16 research outputs found

    Automating the construction of a complier heuristics using machine learning

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-162).Compiler writers are expected to create effective and inexpensive solutions to NP-hard problems such as instruction scheduling and register allocation. To make matters worse, separate optimization phases have strong interactions and competing resource constraints. Compiler writers deal with system complexity by dividing the problem into multiple phases and devising approximate heuristics for each phase. However, to achieve satisfactory performance, developers are forced to manually tweak their heuristics with trial-and-error experimentation. In this dissertation I present meta optimization, a methodology for automatically constructing high quality compiler heuristics using machine learning techniques. This thesis describes machine-learned heuristics for three important compiler optimizations: hyperblock formation, register allocation, and loop unrolling. The machine-learned heuristics outperform (by as much as 3x in some cases) their state-of-the-art hand-crafted counterparts. By automatically collecting data and systematically analyzing them, my techniques discover subtle interactions that even experienced engineers would likely overlook. In addition to improving performance, my techniques can significantly reduce the human effort involved in compiler design.(cont.) Machine learning algorithms can design critical portions of compiler heuristics, thereby freeing the human designer to focus on compiler correctness. The progression of experiments I conduct in this thesis leads to collaborative compilation, an approach which enables ordinary users to transparently train compiler heuristics by running their applications as they normally would. The collaborative system automatically adapts itself to the applications in which a community of users is interested.by Mark W. Stephenson.Ph.D

    A Compiler Target Model for Line Associative Registers

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    LARs (Line Associative Registers) are very wide tagged registers, used for both register-wide SWAR (SIMD Within a Register )operations and scalar operations on arbitrary fields. LARs include a large data field, type tags, source addresses, and a dirty bit, which allow them to not only replace both caches and registers in the conventional memory hierarchy, but improve on both their functions. This thesis details a LAR-based architecture, and describes the design of a compiler which can generate code for a LAR-based design. In particular, type conversion, alignment, and register allocation are discussed in detail

    A Safety-First Approach to Memory Models.

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    Sequential consistency (SC) is arguably the most intuitive behavior for a shared-memory multithreaded program. It is widely accepted that language-level SC could significantly improve programmability of a multiprocessor system. However, efficiently supporting end-to-end SC remains a challenge as it requires that both compiler and hardware optimizations preserve SC semantics. Current concurrent languages support a relaxed memory model that requires programmers to explicitly annotate all memory accesses that can participate in a data-race ("unsafe" accesses). This requirement allows compiler and hardware to aggressively optimize unannotated accesses, which are assumed to be data-race-free ("safe" accesses), while still preserving SC semantics. However, unannotated data races are easy for programmers to accidentally introduce and are difficult to detect, and in such cases the safety and correctness of programs are significantly compromised. This dissertation argues instead for a safety-first approach, whereby every memory operation is treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware unless it is proven otherwise. The first solution, DRFx memory model, allows many common compiler and hardware optimizations (potentially SC-violating) on unsafe accesses and uses a runtime support to detect potential SC violations arising from reordering of unsafe accesses. On detecting a potential SC violation, execution is halted before the safety property is compromised. The second solution takes a different approach and preserves SC in both compiler and hardware. Both SC-preserving compiler and hardware are also built on the safety-first approach. All memory accesses are treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware. SC-preserving hardware relies on different static and dynamic techniques to identify safe accesses. Our results indicate that supporting SC at the language level is not expensive in terms of performance and hardware complexity. The dissertation also explores an extension of this safety-first approach for data-parallel accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Significant microarchitectural differences between CPU and GPU require rethinking of efficient solutions for preserving SC in GPUs. The proposed solution based on our SC-preserving approach performs nearly on par with the baseline GPU that implements a data-race-free-0 memory model.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120794/1/ansingh_1.pd

    Power-constrained aware and latency-aware microarchitectural optimizations in many-core processors

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    As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and microarchitectural techniques are needed to improve, or at least maintain, the power efficiency of next-generation processors. Run-time adaptation, including core, cache and DVFS adaptations, has recently emerged as a promising area to keep the pace for acceptable power efficiency. However, none of the adaptation techniques proposed so far is able to provide good results when we consider the stringent power budgets that will be common in the next decades, so new techniques that attack the problem from several fronts using different specialized mechanisms are necessary. The combination of different power management mechanisms, however, bring extra levels of complexity, since other factors such as workload behavior and run-time conditions must also be considered to properly allocate power among cores and threads. To address the power issue, this thesis first proposes Chrysso, an integrated and scalable model-driven power management that quickly selects the best combination of adaptation methods out of different core and uncore micro-architecture adaptations, per-core DVFS, or any combination thereof. Chrysso can quickly search the adaptation space by making performance/power projections to identify Pareto-optimal configurations, effectively pruning the search space. Chrysso achieves 1.9x better chip performance over core-level gating for multi-programmed workloads, and 1.5x higher performance for multi-threaded workloads. Most existing power management schemes use a centralized approach to regulate power dissipation. Unfortunately, the complexity and overhead of centralized power management increases significantly with core count rendering it in-viable at fine-grain time slices. The work leverages a two-tier hierarchical power manager. This solution is highly scalable with low overhead on a tiled many-core architecture with shared LLC and per-tile DVFS at fine-grain time slices. The global power is first distributed across tiles using GPM and then within a tile (in parallel across all tiles). Additionally, this work also proposes DVFS and cache-aware thread migration (DCTM) to ensure optimum per-tile co-scheduling of compatible threads at runtime over the two-tier hierarchical power manager. DCTM outperforms existing solutions by up to 12% on adaptive many-core tile processor. With the advancements in the core micro-architectural techniques and technology scaling, the performance gap between the computational component and memory component is increasing significantly (the memory-wall issue). To bridge this gap, the architecture community is pushing forward towards multi-core architecture with on-die near-memory DRAM cache memory (faster than conventional DRAM). Gigascale DRAM Caches poses a problem of how to efficiently manage the tags. The Tags-in-DRAM designs aims at efficiently co-locate tags with data, but it still suffer from high latency especially in multi-way associativity. The thesis finally proposes Tag Cache mechanism, an on-chip distributed tag caching mechanism with limited space and latency overhead to bypass the tag read operation in multi-way DRAM Caches, thereby reducing hit latency. Each Tag Cache, stored in L2, stores tag information of the most recently used DRAM Cache ways. The Tag Cache is able to exploit temporal locality of the DRAM Cache, thereby contributing to on average 46% of the DRAM Cache hits.A mesura que el consum dels transistors supera el nivell de potència desitjable es necessiten noves tècniques arquitectòniques i microarquitectòniques per millorar, o almenys mantenir, l'eficiència energètica dels processadors de les pròximes generacions. L'adaptació en temps d'execució, tant de nuclis com de les cachés, així com també adaptacions DVFS són idees que han sorgit recentment que fan preveure que sigui un àrea prometedora per mantenir un ritme d'eficiència energètica acceptable. Tanmateix, cap de les tècniques d'adaptació proposades fins ara és capaç d'oferir bons resultats si tenim en compte les restriccions estrictes de potència que seran comuns a les pròximes dècades. És convenient definir noves tècniques que ataquin el problema des de diversos fronts utilitzant diferents mecanismes especialitzats. La combinació de diferents mecanismes de gestió d'energia porta aparellada nivells addicionals de complexitat, ja que altres factors com ara el comportament de la càrrega de treball així com condicions específiques de temps d'execució també han de ser considerats per assignar adequadament la potència entre els nuclis del sistema computador. Per tractar el tema de la potència, aquesta tesi proposa en primer lloc Chrysso, una administració d'energia integrada i escalable que selecciona ràpidament la millor combinació entre diferents adaptacions microarquitectòniques. Chrysso pot buscar ràpidament l'adaptació adequada al fer projeccions òptimes de rendiment i potència basades en configuracions de Pareto, permetent així reduir de manera efectiva l'espai de cerca. Chrysso arriba a un rendiment de 1,9 sobre tècniques convencionals d'inhibició de portes amb una càrrega d'aplicacions seqüencials; i un rendiment de 1,5 quan les aplicacions corresponen a programes parla·lels. La majoria dels sistemes de gestió d'energia existents utilitzen un enfocament centralitzat per regular la dissipació d'energia. Malauradament, la complexitat i el temps d'administració s'incrementen significativament amb una gran quantitat de nuclis. En aquest treball es defineix un gestor jeràrquic de potència basat en dos nivells. Aquesta solució és altament escalable amb baix cost operatiu en una arquitectura de múltiples nuclis integrats en clústers, amb memòria caché de darrer nivell compartida a nivell de cluster, i DVFS establert en intervals de temps de gra fi a nivell de clúster. La potència global es distribueix en primer lloc a través dels clústers utilitzant GPM i després es distribueix dins un clúster (en paral·lel si es consideren tots els clústers). A més, aquest treball també proposa DVFS i migració de fils conscient de la memòria caché (DCTM) que garanteix una òptima distribució de tasques entre els nuclis. DCTM supera les solucions existents fins a un 12%. Amb els avenços en la tecnologia i les tècniques de micro-arquitectura de nuclis, la diferència de rendiment entre el component computacional i la memòria està augmentant significativament. Per omplir aquest buit, s'està avançant cap a arquitectures de múltiples nuclis amb memòries caché integrades basades en DRAM. Aquestes memòries caché DRAM a gran escala plantegen el problema de com gestionar de forma eficaç les etiquetes. Els dissenys de cachés amb dades i etiquetes juntes són un primer pas, però encara pateixen per tenir una alta latència, especialment en cachés amb un grau alt d'associativitat. En aquesta tesi es proposa l'estudi d'una tècnica anomenada Tag Cache, un mecanisme distribuït d'emmagatzematge d'etiquetes, que redueix la latència de les operacions de lectura d'etiquetes en les memòries caché DRAM. Cada Tag Cache, que resideix a L2, emmagatzema la informació de les vies que s'han accedit recentment de les memòries caché DRAM. D'aquesta manera es pot aprofitar la localitat temporal d'una caché DRAM, fet que contribueix en promig en un 46% dels encerts en les caché DRAM

    Predicting potential customer needs and wants for agile design and manufacture in an industry 4.0 environment

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    Manufacturing is currently experiencing a paradigm shift in the way that products are designed, produced and serviced. Such changes are brought about mainly by the extensive use of the Internet and digital technologies. As a result of this shift, a new industrial revolution is emerging, termed “Industry 4.0” (i4), which promises to accommodate mass customisation at a mass production cost. For i4 to become a reality, however, multiple challenges need to be addressed, highlighting the need for design for agile manufacturing and, for this, a framework capable of integrating big data analytics arising from the service end, business informatics through the manufacturing process, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the entire manufacturing value chain. This thesis attempts to address these issues, with a focus on the need for design for agile manufacturing. First, the state of the art in this field of research is reviewed on combining cutting-edge technologies in digital manufacturing with big data analysed to support agile manufacturing. Then, the work is focused on developing an AI-based framework to address one of the customisation issues in smart design and agile manufacturing, that is, prediction of potential customer needs and wants. With this framework, an AI-based approach is developed to predict design attributes that would help manufacturers to decide the best virtual designs to meet emerging customer needs and wants predictively. In particular, various machine learning approaches are developed to help explain at least 85% of the design variance when building a model to predict potential customer needs and wants. These approaches include k-means clustering, self-organizing maps, fuzzy k-means clustering, and decision trees, all supporting a vector machine to evaluate and extract conscious and subconscious customer needs and wants. A model capable of accurately predicting customer needs and wants for at least 85% of classified design attributes is thus obtained. Further, an analysis capable of determining the best design attributes and features for predicting customer needs and wants is also achieved. As the information analysed can be utilized to advise the selection of desired attributes, it is fed back in a closed-loop of the manufacturing value chain: design → manufacture → management/service → → → design... For this, a total of 4 case studies are undertaken to test and demonstrate the efficacy and effectiveness of the framework developed. These case studies include: 1) an evaluation model of consumer cars with multiple attributes including categorical and numerical ones; 2) specifications of automotive vehicles in terms of various characteristics including categorical and numerical instances; 3) fuel consumptions of various car models and makes, taking into account a desire for low fuel costs and low CO2 emissions; and 4) computer parts design for recommending the best design attributes when buying a computer. The results show that the decision trees, as a machine learning approach, work best in predicting customer needs and wants for smart design. With the tested framework and methodology, this thesis overall presents a holistic attempt to addressing the missing gap between manufacture and customisation, that is meeting customer needs and wants. Effective ways of achieving customization for i4 and smart manufacturing are identified. This is achieved through predicting potential customer needs and wants and applying the prediction at the product design stage for agile manufacturing to meet individual requirements at a mass production cost. Such agility is one key element in realising Industry 4.0. At the end, this thesis contributes to improving the process of analysing the data to predict potential customer needs and wants to be used as inputs to customizing product designs agilely

    Compilers that learn to optimise: a probabilistic machine learning approach

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    Compiler optimisation is the process of making a compiler produce better code, i.e. code that, for example, runs faster on a target architecture. Although numerous program transformations for optimisation have been proposed in the literature, these transformations are not always beneficial and they can interact in very complex ways. Traditional approaches adopted by compiler writers fix the order of the transformations and decide when and how these transformations should be applied to a program by using hard-coded heuristics. However, these heuristics require a lot of time and effort to construct and may sacrifice performance on programs they have not been tuned for.This thesis proposes a probabilistic machine learning solution to the compiler optimisation problem that automatically determines "good" optimisation strategies for programs. This approach uses predictive modelling in order to search the space of compiler transformations. Unlike most previous work that learns when/how to apply a single transformation in isolation or a fixed-order set of transformations, the techniques proposed in this thesis are capable of tackling the general problem of predicting "good" sequences of compiler transformations. This is achieved by exploiting transference across programs with two different techniques: Predictive Search Distributions (PSD) and multi-task Gaussian process prediction (multi-task GP). While the former directly addresses the problem of predicting "good" transformation sequences, the latter learns regression models (or proxies) of the performance of the programs in order to rapidly scan the space of transformation sequences.Both methods, PSD and multi-task GP, are formulated as general machine learning techniques. In particular, the PSD method is proposed in order to speed up search in combinatorial optimisation problems by learning a distribution over good solutions on a set of problem in¬ stances and using that distribution to search the optimisation space of a problem that has not been seen before. Likewise, multi-task GP is proposed as a general method for multi-task learning that directly models the correlation between several machine learning tasks, exploiting the shared information across the tasks.Additionally, this thesis presents an extension to the well-known analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodology in order to deal with sequence data. This extension is used to address the problem of optimisation space characterisation by identifying and quantifying the main effects of program transformations and their interactions.Finally, the machine learning methods proposed are successfully applied to a data set that has been generated as a result of the application of source-to-source transformations to 12 C programs from the UTDSP benchmark suite

    High level compilation for gate reconfigurable architectures

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-215).A continuing exponential increase in the number of programmable elements is turning management of gate-reconfigurable architectures as "glue logic" into an intractable problem; it is past time to raise this abstraction level. The physical hardware in gate-reconfigurable architectures is all low level - individual wires, bit-level functions, and single bit registers - hence one should look to the fetch-decode-execute machinery of traditional computers for higher level abstractions. Ordinary computers have machine-level architectural mechanisms that interpret instructions - instructions that are generated by a high-level compiler. Efficiently moving up to the next abstraction level requires leveraging these mechanisms without introducing the overhead of machine-level interpretation. In this dissertation, I solve this fundamental problem by specializing architectural mechanisms with respect to input programs. This solution is the key to efficient compilation of high-level programs to gate reconfigurable architectures. My approach to specialization includes several novel techniques. I develop, with others, extensive bitwidth analyses that apply to registers, pointers, and arrays. I use pointer analysis and memory disambiguation to target devices with blocks of embedded memory. My approach to memory parallelization generates a spatial hierarchy that enables easier-to-synthesize logic state machines with smaller circuits and no long wires.(cont.) My space-time scheduling approach integrates the techniques of high-level synthesis with the static routing concepts developed for single-chip multiprocessors. Using DeepC, a prototype compiler demonstrating my thesis, I compile a new benchmark suite to Xilinx Virtex FPGAs. Resulting performance is comparable to a custom MIPS processor, with smaller area (40 percent on average), higher evaluation speeds (2.4x), and lower energy (18x) and energy-delay (45x). Specialization of advanced mechanisms results in additional speedup, scaling with hardware area, at the expense of power. For comparison, I also target IBM's standard cell SA-27E process and the RAW microprocessor. Results include sensitivity analysis to the different mechanisms specialized and a grand comparison between alternate targets.by Jonathan William Babb.Ph.D

    Tightly-Coupled and Fault-Tolerant Communication in Parallel Systems

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    The demand for processing power is increasing steadily. In the past, single processor architectures clearly dominated the markets. As instruction level parallelism is limited in most applications, significant performance can only be achieved in the future by exploiting parallelism at the higher levels of thread or process parallelism. As a consequence, modern “processors” incorporate multiple processor cores that form a single shared memory multiprocessor. In such systems, high performance devices like network interface controllers are connected to processors and memory like every other input/output device over a hierarchy of peripheral interconnects. Thus, one target must be to couple coprocessors physically closer to main memory and to the processors of a computing node. This removes the overhead of today’s peripheral interconnect structures. Such a step is the direct connection of HyperTransport (HT) devices to Opteron processors, which is presented in this thesis. Also, this work analyzes how communication from a device to processors can be optimized on the protocol level. As today’s computing nodes are shared memory systems, the cache coherence protocol is the central protocol for data exchange between processors and devices. Consequently, the analysis extends to classes of devices that are cache coherence protocol aware. Also, the concept of a transfer cache is proposed in this thesis, which reduces latency significantly even for non-coherent devices. The trend to the exploitation of process and thread level parallelism leads to a steady increase of system sizes. Networks that are used in such large systems are very susceptible to both hard and transient faults. Most transient fault rates are constant per bit that is stored or transmitted. With increasing system sizes and higher clock frequencies, the number of faults in time increases drastically. In the end, the error rate may rise at a level where high level error recovery becomes too costly if lower layers do not perform error correction that is transparent to the layers above. The second part of this thesis describes a direct interconnection network that provides a reliable transport service even without the use of end-to-end protocols. Also, a novel hardware based solution for intermediate routing is developed in this thesis, which allows an efficient, deadlock free routing around faulty links