15 research outputs found

    Classification of interstitial lung disease patterns with topological texture features

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    Topological texture features were compared in their ability to classify morphological patterns known as 'honeycombing' that are considered indicative for the presence of fibrotic interstitial lung diseases in high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images. For 14 patients with known occurrence of honey-combing, a stack of 70 axial, lung kernel reconstructed images were acquired from HRCT chest exams. A set of 241 regions of interest of both healthy and pathological (89) lung tissue were identified by an experienced radiologist. Texture features were extracted using six properties calculated from gray-level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM), Minkowski Dimensions (MDs), and three Minkowski Functionals (MFs, e.g. MF.euler). A k-nearest-neighbor (k-NN) classifier and a Multilayer Radial Basis Functions Network (RBFN) were optimized in a 10-fold cross-validation for each texture vector, and the classification accuracy was calculated on independent test sets as a quantitative measure of automated tissue characterization. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare two accuracy distributions and the significance thresholds were adjusted for multiple comparisons by the Bonferroni correction. The best classification results were obtained by the MF features, which performed significantly better than all the standard GLCM and MD features (p < 0.005) for both classifiers. The highest accuracy was found for MF.euler (97.5%, 96.6%; for the k-NN and RBFN classifier, respectively). The best standard texture features were the GLCM features 'homogeneity' (91.8%, 87.2%) and 'absolute value' (90.2%, 88.5%). The results indicate that advanced topological texture features can provide superior classification performance in computer-assisted diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases when compared to standard texture analysis methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging 201

    The Role of the Superior Order GLCM in the Characterization and Recognition of the Liver Tumors from Ultrasound Images

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    The hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent malignant liver tumor. It often has a similar visual aspect with the cirrhotic parenchyma on which it evolves and with the benign liver tumors. The golden standard for HCC diagnosis is the needle biopsy, but this is an invasive, dangerous method. We aim to develop computerized,noninvasive techniques for the automatic diagnosis of HCC, based on information obtained from ultrasound images. The texture is an important property of the internal organs tissue, able to provide subtle information about the pathology. We previously defined the textural model of HCC, consisting in the exhaustive set of the relevant textural features, appropriate for HCC characterization and in the specific values of these features. In this work, we analyze the role that the superior order Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrices (GLCM) and the associated parameters have in the improvement of HCC characterization and automatic diagnosis. We also determine the best spatial relations between the pixels that lead to the highest performances, for the third, fifth and seventh order GLCM. The following classes will be considered: HCC, cirrhotic liver parenchyma on which it evolves and benign liver tumors

    Application of Radarsat imagery on grassland heterogeneity assessment

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    Non-Peer ReviewedHeterogeneity, the degree of dissimilarity, is one of the most important and widely applicable concepts in ecology. It is highly related to ecosystem condition and wildlife habitat. In this study, the feasibility of applying Radarsat-1 HH polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image on heterogeneity study is tested on the Grasslands National Park (GNP) and surrounding pastures. GNP is located in southern Saskatchewan along the international boundary of Canada and the United States, which represents northern mixed grasslands. Fieldwork was conducted at GNP and surrounding pastures from June to July, 2003. Biophysical variables including species composition, cover, biomass, and canopy height were collected from 10 sites. Height heterogeneity index, Shannon’s index, and standard deviation were calculated based on field data. One standard mode Radarsat-1 HH image acquired on August 1, 2003 was used for this study. Parameters from texture analysis and standard deviation of the backscatters are correlated with biophysical parameters to measure grasslands heterogeneity. Results showed that different parameters had various abilities to detect field heterogeneity. Correlation showed the highest ability to explain variation of bareground cover (79%). Mean and contrast can also be utilized to explain the variation of grass biomass and standing dead cover (59% and 56% respectively)

    Mineral texture identification using local binary patterns equipped with a Classification and Recognition Updating System (CARUS)

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    In this paper, a rotation-invariant local binary pattern operator equipped with a local contrast measure (riLBPc) is employed to characterize the type of mineral twinning by inspecting the texture properties of crystals. The proposed method uses photomicrographs of minerals and produces LBP histograms, which might be compared with those included in a predefined database using the Kullback–Leibler divergence-based metric. The paper proposes a new LBP-based scheme for concurrent classification and recognition tasks, followed by a novel online updating routine to enhance the locally developed mineral LBP database. The discriminatory power of the proposed Classification and Recognition Updating System (CARUS) for texture identification scheme is verified for plagioclase, orthoclase, microcline, and quartz minerals with sensitivity (TPR) near 99.9%, 87%, 99.9%, and 96%, and accuracy (ACC) equal to about 99%, 97%, 99%, and 99%, respectively. According to the results, the introduced CARUS system is a promising approach that can be applied in a variety of different fields dealing with classification and feature recognition tasks. © 2022 by the authors

    Assessing the Utility of Imaging Radar for Identifying White Sand Vegetation Structure

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    White sand vegetation communities are wide spread across South America; found in Peru, Venezuela, Brazilian Amazon and Guyana. They are distributed in patches ranging from \u3c1 km2 to greater than tens of square kilometers and their origins and locations are still not well understood. The communities are related to a variety of factors (soil type, flooding, nutrient content and fire); hence a precise definition for the ecosystem is still not fully defined. Nevertheless, the result of these variations creates a unique environment for endemic plant and animal species to thrive. Furthermore, analysis of these areas has been very scattered and identification of local white sand areas (\u3c1 km2) have not been accomplished. In addition, identification of these locations has currently only used optical satellite imagery (Landsat, MODIS). Hence, in this project, we have attempted to use synthetic aperture radar to create a classification system to locate the white sand vegetation systems. The goal is to be able to apply this method to identify white sand vegetation distribution across South America. The region of focus for this thesis has been in Aracá, a large white sand area located in Brazil in the State of Amazonas. Due to the lack of ground reference data, a classified map by Capurucho et al. (2013), generated using Landsat data, was used as a comparison and reference. JAXA’s ALOS-1 PALSAR (L-band), ESA’s Sentinel-1A (C-band) and NASA’s SRTM sensors were used for land classification. As microwave signals penetrate clouds and haze, the advantage of using sensors with this wavelength allows for an unobstructed coverage of the landscape all year round. Different combinations of polarizations and wavelengths were used during the analysis to try and separate the white sand vegetation from water and terra firme forest. The resulting classification images showed a 30% agreement with the classification map by Capurucho et al. It is important to note, that this number is in fact an agreement percentage as the map used was a classification image and coarse in resolution (due to the lack of reference data). Therefore, this value does not imply a bad classification. Future work will include time-series data, precise ground reference points and data from other sensors such as ALOS-2 PALSAR, to improve the classification accuracy

    Toward an Operational Bare Soil Moisture Mapping Using TerraSAR-X Data Acquired Over Agricultural Areas

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    International audienceTerraSAR-X data are processed for an "operational" mapping of bare soils moisture in agricultural areas. Empirical relationships between TerraSAR-X signal and soil moisture were established and validated over different North European agricultural study sites. The results show that the mean error on the soil moisture estimation is less than 4% regardless of the TerraSAR-X configuration (incidence angle, polarization) and the soil surface characteristics (soil surface roughness, soil composition). Furthermore, the potential of TerraSAR-X data (signal, texture features) to discriminate bare soils from other land cover classes in an agricultural watershed was evaluated. The mean signal backscattered from bare soils can be easily differentiated from signals from other land cover classes when the neighboring plots are covered by fully developed crops. This was observed regardless of the TerraSAR-X configuration and the soil moisture conditions. When neighboring plots are covered by early growth crops, a TerraSAR-X image acquired under wet conditions can be useful for discriminating bare soils. Bare soil masks were calculated by object-oriented classifications ofmono-configuration TerraSAR-Xdata. The overall accuracies of the bare soils mapping were higher than 84% for validation based on object and pixel. The bare soils mapping method and the soil moisture relationships were applied to TerraSAR-X images to generate soil moisture maps. The results show that TerraSAR-X sensors provide useful data for monitoring the spatial variations of soil moisture at the within-plot scale. The methods of bare soils moisture mapping developed in this paper can be used in operational applications in agriculture, and hydrology

    A Multi-Sensor Phenotyping System: Applications on Wheat Height Estimation and Soybean Trait Early Prediction

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    Phenotyping is an essential aspect for plant breeding research since it is the foundation of the plant selection process. Traditional plant phenotyping methods such as measuring and recording plant traits manually can be inefficient, laborious and prone to error. With the help of modern sensing technologies, high-throughput field phenotyping is becoming popular recently due to its ability of sensing various crop traits non-destructively with high efficiency. A multi-sensor phenotyping system equipped with red-green-blue (RGB) cameras, radiometers, ultrasonic sensors, spectrometers, a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, a pyranometer, a temperature and relative humidity probe and a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was first constructed, and a LabVIEW program was developed for sensor controlling and data acquisition. Two studies were conducted focusing on system performance examination and data exploration respectively. The first study was to compare wheat height measurements from ultrasonic sensor and LiDAR. Canopy heights of 100 wheat plots were estimated five times over the season by the ground phenotyping system, and the results were compared to manual measurements. Overall, LiDAR provided the better estimations with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.05 m and R2 of 0.97. Ultrasonic sensor did not perform well due to the style of our application. In conclusion LiDAR was recommended as a reliable method for wheat height evaluation. The second study was to explore the possibility of early predicting soybean traits through color and texture features of canopy images. Six thousand three hundred and eighty-three RGB images were captured at V4/V5 growth stage over 5667 soybean plots growing at four locations. One hundred and forty color features and 315 gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture features were derived from each image. Another two variables were also introduced to account for the location and timing difference between images. Cubist and Random Forests were used for regression and classification modelling respectively. Yield (RMSE=9.82, R2=0.68), Maturity (RMSE=3.70, R2=0.76) and Seed Size (RMSE=1.63, R2=0.53) were identified as potential soybean traits that might be early-predictable. Advisor: Yufeng G

    A Multi-Sensor Phenotyping System: Applications on Wheat Height Estimation and Soybean Trait Early Prediction

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    Phenotyping is an essential aspect for plant breeding research since it is the foundation of the plant selection process. Traditional plant phenotyping methods such as measuring and recording plant traits manually can be inefficient, laborious and prone to error. With the help of modern sensing technologies, high-throughput field phenotyping is becoming popular recently due to its ability of sensing various crop traits non-destructively with high efficiency. A multi-sensor phenotyping system equipped with red-green-blue (RGB) cameras, radiometers, ultrasonic sensors, spectrometers, a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, a pyranometer, a temperature and relative humidity probe and a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was first constructed, and a LabVIEW program was developed for sensor controlling and data acquisition. Two studies were conducted focusing on system performance examination and data exploration respectively. The first study was to compare wheat height measurements from ultrasonic sensor and LiDAR. Canopy heights of 100 wheat plots were estimated five times over the season by the ground phenotyping system, and the results were compared to manual measurements. Overall, LiDAR provided the better estimations with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.05 m and R2 of 0.97. Ultrasonic sensor did not perform well due to the style of our application. In conclusion LiDAR was recommended as a reliable method for wheat height evaluation. The second study was to explore the possibility of early predicting soybean traits through color and texture features of canopy images. Six thousand three hundred and eighty-three RGB images were captured at V4/V5 growth stage over 5667 soybean plots growing at four locations. One hundred and forty color features and 315 gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture features were derived from each image. Another two variables were also introduced to account for the location and timing difference between images. Cubist and Random Forests were used for regression and classification modelling respectively. Yield (RMSE=9.82, R2=0.68), Maturity (RMSE=3.70, R2=0.76) and Seed Size (RMSE=1.63, R2=0.53) were identified as potential soybean traits that might be early-predictable. Advisor: Yufeng G

    Remote sensing in support of conservation and management of heathland vegetation

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    Hochpräzise, kalibrierte Transponder und Bodenempfänger für satellitengestützte SAR-Missionen

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