73 research outputs found

    Review of Detection Denial of Service Attacks using Machine Learning through Ensemble Learning

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    Today's network hacking is more resource-intensive because the goal is to prohibit the user from using the network's resources when the target is either offensive or for financial gain, especially in businesses and organizations. That relies on the Internet like Amazon Due to this, several techniques, such as artificial intelligence algorithms like machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), have been developed to identify intrusion and network infiltration and discriminate between legitimate and unauthorized users. Application of machine learning and ensemble learning algorithms to various datasets, consideration of homogeneous ensembles using a single algorithm type or heterogeneous ensembles using several algorithm types, and evaluation of the discovery outcomes in terms of accuracy or discovery error for detecting attacks. The survey literature provides an overview of the many approaches and approaches of one or more machine-learning algorithms used in various datasets to identify denial of service attacks. It has also been shown that employing the hybrid approach is the most common and produces better attack detection outcomes than using the sole approaches. Numerous machine learning techniques, including support vector machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and ensemble learning like random forest (RF), bagging, and boosting, are illustrated in this work (DT). That is employed in several articles to identify different denial of service (DoS) assaults, including the trojan horse, teardrop, land, smurf, flooding, and worm. That attacks network traffic and resources to deny users access to the resources or to steal confidential information from the company without damaging the system and employs several algorithms to obtain high attack detection accuracy and low false alarm rates

    Survey of Current Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

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    The significance of network security has grown enormously and a number of devices have been introduced to perk up the security of a network. NIDS is a retrofit approach for providing a sense of security in existing computers and data networks, while allowing them to operate in their current open mode. The goal of a network intrusion detection system is to identify, preferably in real time, unauthorized use, misuse and abuse of computer systems by insiders as well as from outside perpetrators. This paper presents a nomenclature of intrusion detection systems that is used to do a survey and identify a number of research prototypes.  Keywords: Security, Intrusion Detection, Misuse and Anomaly Detection, Pattern Matching

    Network anomalies detection via event analysis and correlation by a smart system

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    The multidisciplinary of contemporary societies compel us to look at Information Technology (IT) systems as one of the most significant grants that we can remember. However, its increase implies a mandatory security force for users, a force in the form of effective and robust tools to combat cybercrime to which users, individual or collective, are ex-posed almost daily. Monitoring and detection of this kind of problem must be ensured in real-time, allowing companies to intervene fruitfully, quickly and in unison. The proposed framework is based on an organic symbiosis between credible, affordable, and effective open-source tools for data analysis, relying on Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) techniques commonly applied for the development of real-time monitoring systems. Dissecting this framework, it is composed of a system based on SIEM methodology that provides monitoring of data in real-time and simultaneously saves the information, to assist forensic investigation teams. Secondly, the application of the Big Data concept is effective in manipulating and organising the flow of data. Lastly, the use of ML techniques that help create mechanisms to detect possible attacks or anomalies on the network. This framework is intended to provide a real-time analysis application in the institution ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte), offering a more complete, efficient, and secure monitoring of the data from the different devices comprising the network.A multidisciplinaridade das sociedades contemporâneas obriga-nos a perspetivar os sistemas informáticos como uma das maiores dádivas de que há memória. Todavia o seu incremento implica uma mandatária força de segurança para utilizadores, força essa em forma de ferramentas eficazes e robustas no combate ao cibercrime a que os utilizadores, individuais ou coletivos, são sujeitos quase diariamente. A monitorização e deteção deste tipo de problemas tem de ser assegurada em tempo real, permitindo assim, às empresas intervenções frutuosas, rápidas e em uníssono. A framework proposta é alicerçada numa simbiose orgânica entre ferramentas open source credíveis, acessíveis pecuniariamente e eficazes na monitorização de dados, recorrendo a um sistema baseado em técnicas de Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Big Data e Machine Learning (ML) comumente aplicadas para a criação de sistemas de monitorização em tempo real. Dissecando esta framework, é composta pela metodologia SIEM que possibilita a monitorização de dados em tempo real e em simultâneo guardar a informação, com o objetivo de auxiliar as equipas de investigação forense. Em segundo lugar, a aplicação do conceito Big Data eficaz na manipulação e organização do fluxo dos dados. Por último, o uso de técnicas de ML que ajudam a criação de mecanismos de deteção de possíveis ataques ou anomalias na rede. Esta framework tem como objetivo uma aplicação de análise em tempo real na instituição ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte), apresentando uma monitorização mais completa, eficiente e segura dos dados dos diversos dispositivos presentes na mesma

    Mutating network scans for the assessment of supervised classifier ensembles

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    As it is well known, some Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) suffer from high rates of false positives and negatives. A mutation technique is proposed in this study to test and evaluate the performance of a full range of classifier ensembles for Network Intrusion Detection when trying to recognize new attacks. The novel technique applies mutant operators that randomly modify the features of the captured network packets to generate situations that could not otherwise be provided to IDSs while learning. A comprehensive comparison of supervised classifiers and their ensembles is performed to assess their generalization capability. It is based on the idea of confronting brand new network attacks obtained by means of the mutation technique. Finally, an example application of the proposed testing model is specially applied to the identification of network scans and related mutationsSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2010-21272-C02-01 and CIT-020000-2009-12) (both funded by the European Regional Development Fund). The authors would also like to thank the vehicle interior manufacturer, Grupo Antolin Ingenieria S. A., within the framework of the MAGNO2008 - 1028.- CENIT. Project also funded by the MICINN, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID 560300-2009-11) and the Regional Government of Castile-Leon (CCTT/10/BU/0002). This work was also supported in the framework of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project, reg. no. (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070) supported by the Operational Program 'Research and Development for Innovations' funded through the Structural Funds of the European Union and the state budget of the Czech Republic.This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Logic Journal of the IGPL following peer review. The version of record: Javier Sedano, Silvia González, Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, and Emilio Corchado, Mutating network scans for the assessment of supervised classifier ensembles, Logic Jnl IGPL, first published online September 3, 2012, doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzs037 is available online at: http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/09/03/jigpal.jzs03

    RT-MOVICAB-IDS: Addressing real-time intrusion detection

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    This study presents a novel Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System (IDS) known as RT-MOVICAB-IDS that incorporates temporal control. One of its main goals is to facilitate real-time Intrusion Detection, as accurate and swift responses are crucial in this field, especially if automatic abortion mechanisms are running. The formulation of this hybrid IDS combines Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) within a Multi-Agent System (MAS) to detect intrusions in dynamic computer networks. Temporal restrictions are imposed on this IDS, in order to perform real/execution time processing and assure system response predictability. Therefore, a dynamic real-time multi-agent architecture for IDS is proposed in this study, allowing the addition of predictable agents (both reactive and deliberative). In particular, two of the deliberative agents deployed in this system incorporate temporal-bounded CBR. This upgraded CBR is based on an anytime approximation, which allows the adaptation of this Artificial Intelligence paradigm to real-time requirements. Experimental results using real data sets are presented which validate the performance of this novel hybrid IDSMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (TIN2010-21272-C02-01, TIN2009-13839-C03-01), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CIT-020000-2008-2, CIT-020000-2009-12

    Performance Evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems

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    Nowadays, there is a huge and growing concern about security in information and communication technology (ICT) among the scientific community because any attack or anomaly in the network can greatly affect many domains such as national security, private data storage, social welfare, economic issues, and so on. Therefore, the anomaly detection domain is a broad research area, and many different techniques and approaches for this purpose have emerged through the years. Attacks, problems, and internal failures when not detected early may badly harm an entire Network system. Thus, this thesis presents an autonomous profile-based anomaly detection system based on the statistical method Principal Component Analysis (PCADS-AD). This approach creates a network profile called Digital Signature of Network Segment using Flow Analysis (DSNSF) that denotes the predicted normal behavior of a network traffic activity through historical data analysis. That digital signature is used as a threshold for volume anomaly detection to detect disparities in the normal traffic trend. The proposed system uses seven traffic flow attributes: Bits, Packets and Number of Flows to detect problems, and Source and Destination IP addresses and Ports, to provides the network administrator necessary information to solve them. Via evaluation techniques, addition of a different anomaly detection approach, and comparisons to other methods performed in this thesis using real network traffic data, results showed good traffic prediction by the DSNSF and encouraging false alarm generation and detection accuracy on the detection schema. The observed results seek to contribute to the advance of the state of the art in methods and strategies for anomaly detection that aim to surpass some challenges that emerge from the constant growth in complexity, speed and size of today’s large scale networks, also providing high-value results for a better detection in real time.Atualmente, existe uma enorme e crescente preocupação com segurança em tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) entre a comunidade científica. Isto porque qualquer ataque ou anomalia na rede pode afetar a qualidade, interoperabilidade, disponibilidade, e integridade em muitos domínios, como segurança nacional, armazenamento de dados privados, bem-estar social, questões econômicas, e assim por diante. Portanto, a deteção de anomalias é uma ampla área de pesquisa, e muitas técnicas e abordagens diferentes para esse propósito surgiram ao longo dos anos. Ataques, problemas e falhas internas quando não detetados precocemente podem prejudicar gravemente todo um sistema de rede. Assim, esta Tese apresenta um sistema autônomo de deteção de anomalias baseado em perfil utilizando o método estatístico Análise de Componentes Principais (PCADS-AD). Essa abordagem cria um perfil de rede chamado Assinatura Digital do Segmento de Rede usando Análise de Fluxos (DSNSF) que denota o comportamento normal previsto de uma atividade de tráfego de rede por meio da análise de dados históricos. Essa assinatura digital é utilizada como um limiar para deteção de anomalia de volume e identificar disparidades na tendência de tráfego normal. O sistema proposto utiliza sete atributos de fluxo de tráfego: bits, pacotes e número de fluxos para detetar problemas, além de endereços IP e portas de origem e destino para fornecer ao administrador de rede as informações necessárias para resolvê-los. Por meio da utilização de métricas de avaliação, do acrescimento de uma abordagem de deteção distinta da proposta principal e comparações com outros métodos realizados nesta tese usando dados reais de tráfego de rede, os resultados mostraram boas previsões de tráfego pelo DSNSF e resultados encorajadores quanto a geração de alarmes falsos e precisão de deteção. Com os resultados observados nesta tese, este trabalho de doutoramento busca contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias de deteção de anomalias, visando superar alguns desafios que emergem do constante crescimento em complexidade, velocidade e tamanho das redes de grande porte da atualidade, proporcionando também alta performance. Ainda, a baixa complexidade e agilidade do sistema proposto contribuem para que possa ser aplicado a deteção em tempo real