17,820 research outputs found

    Why continue sharing: determinants of behavior in collaborative economy services

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    La economía colaborativa está revolucionando la forma en que los consumidores utilizan los bienes y servicios. En nuestro estudio modificamos y ampliamos el modelo de confirmación de expectativas para determinar los factores motivacionales que impulsan la satisfacción y la intención de continuar usando los servicios de viajes colaborativos. Más importante aún, agregamos el valor social como un factor adicional. En este estudio fueron encuestados usuarios españoles experimentados de BlaBlaCar. La calidad del servicio, la utilidad percibida, la confianza y el valor social son determinantes de la satisfacción de los usuarios experimentados y, a través de ella, de la intención de continuar usando; mientras que no es el caso para el impacto ambiental ni para los beneficios económicos. Además, la confianza afecta directamente a la intención de continuar. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones gerenciales relevantes, mostrando que los usuarios de algunos servicios colaborativos están motivados por otros factores además de los económicos.The sharing economy is revolutionizing the way consumers use goods and services. In our study we modify and extend the expectation confirmation model to determine the motivational factors which drive the satisfaction and continue intention to use ridesharing services. Most importantly, we add social value as an additional factor to those previously studied in the literature. We apply our model in a survey among experienced Spanish users of BlaBlaCar. Service quality, perceived usefulness, trust and social value are determinants of satisfaction of experienced users and through it, of intention to continuance; while it is the case neither for environmental impact nor for economic benefits. Additionally, trust affects directly continuance. These results have relevant managerial implications, showing that users of some sharing services are motivated by other factors than purely economic

    Internet banking acceptance model: Cross-market examination

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    This article proposes a revised technology acceptance model to measure consumers’ acceptance of Internet banking, the Internet Banking Acceptance Model (IBAM). Data was collected from 618 university students in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. The results suggest the importance of attitude, such that attitude and behavioral intentions emerge as a single factor, denoted as “attitudinal intentions” (AI). Structural equation modeling confirms the fit of the model, in which perceived usefulness and trust fully mediate the impact of subjective norms and perceived manageability on AI. The invariance analysis demonstrates the psychometric equivalence of the IBAM measurements between the two country groups. At the structural level, the influence of trust and system usefulness on AI vary between the two countries, emphasizing the potential role of cultures in IS adoption. The IBAM is robust and parsimonious, explaining over 80% of AI

    Mobile travel services: the effect of moderating context factors

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    This article has two objectives: (1) to draw an international comparison regarding the acceptance of mobile travel services in three countries with different profiles when it comes to travelling and mobile telecommunications, and (2) to extend relevant literature on mobile applications, more specifically travel services, by including context-related concepts, taking moderating factors like location, mobility of users, physical, and social context into account. Based on surveys that were carried out in 2009, structural equation modelling is used to identify differences in patterns in the use of mobile travel services and in the role of context-related variables. the conclusion of this article is that context-related factors, that is, mobility and (physical and social) context, have an impact on the relationship between the core concepts of technology Acceptance model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovation (DoI) research. many studies on the acceptance and use of mobile services indicate that a deep understanding is needed of individual, context-related, and technological characteristics and the way they interact. this is also highly relevant to the travel industry, which wants to utilize the opportunities provided by mobile technology

    Leveraging Open-standard Interorganizational Information Systems for Process Adaptability and Alignment: An Empirical Analysis

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    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to understand the value creation mechanisms of open-standard inter-organizational information system (OSIOS), which is a key technology to achieve Industry 4.0. Specifically, this study investigates how the internal assimilation and external diffusion of OSIOS help manufactures facilitate process adaptability and alignment in supply chain network.Design/methodology/approachA survey instrument was designed and administrated to collect data for this research. Using three-stage least squares estimation, the authors empirically tested a number of hypothesized relationships based on a sample of 308 manufacturing firms in China.FindingsThe results of the study show that OSIOS can perform as value creation mechanisms to enable process adaptability and alignment. In addition, the impact of OSIOS internal assimilation is inversely U-shaped where the positive effect on process adaptability will become negative after an extremum point is reached.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the existing literature by providing insights on how OSIOS can improve supply chain integration and thus promote the achievement of industry 4.0. By revealing a U-shaped relationship between OSIOS assimilation and process adaptability, this study fills previous research gap by advancing the understanding on the value creation mechanisms of information systems deployment

    Drivers and Barriers of Mobile Commerce: The Role of Consumers’ Personal Innovativeness

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    Mobile commerce (m-commerce) has experienced rapid growth in recent years, gaining importance in both academia and industry. However, extant literature has paid little attention to how m-commerce value is shaped, particularly in emerging economies. This study develops a framework of m-commerce value by studying its determinants. These comprise of the benefit: ubiquity (time convenience and accessibility), and barriers to m-commerce: perceived risk (financial risk /performance risk), and perceived cost. Moreover, this research investigates the moderating role of personal innovativeness on the relationship between the drivers/barriers and value. The findings of the empirical survey-based study in emerging m-commerce economies reveal a positive impact of ubiquity on value, while risk and cost have a negative influence. Furthermore, innovativeness was found to moderate the relationships between the determinants and value, apart from that between cost and value. The results further show that value positively affects actual usage and is enhanced by consumer innovativeness

    The determinants of customer internet banking resistance and the role of mediating variables in Yemeni Universities

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    Although internet banking has been widely adopted in developed countries, there is still a low percentage of internet banking adoption in Yemen, indicating a probable high resistance to internet banking. Hence, the objective of this research was to determine the direct predictors (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control (PBC), credibility, trust, compatibility, self-efficacy and government support) of customer resistance, attitude, subjective norm, PBC and credibility towards internet banking. Additionally, this study examined the mediating effects of attitude, subjective norm, PBC, and credibility on the relationship between predictors and customer resistance to internet-banking behavior using Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB). A quantitative research survey was used whereby 900 questionnaires were distributed randomly to University employees. 451questionnaires were returned, representing a 50% response rate. After screening, 372 useable data sets were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study found five significant predictors of customer resistance (attitude, credibility, compatibility, selfefficacy, and government support); three significant factors predicting attitude (government support, subjective norm and PBC); two significant predictors of SN (government support and self-efficacy); two significant predictors of PBC (compatibility and self-efficacy); and three predictors of credibility (trust, government support and PBC). It was also found that attitude fully mediated the relationship between subjective norm and customer resistance as well as between PBC and customer resistance. Contrastingly, attitude was a partial mediator between the relationship of government support and customer resistance. Likewise, credibility is a full mediator on the relationship between trust and customer resistance; PBC and customer resistance. Credibility also partially mediated the relationship between government support and customer resistance. Finally, the study contributes empirically by validating DTBP as an effective underpinning theory in explaining the internet banking resistance and that government should enact more stringent laws and policies to control the internet banking in Yemen

    Does Experience Matter? Unraveling the Drivers of Expert and Non-Expert Mobile Consumers

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    The surge in mobile shopping faces a challenge as not all potential consumers are comfortable with this mode. Retailers need a deeper understanding of factors influencing user experience to enhance marketing strategies. Despite extensive research, a gap remains in comprehending this aspect. Using a statistical PLS-SEM-ANN approach, this research aims to explore the psychological dimensions of expert and non-expert mobile shoppers for establishing better targeted marketing strategies in m-commerce settings. Analyzing experience levels in mobile commerce (m-commerce), key drivers like enjoyment, usefulness, subjective norms, and trust were scrutinized as interaction settings for consumers using mobile technologies. The findings reveal that, for less experienced m-shoppers, trust is the most significant driver of attitude and satisfaction, while, for experienced users, trust and usefulness are the primary antecedents. This research provides novel insights, aiding mobile marketers in refining targeting strategies based on consumer experience levels, emphasizing the importance of usefulness and trustworthiness for a seamless m-shopping experience

    Why do consumers trust online travel websites? Drivers and outcomes of consumer trust toward online travel websites

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    Egypt is currently one of the leading nations especially in the Middle East region with a well-established e-commerce environment and advanced IT infrastructure, but rapid growth of e-commerce will soon occur in other nations with similar consumption patterns. This study tests a model of antecedents (consumer experience, propensity to trust, reputation, perceived website size, ease of use, perceived usefulness, and website quality) and consequences of consumers’ trust toward online travel websites. Trust is expected to predict consumer attitude, perceived risk, and intention to purchase travel online. Data of 1,431 users of online travel websites were selected from the Supreme Council of Universities Database–Egypt (SCU) and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The findings show that all the aforementioned factors with the exception of consumer experience influence consumer trust toward online travel websites. Trust influences consumers’ attitude, perceived risk, and intention to purchase travel online

    Mobile shopping apps adoption and perceived risks: A cross-country perspective utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

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    Consumer adoption of mobile shopping apps is an emerging area in m-commerce which poses an interesting challenge for retailers and app developers. In this study, we adapt the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) to investigate factors predicting consumer behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) towards mobile shopping apps, considering the impact of two manifestations of consumer’s perceived risk: Privacy Risk and Security Risk. Because cultural characteristics may moderate the impact of these risks on behavioral intention and use behavior, we conduct two studies from two consumer panels from countries with significant difference in technology use as captured by the Computer-Based Media Support Index (CMSI), namely India (high CMSI) and USA (low CMSI). For both countries, the baseline UTAUT 2 constructs predict the Behavioral Intention to use mobile shopping apps (and subsequently use behavior). However, the manifestations of perceived risk are significant only for the country with the highest CMSI score, suggesting that cultural influences play a strong role in the adoption of m-shopping. Our study has practical implications for theory as it poses the use of m-shopping apps in a cross-cultural context, suggesting that privacy and security moderate intention to use differently across cultures as predicted by the CMSI. From that perspective, it also has practical implications for consumer behavior researchers and app developers challenged with app localization as well as retailers designing mobile shopping apps for an intercultural audience

    Critical review of the e-loyalty literature: a purchase-centred framework

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    Over the last few years, the concept of online loyalty has been examined extensively in the literature, and it remains a topic of constant inquiry for both academics and marketing managers. The tremendous development of the Internet for both marketing and e-commerce settings, in conjunction with the growing desire of consumers to purchase online, has promoted two main outcomes: (a) increasing numbers of Business-to-Customer companies running businesses online and (b) the development of a variety of different e-loyalty research models. However, current research lacks a systematic review of the literature that provides a general conceptual framework on e-loyalty, which would help managers to understand their customers better, to take advantage of industry-related factors, and to improve their service quality. The present study is an attempt to critically synthesize results from multiple empirical studies on e-loyalty. Our findings illustrate that 62 instruments for measuring e-loyalty are currently in use, influenced predominantly by Zeithaml et al. (J Marketing. 1996;60(2):31-46) and Oliver (1997; Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGraw Hill). Additionally, we propose a new general conceptual framework, which leads to antecedents dividing e-loyalty on the basis of the action of purchase into pre-purchase, during-purchase and after-purchase factors. To conclude, a number of managerial implementations are suggested in order to help marketing managers increase their customers’ e-loyalty by making crucial changes in each purchase stage