1,060 research outputs found

    ANALYTiC: Understanding Decision Boundaries and Dimensionality Reduction in Machine Learning

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    The advent of compact, handheld devices has given us a pool of tracked movement data that could be used to infer trends and patterns that can be made to use. With this flooding of various trajectory data of animals, humans, vehicles, etc., the idea of ANALYTiC originated, using active learning to infer semantic annotations from the trajectories by learning from sets of labeled data. This study explores the application of dimensionality reduction and decision boundaries in combination with the already present active learning, highlighting patterns and clusters in data. We test these features with three different trajectory datasets with objective of exploiting the the already labeled data and enhance their interpretability. Our experimental analysis exemplifies the potential of these combined methodologies in improving the efficiency and accuracy of trajectory labeling. This study serves as a stepping-stone towards the broader integration of machine learning and visual methods in context of movement data analysis.Comment: Bachelor's thesi

    Dynamic Visual Abstraction of Soccer Movement

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    Trajectory-based visualization of coordinated movement data within a bounded area, such as player and ball movement within a soccer pitch, can easily result in visual crossings, overplotting, and clutter. Trajectory abstraction can help to cope with these issues, but it is a challenging problem to select the right level of abstraction (LoA) for a given data set and analysis task. We present a novel dynamic approach that combines trajectory simplification and clustering techniques with the goal to support interpretation and understanding of movement patterns. Our technique provides smooth transitions between different abstraction types that can be computed dynamically and on-the-fly. This enables the analyst to effectively navigate and explore the space of possible abstractions in large trajectory data sets. Additionally, we provide a proof of concept for supporting the analyst in determining the LoA semi-automatically with a recommender system. Our approach is illustrated and evaluated by case studies, quantitative measures, and expert feedback. We further demonstrate that it allows analysts to solve a variety of analysis tasks in the domain of soccer

    Visualization as Assemblage: How Modesty, Ethics, and Attachment Inform a Critical Design Practice

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    Visualization is a form of design practice that deploys representational processes of enormous rhetorical and analytical power. What is often left out of the picture is the network of processes which it assembles and the non-visual effects it produces. This study asks how visualization can operate as a critical design practice that attends to the representational and performative processes it arranges. In order to contextualize this form of arrangement in design, the study undertakes a review of Bruno Latours interpretation of design as a form of modest restyling and arrangement. It also addresses this question through the use of a productive alignment between Latours development of actor-network theory and Deleuze and Guattaris assemblage theory which allows to both describe how things and processes mobilize knowledge and how human subjectivity emerges from human-nonhuman entanglements, respectively. The assemblage framework is applied to three case studies that offer distinct instances of critical visualization practices with each emphasizing a specific aspect. Liquid Traces (2014present), from Forensic Architecture (a research project based at Goldsmiths, University of London), is a project that condemns NATO forces for criminal negligence that led to the deaths of 63 refugees fleeing Libya by boat in 2011, and also reveals the ways a surface may assemble components and highlight its own form of construction. Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (2013present), from the San Francisco Tenants Union, advocates for housing justice by mobilizing maps, events, and site-specific installations, and illustrates how visualization is a process that exists beyond any one artifact. In The Air, Tonight (2013present), from the Public Visualization Studio, is my own research-creation project highlights the connection between housing and climate through an annual visualization event, and shows how design can operate through iteration, reworking, and connection to allied processes. What emerges from this study is an ethics of visualization that refocuses criticality on the potential of design to act modestly (Latour), to reveal its own construction, and to maintain the quality of attachments made

    Visual analytics methods for retinal layers in optical coherence tomography data

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    Optical coherence tomography is an important imaging technology for the early detection of ocular diseases. Yet, identifying substructural defects in the 3D retinal images is challenging. We therefore present novel visual analytics methods for the exploration of small and localized retinal alterations. Our methods reduce the data complexity and ensure the visibility of relevant information. The results of two cross-sectional studies show that our methods improve the detection of retinal defects, contributing to a deeper understanding of the retinal condition at an early stage of disease.Die optische Kohärenztomographie ist ein wichtiges Bildgebungsverfahren zur Früherkennung von Augenerkrankungen. Die Identifizierung von substrukturellen Defekten in den 3D-Netzhautbildern ist jedoch eine Herausforderung. Wir stellen daher neue Visual-Analytics-Methoden zur Exploration von kleinen und lokalen Netzhautveränderungen vor. Unsere Methoden reduzieren die Datenkomplexität und gewährleisten die Sichtbarkeit relevanter Informationen. Die Ergebnisse zweier Querschnittsstudien zeigen, dass unsere Methoden die Erkennung von Netzhautdefekten in frühen Krankheitsstadien verbessern

    Contributions to the cornerstones of interaction in visualization: strengthening the interaction of visualization

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    Visualization has become an accepted means for data exploration and analysis. Although interaction is an important component of visualization approaches, current visualization research pays less attention to interaction than to aspects of the graphical representation. Therefore, the goal of this work is to strengthen the interaction side of visualization. To this end, we establish a unified view on interaction in visualization. This unified view covers four cornerstones: the data, the tasks, the technology, and the human.Visualisierung hat sich zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für die Exploration und Analyse von Daten entwickelt. Obwohl Interaktion ein wichtiger Bestandteil solcher Werkzeuge ist, wird der Interaktion in der aktuellen Visualisierungsforschung weniger Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet als Aspekten der graphischen Repräsentation. Daher ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Interaktion im Bereich der Visualisierung zu stärken. Hierzu wird eine einheitliche Sicht auf Interaktion in der Visualisierung entwickelt

    A Descriptive Framework for Temporal Data Visualizations Based on Generalized Space-Time Cubes

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    International audienceWe present the generalized space-time cube, a descriptive model for visualizations of temporal data. Visualizations are described as operations on the cube, which transform the cube's 3D shape into readable 2D visualizations. Operations include extracting subparts of the cube, flattening it across space or time or transforming the cubes geometry and content. We introduce a taxonomy of elementary space-time cube operations and explain how these operations can be combined and parameterized. The generalized space-time cube has two properties: (1) it is purely conceptual without the need to be implemented, and (2) it applies to all datasets that can be represented in two dimensions plus time (e.g. geo-spatial, videos, networks, multivariate data). The proper choice of space-time cube operations depends on many factors, for example, density or sparsity of a cube. Hence, we propose a characterization of structures within space-time cubes, which allows us to discuss strengths and limitations of operations. We finally review interactive systems that support multiple operations, allowing a user to customize his view on the data. With this framework, we hope to facilitate the description, criticism and comparison of temporal data visualizations, as well as encourage the exploration of new techniques and systems. This paper is an extension of Bach et al.'s (2014) work
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