14 research outputs found

    Modelling predictors of blog stickiness and retention by university students

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    Weblogs represent a popular tool for sharing common knowledge and promoting learning among university students. Yet, little is known about what influences university students to stick to a blog. The current study develops a framework to investigate the role of several key factors on blog stickiness and retention among university students. Data for the study was collected from a sample of university students in Malaysia (n=725) and analysed using structural equation modelling. Results of the study revealed that social influence, content quality and perceived enjoyment were the most important predictors of blog stickiness, resulting in blog retention. More specifically, it was found that the need for cognition, perceived enjoyment and social influence also play a key role in predicting blog stickiness among student. Results of this study help to provide insights to the social, cognitive and physiological components that will encourage student to read and use blogs more frequently. This understanding can assist in designing approaches to increase blog application, stickiness and retention among students and help educate better learners capable of obtaining information from electronic sources of knowledge

    Antecedents of Trust in the Ridesharing Service: The Moderating Effect of User Experience

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    Trust has been recognized as a significant factor in the sharing economy. However, there is still a lack of research that empirically examines the critical antecedents of trust in the ridesharing service, especially in China. Drawing upon Zucker (1986)’s trust building framework, this study develops a theoretical model to examine four antecedents, regarding structural assurance, government support, platform reputation and disposition to trust, on users’ trust beliefs and continuance intention of ridesharing. 307 valid data was collected in one of the largest ridesharing platforms in China, and structural equation modelling method was used to examine the research model. Empirical results suggest that platform reputation is the most significant antecedent of trust, followed by government support, structural assurance and disposition to trust. Specifically, user experience positively moderates the impact of structural assurance on trust, while negatively moderates the influences of government support and platform reputation on trust. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in the final section

    Gratifications and Credibility Judgment of Online Information for Task Completion – A Comparison of Students and Workers

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    This study aims to examine the impact of U&G determinants on intention to search online information and to investigate the effect of the intention to intention to evaluate quality of information and its corresponding behaviour between two user groups: students and workers who use the Internet information to complete their tasks. Structural equation modeling is utilized to assess the research model. Findings reveal U&G factors that are important to full-time students and full-time employees. The results also show the differences between the two groups in terms of the effect of a U&G factor and intention to search on its tentative dependent factor. The comparison between students and employees, the exploration of nascent dimensions of U&G theory, and the focus of the task-fulfillment purpose provide insights to educators, managers, and policy makers on how to enhance the credibility of information used in school or office works

    Study on the Influencing Factors of Health Information Sharing Behavior of the Elderly under the Background of Normalization of Pandemic Situation

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    This study aims to solve the problem of unwise judgment, decisions, and correspondingly dangerous behaviors caused by error health information to the elderly. Based on the MOA model and self-determination theory, this paper constructs a health information sharing model for the elderly and analyzes it with Amos\u27s structural equation model. The study finds that media richness, health information literacy, perceived benefits, and negative emotions of the coronavirus epidemic positively influence health information sharing behavior. In contrast, perceived risks have a significant negative impact on health information sharing behavior. At the same time, media richness positively affects health information literacy, perceived benefits, and negative emotions of the coronavirus epidemic but has no significant impact on perceived risks. Health literacy positively affects perceived benefits but does not significantly affect the perceived risks and negative emotions of the coronavirus epidemic. This study aims to assist government and online social platforms in taking relevant measures under the background of normalization of the pandemic situation, controlling the spread of error health information among the elderly, and guiding the elderly to share health information better

    Understanding the role of social situations on continuance participation intention in online communities: an empirical perspective

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    In recent years, the mushrooming development of Online Communities (OCs) has ushered a new paradigm of research for organizational sustainability in IS. In essence, the growth and survival of an online community relies predominantly on the continuous participation of its members. Given that the emergence of OCs may decay or even diminish due to the lack of consistent involvement of members, it is of paramount importance to fathom how to retain and entice members of OCs in terms of their continuous participation in the online platform. Extant studies have focused mostly on personal belief constructs and subjective norm constructs to study users' continuous behavior. However, the important role of social situations has not been sufficiently explored and investigated in IS, particularly in the emerging context of OCs. Drawing on the Triandis model, this study proposes a research model incorporating social situations as the moderator on the continuance participation intention in OCs. We collected data from two large OCs to examine whether congruence exists between situation perceptions and situation reactions. The empirical results show that social situations play an important role in determining the strength of the relationships between affect, social factors, and perceived consequences and the continuance intention in OCs

    A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system

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    Franque, F. B., Oliveira, T., Tam, C., & Santini, F. D. O. (2021). A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system. Internet Research, 31(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-03-2019-0103Purpose: This study aims to describe, synthesise and clarify the findings of published studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system (IS), considering the fact that the number of studies in the continuance intention context are growing exponentially and cover several different subjects. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses meta- and weight analysis by taking 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an IS. The data are presented in different views using significant and non-significant relationships from all the studies. Furthermore, it uses hierarchical linear meta-analysis to analyse potential moderators that can influence continuance intention. Findings: The results reveal that affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value and flow are the best predictors of continuance intention to use an IS. Sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity and indulgence moderate relationship satisfaction on continuance intention. Practical implications: The results reveal that continuance intention to use an IS has been studied in different countries, with different cultures; therefore, IS providers should have diversified managing strategies, to ensure the satisfaction of users and long-term usage of their IS. Originality/value: The study provides a systematic overview of the most relevant variables used in the literature, including a temporal analysis of the theoretical models, highlighting the evolution of the constructs and presents a moderation analysis.authorsversionpublishe

    Student's intention to use wikis for Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)

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    Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) is very prominent nowadays. Even though OCL is utilized all over the globe, there are still limitations in evaluating the factors influencing intention to use tools and technologies of online collaborative learning, especially in Malaysia. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the intention to use Wikis for OCL through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) has been adopted in designing the theoretical framework for the study. This framework is applied to examine the significant differences between level of study related to factors affecting the intention to use Wikis namely the performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, the features of OCL and intention to use. A survey was used to collect usable data from 233 undergraduate students in a Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used as the technique for data analysis. The results show that all construct was significant predictors of intention to use Wikis. Overall, the proposed model achieves an acceptable fit and explains its variance for 66% of sample. The implications of the study‟s findings for practice and research are discussed, and avenues for future research outlined

    The Relationship between Nonprofit Organizations and Cloud Adoption Concerns

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    Many leaders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the United States do not have plans to adopt cloud computing. However, the factors accounting for their decisions is not known. This correlational study used the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit can predict behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) of NPO information technology (IT) managers towards adopting cloud computing within the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona of the U.S. An existing UTAUT2 survey instrument was used with a sample of IT managers (N = 106) from NPOs. A multiple regression analysis confirmed a positive statistically significant relationship between predictors and the dependent variables of BI and UB. The first model significantly predicted BI, F (7,99) =54.239, p -?¤ .001, R^2=.795. Performance expectancy (β = .295, p = .004), social influence (β = .148, p = .033), facilitating conditions (β = .246, p = .007), and habit (β = .245, p = .002) were statistically significant predictors of BI at the .05 level. The second model significantly predicted UB, F (3,103) = 37.845, p -?¤ .001, R^2 = .527. Habit (β = .430, p = .001) was a statistically significant predictor for UB at a .05 level. Using the study results, NPO IT managers may be able to develop strategies to improve the adoption of cloud computing within their organization. The implication for positive social change is that, by using the study results, NPO leaders may be able to improve their IT infrastructure and services for those in need, while also reducing their organization\u27s carbon footprint through use of shared data centers for processing

    Determinantes da utilização de sites de apostas online em Portugal

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    Mestrado em GestãoCom a proliferação da internet assistiu-se desde a década de 90 a um aumento exponencial das casas de jogo online, estando muitas delas traduzidas para português e aceitando euros. Sendo este um tema pouco estudado em Portugal, pretende-se desenvolver e validar um modelo conceptual que reflita os fatores que levam o consumidor a utilizar este tipo de sites. Numa altura em que o governo p g ês p de “ eg iz ” es ivid de, é igualmente interessante perceber qual o perfil do público-alvo, as suas motivações e preferências face à oferta existente. A análise fatorial exploratória, a análise de fiabilidade e os modelos de regressão linear foram as técnicas utilizadas para validar este modelo. Com base num questionário, este estudo mostrou que a expectativa de desempenho, influência social, condições facilitadoras, motivações hedónicas, valor do preço, hábito e o risco psicológico, financeiro e de tempo são fatores determinantes da intenção de utilização de sites de jogo online. Do estudo emergem relevantes implicações académicas e para o mundo empresarial.Wi h he c s g wi g f he i e e si ce he 90’s, he w d s see exponential increase of the online gambling sites, many of them translated to Portuguese and accepting euros. With this being an understudied topic in Portugal, this study aims to develop and validate a conceptual model that reflects the factors that lead consumers to use such sites. At a time when the Portuguese government is considering legalizing this activity it is also interesting to understand the profile of the target consumers, their motivations and preferences regarding this type of sites. The exploratory factor analysis, the reliability analysis, and the linear regression techniques were used to evaluate this model. Based on a questionnaire, this study showed that performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivations, price value, habit and psychological, financial and time are important risk factors in the intention of using online gaming sites. Finally, academic and managerial implications are discussed