivnih konflikata kako bi se radilo na njihovom prevazilaženju i unapređenju nastavnog okruženja i nastavnih materijala. U okolnostima spomenute pandemije bilo je važno detaljnije ispitati i percepcije studenata kao i njihovu motivaciju i iskustvo tokom učenja na daljinu u tako izmenjenom obrazovnom okruženju. Iako doprinosi ranije literature jasno ukazuju da je motivacija studenata pozitivno povezana sa njihovim ponašanjem, akademskim postignućem i percepcijom okruženja za učenje, trenutno postoji potreba za boljim razumevanjem kako su brze i neophodne promene učenja izazvane pandemijom povezane sa unutrašnjom motivacijom studenata. Motivacija i razumevanje studentskih percepcija imaju značajan uticaj na kvalitet procesa učenja, jer utiču na angažovanje studenata u učenju, pomažu prosvetnim radnicima da preispitaju principe dizajna učenja i dalje unapređuju i razvijaju nastavne planove i programe. U disertaciji je prikazano i drugo istraživanje koje ispituje da li su demografske karakteristike studenata uticale na njihovu percepciju o dimenzijama motivacije (trud(napor)/važnost, vrednost/korisnost i interesovanje/uživanje). Takođe, razmatrano je i ispitivanje svesti studenata (pozitivne i negativne aspekte) o obrazovnim promenama i modifikacijama koje nisu dobro poznate, kao i o nedostatku empirijskih dokaza u savremenoj literaturi. Stoga, ovo istraživanje ima za cilj da doprinese tom razumevanju istražujući percepciju studenata.Education is a process through which society transfers accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. Active participation of students in society is one of the main goals of education. Learning mathematics is much more than just receiving information, so numerous factors influence students' knowledge of mathematics. In order to create quality teaching and facilitate knowledge acquisition, it s necessary to examine various segments. Therefore, research on the problems in mathematics education is very important and significant. Understanding how modern technologies can provide additional assistance to students in easier knowledge cquisition is crucial for the development of traditional learning systems and the creation of digital teaching materials. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational process has undergone sudden and significant changes worldwide. Thanks to the achievements of information and communication technologies, education has been organized "remotely." The learning environment had a significant impact on the organization and implementation of the teaching process during that time. With that in mind, the dissertation presents research that provides empirical evidence and examines the influence of different learning environments on students' achievements in basic mathematics courses. It also investigates under which circumstances and to what extent the participants achieve better results in summative and formative assessments. The research topic was examined using qualitative and quantitative research methods that employ relevant statistical techniques. The research was conducted to explore and identify the current state (to what extent the participants correctly interpret acquired knowledge in mathematics) as well as to discover potential cognitive conflicts in order to work towards overcoming them and improving the learning environment and teaching materials. In the context of the mentioned pandemic, it was important to examine in more detail the perceptions of students, as well as their motivation and experience during distance learning in such an altered educational environment. Although previous literature clearly indicates that student motivation is positively related to their behavior, academic achievement, and perception of the learning environment, there is currently a need for better understanding of how rapid and necessary learning changes caused by the pandemic are associated with students' intrinsic motivation. Motivation and understanding of student perceptions have a significant impact on the quality of the learning process, as they influence student engagement in learning and assist educators in re-evaluating learning design principles and further improving and developing instructional plans and programs. The dissertation also presents another study that examines whether students' demographic characteristics influenced their perception of motivation dimensions (effort/importance, value/usefulness, and interest/enjoyment). Additionally, it explores students' awareness (positive and negative aspects) of educational changes and modifications that are not well-known, as well as the lack of empirical evidence in contemporary literature. Therefore, this research aims to contribute to that understanding by investigating students' perceptions