7,008 research outputs found

    A New Eye-Hand Coordination Test

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    The purpose of this study is to devise an apparatus which will measure the type of eye-hand coordination found in automobile driving. The apparatus is of the serial reaction type, the total performance time being measured in hundredths of a second

    Eye-hand coordination patterns of intermediate and novice surgeons in a simulation-based endoscopic surgery training environment

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    Endoscopic surgery procedures require specific skills, such as eye-hand coordination to be developed. Current education programs are facing with problems to provide appropriate skill improvement and assessment methods in this field. This study aims to propose objective metrics for hand-movement skills and assess eye-hand coordination. An experimental study is conducted with 15 surgical residents to test the newly proposed measures. Two computer-based both-handed endoscopic surgery practice scenarios are developed in a simulation environment to gather the participants’ eye-gaze data with the help of an eye tracker as well as the related hand movement data through haptic interfaces. Additionally, participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are analyzed. The results indicate higher correlations in the intermediates’ eye-hand movements compared to the novices. An increase in intermediates’ visual concentration leads to smoother hand movements. Similarly, the novices’ hand movements are shown to remain at a standstill. After the first round of practice, all participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are improved on the specific task targeted in this study. According to these results, it can be concluded that the proposed metrics can potentially provide some additional insights about trainees’ eye-hand coordination skills and help instructional system designers to better address training requirements

    Eye-Hand Coordination during Dynamic Visuomotor Rotations

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    Background for many technology-driven visuomotor tasks such as tele-surgery, human operators face situations in which the frames of reference for vision and action are misaligned and need to be compensated in order to perform the tasks with the necessary precision. The cognitive mechanisms for the selection of appropriate frames of reference are still not fully understood. This study investigated the effect of changing visual and kinesthetic frames of reference during wrist pointing, simulating activities typical for tele-operations. Methods using a robotic manipulandum, subjects had to perform center-out pointing movements to visual targets presented on a computer screen, by coordinating wrist flexion/extension with abduction/adduction. We compared movements in which the frames of reference were aligned (unperturbed condition) with movements performed under different combinations of visual/kinesthetic dynamic perturbations. The visual frame of reference was centered to the computer screen, while the kinesthetic frame was centered around the wrist joint. Both frames changed their orientation dynamically (angular velocity\u200a=\u200a36\ub0/s) with respect to the head-centered frame of reference (the eyes). Perturbations were either unimodal (visual or kinesthetic), or bimodal (visual+kinesthetic). As expected, pointing performance was best in the unperturbed condition. The spatial pointing error dramatically worsened during both unimodal and most bimodal conditions. However, in the bimodal condition, in which both disturbances were in phase, adaptation was very fast and kinematic performance indicators approached the values of the unperturbed condition. Conclusions this result suggests that subjects learned to exploit an \u201caffordance\u201d made available by the invariant phase relation between the visual and kinesthetic frames. It seems that after detecting such invariance, subjects used the kinesthetic input as an informative signal rather than a disturbance, in order to compensate the visual rotation without going through the lengthy process of building an internal adaptation model. Practical implications are discussed as regards the design of advanced, high-performance man-machine interfaces

    Survey Hand-eye Coordination Ability of Tarung Derajat Athletes Bantul

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the eye-hand coordination ability of the Tarung Derajat Athletes in Bantul Regency. This study used a descriptive research design with a survey method. The population of this study amounted to 12 Tarung Derajat athletes, Bantul Regency. . The sample in this study used a total sampling technique of 12 Tarung Derajat athletes, both male and female, Bantul Regency. Data collection techniques used in this study were tests and measurements. Data analysis in this study used SPSS version 25. Based on the results of research analysis with a sample of 12 fighting athletes, the average eye-hand coordination was 11.25 with a standard deviation of 3.744, the highest score was 19 and the lowest score was 5. Then the results of the eye-hand coordination test showed that the number of athletes who were categorized as poor was 3 alit, the moderate category consisted of 5 athletes, the good category consisted of 3 athletes and the excellent category consisted of 1 athlete. So it can be concluded that the majority of Tarung Derajat athletes' eye-hand coordination abilities in Bantul Regency are in the moderate category

    Balance control, agility, eye-hand coordination, and sport performance of amateur badminton players: A cross-sectional study

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    © 2019 the Author(s). In this study, balance performance, agility, eye-hand coordination, and sports performance were compared between amateur badminton players and active controls. Thirty young adult badminton players and 33 active controls participated in the study. Static single-leg standing balance (with eyes closed) was measured using a force platform, and dynamic balance was measured using the Y Balance Test (lower quarter). Agility was measured using a hexagon agility test, and eye-hand coordination was measured using a computerized finger-pointing task. Sports performance was quantified by the number of times a shuttlecock fell in a designated area following a badminton serve. The badminton players had superior accuracy in badminton serving (P.05). Amateur badminton players had more favorable sports performance, but not balance performance, agility, or eye-hand coordination, than controls

    SERVIS ATAS DALAM PERMAINAN BOLAVOLI (Studi Korelasi Kekuatan Lengan dan Koordinasi Mata-Tangan)

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    This reseacsh aim at to determine the relationship between arm strength and eye-hand coordination with upper service ability in volleyball games. This research is a descriptive research. The population in this study were all students of SMPN 1 Ma'rang, Pangkep Regency with a total sample of 40 male students selected randomly. The data analysis technique used is the technique of correlation and regression analysis using the SPSS version 21 system at a significant level of 95% or α 0.05. Based on the results of data analysis, this study concluded that: 1) There was a significant relationship between arm strength and upper service ability in volleyball games; 2) There is a significant relationship between eye-hand coordination and upper service ability in volleyball play; 3) There is a significant correlation between arm strength and eye-hand coordination with upper service ability in volleyball

    The Influence of Body Structure and Eye-Hand Coordination on Upper Passing Ability in Volleyball Games

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    The cause is not optimal due to non-bio motor factors, namely inadequate body structure, and bio motor factors, namely poor hand-eye coordination. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of body structure on the ability of pass over, to determine whether there is an effect of eye coordination on the ability to passing-over and to determine whether there is an influence of body and eye-hand coordination on the ability to pass over. This type of research is descriptive correlational by involving the independent variables (independent) consisting of body structure and eye-hand coordination, while the controlling variable is the ability to pass. The research sample was students of SMP Negeri 27 Makassar with a total of 30 people drawn by random sampling. The research instrument used an upper passing test, measurement of body structure by measuring height, weight and arm length, and eye-hand coordination with a chess pass test. The results showed that there was a significant effect on the body's upper passing ability (p<0.05), there was a significant structural effect of eye-hand coordination on the upper-passing ability, and there was a jointly significant effect of body structure and eye coordination on upper passing ability (p<0.05)

    Hubungan Antara Kemampuan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Dan Koordinasi Mata Kaki Terhadap Hasil Indeks Prestasi Komulatif Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hungan antara skor koordinasi&nbsp; mata-tangan dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki terhadap Hasil Indeks Prestasi Mahasiswa. Penelitian ini mengggunakan sampling mahasiswa yang terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Bimbingan Akademik (PA) pada semester 115. Disain Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Korelasi yang menghubungkan antara hasil tes Koordinasi Mata-tangan dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki terhadap hasil Indeks Prestasi Komulatif mahasiswa.&nbsp; Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan : 1). Terdapat hubungan yang positif antara koordinasi mata-tangan dengan indeks prestasi komulatif (yang dijelaskan oleh koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,83 dan kontribusi koordinasi mata-tangan &nbsp;sebesar 0,68 melalui ƶ = 79,08 + 0,8X1). 2). Terdapat hubungan yang positif antara koordinasi mata-kaki dengan indeks prestasi komulatif (yang&nbsp;&nbsp; dijelaskan oleh koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,83 dan kontribusi koordinasi mata-tangan sebesar 0,68 melalui ƶ = 79,08 + 0,8X1). 3. Koordinasi mata-tangan dan koordinasi mata-kaki, baik secara individu atau bersama-sama, memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap indeks pencapaian kumulatif. Dilihat dari kontribusi yang diberikan oleh koordinasi mata-tangan 68% dan koordinasi mata-kaki 72% terhadap indeks pencapaian kumulatif, koordinasi mata-kaki lebih cenderung berkontribusi. Kata Kunci: Koordinasi Mata-Tangan, Koordinasi Mata-Kaki, Indeks Prestasi ABSTRACT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study aims to find out the corelation of score of eye-hand and eye-foot coordination toward on the results of the cumulative achievement index of students. This study uses sampling of the student who This study uses a sampling of student groups who are enrolled in academic guidance in semester 115 . This study uses a correlation study that connects the results of the eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination test on the students' cumulative achievement index results. The results of this study are as follows: 1). there is a positive relationship between eye-hand coordination and cumulative achievement index (explained by the correlation coefficient of 0.83 and the contribution of eye-hand coordination of 0.68 through = 79.08 + 0.8X1). 2). there is a positive relationship between eye-foot coordination and cumulative achievement index (which is explained by the correlation coefficient of 0.83 and the contribution of eye-hand coordination of 0.68 through = 79.08 + 0.8X1). 3). Eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination, either individually or together, make a significant contribution to the cumulative achievement index. Judging from the contribution made by eye-hand coordination 68% and eye-foot coordination 72% to the cumulative achievement index, eye-foot coordination is more likely to contribute.&nbsp; Keywords: Eye-Hand Coordination, Eye-Foot Coordination, Achievement Index Resul
