382 research outputs found

    Obfuscation-resilient Android Malware Analysis Based on Contrastive Learning

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    Due to its open-source nature, Android operating system has been the main target of attackers to exploit. Malware creators always perform different code obfuscations on their apps to hide malicious activities. Features extracted from these obfuscated samples through program analysis contain many useless and disguised features, which leads to many false negatives. To address the issue, in this paper, we demonstrate that obfuscation-resilient malware analysis can be achieved through contrastive learning. We take the Android malware classification as an example to demonstrate our analysis. The key insight behind our analysis is that contrastive learning can be used to reduce the difference introduced by obfuscation while amplifying the difference between malware and benign apps (or other types of malware). Based on the proposed analysis, we design a system that can achieve robust and interpretable classification of Android malware. To achieve robust classification, we perform contrastive learning on malware samples to learn an encoder that can automatically extract robust features from malware samples. To achieve interpretable classification, we transform the function call graph of a sample into an image by centrality analysis. Then the corresponding heatmaps are obtained by visualization techniques. These heatmaps can help users understand why the malware is classified as this family. We implement IFDroid and perform extensive evaluations on two widely used datasets. Experimental results show that IFDroid is superior to state-of-the-art Android malware familial classification systems. Moreover, IFDroid is capable of maintaining 98.2% true positive rate on classifying 8,112 obfuscated malware samples

    Reinforcing the weakest link in cyber security: securing systems and software against attacks targeting unwary users

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    Unwary computer users are often blamed as the weakest link on the security chain, for unknowingly facilitating incoming cyber attacks and jeopardizing the efforts to secure systems and networks. However, in my opinion, average users should not bear the blame because of their lack of expertise to predict the security consequence of every action they perform, such as browsing a webpage, downloading software to their computers, or installing an application to their mobile devices. My thesis work aims to secure software and systems by reducing or eliminating the chances where users’ mere action can unintentionally enable external exploits and attacks. In achieving this goal, I follow two complementary paths: (i) building runtime monitors to identify and interrupt the attack-triggering user actions; (ii) designing offline detectors for the software vulnerabilities that allow for such actions. To maximize the impact, I focus on securing software that either serve the largest number of users (e.g. web browsers) or experience the fastest user growth (e.g. smartphone apps), despite the platform distinctions. I have addressed the two dominant attacks through which most malicious software (a.k.a. malware) infections happen on the web: drive-by download and rogue websites. BLADE, an OS kernel extension, infers user intent through OS-level events and prevents the execution of download files that cannot be attributed to any user intent. Operating as a browser extension and identifying malicious post-search redirections, SURF protects search engine users from falling into the trap of poisoned search results that lead to fraudulent websites. In the infancy of security problems on mobile devices, I built Dalysis, the first comprehensive static program analysis framework for vetting Android apps in bytecode form. Based on Dalysis, CHEX detects the component hijacking vulnerability in large volumes of apps. My thesis as a whole explores, realizes, and evaluates a new perspective of securing software and system, which limits or avoids the unwanted security consequences caused by unwary users. It shows that, with the proposed approaches, software can be reasonably well protected against attacks targeting its unwary users. The knowledge and insights gained throughout the course of developing the thesis have advanced the community’s awareness of the threats and the increasing importance of considering unwary users when designing and securing systems. Each work included in this thesis has yielded at least one practical threat mitigation system. Evaluated by the large-scale real-world experiments, these systems have demonstrated the effectiveness at thwarting the security threats faced by most unwary users today. The threats addressed by this thesis have span multiple computing platforms, such as desktop operating systems, the Web, and smartphone devices, which highlight the broad impact of the thesis.Ph.D

    Malware Analysis and Detection with Explainable Machine Learning

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    Malware detection is one of the areas where machine learning is successfully employed due to its high discriminating power and the capability of identifying novel variants of malware samples. Typically, the problem formulation is strictly correlated to the use of a wide variety of features covering several characteristics of the entities to classify. Apparently, this practice allows achieving considerable detection performance. However, it hardly permits us to gain insights into the knowledge extracted by the learning algorithm, causing two main issues. First, detectors might learn spurious patterns; thus, undermining their effectiveness in real environments. Second, they might be particularly vulnerable to adversarial attacks; thus, weakening their security. These concerns give rise to the necessity to develop systems that are tailored to the specific peculiarities of the attacks to detect. Within malware detection, Android ransomware represents a challenging yet illustrative domain for assessing the relevance of this issue. Ransomware represents a serious threat that acts by locking the compromised device or encrypting its data, then forcing the device owner to pay a ransom in order to restore the device functionality. Attackers typically develop such dangerous apps so that normally-legitimate components and functionalities perform malicious behaviour; thus, making them harder to be distinguished from genuine applications. In this sense, adopting a well-defined variety of features and relying on some kind of explanations about the logic behind such detectors could improve their design process since it could reveal truly characterising features; hence, guiding the human expert towards the understanding of the most relevant attack patterns. Given this context, the goal of the thesis is to explore strategies that may improve the design process of malware detectors. In particular, the thesis proposes to evaluate and integrate approaches based on rising research on Explainable Machine Learning. To this end, the work follows two pathways. The first and main one focuses on identifying the main traits that result to be characterising and effective for Android ransomware detection. Then, explainability techniques are used to propose methods to assess the validity of the considered features. The second pathway broadens the view by exploring the relationship between explainable machine learning and adversarial attacks. In this regard, the contribution consists of pointing out metrics extracted from explainability techniques that can reveal models' robustness to adversarial attacks, together with an assessment of the practical feasibility for attackers to alter the features that affect models' output the most. Ultimately, this work highlights the necessity to adopt a design process that is aware of the weaknesses and attacks against machine learning-based detectors, and proposes explainability techniques as one of the tools to counteract them

    Lessons Learnt on Reproducibility in Machine Learning Based Android Malware Detection

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    A well-known curse of computer security research is that it often produces systems that, while technically sound, fail operationally. To overcome this curse, the community generally seeks to assess proposed systems under a variety of settings in order to make explicit every potential bias. In this respect, recently, research achievements on machine learning based malware detection are being considered for thorough evaluation by the community. Such an effort of comprehensive evaluation supposes first and foremost the possibility to perform an independent reproduction study in order to sharpen evaluations presented by approaches’ authors. The question Can published approaches actually be reproduced? thus becomes paramount despite the little interest such mundane and practical aspects seem to attract in the malware detection field. In this paper, we attempt a complete reproduction of five Android Malware Detectors from the literature and discuss to what extent they are “reproducible”. Notably, we provide insights on the implications around the guesswork that may be required to finalise a working implementation. Finally, we discuss how barriers to reproduction could be lifted, and how the malware detection field would benefit from stronger reproducibility standards—like many various fields already have

    Deep Learning Based Malware Classification Using Deep Residual Network

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    The traditional malware detection approaches rely heavily on feature extraction procedure, in this paper we proposed a deep learning-based malware classification model by using a 18-layers deep residual network. Our model uses the raw bytecodes data of malware samples, converting the bytecodes to 3-channel RGB images and then applying the deep learning techniques to classify the malwares. Our experiment results show that the deep residual network model achieved an average accuracy of 86.54% by 5-fold cross validation. Comparing to the traditional methods for malware classification, our deep residual network model greatly simplify the malware detection and classification procedures, it achieved a very good classification accuracy as well. The dataset we used in this paper for training and testing is Malimg dataset, one of the biggest malware datasets released by vision research lab of UCSB

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2019

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    Old Dominion University Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering (MSVE) and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) held the 13th annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization (MSV) Student Capstone Conference on April 18, 2019. The Conference featured student research and student projects that are central to MSV. Also participating in the conference were faculty members who volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitated the various conference tracks, served as judges for each of the tracks, and provided overall assistance to the conference. Appreciating the purpose of the conference and working in a cohesive, collaborative effort, resulted in a successful symposium for everyone involved. These proceedings feature the works that were presented at the conference. Capstone Conference Chair: Dr. Yuzhong Shen Capstone Conference Student Chair: Daniel Pere

    The InfoSec Handbook

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    Secure Communication in Disaster Scenarios

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    Während Naturkatastrophen oder terroristischer Anschläge ist die bestehende Kommunikationsinfrastruktur häufig überlastet oder fällt komplett aus. In diesen Situationen können mobile Geräte mithilfe von drahtloser ad-hoc- und unterbrechungstoleranter Vernetzung miteinander verbunden werden, um ein Notfall-Kommunikationssystem für Zivilisten und Rettungsdienste einzurichten. Falls verfügbar, kann eine Verbindung zu Cloud-Diensten im Internet eine wertvolle Hilfe im Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement sein. Solche Kommunikationssysteme bergen jedoch ernsthafte Sicherheitsrisiken, da Angreifer versuchen könnten, vertrauliche Daten zu stehlen, gefälschte Benachrichtigungen von Notfalldiensten einzuspeisen oder Denial-of-Service (DoS) Angriffe durchzuführen. Diese Dissertation schlägt neue Ansätze zur Kommunikation in Notfallnetzen von mobilen Geräten vor, die von der Kommunikation zwischen Mobilfunkgeräten bis zu Cloud-Diensten auf Servern im Internet reichen. Durch die Nutzung dieser Ansätze werden die Sicherheit der Geräte-zu-Geräte-Kommunikation, die Sicherheit von Notfall-Apps auf mobilen Geräten und die Sicherheit von Server-Systemen für Cloud-Dienste verbessert

    The Internet of Things: the future or the end of mechatronics.

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    The advent and increasing implementation of user configured and user oriented systems structured around the use of cloud configured information and the Internet of Things is presenting a new range and class of challenges to the underlying concepts of integration and transfer of functionality around which mechatronics is structured. It is suggested that the ways in which system designers and educators in particular respond to and manage these changes and challenges is going to have a significant impact on the way in which both the Internet of Things and mechatronics develop over time. The paper places the relationship between the Internet of Things and mechatronics into perspective and considers the issues and challenges facing systems designers and implementers in relation to managing the dynamics of the changes required
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