10 research outputs found

    C3PO: a Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networking Framework for a collaborative Creation and Publishing of Multimedia Contents

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    International audienceOnline social networks have been adopted by a large part of the population, and have become in few years essential communication means and a source of information for journalists. Nevertheless, these networks have some drawbacks that make people reluctant to use them, such as the impossibility to claim for ownership of data and to avoid commercial analysis of them, or the absence of collaborative tools to produce multimedia contents with a real editorial value. In this paper, we present a new kind of social networks, namely spontaneous and ephemeral social networks (SESNs). SESNs allow people to collaborate spontaneously in the production of multimedia documents so as to cover cultural and sport events

    Resource management for next generation multi-service mobile network

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    Opportunistic Data Gathering and Dissemination in Urban Scenarios

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    In the era of the Internet of Everything, a user with a handheld or wearable device equipped with sensing capability has become a producer as well as a consumer of information and services. The more powerful these devices get, the more likely it is that they will generate and share content locally, leading to the presence of distributed information sources and the diminishing role of centralized servers. As of current practice, we rely on infrastructure acting as an intermediary, providing access to the data. However, infrastructure-based connectivity might not always be available or the best alternative. Moreover, it is often the case where the data and the processes acting upon them are of local scopus. Answers to a query about a nearby object, an information source, a process, an experience, an ability, etc. could be answered locally without reliance on infrastructure-based platforms. The data might have temporal validity limited to or bounded to a geographical area and/or the social context where the user is immersed in. In this envisioned scenario users could interact locally without the need for a central authority, hence, the claim of an infrastructure-less, provider-less platform. The data is owned by the users and consulted locally as opposed to the current approach of making them available globally and stay on forever. From a technical viewpoint, this network resembles a Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network where consumers and producers might be spatially and temporally decoupled exchanging information with each other in an adhoc fashion. To this end, we propose some novel data gathering and dissemination strategies for use in urban-wide environments which do not rely on strict infrastructure mediation. While preserving the general aspects of our study and without loss of generality, we focus our attention toward practical applicative scenarios which help us capture the characteristics of opportunistic communication networks

    Conception d’un support de communication opportuniste pour les services pervasifs

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    The vision of pervasive computing of building interactive smart spaces in the physical environment is gradually heading from the research domain to reality. Computing capacity is moving beyond personal computers to many day-to-day devices, and these devices become, thanks to multiple interfaces, capable of communicating directly with one another or of connecting to the Internet.In this thesis, we are interested in a kind of pervasive computing environment that forms what we call an Intermittently Connected Hybrid Network (ICHN). An ICHN is a network composed of two parts: a fixed and a mobile part. The fixed part is formed of some fixed infostations (potentially connected together with some fixed infrastructure, typically the Internet). The mobile part, on the other hand, is formed of smartphones carried by nomadic people. While the fixed part is mainly stable, the mobile part is considered challenging and form what is called an Opportunistic Network. Indeed, relying on short-range communication means coupled with the free movements of people and radio interferences lead to frequent disconnections. To perform a network-wide communication, the "store, carry and forward" approach is usually applied. With this approach, a message can be stored temporarily on a device, in order to be forwarded later when circumstances permit. Any device can opportunistically be used as an intermediate relay to facilitate the propagation of a message from one part of the network to another. In this context, the provisioning of pervasive services is particularly challenging, and requires revisiting important components of the provisioning process, such as performing pervasive service discovery and invocation with the presence of connectivity disruptions and absence of both end-to-end paths and access continuity due to user mobility. This thesis addresses the problems of providing network-wide service provisioning in ICHNs and proposes solutions for pervasive service discovery, invocation and access continuity. Concerning service discovery challenge, we propose TAO-DIS, a service discovery protocol that performs an automatic and fast service discovery mechanism. TAO-DIS takes into account the hybrid nature of an ICHN and that the majority of services are provided by infostations. It permits mobile users to discover all the services in the surrounding environment in order to identify and choose the most convenient ones. To allow users to interact with the discovered services, we introduce TAO-INV. TAO-INV is a service invocation protocol specifically designed for ICHNs. It relies on a set of heuristics and mechanisms that ensures performing efficient routing of messages (both service requests and responses) between fixed infostations and mobile clients while preserving both low values of overhead and round trip delays. Since some infostations in the network might be connected, we propose a soft handover mechanism that modifies the invocation process in order to reduce service delivery delays. This handover mechanism takes into consideration the opportunistic nature of the mobile part of the ICHN. We have performed various experiments to evaluate our solutions and compare them with other protocols designed for ad hoc and opportunistic networks. The obtained results tend to prove that our solutions outperform these protocols, namely thanks to the optimizations we have developed for ICHNs. In our opinion, building specialized protocols that benefit from techniques specifically designed for ICHNs is an approach that should be pursued, in complement with research works on general-purpose communication protocolsLa vision de l'informatique ubiquitaire permettant de construire des espaces intelligents interactifs dans l'environnement physique passe, peu Ă  peu, du domaine de la recherche Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ©. La capacitĂ© de calcul ne se limite plus Ă  l'ordinateur personnel mais s'intĂšgre dans de multiples appareils du quotidien, et ces appareils deviennent, grĂące Ă  plusieurs interfaces, capables de communiquer directement les uns avec les autres ou bien de se connecter Ă  Internet.Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  un type d'environnement cible de l'informatique ubiquitaire qui forme ce que nous appelons un rĂ©seau hybride Ă  connexions intermittentes (ICHN). Un ICHN est un rĂ©seau composĂ© de deux parties : une partie fixe et une partie mobile. La partie fixe est constituĂ©e de plusieurs infostations fixes (potentiellement reliĂ©es entre elles avec une infrastructure fixe, typiquement l'Internet). La partie mobile, quant Ă  elle, est constituĂ©e de smartphones portĂ©s par des personnes nomades. Tandis que la partie fixe est principalement stable, la partie mobile pose un certain nombre de dĂ©fis propres aux rĂ©seaux opportunistes. En effet, l'utilisation de moyens de communication Ă  courte portĂ©e couplĂ©e Ă  des dĂ©placements de personnes non contraints et Ă  des interfĂ©rences radio induit des dĂ©connexions frĂ©quentes. Le concept du "store, carry and forward" est alors habituellement appliquĂ© pour permettre la communication sur l'ensemble du rĂ©seau. Avec cette approche, un message peut ĂȘtre stockĂ© temporairement sur un appareil avant d'ĂȘtre transfĂ©rĂ© plus tard quand les circonstances sont plus favorables. Ainsi, n'importe quel appareil devient un relai de transmission opportuniste qui permet de faciliter la propagation d'un message dans le rĂ©seau. Dans ce contexte, la fourniture de services est particuliĂšrement problĂ©matique, et exige de revisiter les composants principaux du processus de fourniture, tels que la dĂ©couverte et l'invocation de service, en prĂ©sence de ruptures de connectivitĂ© et en l'absence de chemins de bout en bout. Cette thĂšse aborde les problĂšmes de fourniture de service sur l'ensemble d'un ICHN et propose des solutions pour la dĂ©couverte de services, l'invocation et la continuitĂ© d'accĂšs. En ce qui concerne le dĂ©fi de la dĂ©couverte de services, nous proposons TAO-DIS, un protocole qui met en Ɠuvre un mĂ©canisme automatique et rapide de dĂ©couverte de services. TAO-DIS tient compte de la nature hybride d'un ICHN et du fait que la majoritĂ© des services sont fournis par des infostations. Il permet aux utilisateurs mobiles de dĂ©couvrir tous les services dans l'environnement afin d'identifier et de choisir les plus intĂ©ressants. Pour permettre aux utilisateurs d'interagir avec les services dĂ©couverts, nous introduisons TAO-INV. TAO-INV est un protocole d'invocation de service spĂ©cialement conçu pour les ICHN. Il se fonde sur un ensemble d'heuristiques et de mĂ©canismes qui assurent un acheminement efficace des messages (des requĂȘtes et des rĂ©ponses de services) entre les infostations fixes et les clients mobiles tout en conservant un surcoĂ»t et des temps de rĂ©ponses rĂ©duits. Puisque certaines infostations dans le rĂ©seau peuvent ĂȘtre reliĂ©es entre elles, nous proposons un mĂ©canisme de continuitĂ© d'accĂšs (handover) qui modifie le processus d'invocation pour rĂ©duire les dĂ©lais de dĂ©livrance. Dans sa dĂ©finition, il est tenu compte de la nature opportuniste de la partie mobile de l'ICHN. Nous avons menĂ© diverses expĂ©rimentations pour Ă©valuer nos solutions et les comparer Ă  d'autres protocoles conçus pour des rĂ©seaux ad hoc et des rĂ©seaux opportunistes. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus tendent Ă  montrer que nos solutions surpassent ces autres protocoles, notamment grĂące aux optimisations que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour les ICHN. À notre avis, construire des protocoles spĂ©cialisĂ©s qui tirent parti des techniques spĂ©cifiquement conçues pour les ICHN est une approche Ă  poursuivre en complĂ©ment des recherches sur des protocoles de communication polyvalent

    Data availability in challenging networking environments in presence of failures

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    This Doctoral thesis presents research on improving data availability in challenging networking environments where failures frequently occur. The thesis discusses the data retrieval and transfer mechanisms in challenging networks such as the Grid and the delay-tolerant networking (DTN). The Grid concept has gained adaptation as a solution to high-performance computing challenges that are faced in international research collaborations. Challenging networking is a novel research area in communications. The first part of the thesis introduces the challenges of data availability in environment where resources are scarce. The focus is especially on the challenges faced in the Grid and in the challenging networking scenarios. A literature overview is given to explain the most important research findings and the state of the standardization work in the field. The experimental part of the thesis consists of eight scientific publications and explains how they contribute to research in the field. Focus in on explaining how data transfer mechanisms have been improved from the application and networking layer points of views. Experimental methods for the Grid scenarios comprise of running a newly developed storage application on the existing research infrastructure. A network simulator is extended for the experimentation with challenging networking mechanisms in a network formed by mobile users. The simulator enables to investigate network behavior with a large number of nodes, and with conditions that are difficult to re-instantiate. As a result, recommendations are given for data retrieval and transfer design for the Grid and mobile networks. These recommendations can guide both system architects and application developers in their work. In the case of the Grid research, the results give first indications on the applicability of the erasure correcting codes for data storage and retrieval with the existing Grid data storage tools. In the case of the challenging networks, the results show how an application-aware communication approach can be used to improve data retrieval and communications. Recommendations are presented to enable efficient transfer and management of data items that are large compared to available resources

    Information-centric communication in mobile and wireless networks

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    Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that has been proposed to cope with drawbacks of host-based communication protocols, namely scalability and security. In this thesis, we base our work on Named Data Networking (NDN), which is a popular ICN architecture, and investigate NDN in the context of wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. In a first part, we focus on NDN efficiency (and potential improvements) in wireless environments by investigating NDN in wireless one-hop communication, i.e., without any routing protocols. A basic requirement to initiate informationcentric communication is the knowledge of existing and available content names. Therefore, we develop three opportunistic content discovery algorithms and evaluate them in diverse scenarios for different node densities and content distributions. After content names are known, requesters can retrieve content opportunistically from any neighbor node that provides the content. However, in case of short contact times to content sources, content retrieval may be disrupted. Therefore, we develop a requester application that keeps meta information of disrupted content retrievals and enables resume operations when a new content source has been found. Besides message efficiency, we also evaluate power consumption of information-centric broadcast and unicast communication. Based on our findings, we develop two mechanisms to increase efficiency of information-centric wireless one-hop communication. The first approach called Dynamic Unicast (DU) avoids broadcast communication whenever possible since broadcast transmissions result in more duplicate Data transmissions, lower data rates and higher energy consumption on mobile nodes, which are not interested in overheard Data, compared to unicast communication. Hence, DU uses broadcast communication only until a content source has been found and then retrieves content directly via unicast from the same source. The second approach called RC-NDN targets efficiency of wireless broadcast communication by reducing the number of duplicate Data transmissions. In particular, RC-NDN is a Data encoding scheme for content sources that increases diversity in wireless broadcast transmissions such that multiple concurrent requesters can profit from each others’ (overheard) message transmissions. If requesters and content sources are not in one-hop distance to each other, requests need to be forwarded via multi-hop routing. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we investigate information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. First, we consider multi-hop broadcast communication in the context of rather static community networks. We introduce the concept of preferred forwarders, which relay Interest messages slightly faster than non-preferred forwarders to reduce redundant duplicate message transmissions. While this approach works well in static networks, the performance may degrade in mobile networks if preferred forwarders may regularly move away. Thus, to enable routing in mobile ad hoc networks, we extend DU for multi-hop communication. Compared to one-hop communication, multi-hop DU requires efficient path update mechanisms (since multi-hop paths may expire quickly) and new forwarding strategies to maintain NDN benefits (request aggregation and caching) such that only a few messages need to be transmitted over the entire end-to-end path even in case of multiple concurrent requesters. To perform quick retransmission in case of collisions or other transmission errors, we implement and evaluate retransmission timers from related work and compare them to CCNTimer, which is a new algorithm that enables shorter content retrieval times in information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. Yet, in case of intermittent connectivity between requesters and content sources, multi-hop routing protocols may not work because they require continuous end-to-end paths. Therefore, we present agent-based content retrieval (ACR) for delay-tolerant networks. In ACR, requester nodes can delegate content retrieval to mobile agent nodes, which move closer to content sources, can retrieve content and return it to requesters. Thus, ACR exploits the mobility of agent nodes to retrieve content from remote locations. To enable delay-tolerant communication via agents, retrieved content needs to be stored persistently such that requesters can verify its authenticity via original publisher signatures. To achieve this, we develop a persistent caching concept that maintains received popular content in repositories and deletes unpopular content if free space is required. Since our persistent caching concept can complement regular short-term caching in the content store, it can also be used for network caching to store popular delay-tolerant content at edge routers (to reduce network traffic and improve network performance) while real-time traffic can still be maintained and served from the content store

    Data dissemination in partially cooperative opportunistic networks

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    Wireless communication between mobile users has become more popular than ever in the last decade, leading to increasing demand for network infrastructure. The growing popularity of smartphones among mobile users, leads an alternative infrastructure-less networking paradigm known as opportunistic networks. In opportunistic networks, mobile nodes such as smartphones use the mobility of devices in addition to wireless forwarding between intermediate nodes to facilitate communication without requiring a simultaneous path between source and destination. Without guaranteed connectivity, the strategy for data delivery is a key research challenge for such networks. In this research, we present the design and evaluation of the Repository-based Data Dissemination (RDD) system, a communication system which does not rely on cooperation from mobile nodes but instead employs a small number of well-placed standalone fixed devices (named repositories) to facilitate data dissemination. To find the optimal location for their repositories, RDD employs knowledge of the mobility characteristics of mobile users. To evaluate RDD, a new mobility model “Human mobility model” has been designed, which was able to closely mimic the users’ real mobility, and proven by conducting a series of experiments compared with real mobility traces. Using this model, the performance of the RDD is evaluated using custom simulation. In comparison with epidemic routing, the results show that RDD is able to drastically reduce resource consumption, expressed in terms of message redundancy, while preserving the performance in terms of data object delivery