8,081 research outputs found

    Eventual election of multiple leaders for solving consensus in anonymous systems

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    In classical distributed systems, each process has a unique identity. Today, new distributed systems have emerged where a unique identity is not always possible to be assigned to each process. For example, in many sensor networks a unique identity is not possible to be included in each device due to its small storage capacity, reduced computational power, or the huge number of devices to be identified. In these cases, we have to work with anonymous distributed systems where processes cannot be identified. Consensus cannot be solved in classical and anonymous asynchronous distributed systems where processes can crash. To bypass this impossibility result, failure detectors are added to these systems. It is known that ? is the weakest failure detector class for solving consensus in classical asynchronous systems when amajority of processes never crashes. Although A? was introduced as an anonymous version of ?, to find the weakest failure detector in anonymous systems to solve consensus when amajority of processes never crashes is nowadays an open question. Furthermore, A? has the important drawback that it is not implementable. Very recently, A? has been introduced as a counterpart of ? for anonymous systems. In this paper, we show that the A? failure detector class is strictly weaker than A? (i.e., A? provides less information about process crashes than A?). We also present in this paper the first implementation of A? (hence, we also show that A? is implementable), and, finally, we include the first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems augmented with A? and where a majority of processes does not crash

    Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Unknown and Anonymous Networks

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    This paper investigates under which conditions information can be reliably shared and consensus can be solved in unknown and anonymous message-passing networks that suffer from crash-failures. We provide algorithms to emulate registers and solve consensus under different synchrony assumptions. For this, we introduce a novel pseudo leader-election approach which allows a leader-based consensus implementation without breaking symmetry

    Distributed eventual leader election in the crash-recovery and general omission failure models.

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    102 p.Distributed applications are present in many aspects of everyday life. Banking, healthcare or transportation are examples of such applications. These applications are built on top of distributed systems. Roughly speaking, a distributed system is composed of a set of processes that collaborate among them to achieve a common goal. When building such systems, designers have to cope with several issues, such as different synchrony assumptions and failure occurrence. Distributed systems must ensure that the delivered service is trustworthy.Agreement problems compose a fundamental class of problems in distributed systems. All agreement problems follow the same pattern: all processes must agree on some common decision. Most of the agreement problems can be considered as a particular instance of the Consensus problem. Hence, they can be solved by reduction to consensus. However, a fundamental impossibility result, namely (FLP), states that in an asynchronous distributed system it is impossible to achieve consensus deterministically when at least one process may fail. A way to circumvent this obstacle is by using unreliable failure detectors. A failure detector allows to encapsulate synchrony assumptions of the system, providing (possibly incorrect) information about process failures. A particular failure detector, called Omega, has been shown to be the weakest failure detector for solving consensus with a majority of correct processes. Informally, Omega lies on providing an eventual leader election mechanism

    Failure Detectors in Homonymous Distributed Systems (with an Application to Consensus).

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    This paper is on homonymous distributed systems where processes are prone to crash failures and have no initial knowledge of the system membership (?homonymous? means that several processes may have the same identi?er). New classes of failure detectors suited to these systems are ?rst de?ned. Among them, the classes H? and H? are introduced that are the homonymous counterparts of the classes ? and ?, respectively. (Recall that the pair h?,?i de?nes the weakest failure detector to solve consensus.) Then, the paper shows how H? and H? can be implemented in homonymous systems without membership knowledge (under different synchrony requirements). Finally, two algorithms are presented that use these failure detectors to solve consensus in homonymous asynchronous systems where there is no initial knowledge ofthe membership. One algorithm solves consensus with hH?, H?i, while the other uses only H?, but needs a majority of correct processes. Observe that the systems with unique identi?ers and anonymous systems are extreme cases of homonymous systems from which follows that all these results also apply to these systems. Interestingly, the new failure detector class H? can be implemented with partial synchrony, while the analogous class A? de?ned for anonymous systems can not be implemented (even in synchronous systems). Hence, the paper provides us with the ?rst proof showing that consensus can be solved in anonymous systems with only partial synchrony (and a majority of correct processes)

    Self-stabilizing Leader Election in Population Protocols over Arbitrary Communication Graphs

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    This paper considers the fundamental problem of \emph{self-stabilizing leader election} (SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}) in the model of \emph{population protocols}. In this model, an unknown number of asynchronous, anonymous and finite state mobile agents interact in pairs over a given communication graph. SSLE\mathcal{SSLE} has been shown to be impossible in the original model. This impossibility can been circumvented by a modular technique augmenting the system with an \emph{oracle} - an external module abstracting the added assumption about the system. Fischer and Jiang have proposed solutions to SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}, for complete communication graphs and rings, using an oracle Ω?\Omega?, called the \emph{eventual leader detector}. In this work, we present a solution for arbitrary graphs, using a \emph{composition} of two copies of Ω?\Omega?. We also prove that the difficulty comes from the requirement of self-stabilization, by giving a solution without oracle for arbitrary graphs, when an uniform initialization is allowed. Finally, we prove that there is no self-stabilizing \emph{implementation} of Ω?\Omega? using SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}, in a sense we define precisely

    Self-stabilising Priority-Based Multi-Leader Election and Network Partitioning

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    A common task in situated distributed systems is the self-organising election of leaders. These leaders can be devices or software agents appointed, for instance, to coordinate the activities of other agents or processes. In this work, we focus on the multi-leader election problem in networks of asynchronous message-passing devices, which are a common model in self-organisation approaches like aggregate computing. Specifically, we introduce a novel algorithm for space- and priority-based leader election and compare it with the state of the art. We call the algorithm Bounded Election since it leverages bounding (i.e. minimisation or maximisation) of candidacy messages to drop or promote candidate leaders and ensure stabilisation. The proposed algorithm is formally proven to be self-stabilising, allows for leader prioritisation, and performs on-the-fly network partitioning (namely, as a side effect of the leader election process, the areas regulated by the leaders are also established). Also, we experimentally compare its performance together with the state of the art of leader election in aggregate computing in a variety of synthetic scenarios, showing benefits in terms of convergence time and resilience

    Probabilistic Population Protocol Models

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    Population protocols are a relatively novel computational model in which very resource-limited anonymous agents interact in pairs with the goal of computing predicates. We consider the probabilistic version of this model, which naturally allows to consider the setup in which a small probability of an incorrect output is tolerated. The main focus of this thesis is the question of confident leader election, which is an extension of the regular leader election problem with an extra requirement for the eventual leader to detect its uniqueness. Having a confident leader allows the population protocols to determine the convergence of its computations. This behaviour of the model is highly beneficial and was shown to be feasible when the original model is extended in various ways. We show that it takes a linear in terms of the population size number of interactions for a probabilistic population protocol to have a non-zero fraction of agents in all reachable states, starting from a configuration with all agents in the same state. This leads us to a conclusion that confident leader election is out of reach even with the probabilistic version of the model

    Enhanced Phase Clocks, Population Protocols, and Fast Space Optimal Leader Election

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