30 research outputs found


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    We devise an algorithm that approximately computes the number of paths of length kk in a given directed graph with nn vertices up to a multiplicative error of 1±ε1 \pm \varepsilon. Our algorithm runs in time ε24k(n+m)poly(k)\varepsilon^{-2} 4^k(n+m) \operatorname{poly}(k). The algorithm is based on associating with each vertex an element in the exterior (or, Grassmann) algebra, called an extensor, and then performing computations in this algebra. This connection to exterior algebra generalizes a number of previous approaches for the longest path problem and is of independent conceptual interest. Using this approach, we also obtain a deterministic 2kpoly(n)2^{k}\cdot\operatorname{poly}(n) time algorithm to find a kk-path in a given directed graph that is promised to have few of them. Our results and techniques generalize to the subgraph isomorphism problem when the subgraphs we are looking for have bounded pathwidth. Finally, we also obtain a randomized algorithm to detect kk-multilinear terms in a multivariate polynomial given as a general algebraic circuit. To the best of our knowledge, this was previously only known for algebraic circuits not involving negative constants.Comment: To appear at STOC 2018: Symposium on Theory of Computing, June 23-27, 2018, Los Angeles, CA, US

    Patching Colors with Tensors

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    Paths and walks, forests and planes : arcadian algorithms and complexity

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    This dissertation is concerned with new results in the area of parameterized algorithms and complexity. We develop a new technique for hard graph problems that generalizes and unifies established methods such as Color-Coding, representative families, labelled walks and algebraic fingerprinting. At the heart of the approach lies an algebraic formulation of the problems, which is effected by means of a suitable exterior algebra. This allows us to estimate the number of simple paths of given length in directed graphs faster than before. Additionally, we give fast deterministic algorithms for finding paths of given length if the input graph contains only few of such paths. Moreover, we develop faster deterministic algorithms to find spanning trees with few leaves. We also consider the algebraic foundations of our new method. Additionally, we investigate the fine-grained complexity of determining the precise number of forests with a given number of edges in a given undirected graph. To wit, this happens in two ways. Firstly, we complete the complexity classification of the Tutte plane, assuming the exponential time hypothesis. Secondly, we prove that counting forests with a given number of edges is at least as hard as counting cliques of a given size.Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit neuen Ergebnissen auf dem Gebiet parametrisierter Algorithmen und Komplexitätstheorie. Wir entwickeln eine neue Technik für schwere Graphprobleme, die etablierte Methoden wie Color-Coding, representative families, labelled walks oder algebraic fingerprinting verallgemeinert und vereinheitlicht. Kern der Herangehensweise ist eine algebraische Formulierung der Probleme, die vermittels passender Graßmannalgebren geschieht. Das erlaubt uns, die Anzahl einfacher Pfade gegebener Länge in gerichteten Graphen schneller als bisher zu schätzen. Außerdem geben wir schnelle deterministische Verfahren an, Pfade gegebener Länge zu finden, falls der Eingabegraph nur wenige solche Pfade enthält. Übrigens entwickeln wir schnellere deterministische Algorithmen, um Spannbäume mit wenigen Blättern zu finden. Wir studieren außerdem die algebraischen Grundlagen unserer neuen Methode. Weiters untersuchen wir die fine-grained-Komplexität davon, die genaue Anzahl von Wäldern einer gegebenen Kantenzahl in einem gegebenen ungerichteten Graphen zu bestimmen. Und zwar erfolgt das auf zwei verschiedene Arten. Erstens vervollständigen wir die Komplexitätsklassifizierung der Tutte-Ebene unter Annahme der Expo- nentialzeithypothese. Zweitens beweisen wir, dass Wälder mit gegebener Kantenzahl zu zählen, wenigstens so schwer ist, wie Cliquen gegebener Größe zu zählen.Cluster of Excellence (Multimodal Computing and Interaction

    Detecting and counting small subgraphs, and evaluating a parameterized Tutte polynomial: lower bounds via toroidal grids and Cayley graph expanders

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    Given a graph property Φ\Phi, we consider the problem EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi), where the input is a pair of a graph GG and a positive integer kk, and the task is to decide whether GG contains a kk-edge subgraph that satisfies Φ\Phi. Specifically, we study the parameterized complexity of EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) and of its counting problem #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) with respect to both approximate and exact counting. We obtain a complete picture for minor-closed properties Φ\Phi: the decision problem EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) always admits an FPT algorithm and the counting problem #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) always admits an FPTRAS. For exact counting, we present an exhaustive and explicit criterion on the property Φ\Phi which, if satisfied, yields fixed-parameter tractability and otherwise #W[1]\#\mathsf{W[1]}-hardness. Additionally, most of our hardness results come with an almost tight conditional lower bound under the so-called Exponential Time Hypothesis, ruling out algorithms for #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) that run in time f(k)Go(k/logk)f(k)\cdot|G|^{o(k/\log k)} for any computable function ff. As a main technical result, we gain a complete understanding of the coefficients of toroidal grids and selected Cayley graph expanders in the homomorphism basis of #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi). This allows us to establish hardness of exact counting using the Complexity Monotonicity framework due to Curticapean, Dell and Marx (STOC'17). Our methods can also be applied to a parameterized variant of the Tutte Polynomial TGkT^k_G of a graph GG, to which many known combinatorial interpretations of values of the (classical) Tutte Polynomial can be extended. As an example, TGk(2,1)T^k_G(2,1) corresponds to the number of kk-forests in the graph GG. Our techniques allow us to completely understand the parametrized complexity of computing the evaluation of TGkT^k_G at every pair of rational coordinates (x,y)(x,y)

    Fast Exact Algorithms Using Hadamard Product of Polynomials

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    Let C be an arithmetic circuit of poly(n) size given as input that computes a polynomial f in F[X], where X={x_1,x_2,...,x_n} and F is any field where the field arithmetic can be performed efficiently. We obtain new algorithms for the following two problems first studied by Koutis and Williams [Ioannis Koutis, 2008; Ryan Williams, 2009; Ioannis Koutis and Ryan Williams, 2016]. - (k,n)-MLC: Compute the sum of the coefficients of all degree-k multilinear monomials in the polynomial f. - k-MMD: Test if there is a nonzero degree-k multilinear monomial in the polynomial f. Our algorithms are based on the fact that the Hadamard product f o S_{n,k}, is the degree-k multilinear part of f, where S_{n,k} is the k^{th} elementary symmetric polynomial. - For (k,n)-MLC problem, we give a deterministic algorithm of run time O^*(n^(k/2+c log k)) (where c is a constant), answering an open question of Koutis and Williams [Ioannis Koutis and Ryan Williams, 2016]. As corollaries, we show O^*(binom{n}{downarrow k/2})-time exact counting algorithms for several combinatorial problems: k-Tree, t-Dominating Set, m-Dimensional k-Matching. - For k-MMD problem, we give a randomized algorithm of run time 4.32^k * poly(n,k). Our algorithm uses only poly(n,k) space. This matches the run time of a recent algorithm [Cornelius Brand et al., 2018] for k-MMD which requires exponential (in k) space. Other results include fast deterministic algorithms for (k,n)-MLC and k-MMD problems for depth three circuits

    Parameterized (Modular) Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders

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    We study the problem #EdgeSub(?) of counting k-edge subgraphs satisfying a given graph property ? in a large host graph G. Building upon the breakthrough result of Curticapean, Dell and Marx (STOC 17), we express the number of such subgraphs as a finite linear combination of graph homomorphism counts and derive the complexity of computing this number by studying its coefficients. Our approach relies on novel constructions of low-degree Cayley graph expanders of p-groups, which might be of independent interest. The properties of those expanders allow us to analyse the coefficients in the aforementioned linear combinations over the field ?_p which gives us significantly more control over the cancellation behaviour of the coefficients. Our main result is an exhaustive and fine-grained complexity classification of #EdgeSub(?) for minor-closed properties ?, closing the missing gap in previous work by Roth, Schmitt and Wellnitz (ICALP 21). Additionally, we observe that our methods also apply to modular counting. Among others, we obtain novel intractability results for the problems of counting k-forests and matroid bases modulo a prime p. Furthermore, from an algorithmic point of view, we construct algorithms for the problems of counting k-paths and k-cycles modulo 2 that outperform the best known algorithms for their non-modular counterparts. In the course of our investigations we also provide an exhaustive parameterized complexity classification for the problem of counting graph homomorphisms modulo a prime p

    Approximate Counting of k-Paths: Deterministic and in Polynomial Space

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    A few years ago, Alon et al. [ISMB 2008] gave a simple randomized O((2e)^km epsilon^{-2})-time exponential-space algorithm to approximately compute the number of paths on k vertices in a graph G up to a multiplicative error of 1 +/- epsilon. Shortly afterwards, Alon and Gutner [IWPEC 2009, TALG 2010] gave a deterministic exponential-space algorithm with running time (2e)^{k+O(log^3k)}m log n whenever epsilon^{-1}=k^{O(1)}. Recently, Brand et al. [STOC 2018] provided a speed-up at the cost of reintroducing randomization. Specifically, they gave a randomized O(4^km epsilon^{-2})-time exponential-space algorithm. In this article, we revisit the algorithm by Alon and Gutner. We modify the foundation of their work, and with a novel twist, obtain the following results. - We present a deterministic 4^{k+O(sqrt{k}(log^2k+log^2 epsilon^{-1}))}m log n-time polynomial-space algorithm. This matches the running time of the best known deterministic polynomial-space algorithm for deciding whether a given graph G has a path on k vertices. - Additionally, we present a randomized 4^{k+O(log k(log k + log epsilon^{-1}))}m log n-time polynomial-space algorithm. While Brand et al. make non-trivial use of exterior algebra, our algorithm is very simple; we only make elementary use of the probabilistic method. Thus, the algorithm by Brand et al. runs in time 4^{k+o(k)}m whenever epsilon^{-1}=2^{o(k)}, while our deterministic and randomized algorithms run in time 4^{k+o(k)}m log n whenever epsilon^{-1}=2^{o(k^{1/4})} and epsilon^{-1}=2^{o(k/(log k))}, respectively. Prior to our work, no 2^{O(k)}n^{O(1)}-time polynomial-space algorithm was known. Additionally, our approach is embeddable in the classic framework of divide-and-color, hence it immediately extends to approximate counting of graphs of bounded treewidth; in comparison, Brand et al. note that their approach is limited to graphs of bounded pathwidth

    ETH-Tight Algorithms for Long Path and Cycle on Unit Disk Graphs

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    We present an algorithm for the extensively studied Long Path and Long Cycle problems on unit disk graphs that runs in time 2^{?(?k)}(n+m). Under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, Long Path and Long Cycle on unit disk graphs cannot be solved in time 2^{o(?k)}(n+m)^?(1) [de Berg et al., STOC 2018], hence our algorithm is optimal. Besides the 2^{?(?k)}(n+m)^?(1)-time algorithm for the (arguably) much simpler Vertex Cover problem by de Berg et al. [STOC 2018] (which easily follows from the existence of a 2k-vertex kernel for the problem), this is the only known ETH-optimal fixed-parameter tractable algorithm on UDGs. Previously, Long Path and Long Cycle on unit disk graphs were only known to be solvable in time 2^{?(?klog k)}(n+m). This algorithm involved the introduction of a new type of a tree decomposition, entailing the design of a very tedious dynamic programming procedure. Our algorithm is substantially simpler: we completely avoid the use of this new type of tree decomposition. Instead, we use a marking procedure to reduce the problem to (a weighted version of) itself on a standard tree decomposition of width ?(?k)

    Counting Problems in Parameterized Complexity

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    This survey is an invitation to parameterized counting problems for readers with a background in parameterized algorithms and complexity. After an introduction to the peculiarities of counting complexity, we survey the parameterized approach to counting problems, with a focus on two topics of recent interest: Counting small patterns in large graphs, and counting perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in well-structured graphs. While this survey presupposes familiarity with parameterized algorithms and complexity, we aim at explaining all relevant notions from counting complexity in a self-contained way