18 research outputs found

    Software dependability modeling using an industry-standard architecture description language

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    Performing dependability evaluation along with other analyses at architectural level allows both making architectural tradeoffs and predicting the effects of architectural decisions on the dependability of an application. This paper gives guidelines for building architectural dependability models for software systems using the AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language). It presents reusable modeling patterns for fault-tolerant applications and shows how the presented patterns can be used in the context of a subsystem of a real-life application

    Architectural aspects of self-aware and self-expressive computing systems: from psychology to engineering

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    Work on human self-Awareness is the basis for a framework to develop computational systems that can adaptively manage complex dynamic tradeoffs at runtime. An architectural case study in cloud computing illustrates the framework's potential benefits

    Component-Based Software Engineering - New Challenges in Software Development

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    The primary role of component-based software engineering is to address the development of systems as an assembly of parts (components), the development of parts as reusable entities, and the maintenance and upgrading of systems by customising and replacing such parts. This requires established methodologies and tool support covering the entire component and system lifecycle including technological, organisational, marketing, legal, and other aspects. The traditional disciplines from software engineering need new methodologies to support component-based development

    Introducing tool-supported architecture review into software design education

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    Interactive assessment of simulated service qualities by business stakeholders: principles and research issues

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    We present the principles of an approach supporting the stakeholder involvement in a software process for service-oriented systems in a form of assessing the perceived quality of the software under development in its usage context. This method relies on interactive simulation of service performance and reliability; simulation models are parameterized by the factors influencing service execution; business stakeholders experience simulated service qualities in simulated usage contexts and assess this experience; the obtained assessments can be later used throughout the system lifecycle as a means of control for the quality of the software under development.Наведено принципи підходу, що підтримує участь зацікавлених осіб у процесі розробки сервіс-орієнтованих програмних систем у вигляді оцінювання сприйманої якості розроблюваної системи в контексті її використання. Цей підхід спирається на інтерактивне імітаційне моделювання продуктивності та надійності сервісів; параметрами імітаційних моделей є фактори, що впливають на виконання сервісів; зацікавлені особи висловлюють своє відношення до значень продуктивності та надійності, отриманих при взаємодії з імітаційними моделями якості сервісів у рамках виконання імітаційних моделей їх контекстів використання, надані оцінки можуть бути використані на різних етапах життєвого циклу програмного забезпечення як засоби контролю його якості

    The Golden Age of Software Architecture: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Software architectures: Blueprint, Literature, Language or Decision

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    Abstract This study questions the traditional view of software architecture as a specification that needs only be understood by software architects and engineers. Based on an intensive study of three software-producing organizations, we identify multiple metaphors ('Blueprint,' 'Literature,' 'Language' and 'Decision') that stakeholders use to understand the term software architecture, which in turn, allows them to effectively participate in its creation and use. Our results point to new research directions that may better encompass a broader view of software architecture