21 research outputs found

    Formally Verifying Information Flow Type Systems for Concurrent and Thread Systems

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    http://portal.acm.org/Information flow type systems provide an elegant means to enforce confidentiality of programs. Using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL, we have machine-checked a recent work of Boudol and Castellani~\cite{BC02:tcs}, which defines an information flow type system for a concurrent language with scheduling, and shows that typable programs are non-interferent. As a benefit of using a proof assistant, we are able to deal with a more general language than the one studied by Boudol and Castellani. The development constitutes to our best knowledge the first machine-checked account of non-interference for a concurrent language

    Secrecy for Mobile Implementations of Security Protocols

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    Mobile code technology offers interesting possibilities to the practitioner, but also raises strong concerns about security. One aspect of security is secrecy, the preservation of confidential information. This thesis investigates the modelling, specification and verification of secrecy in mobile applications which access and transmit confidential information through a possibly compromised medium (e.g. the Internet). These applications can be expected to communicate secret information using a security protocol, a mechanism to guarantee that the transmitted data does not reach unauthorized entities. The central idea is therefore to relate the secrecy properties of the application to those of the protocol it implements, through the definition of a ``confidential protocol implementation'' relation. The argument takes an indirect form, showing that a confidential implementation transmits secret data only in the ways indicated by the protocol. We define the implementation relation using labelled transition semantics, bisimulations and relabelling functions. To justify its technical definition, we relate this property to a notion of noninterference for nondeterministic systems derived from Cohen's definition of Selective Independency. We also provide simple and local conditions that greatly simplify its verification, and report on our experiments on an architecture showing how the proposed formulations could be used in practice to enforce secrecy of mobile code

    Guess my vote : a study of opacity and information flow in voting systems

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    With an overall theme of information flow, this thesis has two main strands. In the first part of the thesis, I review existing information flow properties, highlighting a recent definition known as opacity [25]. Intuitively, a predicate cP is opaque if for every run in which cP is true, there exists an indistinguishable run in which it is false, where a run can be regarded as a sequence of events. Hence, the observer is never able to establish the truth of cPo The predicate cP can be defined according to requirements of the system, giving opacity a great deal of flexibility and versatility. Opacity is then studied in relation to several well-known definitions for information flow. As will be shown, several of these properties can be cast as variations of opacity, while others have a relationship by implication with the opacity property [139]. This demonstrates the flexibility of opacity, at the same time establishing its distinct character. In the second part of the thesis, I investigate information flow in voting systems. Pret a Voter [36] is the main exemplar, and is compared to other schemes in the case study. I first analyse information flow in Pret a Voter and the FOO scheme [59], concentrating on the core protocols. The aim is to investigate the security requirements of each scheme, and the extent to which they can be captured using opacity. I then discuss a systems-based analysis of Pret a Voter [163], which adapts and extends an earlier analysis of the Chaum [35] and Neff [131]' [132]' [133] schemes in [92]. Although this analysis has identified several potential vulnerabilities, it cannot be regarded as systematic, and a more rigorous approach may be necessary. It is possible that a combination of the information flow and systems- based analyses might be the answer. The analysis of coercion-resistance, which is performed on Pret a Voter and the FOO scheme, may exemplify this more systematic approach. Receipt-freeness usually means that the voter is unable to construct a proof of her vote. Coercion-resistance is a stronger property in that it accounts for the possibility of interaction between the coercer and the voter during protocol execution. It appears that the opacity property is ideally suited to expressing the requirements for coercion-resistance in each scheme. A formal definition of receipt-freeness cast as a variation of opacity is proposed [138], together with suggestions on how it might be reinforced to capture coercion-resistance. In total, the thesis demonstrates the remarkable flexibility of opacity, both in expressing differing security requirements and as a tool for security analysis. This work lays the groundwork for future enhancement of the opacity framework.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceDSTL : EPSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    Slicing of Concurrent Programs and its Application to Information Flow Control

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    This thesis presents a practical technique for information flow control for concurrent programs with threads and shared-memory communication. The technique guarantees confidentiality of information with respect to a reasonable attacker model and utilizes program dependence graphs (PDGs), a language-independent representation of information flow in a program

    Model-Driven Information Flow Security Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Compositional and Scheduler-Independent Information Flow Security

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    Software pervades our society deeper with every year. This trend makes software security more and more important. For instance, software systems running critical infrastructures like power plants must withstand criminal or even terrorist attacks, but also smartphone apps used by consumers in their daily routine are usually expected to operate securely. In particular, before entrusting a program with confidential information (such as, e.g., image or audio data recorded by a smartphone), one wants to be sure that the program is trustworthy and does not leak the secrets to untrusted sinks (such as, e.g., an untrusted server on the Internet). Information flow properties characterize such confidentiality requirements by restricting the flow of confidential information, and an information flow analysis permits to check that a program respects those restrictions. The problem of information flow in multi-threaded programs is particularly challenging, because information flows can originate in subtle ways from the interplay between threads. Moreover, the existence of such information flows depends on the scheduler, which might not even be known when analyzing a program. To obtain high assurance that no leak is overlooked in an information flow analysis, formally well-founded analyses provide a rigorous solution. Such analyses are proven sound with respect to formal information flow properties that specify precisely what restrictions on information flow mean. In this thesis, we develop two novel information flow properties for multi-threaded programs, FSI-security and SIFUM-security. These properties are scheduler-independent, i.e., they characterize secure information flow for different schedulers simultaneously. Moreover, they are compositional, i.e., they permit to break down the analysis of a multi-threaded program to single threads. For both properties we develop a security analysis based on a security type system that is proven sound with respect to the property. Compared to existing scheduler-independent information flow properties, FSI-security is less restrictive. In particular, FSI-security is the first scheduler-independent information flow property that permits programs with nondeterministic behavior and programs whose control flow depends on secrets. The security analysis based on SIFUM-security is the first provably sound flow-sensitive information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs in the form of a security type system. Flow-sensitivity results in increased analysis precision by taking the order of program statements into account. The key in our development of SIFUM-security and the corresponding flow-sensitive analysis for multi-threaded programs was to adopt assumption-guarantee style reasoning to information flow security. We integrate FSI-security and SIFUM-security into the novel property FSIFUM-security, and we integrate the security analyses for FSI- and SIFUM-security into a security analysis for FSIFUM-security. Thereby, FSIFUM-security and the corresponding analysis inherit the advantages of both FSI- and SIFUM-security. In addition to developing novel type-based information flow analyses we also explore information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs with program dependence graphs (PDGs) which is used successfully to analyze sequential programs. To this end, we develop a formal connection between PDG-based and type-based information flow analysis for sequential programs. We exploit the connection to transfer concepts from our type-based analysis for multi-threaded programs to PDGs, resulting in a provably sound PDG-based information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs. Beyond this, we also use the connection to transfer concepts from PDGs to type systems and to precisely compare the precision of a type-based and a PDG-based information flow analysis. Our results provide foundations for more precise and more widely applicable information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs, and we hope that they contribute to a more wide-spread certification of information flow security for concurrent programs

    Principles of Security and Trust: 7th International Conference, POST 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings

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    authentication; computer science; computer software selection and evaluation; cryptography; data privacy; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; internet; privacy; program compilers; programming languages; security analysis; security systems; semantics; separation logic; software engineering; specifications; verification; world wide we

    Composition and Declassification in Possibilistic Information Flow Security

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    Formal methods for security can rule out whole classes of security vulnerabilities, but applying them in practice remains challenging. This thesis develops formal verification techniques for information flow security that combine the expressivity and scalability strengths of existing frameworks. It builds upon Bounded Deducibility (BD) Security, which allows specifying and verifying fine-grained policies about what information may flow when to whom. Our main technical result is a compositionality theorem for BD Security, providing scalability by allowing us to verify security properties of a large system by verifying smaller components. Its practical utility is illustrated by a case study of verifying confidentiality properties of a distributed social media platform. Moreover, we discuss its use for the modular development of secure workflow systems, and for the security-preserving enforcement of safety and security properties other than information flow control

    Cryptographically sound analysis of security protocols

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    In this thesis, we show how formal methods can be used for the cryptographically sound verification of concrete implementations of security protocols in order to obtain trustworthy and meaningful proofs, and to eliminate human inaccuracies. First, we show how to derive secure concrete implementations of a given abstract specification. The security proofs are essentially based on the well-established approach of bisimulation which can be formally verified yielding rigorous proofs. As an example, we present both a specification and a secure implementation of secure message transmission with ordered channels. Moreover, the example comprises a general methodology how secure implementation of arbitrary specifications can be obtained. Thereafter, we concentrate on the actual goals the protocol should fulfill. Thus, we define integrity properties in our underlying model and we show that logic derivations among them carry over specification to the concrete implementation, which makes them accessible for tool-assisted verification. As an example, we formally verify one concrete protocol using the theorem prover PVS yielding the first machine-aided and sound proof of a cryptographic protocol. As additional properties of security protocols, we consider liveness and noninterference. The standard definition of these properties is not suited to cope with protocols involving real cryptographic primitives, so we introduce new definitions which are restricted to polynomial runs and include error probabilities. We show that both properties carry over from the specification to the concrete implementation, and we present two examples, one for each property, which we prove to fulfill our definitions.Diese Arbeit behandelt formale Verifikation von Sicherheitsprotokollen mit dem Ziel,maschinell verifizierte Beweise zu ermöglichen, die die kryptographische Semantik respektieren, d.h., deren Aussagen bzgl. der zugrundeliegenden Kryptographie und den kryptographischen Sicherheitsdefinitionen gültig sind (engl. cryptographically sound proofs).Als erstes zeigen wir, wie formale Methoden benutzt werden können, um sichere konkrete Implementationen anhand einer gegebenen abstrakten Spezifikation herzuleiten. Wir geben dafür eine allgemeingültige Methodologie an, die auf formal verifizierten Bisimulationen basiert, was uns rigorose und glaubhafte Sicherheitsbeweise liefert. Als Beispiel geben wir eine Spezifikation und eine konkrete Implementation für sichere geordnete Nachrichtenübertragung an. Die im Sicherheitsbeispiel der Implementation auftretende Bisimulation verifizieren wir mit Hilfe des Theorembeweisers PVS. Als zweites konzentrieren wir uns auf die Ziele, die ein Sicherheitsprotokoll erfüllen soll. Wir definieren Integritätseigenschaften in unserem zugrundeliegenden Modell, und wir beweisen, dass sich logische Schlussfolgerungen bzgl. dieser Eigenschaften von der Spezifikation auf die Implementation übertragen, was eine essentielle Voraussetzung für maschinelle Verifikation darstellt. Als Beispiel verifizieren wir ein konkretes Protokoll mit Hilfe des Theorembeweisers PVS, was uns den ersten Beweis eines Sicherheitsprotokolls liefert, der sowohl maschinell verifiziert ist als auch der kryptographischen Semantik "treu\u27; bleibt, d.h., der wirklich ein Beweis gegen die kryptographischen Primitive und deren kryptographische Sicherheitsdefinitionen ist. Als zusätzliche Eigenschaften von Sicherheitsprotokollen betrachten wir Lebendigkeit (engl. liveness) und Unbeeinflussbarkeit (engl. non-interference). Da sich die Standarddefinition dieser wichtigen Eigenschaften als ungeeignet für echte Kryptographie herausstellt, führen wir allgemeinere Definitionen ein, die auf polynomielle Länge beschränkt sind und Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeiten berücksichtigen.Wir zeigen, dass sich diese Eigenschaften von der Spezifikation auf die Implementation übertragen,was wiederum den Bezug zu formalen Methoden herstellt. Wir präsentieren zwei Beispiele, je eines für jede Eigenschaft, von denen wir beweisen, dass sie die entsprechende Definition erfüllen