307 research outputs found

    Provision of metro ethernet services using a reconfigurable photonic access network

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    The paper proposes a design for traffic engineering to provide Ethernet services using an extended access network. Ethernet has remained the dominant technology for Local Area and Enterprise Networks, the use of Ethernet in metro networks has seen significant interest of late to provide for end to end Ethernet services to the user. The Broadband Photonic (BBP) access network is viewed as a quasi independent stack of EPONs in which geographically spread customer-VLANs (C-VLANs) can be implemented. The use of such a network for providing metro Ethernet like services in addition to traditional access services is presented

    Software Defined 5G Converged Access as a viable Techno-Economic Solution

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    Software Defined Converged Access represents a feasible solution to effectively address 5G traffic demands. This paper proposes an integrated mobile-optical control for wavelength and bandwidth allocation. Evaluations of bandwidth utilization and technoeconomic viability are provided.This work was partially supported by the Italian Government under CIPE resolution no. 135 (December 21, 2012), project INnovating City Planning through Information and Communication Technologies (INCIPICT) and by the EC through the H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Project ID 761536)

    Exploiting flexible functional split in converged software defined access networks

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    5G targets to offer a huge network capacity to support the expected unprecedented traffic growth due mainly to mobile and machine-type services. Thus, the 5G access network has to comply with very challenging architectural requirements. Mobile network scalability is achieved by playing appropriately with the centralization of network functions and by applying the functional split introducing the fronthaul. Although more advantageous in terms of network management and performance optimization, low-layer functional split options require larger bandwidth and lower latency to be guaranteed by the fronthaul in the access network, while preserving other concurrent fiber-to-the-x services. Thus, advanced mechanisms for the efficient management of available resources in the access network are required to control jointly both radio and optical domains. Softwarized mobile and optical segments facilitate the introduction of dedicated protocols to enable the inter-working of the two control planes. This paper proposes a new cooperation scheme to manage the adaptive flexible functional split in 5G networks conditioned to the resource availability in the optical access network. Techniques for the accurate estimation of available bandwidth and the associated real-time selection of the best suitable functional split option are investigated. Results show that the proposed software defined converged approach to wavelength and bandwidth management guarantees the optimal allocation of optical resources. The triple exponential smoothing forecasting technique enables efficient coexistence of mobile fronthaul and fixed connectivity traffic in the network, reducing traffic impairments with respect to other well-known forecasting techniques, while keeping the same level of centralization.This work was partially supported by the Italian Government under CIPE resolution no. 135 (December 21, 2012), project INnovating City Planning through Information and Communication Technologies (INCIPICT) and by the EC through the H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Project ID 761536)

    Development of Testing Standardization Regulation of the OLT XG-PON Equipments to Support Broadband Access in Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide a reference to the technical specifications of the Optical Line Termination (OLT) XG-PON equipment for improving standardization regulations (Perdirjen Postel No. 257 of 2008). The technical specifications tested in this study are the nominal rate capability, wavelength range, and jumbo frame of the OLT XG-PON equipment. The research acquired a reference to the nominal rate using FEC is 8.5 Gbps downstream direction, and 2.5 Gbps upstream direction, upstream wavelength range is 1260-1280 nm and downstream is 1575-1581 nm, and jumbo frame capability is 2000 Bytes

    Mecanismos para gerenciamento de banda passante em redes ópticas passivas Ethernet com clientes locatários de múltiplas unidades ópticas de redes

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    Orientador: Nelson Luis Saldanha da FonsecaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: As atuais redes de acesso banda larga à Internet necessitam dar suporte às altas demandas de diversas aplicações tais como voz sobre IP (VoIP), streaming de vídeo UHD, videoconferência, internet das coisas (IoT) e jogos interativos. A tecnologia de redes ópticas passivas (PONs) é considerada promissora para fornecer alta capacidade de acesso com um custo-benefício aceitável. Existem duas diferentes tecnologias que disputam o mercado das redes ópticas; Ethernet PON (EPON) e Gigabit Capable PON(GPON). Devido ao alto custo de aquisição e manutenção de uma infraestrutura PON, muitas empresas (clientes) recorrem a fornecedores de infraestrutura (InP) para reduzir os altos custo, por meio do aluguel de uma porção dos recursos da PON. Esses clientes podem ser, por exemplo, operadores de rede móvel ou provedores de serviços virtuais, que podem adquirir múltiplas unidades da rede óptica (ONU) conectadas em uma única PON. Essa facilidade de alugar múltiplas ONUs pode gerar problemas de balanceamento de carga entre ONUs, uma vez que os atuais algoritmos de alocação de banda passante (DBA) são capazes de garantir banda para uma única ONU. Consequentemente, picos de demanda de banda passante podem ultrapassar a banda garantida em algumas ONUs e, ao mesmo tempo, subutilizar a banda garantida em outras ONUs de um mesmo cliente. Nesta dissertação, aborda-se o problema de gerenciamento de largura de banda para clientes multi-ONU nas redes EPON. Propõe-se um algoritmo de alocação dinâmica de banda passante (DBA) (MOS-IPACT) para dar suporte ao contrato de serviço (SLA) para clientes com várias ONUs. O mecanismo proposto distribui a largura de banda agregada entre ONUs de um mesmo cliente, com o objetivo de melhorar a utilização da largura de banda. Além disso propõe-se um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (subMOSIPACT) com o objetivo de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade. Este algoritmo é fundamental para clientes multi-ONU e que oferecem diversos tipos de serviços. Por exemplo, um operador da rede virtual pode alugar as ONUs de um InP para oferecer serviços corporativos e residenciais. Introduz-se, também, um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT) que permite a cooperação entre clientes. O algoritmo proposto permite que clientes cooperativos compartilhem banda passante não utilizada a fim de aumentar a banda disponível para alocação mas sem afetar seus SLAs individuais. Os resultados mostram que os três algoritmos propostos são capazes de garantir banda passante para clientes multi-ONU, mesmo em condições de tráfego desbalanceadas; Além de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade aumentando o suporte aos requisitos de qualidade de serviço (QoS). Resultados derivados por simulação mostraram que os algoritmos distribuem eficientemente a largura de banda entre os clientes multi-ONU bem como para clientes convencionais que possuem uma única ONU. Por fim, este trabalho mostra os benefícios do modelo de clientes cooperativos para aumentar a largura de banda disponívelAbstract: Current broadband access networks need to support the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of diverse application such as voice over IP (VoIP), ultra-high video streaming, video conferencing, Internet of Things (IoT) and interactive gaming. Passive Optical Networks (PONs) is considered a promising solution to provides high access capacity with acceptable cost-benefit. Two different technologies share the optical access networks market: Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit Capable PON (GPON). However, the deployment of PON infrastructure involves significant costs. On the other hand, Infrastructure Provider (InP) can alleviate these costs by leasing their PONs to several enterprises (customers). These customers can be Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), multi-site enterprises, or virtual service providers. New scenarios are envisioned in which customers owning multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) (multi-ONUs customers) are connected to a single PON. However, current EPON Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to support only guaranteed bandwidth for individual ONUs. Consequently, peaks of bandwidth demand may surpass the guaranteed bandwidth for some ONUs and, at the same time, underutilize the bandwidth in other ONUs of a multi-ONU customer. In this work, the bandwidth management problem for multi-ONU customers in EPON network is addressed. This dissertation proposes a mechanisms for the support of multiONU Service Level Agreements (SLA) in DBA algorithms for EPONs. The proposed DBA algorithms (MOS-IPACT) allows customers owning multiple ONUs to redistribute the aggregated bandwidth of the group of ONUs to better balance the bandwidth utilization. This dissertation also proposes a DBA algorithm for EPON networks (subMOS-IPACT) with the objective of assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity. This algorithm is quite important for multi-ONU customers offering diverse type of services. For example, a virtual network operator can lease ONUs from an InP to offer enterprise and residential services to its client.This work also introduce a DBA algorithm for EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT), which allows cooperation between customers. The proposed DBA algorithm allows cooperative customers share the unused bandwidth without affecting their individual multi-ONU SLAs. Results show that the three proposed Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to guarantee bandwidth for multi-Optical Network Unit (ONU) customers even in unbalancing traffic conditions. Furthermore, assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity improves the Quality of Service (QoS) providing. Simulation results showed that the mechanisms efficiently distributes bandwidth between multi-ONU customers and traditional customers owning a single ONU. Finally, this work show the benefits of cooperative customers model in order to increase the available bandwidthMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação132308/2016-9CNP

    Analysis of the threshold between GPON and EP2P

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    New services like Video on demand, Television (IPTV), high speed Internet access and Voice over IP on top the same link are called Triple Play services. These services demand very high bandwidth to customers. ADSL and ADLS2+ aren’t enough for supporting the new bandwidth requirement. One suitable solution for high bandwidth demand with a long reach is to use optical cable to customers (FTTX). Nowadays there are two technologies GPON (Gigabit passive optical network) and EP2P (Ethernet point-to-point) fighting for to be implemented in network access. This paper makes an evaluation between both solutions and it tries to answer the next question: What is the best solution for supporting requirement of Triple Play applications?Preprin