469 research outputs found

    Efficient Implementation on Low-Cost SoC-FPGAs of TLSv1.2 Protocol with ECC_AES Support for Secure IoT Coordinators

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    Security management for IoT applications is a critical research field, especially when taking into account the performance variation over the very different IoT devices. In this paper, we present high-performance client/server coordinators on low-cost SoC-FPGA devices for secure IoT data collection. Security is ensured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol based on the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite. The hardware architecture of the proposed coordinators is based on SW/HW co-design, implementing within the hardware accelerator core Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication (ECSM), which is the core operation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC). Meanwhile, the control of the overall TLS scheme is performed in software by an ARM Cortex-A9 microprocessor. In fact, the implementation of the ECC accelerator core around an ARM microprocessor allows not only the improvement of ECSM execution but also the performance enhancement of the overall cryptosystem. The integration of the ARM processor enables to exploit the possibility of embedded Linux features for high system flexibility. As a result, the proposed ECC accelerator requires limited area, with only 3395 LUTs on the Zynq device used to perform high-speed, 233-bit ECSMs in 413 µs, with a 50 MHz clock. Moreover, the generation of a 384-bit TLS handshake secret key between client and server coordinators requires 67.5 ms on a low cost Zynq 7Z007S device

    Reconfigurable elliptic curve cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) have been proposed as an alternative to other established public key cryptosystems such as RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). ECC provide more security per bit than other known public key schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem. Smaller key sizes result in faster computations, lower power consumption and memory and bandwidth savings, thus making ECC a fast, flexible and cost-effective solution for providing security in constrained environments. Implementing ECC on reconfigurable platform combines the speed, security and concurrency of hardware along with the flexibility of the software approach. This work proposes a generic architecture for elliptic curve cryptosystem on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that performs an elliptic curve scalar multiplication in 1.16milliseconds for GF (2163), which is considerably faster than most other documented implementations. One of the benefits of the proposed processor architecture is that it is easily reprogrammable to use different algorithms and is adaptable to any field order. Also through reconfiguration the arithmetic unit can be optimized for different area/speed requirements. The mathematics involved uses binary extension field of the form GF (2n) as the underlying field and polynomial basis for the representation of the elements in the field. A significant gain in performance is obtained by using projective coordinates for the points on the curve during the computation process

    Efficient hardware prototype of ECDSA modules for blockchain applications

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    This paper concentrates on the hardware implementation of efficient and re- configurable elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) that is suitable for verifying transactions in Blockchain related applications. Despite ECDSA architecture being computationally expensive, the usage of a dedicated stand-alone circuit enables speedy execution of arithmetic operations. The prototype put forth supports N-bit elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) group operations, signature generation and verification over a prime field for any elliptic curve. The research proposes new hardware framework for modular multiplication and modular multiplicative inverse which is adopted for group operations involved in ECDSA. Every hardware design offered are simulated using modelsim register transfer logic (RTL) simulator. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of var- ious modules within ECDSA circuit is compared with equivalent existing techniques that is both hardware and software based to highlight the superiority of the suggested work. The results showcased prove that the designs implemented are both area and speed efficient with faster execution and less resource utilization while maintaining the same level of security. The suggested ECDSA structure could replace the software equivalent of digital signatures in hardware blockchain to thwart software attacks and to provide better data protection

    A Brand-New, Area - Efficient Architecture for the FFT Algorithm Designed for Implementation of FPGAs

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    Elliptic curve cryptography, which is more commonly referred to by its acronym ECC, is widely regarded as one of the most effective new forms of cryptography developed in recent times. This is primarily due to the fact that elliptic curve cryptography utilises excellent performance across a wide range of hardware configurations in addition to having shorter key lengths. A High Throughput Multiplier design was described for Elliptic Cryptographic applications that are dependent on concurrent computations. A Proposed (Carry-Select) Division Architecture is explained and proposed throughout the whole of this work. Because of the carry-select architecture that was discussed in this article, the functionality of the divider has been significantly enhanced. The adder carry chain is reduced in length by this design by a factor of two, however this comes at the expense of additional adders and control. When it comes to designs for high throughput FFT, the total number of butterfly units that are implemented is what determines the amount of space that is needed by an FFT processor. In addition to blocks that may either add or subtract numbers, each butterfly unit also features blocks that can multiply numbers. The size of the region that is covered by these dual mathematical blocks is decided by the bit resolution of the models. When the bit resolution is increased, the area will also increase. The standard FFT approach requires that each stage contain  times as many butterfly units as the stage before it. This requirement must be met before moving on to the next stage

    Hardware implementation of elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key agreement scheme in GF(p)

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    With the advent of technology there are many applications that require secure communication. Elliptic Curve Public-key Cryptosystems are increasingly becoming popular due to their small key size and efficient algorithm. Elliptic curves are widely used in various key exchange techniques including Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement scheme. Modular multiplication and modular division are one of the basic operations in elliptic curve cryptography. Much effort has been made in developing efficient modular multiplication designs, however few works has been proposed for the modular division. Nevertheless, these operations are needed in various cryptographic systems. This thesis examines various scalable implementations of elliptic curve scalar multiplication employing multiplicative inverse or field division in GF(p) focussing mainly on modular divison architectures. Next, this thesis presents a new architecture for modular division based on the variant of Extended Binary GCD algorithm. The main contribution at system level architecture to the modular division unit is use of counters in place of shift registers that are basis of the algorithm and modifying the algorithm to introduce a modular correction unit for the output logic. This results in 62% increase in speed with respect to a prototype design. Finally, using the modular division architecture an Elliptic Curve ALU in GF(p) was implemented which can be used as the core arithmetic unit of an elliptic curve processor. The resulting architecture was targeted to Xilinx Vertex2v6000-bf957 FPGA device and can be implemented for different elliptic curves for almost all practical values of field p. The frequency of the ALU is 58.8 MHz for 128-bits utilizing 20% of the device at 27712 gates which is 30% faster than a prototype implementation with a 2% increase in area utilization. The ALU was tested to perform Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme and is suitable for other public-key cryptographic algorithms

    Implementation of Generic and Efficient Architecture of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Various GF(p) for Higher Data Security

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has recognized much more attention over the last few years and has time-honored itself among the renowned public key cryptography schemes. The main feature of ECC is that shorter keys can be used as the best option for implementation of public key cryptography in resource-constrained (memory, power, and speed) devices like the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor based applications, etc. The performance of hardware implementation for ECC is affected by basic design elements such as a coordinate system, modular arithmetic algorithms, implementation target, and underlying finite fields. This paper shows the generic structure of the ECC system implementation which allows the different types of designing parameters like elliptic curve, Galois prime finite field GF(p), and input type. The ECC system is analyzed with performance parameters such as required memory, elapsed time, and process complexity on the MATLAB platform. The simulations are carried out on the 8th generation Intel core i7 processor with the specifications of 8 GB RAM, 3.1 GHz, and 64-bit architecture. This analysis helps to design an efficient and high performance architecture of the ECC system on Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has recognized much more attention over the last few years and has time-honored itself among the renowned public key cryptography schemes. The main feature of ECC is that shorter keys can be used as the best option for implementation of public key cryptography in resource-constrained (memory, power, and speed) devices like the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor based applications, etc. The performance of hardware implementation for ECC is affected by basic design elements such as a coordinate system, modular arithmetic algorithms, implementation target, and underlying finite fields. This paper shows the generic structure of the ECC system implementation which allows the different types of designing parameters like elliptic curve, Galois prime finite field GF(p), and input type. The ECC system is analyzed with performance parameters such as required memory, elapsed time, and process complexity on the MATLAB platform. The simulations are carried out on the 8th generation Intel core i7 processor with the specifications of 8 GB RAM, 3.1 GHz, and 64-bit architecture. This analysis helps to design an efficient and high performance architecture of the ECC system on Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

    A survey of hardware implementations of elliptic curve cryptographic systems

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has gained much recognition over the last decades and has established itself among the well known public-key cryptography schemes, not least due its smaller key size and relatively lower computational effort compared to RSA. The wide employment of Elliptic Curve Cryptography in many different application areas has been leading to a variety of implementation types and domains ranging from pure software approaches over hardware implemenations to hardware/software co-designs. The following review provides an overview of state of the art hardware implemenations of ECC, specifically in regard to their targeted design goals. In this context the suitability of the hardware/software approach in regard to the security challenges opposed by the low-end embedded devices of the Internet of Things is briefly examined. The paper also outlines ECC’s vulnerability against quantum attacks and references one possible solution to that problem

    Reconfigurable Architecture for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using FPGA

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    The high performance of an elliptic curve (EC) crypto system depends efficiently on the arithmetic in the underlying finite field. We have to propose and compare three levels of Galois Field , , and . The proposed architecture is based on Lopez-Dahab elliptic curve point multiplication algorithm, which uses Gaussian normal basis for field arithmetic. The proposed is based on an efficient Montgomery add and double algorithm, also the Karatsuba-Ofman multiplier and Itoh-Tsujii algorithm are used as the inverse component. The hardware design is based on optimized finite state machine (FSM), with a single cycle 193 bits multiplier, field adder, and field squarer. The another proposed architecture is based on applications for which compactness is more important than speed. The FPGA’s dedicated multipliers and carry-chain logic are used to obtain the small data path. The different optimization at the hardware level improves the acceleration of the ECC scalar multiplication, increases frequency and the speed of operation such as key generation, encryption, and decryption. Finally, we have to implement our design using Xilinx XC4VLX200 FPGA device

    Hardware Implementations of Scalable and Unified Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Processors

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    As the amount of information exchanged through the network grows, so does the demand for increased security over the transmission of this information. As the growth of computers increased in the past few decades, more sophisticated methods of cryptography have been developed. One method of transmitting data securely over the network is by using symmetric-key cryptography. However, a drawback of symmetric-key cryptography is the need to exchange the shared key securely. One of the solutions is to use public-key cryptography. One of the modern public-key cryptography algorithms is called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The advantage of ECC over some older algorithms is the smaller number of key sizes to provide a similar level of security. As a result, implementations of ECC are much faster and consume fewer resources. In order to achieve better performance, ECC operations are often offloaded onto hardware to alleviate the workload from the servers' processors. The most important and complex operation in ECC schemes is the elliptic curve point multiplication (ECPM). This thesis explores the implementation of hardware accelerators that offload the ECPM operation to hardware. These processors are referred to as ECC processors, or simply ECPs. This thesis targets the efficient hardware implementation of ECPs specifically for the 15 elliptic curves recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The main contribution of this thesis is the implementation of highly efficient hardware for scalable and unified finite field arithmetic units that are used in the design of ECPs. In this thesis, scalability refers to the processor's ability to support multiple key sizes without the need to reconfigure the hardware. By doing so, the hardware does not need to be redesigned for the server to handle different levels of security. Unified refers to the ability of the ECP to handle both prime and binary fields. The resultant designs are valuable to the research community and industry, as a single hardware device is able to handle a wide range of ECC operations efficiently and at high speeds. Thus, improving the ability of network servers to handle secure transaction more quickly and improve productivity at lower costs