12 research outputs found

    Methodologies for evaluating the playability of mobile games:systematic literature review

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    Tiivistelmä. The gaming industry has been growing rapidly during the past years due to the interest of the new generations in mobile gaming. To deliver a great experience for the gamers, it is required for the gaming companies to produce games that are challenging but at the same time easy to play. To achieve this, it is required to understand the factors that affect the gaming experience. Playability is a term that is used to understand the usability of a game and its experience. The purpose of this thesis was to understand what is known related to the playability of mobile games and to identify the methodologies that are used by the community to evaluate this phenomenon. To find the answers to these questions, it was performed a systematic literature review (SLR) using the databases Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and Web of Science. After conducting the SLR, 1,390 studies related to the playability of mobile games were found from which 27 were identified as primary studies of this research. From the data collected from the primary studies, there were identified 12 different methodologies that are used for evaluating the playability of mobile games. The methodologies that are most suitable to assess the playability of mobile games are heuristic evaluation and playtesting. Other methodologies can be used for evaluating the playability of mobile games, but they must include a set of heuristics that allows evaluating the playability. The limitations of the research were mentioned, and it was proposed topics for future research of this field. The contribution of this thesis is the summarizing of the current methodologies that are used to understand and evaluate the playability of mobile games. The results of this thesis are valuable for game developers, game designers, and game usability practitioners

    Optimization of Educational Mobile Game Design 'Ayo Wisata ke Riau' based on User's Perspective

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    Educational Mobile Game ‘Ayo Wisata ke Riau’ is a mobile-based educational game application that was developed in 2017 on the Android platform. The quality requirements used in this game development have been adjusted for the available Educational Mobile Games. Even though it went well, there were many complaints from users during the direct implementation survey. This becomes material for re-evaluation, whether the game is ready to be disseminated to the public. Based on this occurence, a gap analysis was carried out to see the feasibility and the need for improvements to the game application that had been built. Based on the results of the gap analysis that has been carried out, it is indicated that there is a need for significant improvements in the areas of performance and user satisfaction. So that in this study, a design reengineering was carried out that was focused on improving the two things that were considered crucial, so that the results of the design and implementation that had been improved could provide better performance and user satisfaction scores than previous developments.Educational Mobile Game ‘Ayo Wisata ke Riau’ is a mobile-based educational game application that was developed in 2017 on the Android platform. The quality requirements used in this game development have been adjusted for the available Educational Mobile Games. Even though it went well, there were many complaints from users during the direct implementation survey. This becomes material for re-evaluation, whether the game is ready to be disseminated to the public. Based on this occurence, a gap analysis was carried out to see the feasibility and the need for improvements to the game application that had been built. Based on the results of the gap analysis that has been carried out, it is indicated that there is a need for significant improvements in the areas of performance and user satisfaction. So that in this study, a design reengineering was carried out that was focused on improving the two things that were considered crucial, so that the results of the design and implementation that had been improved could provide better performance and user satisfaction scores than previous developments

    Analysis and evaluation of mobile rhythm games : Game structure and playability

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    The rhythm game is an action simulation game adapted to the presented music. While it is expected to have an educational effect as a functional game, the relationship between the operability and rhythm education under the mobile platform is still questionable. In Korea, it seems that mobile rhythm game is a minority maniac genre that are played mostly among teenagers and early twenties. In this paper, we select three mobile rhythm games that are most played by Korean gamers in analysis. First, we analyze the user interface layout, note control, evaluation style and level of difficulty for three games – Deeno, Cytus, and Lanota. Then, we take a user survey in order to evaluate the playability of those games. All three games obtain high scores but there exust several statistically significant differences among games in analysis


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    Game  tersusun atas aturan-aturan dengan skenario serta audio-visual yang menarik untuk tujuan untuk menghibur pengguna. Dengan berkembangnya perangkat mobile, maka game juga bermunculan di perangkat mobile. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan suatu model kualitas yang diharapkan oleh setiap pengembang game. Karakteristik perangkat lunak mobile game lebih unik dibandingkan perangkat lunak game pada umumnya, terutama menyangkut mobilitas dan portabilitas. Kualitas dari sebuah mobile game dapat dilihat dari aspek yang diukur dan diuji sesuai dengan metriks untuk kebutuhan kualitas mobile game. Untuk menentukan kebutuhan kualitas perangkat lunak, diperluakan karakteristik-karakteristik dari perangkat lunak tersebut sehingga menjadi dasar pembentukan kebutuhan kualitas yang sesuai dengan kasus yang digunakan. Kebutuhan kualitas untuk game berbasis mobile didapat dari karakteristik aplikasi berbasis mobile dan game berbasis mobile.  Evaluasi terhadap kebutuhan kualitas yang diusulkan akan digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengukur kualitas suatu mobile gam

    Cognitive Analysis of Intrusion Detection System

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    Usability evaluation methods have gained a substantial attention in networks particularly in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) as these evaluation methods are envisioned to achieve usability and define usability defects for a large number of practical software’s. Despite a good number of available survey and methods on usability evaluation, we feel that there is a gap in existing literature in terms of usability evaluation methods, IDS interfaces and following usability guidelines in IDS development. This paper reviews the state of the art for improving usability of networks that illustrates the issues and challenges in the context of design matters. Further, we propose the taxonomy of key issues in evaluation methods and usability problems. We also define design heuristics for IDS users and interfaces that improves detection of usability defects and interface usability compared to conventional evaluation heuristics. The similarities and differences of usability evaluation methods and usability problems are summarized on the basis of usability factors, current evaluation methods and interfaces loopholes


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    Currently it has been observed that the worldwide population of the elderly people is growing. So it becomes increasingly necessary to provide leisure, socialization, physical and mental challenges for the improvement of living conditions of these people. Such benefits can be found in digital games provided they are appropriate to the public in this study, considering inherent difficulties and limitations due to age. This paper presents a set of heuristics for evaluating gameplay compiled from a literature review. It also shows the results of an evaluation with 60-92 year-old users to evaluate the compiled heuristics, conducted through the use of the mobile game “Viajando pelo Mundo” (“Traveling the World”), which was designed exclusively for older adults. The evaluation results highlight the importance of developing specific mobile casual games for the elderly, and confirms the need for appropriate heuristics for evaluating gameplay geared towards older adults.Atualmente tem se observado o crescimento mundial da população de idosos. Por isso torna-se cada vez mais necessário oferecer opções de lazer, socialização, desafios mentais para melhoria de vida dessas pessoas. Tais benefícios podem ser encontrados nos jogos digitais desde que estejam adequados ao público em estudo, devido às restrições e dificuldades inerentes à idade. Este trabalho apresenta um conjunto de heurísticas reunidas para avaliação de gameplay identificadas na revisão de literatura. Mostra também o resultado de uma avaliação com usuários de 60 a 92 anos para avaliar as heurísticas compiladas, realizada por meio do jogo móvel "Viajando pelo Mundo", desenvolvido exclusivamente para os adultos mais velhos. Os resultados da avaliação destacam a importância de se desenvolver jogos casuais móveis específicos para os idosos, e confirma a necessidade de heurísticas adequadas para avaliação de gameplay voltado a adultos mais velhos

    From solving usability problems towards experience-driven design in mobile games

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    Affected by Apple's data tracking privacy changes and macroeconomic turbulence, the mobile games industry is facing a fundamental shift from the previously dominating free-to-play business model to subscription-based games. The success of subscription games relies on providing an outstanding user experience to the players. The present research describes the process of improving the existing mobile game to cater to the needs of players in a subscription model. Experience-driven design is one of the methodologies in the human-computer interaction discipline, emphasizing the importance of the user's intended experience and using it to guide the design process. This research aims to transfer the experience-driven design approach to the context of mobile games and provide user experience designers with clear starting points and guidance for setting experience goals. The present study describes an experiment of setting immersion and approachability as leading experience goals for guiding the improvement process of the existing game. The inspiration for the experience goals was derived from player motivations based on the previous audience study, secondary analysis of the existing internal and player feedback, game reviews, primary analysis of the usability evaluation findings, and accessibility evaluation of the game. For experience goal evaluation, the design of the in-game dialogue feature was refined with immersion and approachability in mind. Comparative prototype testing featuring a playtest and post-test interviews were used to evaluate the renewed feature design with four participants. The initial comparative prototype testing findings helped identify a sense of control as an additional feature-specific goal critical to the experience of the game's narrative during the first minutes of gameplay. These findings suggest that further experience goal evaluation must include later phases of the player journey, such as scaffolding and endgame, to examine how the experience goals evolve over time. The initial comparative prototype testing allowed to prepare a groundwork for the experience goal evaluation that will be performed outside of the scope of this research due to the production delay. In the big picture, the research on experience-driven design in mobile games enhances understanding of user experience and supports the creation of innovative design strategies for engaging, enjoyable, and meaningful experiences for the players

    Understanding gesture demands of touchscreen games to accommodate unconventional gamers

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    Tese de mestrado, Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Os dispositivos móveis tornaram-se uma parte importante das nossas interações diárias, e são usados para permanecer ligado com a família, os amigos e os colegas de trabalho. De acordo com um estudo realizado pela GSM Arena1, os principais motivos que levam pessoas a comprar telemóveis são para navegar na internet em qualquer lugar e em qualquer momento, usar redes sociais, desfrutar de jogos móveis, e para continuar a trabalhar depois de sair do escritório. Com a crescente popularidade de aplicações e jogos para dispositivos móveis como o Facebook, WhatsApp, Candy Crush e Angry Birds, existe um interesse global em fazer parte deste fenómeno social. Portanto, há uma necessidade de tornar esta tecnologia acessível a todos, tanto para aumentar lucros como responder à procura. Isto inclui tornar os telemóveis acessíveis a pessoas com vários tipos de deficiência: motora, visual, auditiva e / ou cognitiva. Nesta dissertação, vamos focar em deficiências motoras. Atualmente, as ferramentas de acessibilidade móveis mais utilizados são ferramentas ao nível de sistema, tais como a capacidade de ativar e desativar o Auto Rotate, o ajustamento da sensibilidade de atraso de toque e a disponibilidade de vários teclados, como o teclado de toque e teclado de reconhecimento de voz, por exemplo, proporcionando ao usuário mais opções de entrada de dados2. Estas ferramentas apoiam utilizadores com dificuldades motoras, todavia, continuam bastante limitados no que podem fazer com dispositivos móveis. Existe um setor em particular que tem sido demasiado complexo para endereçar: jogos móveis. De acordo com a Big Fish Games3, 59% dos norte-americanos jogaram videojogos em 2015. Esta vasta percentagem de jogadores demonstra a atual importância dos jogos na nossa sociedade. Os jogos enriquecem as nossas mentes e desenvolvem a nossa capacidade de resolução de problemas complexos, a nossa criatividade, a nossa coordenação óculo-manual e exercitam habilidades como foco, velocidade e pensamento flexível4. Eles são um dos meios mais eficazes de ensino, bem como uma fonte de estímulo mental e emocional. O principal conceito dos jogos, que é superar obstáculos para alcançar um objetivo, ensina lições importantes e faz entender o valor de trabalhar arduamente para superar desafios. Um dos aspetos mais importantes dos jogos é a interação social; permitem-nos socializar com outras pessoas, seja jogando com elas virtualmente ou no mesmo espaço físico. Permitem conhecer pessoas novas e fazer amigos, e fazem os seus jogadores sentir-se parte de uma comunidade. Estes benefícios não devem ser negadas a ninguém, o que torna a inclusão de todos de uma extrema importância. A acessibilidade de jogos móveis tem sido abordada de várias maneiras. No entanto, a maioria das soluções existentes são aplicadas diretamente no jogo, na fase de desenvolvimento. No entanto, a maioria dos desenvolvedores de jogos não levam a acessibilidade em conta, e vêem-no como um desperdício de dinheiro e recursos. Devido a isso, é difícil para pessoas com dificuldades motoras encontrar jogos que os incluam, apesar do facto de que eles constituem uma grande parte da população de jogadores. Em geral, eles jogam mais e por períodos mais longos de tempo. O investimento na criação de jogos acessíveis é pequeno em comparação com o grande aumento de lucros em que resultaria [15]. As abordagens para acessibilidade de jogos móveis são escassas, e os métodos existentes raramente são implementados. Existe ainda um grande espaço entre o que existe e o que é necessário. Este é um problema que deve ser resolvida de uma vez, devido ao facto de que milhões de pessoas estão a ser excluídos das comunidades de jogos e dos benefícios que eles proporcionam. Para resolver este problema, primeiro precisamos de ter uma visão clara dos requisitos de input dos jogos atuais e dos problemas que estes acarretam para pessoas com dificuldades motoras. Como os desenvolvedores de jogos têm liberdade para definir os seus próprios reconhecedores de gestos, existem inúmeras possibilidades de condições de jogo, o que leva à necessidade de uma análise aprofundada da questão. Para alcançar este objetivo, colecionamos dados de jogo dos 25 melhores jogos do Google Play, e analisamos os seus requisitos de input. Com esta análise, criamos um catálogo de gestos, que lista os gestos mais usados nestes jogos e parametriza os gestos de jogo, proporcionando-nos com detalhes como duração, velocidade e distância percorrida dos gestos. Caracterizamos e relacionamos os jogos de acordo com os seus gestos de jogo predominantes e com os requisitos de input, dando-nos assim uma visão geral dos jogos de hoje. No segundo estudo, analisamos a viabilidade destes gestos para pessoas de diferentes capacidades motoras. Realizamos este estudo com participantes sem dificuldades motoras, crianças, idosos e pessoas com deficiências motoras. Com isto, foi possível concluir quais os gestos que proporcionaram as maiores dificuldades, bem como recolher parâmetros de desempenho detalhados dos diferentes grupos. De seguida, comparamos os requisitos dos jogos com o desempenho de gestos de cada grupo, de modo a determinar quais os jogos jogáveis para pessoas de diferentes graus de mobilidade, e de modo a descobrir em detalhe quais os requisitos de gesto que eram demasiado altos, e porquê. Estes resultados permitiram-nos criar uma proposta para uma solução a acessibilidade impulsionado pela doação de dados por pessoas, na qual jogadores experientes doam os seus dados de jogo a uma comunidade online. Estes dados são analisados manualmente e são anotadas os gestos de jogo mais importantes. O sistema, em seguida, usa os sets de dados resultantes para adaptar o input de jogadores com dificuldades motoras, de acordo com um user model particular de cada pessoa, proporcionando assim uma adaptação de input personalizado. Assim como a adaptação de input, o sistema também proporciona adaptação de interface de jogo. Como prova de conceito, implementamos um protótipo da ferramenta de anotação de gestos, o que nos permite gravar uma sessão de jogo e anotar os gestos mais importantes da sessão, criando assim um set de dados para o jogo. Esta dissertação tem como principais contribuições: Conjunto abrangente de heurísticas da literatura, que avalia usabilidade, mobilidade, jogabilidade e interação dos jogos. Estas heurísticas foram utilizados para avaliar os jogos escolhidos para o primeiro estudo, no qual foram analisados os requisitos de input de jogos atuais. As três primeiras heurísticas foram retirados das heurísticas de jogabilidade dos jogos de Ponnada e Kannan [1]. As últimas heurísticas, que avaliam a interação do jogo, foram adicionados por nós para cobrir aspetos relacionados com gestos e input de jogos. Catálogo de Requisitos de jogo, com base nos resultados do nosso primeiro estudo. Este estudo analisou os dados de jogo dos 25 melhores jogos da loja do Google Play, jogadas por 25 participantes sem dificuldades motoras. Foram identificados os gestos mais usados em jogos atuais, e listamos os requisitos de input detalhados de cada jogo. Análise das capacidades de toque de participantes de diferentes graus de mobilidade, baseada no nosso primeiro estudo, e comparando o desempenho de gestos de jogadores sem dificuldades motoras com jogadores de vários graus de mobilidade: crianças, idosos e pessoas com deficiências motoras. Um conjunto abrangente de implicações de desenho para a criação de jogos acessíveis para jogadores com dificuldades motoras, mostrando como os desenvolvedores de jogos podem incluir mais jogadores no seu jogo. Em suma, estas implicações incluem evitar anúncios pop-up em jogos, não assumir que todos os jogadores têm as mesmas capacidades, permitir a personalização de input, oferecer flexibilidade de velocidade de jogo, tornar a área de rabisco menor, e oferecer alternativas para gestos de múltiplo toque. Uma proposta de solução de acessibilidade, que é criado com base em nossos resultados de estudos e pesquisa sobre temas relacionados. Esta solução é construída sobre a adaptação de jogos impulsionada pela doação de dados de jogo por pessoas, e explora a anotação de gestos de jogo e a adaptação de input e de interfaces de jogos. Com este trabalho, demonstramos os requisitos de input dos jogos atuais, as capacidades de input de pessoas de vários graus de mobilidade, avaliamos a jogabilidade de jogos atuais por pessoas de vários graus de mobilidade, e propusemos uma solução de acessibilidade, criando um protótipo como prova de conceito.Games enrich our minds and develop skills such as problem solving, creativity, focus and hand-eye coordination. They are one of the most effective teaching means, as well as a source of mental and emotional stimulus. One of the most important aspects of games is social interaction: they allow us to engage with each other socially, either by playing with others virtually or in the same room. They help us relate with others and feel like part of a community. These benefits should not be denied to anyone, making the inclusion of all of utmost importance. However, currently, players with less motor dexterity are not considered in the design process of mobile games, excluding them by being fast paced and requiring high touch precision and multi touch gestures. Mobile game accessibility approaches are still scarce, and the existing methods are rarely implemented into games; developers are not aware of the importance of accessibility, or do not know how to implement it. To understand the complete scope of this issue, we explore current games and their input demands, as well as the input abilities of unconventional gamers. In our first study, we create a catalogue of the most commonly used gestures and the specific demands of each game. We then use these results to perform a second study, in which we analyse gesture performance of people of varying abilities. Finally, we compare the results of both studies to determine the accessibility of current mobile games. We conclude that 48% of our game sample is not playable for motor impaired players. As a result of our research, we provide design implications and propose a human-powered, system-wide accessibility solution, which depends on crowdsourced gameplay data to adapt games to individual needs. As a proof of concept, we implement a prototype of a gameplay annotation tool

    Οι αντιλήψεις των νηπιαγωγών για τη διδασκαλία των φυσικών επιστημών και ειδικότερα του ηλιακού συστήματος. Το είδος της διδασκαλίας που επιλέγουν, οι γνώσεις και η εξοικείωσή τους με τις νέες τεχνολογίες και τάσεις.

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    Ο στόχος του παρόντος έργου ήταν να εξετάσει τις αντιλήψεις των νηπιαγωγών του νομού της Αττικής για τη διδασκαλία των φυσικών επιστημών και ειδικότερα του ηλιακού συστήματος. Το είδος της διδασκαλίας που επιλέγουν, οι γνώσεις και η εξοικείωσή τους με τις νέες τεχνολογίες και τάσεις. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 100 νηπιαγωγοί, με εύρος ηλικίας κάτω των 30 ετών έως και άνω των 55 ετών, που υπηρετούσαν σε δημόσια και ιδιωτικά σχολεία του νομού Αττικής. Οι συμμετέχοντες συμπλήρωσαν ηλεκτρονικό ερωτηματολόγιο με ερωτήσεις που αφορούσαν σε δημογραφικά τους στοιχεία και στις αντιλήψεις τους σε σχέση με το πώς σχεδιάζουν τη διδασκαλία τους, εάν και σε τι βαθμό κάνουν χρήση του υπολογιστή, τι αντίκτυπο πιστεύουν ότι έχει στους μαθητές τους αυτό και εάν η χρήση του μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί σε όλους τους τομείς του αναλυτικού προγράμματος. Επίσης όσο αφορά τη διδασκαλία του ηλιακού συστήματος ερωτήθηκαν για το κατά πόσο επιλέγουν τις νέες τεχνολογίες και τάσεις και ειδικότερα τις εφαρμογές επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας (Αugmented Reality). Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας προέκυψαν από νηπιαγωγούς στην πλειοψηφία τους γυναίκες μεταξύ 25-35 ετών με πτυχίο ΑΕΙ ή και μεταπτυχιακή εκπαίδευση. Δούλευαν σε αστικό περιβάλλον και είχαν τη δυνατότητα να κάνουν χρήση του Η/Υ. Οι απόψεις των νηπιαγωγών για τη χρήση του Η/Υ ήταν στην πλειοψηφία τους θετικές. Παράλληλα, οι νηπιαγωγοί σε πολύ μεγάλο ποσοστό φαίνεται να επιλέγουν τη διδασκαλία των φυσικών επιστημών και ιδιαίτερα του ηλιακού συστήματος. Από την πλειοψηφία των αποτελεσμάτων φαίνεται να επιλέγουν για τη διδασκαλία τους τόσο βιωματικές δραστηριότητες όσο και βίντεο, πολυμέσα και εκπαιδευτικά λογισμικά. Τέλος, όμως οι εκπαιδευτικοί στη συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία φαίνεται να μη γνωρίζουν επαρκώς την τεχνολογία της επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας. Ως εκ τούτου δε δίνουν σαφείς απαντήσεις για τη χρήση της, για το πόσο θετικά αποτελέσματα φέρει ή όχι στη μαθησιακή διαδικασία αλλά και για το εάν ελκύει το ενδιαφέρον των μαθητών. Αυτό που φαίνεται να γνωρίζουν είναι τα βιβλία επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας και μάλιστα τα θεωρούν ελκυστικά και χρήσιμα. Όσο αφορά τις πιο σημαντικές συσχετίσεις που παρατηρήθηκαν, αφορούν τη νεαρή ηλικία σε σχέση με την αξιοποίηση του ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή για την προετοιμασία και υλοποίηση της μαθησιακής διαδικασίας. Οι νεότεροι νηπιαγωγοί αξιοποιούν σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό τον Η/Υ ενώ οι μεγαλύτεροι πολύ λιγότερο. Και στις δύο περιπτώσεις όμως δεν είναι σύμφωνοι ότι μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί σε όλους τους τομείς του αναλυτικού προγράμματος. Επίσης όσο αφορά τη χρήση και αξιοποίηση της επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας φάνηκε ότι όταν οι νηπιαγωγοί γνωρίζουν τη χρήση της τότε την επιλέγουν ως ένα ακόμα μέσο για τον σχεδιασμό της διδασκαλίας τους και μάλιστα πιστεύουν ότι ελκύει το ενδιαφέρον των παιδιών και βελτιώνει τα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα.Aim of this thesis was to examinate perceptions of kindergarten teachers in Attica about teaching science, specifically, how to teach the Solar System, what method they choose, the knowledge and their familiarization with new technologies and methods. In this research one hundred kindergarten teachers under thirty and above fifty years old participated that work in public or private schools in Attika. The participants filled an electronical questionnaire with questions about their demographics, perceptions on how they organize their teaching, the use of a computer and how often they use it. What is the students’ impact and if its use can be applied in all the areas of learning. Additional, as far as the teaching of the solar system is concerned, they were asked if they use new technologies and specifically the applications of Augmented Reality. This research’s results were from kindergarten teachers between 25-35 years old with a university and master’s degree that worked in an urban environment and had the opportunity to use a computer. Most of the kindergarten teacher’s thoughts about the use of the computer were positive. They were positive of its use for the preparation of the teaching method, about its use during teaching and about the positive influence that it had to the students and the positive academically results of the students. It also showed the importance of the good teachers’ knowledge that is required. It was obvious that the majority of the kindergarten teachers select to teach science and all about the Solar System. They select in their teaching method experiential activities, videos, multimedia, and educational software. In the end, it shows that most of the teachers don’t know the technology about the Augment Reality. They don’t give specific answers for its use and the positive outcomes that can bring or not to the learning process and if it eventually attracts the students’ interest. It is obvious that the teachers do know the books of the Augmented Reality and that they think that they are very useful and attractive. As far as the most important correlations is concerned it was observed that the younger age group uses more regular computers to prepare their teaching and during their teaching process. The younger kindergarten teachers use it more frequent than the older ones. In both cases though they agree that it can’t be used in all the areas of learning. It also shows that as far as the Augmented Reality is concerned the kindergarten teachers use it when they are familiar with this application. They use it as one more stimulus to prepare their teaching as they believe that it attracts the student’s interest and improves the educational results