10 research outputs found

    EyeTribe Tracker Data Accuracy Evaluation and Its Interconnection with Hypothesis Software for Cartographic Purposes

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    The mixed research design is a progressive methodological discourse that combines the advantages of quantitative and qualitative methods. Its possibilities of application are, however, dependent on the efficiency with which the particular research techniques are used and combined. The aim of the paper is to introduce the possible combination of Hypothesis with EyeTribe tracker. The Hypothesis is intended for quantitative data acquisition and the EyeTribe is intended for qualitative (eye-tracking) data recording. In the first part of the paper, Hypothesis software is described. The Hypothesis platform provides an environment for web-based computerized experiment design and mass data collection. Then, evaluation of the accuracy of data recorded by EyeTribe tracker was performed with the use of concurrent recording together with the SMI RED 250 eye-tracker. Both qualitative and quantitative results showed that data accuracy is sufficient for cartographic research. In the third part of the paper, a system for connecting EyeTribe tracker and Hypothesis software is presented. The interconnection was performed with the help of developed web application HypOgama. The created system uses open-source software OGAMA for recording the eye-movements of participants together with quantitative data from Hypothesis. The final part of the paper describes the integrated research system combining Hypothesis and EyeTribe

    Eye-tracking Analysis of Interactive 3D Geovisualization

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    This paper describes a new tool for eye-tracking data and their analysis with the use of interactive 3D models. This tool helps to analyse interactive 3D models easier than by time-consuming, frame-by-frame investigation of captured screen recordings with superimposed scanpaths. The main function of this tool, called 3DgazeR, is to calculate 3D coordinates (X, Y, Z coordinates of the 3D scene) for individual points of view. These 3D coordinates can be calculated from the values of the position and orientation of a virtual camera and the 2D coordinates of the gaze upon the screen. The functionality of 3DgazeR is introduced in a case study example using Digital Elevation Models as stimuli. The purpose of the case study was to verify the functionality of the tool and discover the most suitable visualization methods for geographic 3D models. Five selected methods are presented in the results section of the paper. Most of the output was created in a Geographic Information System. 3DgazeR works with generic CSV files, SMI eye-tracker, and the low-cost EyeTribe tracker connected with open source application OGAMA. It can compute 3D coordinates from raw data and fixations

    Digital sketch maps and eye tracking statistics as instruments to obtain insights into spatial cognition

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    This paper explores map users' cognitive processes in learning, acquiring and remembering information presented via screen maps. In this context, we conducted a mixed-methods user experiment employing digital sketch maps and eye tracking. On the one hand, the performance of the participants was assessed based on the order with which the objects were drawn and the influence of visual variables (e.g. presence & location, size, shape, color). On the other hand, trial durations and eye tracking statistics such as average duration of fixations, and number of fixations per seconds were compared. Moreover, selected AoIs (Area of Interests) were explored to gain a deeper insight on visual behavior of map users. Depending on the normality of the data, we used either two-way ANOVA or Mann-Whitney U test to inspect the significance of the results. Based on the evaluation of the drawing order, we observed that experts and males drew roads first whereas; novices and females focused more on hydrographic object. According to the assessment of drawn elements, no significant differences emerged between neither experts and novices, nor females and males for the retrieval of spatial information presented on 2D maps with a simple design and content. The differences in trial durations between novices and experts were not statistically significant while both studying and drawing. Similarly, no significant difference occurred between female and male participants for either studying or drawing. Eye tracking metrics also supported these findings. For average duration of fixation, there was found no significant difference between experts and novices, as well as between females and males. Similarly, no significant differences were found for the mean number of fixation

    Learning foreign and native accents: the role of production and listening

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    The present dissertation asks whether and to what extent producing, compared to listening to, accented words can contribute to accented word learning and accent learning more generally. Learning effects of accented speech production are compared with learning effects resulting from listening to accented speech. This is specifically asked in the global Question 1. By this comparison, conclusions can be drawn regarding the nature of learning and how learning mechanisms induced by listening and production relate to one another, which is asked in Question 2. Foreign accent learning is compared with native accent learning by presenting speech material recorded by L2 and L1 speakers. Moreover, the role of listeners’ native language background is investigated. The speakers presented during training and test are always different in order to test speaker-general learning. A further goal of this dissertation is to characterize the learning effects in terms of the processing levels where they are observed. This is done with different experimental paradigms. Reaction time and eye-tracking tasks investigate the effects of learning on online processing, and memory tasks look at the effects on memory recognition. The generality of learning with production is also tested by comparing learning with long-term familiar and unfamiliar accents. Further aspects that describe these learning effects refer to how long lasting they are and what the role of self-listening is. Finally, Question 3 scrutinizes the role of salience in accent learning and learning with production and listening

    Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters

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    Advertising posters in sports sponsorship are versatile marketing tools with significant media impact and high visibility. However, the academic literature on the impact of advertising posters in this field is scarce. The purpose of this research is to measure the spontaneous recall of and attention toward business brands sponsoring sports events while assessing their location and congruence level. The sample was segmented according to gender. The experiment involved 12 stimuli related to three sporting disciplines corroborating the issue of media blindness with respect to advertising posters. Consistent with the placement theory, we found that the position of the sponsoring brand affected attention and recall with no remarkable differences between genders. Furthermore, we found no significant differences in the congruence levels, reinforcing the image transfer theory. A general guideline would be placing the sponsoring brand within the effective range of the poster while leveraging the effects of articulation and the remaining mediating variables in the literature

    The impact of changes in snow cover on snowshoe hare camouflage

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    Climate change is regarded as a primary threat to global biodiversity. One avenue in which climate change is influencing survival is through the minimisation of the efficacy of anti-predator defences. Background matching camouflage is an anti-predator defence whereby an organism remains undetectable even when in plain sight. Within seasonal coat colour species, species which undergo a colour changing biannual moult thought to provide anti-predator colouration in their seasonally variable environment, the occurrence of camouflage mismatch is beginning to be recorded. The primary subject of this camouflage mismatch research has been the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus). However, whilst this mismatch is being observed in nature and is impacting survival rate in snowshoe hares and other seasonal coat colour species, no research as of yet has examined whether these seasonal moults provide background-matching camouflage. In addition, no previous research has examined the impact of camouflage mismatch on detectability from an ecologically relevant visual system, such as the most common mammalian visual system: dichromatism. Within this thesis, both of these gaps in knowledge are explored through computer detection experiments and eye movement analysis in humans. In chapter two, I investigate the impact of predator visual system, camouflage efficacy, background complexity, coat colour, and seasonal background type on the detection rate of snowshoe hares. Participants were displayed 15 randomly generated images of snowshoe hares on a natural landscape and located the snowshoe hares as quickly as possible. Snowshoe hares were detected more rapidly when their camouflage was ineffective, both in colour and brightness. In addition, more complex backgrounds resulted in longer search times. Although visual systems did not differ in overall detection times, simulated dichromatic vision resulted in longer search times for brightness camouflaged snowshoe hares. Within chapter three, I build upon the findings of chapter two, utilising eye-tracking equipment to examine participant visual attention and search mechanisms whilst locating snowshoe hares. I found that simulated dichromatic and trichromatic visual systems differ dramatically in the mechanisms used within the detection and discrimination of a camouflaged target. I also found that camouflage efficacy and background complexity function primarily as a method to reduce detectability, but do not influence the discriminability of a snowshoe hare from its background. This thesis provides support to previous research indicating that climate change will have a significant negative impact on the efficacy of seasonal coat colour camouflage and thus survival. The effects of this are already being recorded in the wild, with mismatched snowshoe hares experiencing elevated predation rates. This thesis supports that the primary reason for the increased predation is ineffective background-matching camouflage. Many aspects of camouflage and prey detection are explored within this thesis which are yet to be tested in seasonal coat colour species in the wild. In particular, how background complexity influences detectability, and the importance of considering an ecologically relevant predator visual system when examining camouflage. Overall, this thesis indicates that as the camouflage efficacy of seasonal coat colour species further decreases due to climate change, detectability, and thus predation risk, will increase

    Exploring the cognitive processes of map users employing eye tracking and EEG

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    A user experience study of an interactive mobile application

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    V magistrskem delu navajamo rezultate uporabniške študije uporabniške izkušnje, uporabnosti, razumljivosti in intuitivnosti aplikacije 1,2,3 Ljubljana. Aplikacija je rezultat interdisciplinarnega projekta DriveGreen, ki je bila razvita za naprave z operacijskim sistemom Android. Aplikacija je odgovor na spremembe življenjskega sloga in želje po trajnostni mobilnosti v urbanih mestnih jedrih pri prehodu v nizkoogljično družbo. Za potrebe študije smo pregledali profesionalno strojno in programsko opremo, ki se ponaša z bogatim naborom različnih funkcionalnosti. Nizkocenovna oprema pa podaja diametralno nasprotno sliko. Naprave ne omogočajo vseh funkcionalnosti ali pa imajo nižjo zmogljivost. Pogosto imajo priloženo le osnovno programsko opremo za delo, razširitev funkcionalnosti naprav pa je mogoča z nakupom dragih programskih orodij. Druga možnost so različna odprtokodna programska orodja in projekti. Orodja sicer razširjajo funkcionalnosti naprav in omogočajo nove načine uporabe, a za ceno pogoste nestabilnosti delovanja. Tretja možnost je, v kolikor je proizvajalec razvil potrebna razvojna okolja in podporo, zasnova in izdelava lastnih orodij. Na koncu se srečamo še z omejujočimi uporabniškimi licencami, ki onemogočajo legalno uporabo programov v raziskovalne namene. Opravili smo pregled nizkocenovnih naprav za sledenje pogledov in podpornih orodij za izvedbo študije. Izbrali in preizkusili smo tudi orodja za izdelavo modelov uporabniških vmesnikov visoke kakovosti mobilne aplikacije. Študijo smo strukturno razdelili na tri vsebinske dele. V prvem delu se testni uporabniki spoznajo z namenom študije, predstavi se jim delovanje mobilne aplikacije 1,2,3 Ljubljana, podpišejo pristopno izjavo za izvedbo študije in izpolnijo vprašalnike demografskih podatkov ter vida. V drugem delu se uporabniki naučijo rokovati s testno opremo, spoznajo se s pravilnim položajem sedenja za izvedbo študije in na koncu izvedejo zasnovane scenarije študije. V tretjem delu študije pa uporabniki izpolnijo standardizirana vprašalnika za test uporabniške izkušnje in uporabnosti ter podajo splošno oceno aplikacije. V sklopu tehnične predpriprave študije smo preizkusili naprave in potrebne podporne aplikacije za izvedbo študije. Prva naloga je bila preizkus zasnove uporabniškega vmesnika in uporabniških scenarijev ter njihovega delovanja na izbrani pametni mobilni napravi. Implementirane prototipe scenarijev smo namestili na spletni strežnik. Pregled naprav za sledenje pogledov je podal priporočilo za izbiro naprave za izvedbo študije. Okrog nje smo zgradili sistem za izvedbo študije. Izbrali smo primerno zmogljiv prenosni računalnik in ustrezno pametno tablico. Za pametno tablico smo izdelali fizično masko, s katero smo zakrili njenega proizvajalca, in s posebno aplikacijo razširili uporabo tablice kot dodaten zaslon prenosnega računalnika. V ta namen smo prilagodili stojalo za knjige in s 3D tiskalnikom natisnili posebno držalo naprave za sledenje pogledov. Zbrali smo rezultate raziskave študije in v magistrskem delu predstavljamo agregirane podatke opravljene raziskave desetih sodelujočih udeležencev. V demografskih podatkih podajamo sestavo udeležencev, njihovo izobrazbo, pogostnost uporabe pametnih telefonov, uporabo mobilnih aplikacij in načine uporabe telefona. Toplotni grafi predstavljajo koncentracijo pogledov uporabnikov za ločene zaslone mobilne aplikacije med izvedbo scenarijev študije. Grafi strmenja pa predstavljajo zaporedje pogledov po zaslonu in prikazujejo, na katere dele zaslona se je uporabnik usmeril najprej. UEQ vprašalnik podaja informacijo o uporabniški izkušnji uporabnikov, SUS vprašalnik pa informacijo o uporabnosti aplikacije. Rezultate zaključuje po-vprašalnik s splošnim vtisom o zadovoljstvu dela z aplikacijo. Opravili smo analizo uporabniške izkušnje in uporabnosti z napravo za sledenje pogledov. Ugotavljamo, da so rezultati testov z napravo za sledenje pogledov skladni s podanimi odgovori uporabnikov. Aplikacija ima visoko vrednost skale razumljivosti vprašalnika uporabniške izkušnje UEQvrednost znaša 2.50, kar nakazuje, da je postopek seznanja uporabnikov z aplikacijo enostaven, učenje rokovanja z aplikacijo pa neproblematično. Povprečna ocena uporabnosti aplikacije znaša 89, kar lahko po standardni metodologiji SUS interpretiramo kot odličen rezultat. Uporabniki so kot primerne označili uporabljene pisave in njihovo velikost v aplikaciji, pozitivno so ocenili obliko aplikacije, ikone pa označili kot razumljive. Uporabniki so prepričani, da so po opravljeni enourni študiji sposobni samostojno uporabljati aplikacijo, ob tem pa smo z uravnoteženjem scenarijev dokazali možnost učenja dela z aplikacijo med izvedbo scenarijev.In master thesis, we present results of user studies of user experience, usability, perspicuity, and intuitiveness of mobile application 1, 2, 3 Ljubljana. Application, developed for an Android operation system, is a result of the interdisciplinary project called DriveGreen. Application is a response to the changing lifestyle, with a goal to reduce CO2 emission and help with a transition to a low-carbon society. For the purposes of the study, we have examined professional hardware and software, which has rich functionalities and high-end performance. On the other side are the low budget devices with limited functionalities and performance. This low-end device poses only basic tools and programs for work and analysis. User is presented with a choice of using an open source software or programing his own tool, if the manufacturer of the equipment supported the last option. At the end, we have to deal with user licensesthese licenses limit the usage of the device for research purpose and limit the usability of the devices. We divided the studies in three parts. In first part user get familiar with the purpose of the studies, we present them the 1, 2, 3 Ljubljana mobile application, and the sign the consent for cooperation in the user studies. In the second part, they get to know the eye tracking equipment and the process of workflow. At the end, they complete the user scenarios in the application. In the third part user fill out the standardised questionnaires of user experience, usability and provide a general summarization of the mobile application. As part of the technical pre-studies, we have tested the devices and applications necessary to carry out the study. The first task was to test the design of the user interface and user scenarios and their operation on selected smart mobile device. We installed implemented prototypes scenarios on the web server to test their functionality. Overview of the eye tracking devices provides us with the best suitable device for our studies. Around the device for eye tracking, we have built the complete system with powerful notebook and mobile tablet. We adapted the bookstand to hold the eye tracker device in place during the studies. We have collected the results of research studies and presents aggregated data for the 10 participants involved in the studies. The demographic data provides the detailed information of the participants, their education, frequency of use of smart phones, mobile applications usage. Heat graphs represent the views of user\u27s concentration on separate screens of mobile applications during studies. Gaze graphs represent a sequence of views on the screen and show which parts of the screen was in the focus of the user. UEQ questionnaire provides information about the user experience of usersSUS questionnaire provides information of the usefulness of mobile application. We complete the process with post-questionnaire for a general impression about the satisfaction of working with the application. We analysed the user experience and usability of the mobile application with the eye tracker. We note that the results of eye tracking are in line with the answers given by the users. Application has a high value of the UEQ questionnaire, where the measured value is 2.50. This indicates that the application is simple to user and learn. The mean value of the usability is 89. Users have pointed out the appropriate selection of the selected font style and sizethey marked the design of the application as very good and used icons as easy to understand. Users have noted that they felt confident that they have a sufficient knowledge to use the application independently without assistance. Through the work with the application, we proved that the application has the ability for users to learn the work process while working with the application

    Examination of the eye-hand coordination related to computer mouse movement

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    Eye-hand coordination means the ability to combine seeing and hand movement. Eye-hand coordination is a complex process consisting of a series of conscious actions. The fine motor skills of the hand were not born with us but learned. The development of eye-hand coordination has begun in infancy through various ball games, construction games and puzzle games. Co-ordinated work of eye and hand movement is the basis for many activities. The proper functioning of eye-hand coordination is necessary for many everyday activities such as writing, reading or driving. The joint work of the eyes and hands is vital for certain forms of movement (ball-catching, kicking). The eye plays an essential role in regulating fine movements. In this paper a general eye-hand coordination task is examined in relation to mouse cursor movement on computer screen. An eye-hand tracking system was used to observe the gaze and hand path during the mouse cursor movement and the acquired data were analyzed by statistical t-test