1,252 research outputs found

    Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories

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    Acknowledgements National Forest Inventory data are available online, provided by Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España). Landsat images are available online, provided by the USGS.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Coastal wetland mapping with sentinel-2 MSI imagery based on gravitational optimized multilayer perceptron and morphological attribute profiles.

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    Coastal wetland mapping plays an essential role in monitoring climate change, the hydrological cycle, and water resources. In this study, a novel classification framework based on the gravitational optimized multilayer perceptron classifier and extended multi-attribute profiles (EMAPs) is presented for coastal wetland mapping using Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument (MSI) imagery. In the proposed method, the morphological attribute profiles (APs) are firstly extracted using four attribute filters based on the characteristics of wetlands in each band from Sentinel-2 imagery. These APs form a set of EMAPs which comprehensively represent the irregular wetland objects in multiscale and multilevel. The EMAPs and original spectral features are then classified with a new multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier whose parameters are optimized by a stability-constrained adaptive alpha for a gravitational search algorithm. The performance of the proposed method was investigated using Sentinel-2 MSI images of two coastal wetlands, i.e., the Jiaozhou Bay and the Yellow River Delta in Shandong province of eastern China. Comparisons with four other classifiers through visual inspection and quantitative evaluation verified the superiority of the proposed method. Furthermore, the effectiveness of different APs in EMAPs were also validated. By combining the developed EMAPs features and novel MLP classifier, complicated wetland types with high within-class variability and low between-class disparity were effectively discriminated. The superior performance of the proposed framework makes it available and preferable for the mapping of complicated coastal wetlands using Sentinel-2 data and other similar optical imagery

    Complex land cover classifications and physical properties retrieval of tropical forests using multi-source remote sensing

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    The work presented in this thesis mainly focuses on two subjects related to the application of remote sensing data: (1) for land cover classification combining optical sensor, texture features generated from spectral information and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) features, and (2) to develop a non-destructive approach for above ground biomass (AGB) and forest attributes estimation employing multi-source remote sensing data (i.e. optical data, SAR backscatter) combined with in-situ data. Information provided by reliable land cover map is useful for management of forest resources to support sustainable forest management, whereas the generation of the non-destructive approach to model forest biophysical properties (e.g. AGB and stem volume) is required to assess the forest resources more efficiently and cost-effective, and coupled with remote sensing data the model can be applied over large forest areas. This work considers study sites over tropical rain forest landscape in Indonesia characterized by different successional stages and complex vegetation structure including tropical peatland forests. The thesis begins with a brief introduction and the state of the art explaining recent trends on monitoring and modeling of forest resources using remote sensing data and approach. The research works on the integration of spectral information and texture features for forest cover mapping is presented subsequently, followed by development of a non-destructive approach for AGB and forest parameters predictions and modeling. Ultimately, this work evaluates the potential of mosaic SAR data for AGB modeling and the fusion of optical and SAR data for peatlands discrimination. The results show that the inclusion of geostatistics texture features improved the classification accuracy of optical Landsat ETM data. Moreover, the fusion of SAR and optical data enhanced the peatlands discrimination over tropical peat swamp forest. For forest stand parameters modeling, neural networks method resulted in lower error estimate than standard multi-linear regression technique, and the combination of non-destructive measurement (i.e. stem number) and remote sensing data improved the model accuracy. The up scaling of stem volume and biomass estimates using Kriging method and bi-temporal ETM image also provide favorable estimate results upon comparison with the land cover map.Die in dieser Dissertation präsentierten Ergebnisse konzentrieren sich hauptsächlich auf zwei Themen mit Bezug zur angewandten Fernerkundung: 1) Der Klassifizierung von Oberflächenbedeckung basierend auf der Verknüpfung von optischen Sensoren, Textureigenschaften erzeugt durch Spektraldaten und Synthetic-Aperture-Radar (SAR) features und 2) die Entwicklung eines nichtdestruktiven Verfahrens zur Bestimmung oberirdischer Biomasse (AGB) und weiterer Waldeigenschaften mittels multi-source Fernerkundungsdaten (optische Daten, SAR Rückstreuung) sowie in-situ Daten. Eine zuverlässige Karte der Landbedeckung dient der Unterstützung von nachhaltigem Waldmanagement, während eine nichtdestruktive Herangehensweise zur Modellierung von biophysikalischen Waldeigenschaften (z.B. AGB und Stammvolumen) für eine effiziente und kostengünstige Beurteilung der Waldressourcen notwendig ist. Durch die Kopplung mit Fernerkundungsdaten kann das Modell auf große Waldflächen übertragen werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit berücksichtigt Untersuchungsgebiete im tropischen Regenwald Indonesiens, welche durch verschiedene Regenerations- und Sukzessionsstadien sowie komplexe Vegetationsstrukturen, inklusive tropischer Torfwälder, gekennzeichnet sind. Am Anfang der Arbeit werden in einer kurzen Einleitung der Stand der Forschung und die neuesten Forschungstrends in der Überwachung und Modellierung von Waldressourcen mithilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten dargestellt. Anschließend werden die Forschungsergebnisse der Kombination von Spektraleigenschaften und Textureigenschaften zur Waldbedeckungskartierung erläutert. Desweiteren folgen Ergebnisse zur Entwicklung eines nichtdestruktiven Ansatzes zur Vorhersage und Modellierung von AGB und Waldeigenschaften, zur Auswertung von Mosaik- SAR Daten für die Modellierung von AGB, sowie zur Fusion optischer mit SAR Daten für die Identifizierung von Torfwäldern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einbeziehung von geostatistischen Textureigenschaften die Genauigkeit der Klassifikation von optischen Landsat ETM Daten gesteigert hat. Desweiteren führte die Fusion von SAR und optischen Daten zu einer Verbesserung der Unterscheidung zwischen Torfwäldern und tropischen Sumpfwäldern. Bei der Modellierung der Waldparameter führte die Neural-Network-Methode zu niedrigeren Fehlerschätzungen als die multiple Regressions. Die Kombination von nichtdestruktiven Messungen (z.B. Stammzahl) und Fernerkundungsdaten führte zu einer Steigerung der Modellgenauigkeit. Die Hochskalierung des Stammvolumens und Schätzungen der Biomasse mithilfe von Kriging und bi-temporalen ETM Daten lieferten positive Schätzergebnisse im Vergleich zur Landbedeckungskarte

    Machine Learning Approaches for Natural Resource Data

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    Abstract Real life applications involving efficient management of natural resources are dependent on accurate geographical information. This information is usually obtained by manual on-site data collection, via automatic remote sensing methods, or by the mixture of the two. Natural resource management, besides accurate data collection, also requires detailed analysis of this data, which in the era of data flood can be a cumbersome process. With the rising trend in both computational power and storage capacity, together with lowering hardware prices, data-driven decision analysis has an ever greater role. In this thesis, we examine the predictability of terrain trafficability conditions and forest attributes by using a machine learning approach with geographic information system data. Quantitative measures on the prediction performance of terrain conditions using natural resource data sets are given through five distinct research areas located around Finland. Furthermore, the estimation capability of key forest attributes is inspected with a multitude of modeling and feature selection techniques. The research results provide empirical evidence on whether the used natural resource data is sufficiently accurate enough for practical applications, or if further refinement on the data is needed. The results are important especially to forest industry since even slight improvements to the natural resource data sets utilized in practice can result in high saves in terms of operation time and costs. Model evaluation is also addressed in this thesis by proposing a novel method for estimating the prediction performance of spatial models. Classical model goodness of fit measures usually rely on the assumption of independently and identically distributed data samples, a characteristic which normally is not true in the case of spatial data sets. Spatio-temporal data sets contain an intrinsic property called spatial autocorrelation, which is partly responsible for breaking these assumptions. The proposed cross validation based evaluation method provides model performance estimation where optimistic bias due to spatial autocorrelation is decreased by partitioning the data sets in a suitable way. Keywords: Open natural resource data, machine learning, model evaluationTiivistelmä Käytännön sovellukset, joihin sisältyy luonnonvarojen hallintaa ovat riippuvaisia tarkasta paikkatietoaineistosta. Tämä paikkatietoaineisto kerätään usein manuaalisesti paikan päällä, automaattisilla kaukokartoitusmenetelmillä tai kahden edellisen yhdistelmällä. Luonnonvarojen hallinta vaatii tarkan aineiston keräämisen lisäksi myös sen yksityiskohtaisen analysoinnin, joka tietotulvan aikakautena voi olla vaativa prosessi. Nousevan laskentatehon, tallennustilan sekä alenevien laitteistohintojen myötä datapohjainen päätöksenteko on yhä suuremmassa roolissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii maaston kuljettavuuden ja metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta käyttäen koneoppimismenetelmiä paikkatietoaineistojen kanssa. Maaston kuljettavuuden ennustamista mitataan kvantitatiivisesti käyttäen kaukokartoitusaineistoa viideltä eri tutkimusalueelta ympäri Suomea. Tarkastelemme lisäksi tärkeimpien metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta monilla eri mallintamistekniikoilla ja piirteiden valinnalla. Väitöstyön tulokset tarjoavat empiiristä todistusaineistoa siitä, onko käytetty luonnonvaraaineisto riittävän laadukas käytettäväksi käytännön sovelluksissa vai ei. Tutkimustulokset ovat tärkeitä erityisesti metsäteollisuudelle, koska pienetkin parannukset luonnonvara-aineistoihin käytännön sovelluksissa voivat johtaa suuriin säästöihin niin operaatioiden ajankäyttöön kuin kuluihin. Tässä työssä otetaan kantaa myös mallin evaluointiin esittämällä uuden menetelmän spatiaalisten mallien ennustuskyvyn estimointiin. Klassiset mallinvalintakriteerit nojaavat yleensä riippumattomien ja identtisesti jakautuneiden datanäytteiden oletukseen, joka ei useimmiten pidä paikkaansa spatiaalisilla datajoukoilla. Spatio-temporaaliset datajoukot sisältävät luontaisen ominaisuuden, jota kutsutaan spatiaaliseksi autokorrelaatioksi. Tämä ominaisuus on osittain vastuussa näiden oletusten rikkomisesta. Esitetty ristiinvalidointiin perustuva evaluointimenetelmä tarjoaa mallin ennustuskyvyn mitan, missä spatiaalisen autokorrelaation vaikutusta vähennetään jakamalla datajoukot sopivalla tavalla. Avainsanat: Avoin luonnonvara-aineisto, koneoppiminen, mallin evaluoint

    Afromontane forest ecosystem studies with multi-source satellite data

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    The Afromontane Forest of north Eastern Nigeria is an important ecological ecosystem endowed with flora and fauna species. The main goals of this thesis were to explore the potential of multi-source satellite remote sensing for the assessment of the biodiversity-rich Afromontane Forest ecosystem using different methods and algorithms to retrieve two major remote sensing -essential biodiversity variables (RS-EBV) which are related and are also the major determinants of biological and ecosystem stability

    Benthic habitat mapping in coastal waters of south–east Australia

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    The Victorian Marine Mapping Project will improve knowledge on the location, spatial distribution, condition and extent of marine habitats and associated biodiversity in Victorian State waters. This information will guide informed decision making, enable priority setting, and assist in targeted natural resource management planning. This project entails benthic habitat mapping over 500 square kilometers of Victorian State waters using multibeam sonar, towed video and image classification techniques. Information collected includes seafloor topography, seafloor softness and hardness (reflectivity), and information on geology and benthic flora and fauna assemblages collectively comprising habitat. Computerized semi-automated classification techniques are also being developed to provide a cost effective approach to rapid mapping and assessment of coastal habitats.Habitat mapping is important for understanding and communicating the distribution of natural values within the marine environment. The coastal fringe of Victoria encompasses a rich and diverse ecosystem representative of coastal waters of South-east Australia. To date, extensive knowledge of these systems is limited due to the lack of available data. Knowledge of the distribution and extent of habitat is required to target management activities most effectively, and provide the basis to monitor and report on their status in the future.<br /

    A hybrid computational intelligence approach to groundwater spring potential mapping

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    © 2019 by the authors. This study proposes a hybrid computational intelligence model that is a combination of alternating decision tree (ADTree) classifier and AdaBoost (AB) ensemble, namely "AB-ADTree", for groundwater spring potential mapping (GSPM) at the Chilgazi watershed in the Kurdistan province, Iran. Although ADTree and its ensembles have been widely used for environmental and ecological modeling, they have rarely been applied to GSPM. To that end, a groundwater spring inventory map and thirteen conditioning factors tested by the chi-square attribute evaluation (CSAE) technique were used to generate training and testing datasets for constructing and validating the proposed model. The performance of the proposed model was evaluated using statistical-index-based measures, such as positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), sensitivity, specificity accuracy, root mean square error (RMSE), and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUROC). The proposed hybrid model was also compared with five state-of-the-art benchmark soft computing models, including singleADTree, support vector machine (SVM), stochastic gradient descent (SGD), logistic model tree (LMT), logistic regression (LR), and random forest (RF). Results indicate that the proposed hybrid model significantly improved the predictive capability of the ADTree-based classifier (AUROC = 0.789). In addition, it was found that the hybrid model, AB-ADTree, (AUROC = 0.815), had the highest goodness-of-fit and prediction accuracy, followed by the LMT (AUROC = 0.803), RF (AUC = 0.803), SGD, and SVM (AUROC = 0.790) models. Indeed, this model is a powerful and robust technique for mapping of groundwater spring potential in the study area. Therefore, the proposed model is a promising tool to help planners, decision makers, managers, and governments in the management and planning of groundwater resources