90 research outputs found

    Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors

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    Los procesadores superescalares actuales utilizan un reorder buffer (ROB) para contabilizar las instrucciones en vuelo. El ROB se implementa como una cola FIFO first in first out en la que las instrucciones se insertan en orden de programa después de ser decodificadas, y de la que se extraen también en orden de programa en la etapa commit. El uso de esta estructura proporciona un soporte simple para la especulación, las excepciones precisas y la reclamación de registros. Sin embargo, el hecho de retirar instrucciones en orden puede degradar las prestaciones si una operación de alta latencia está bloqueando la cabecera del ROB. Varias propuestas se han publicado atacando este problema. La mayoría utiliza retirada de instrucciones fuera de orden de forma especulativa, requiriendo almacenar puntos de recuperación (checkpoints) para restaurar un estado válido del procesador ante un fallo de especulación. Normalmente, los checkpoints necesitan implementarse con estructuras hardware costosas, y además requieren un crecimiento de otras estructuras del procesador, lo cual a su vez puede impactar en el tiempo de ciclo de reloj. Este problema afecta a muchos tipos de procesadores actuales, independientemente del número de hilos hardware (threads) y del número de núcleos de cómputo (cores) que incluyan. Esta tesis abarca el estudio de la retirada no especulativa de instrucciones fuera de orden en procesadores superescalares, multithread y multicore.Ubal Tena, R. (2010). Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8535Palanci

    Fetch unit design for scalable simultaneous multithreading (ScSMT)

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    Continuous IC process enhancements make possible to integrate on a single chip the re-sources required for simultaneously executing multiple control flows or threads, exploiting different levels of thread-level parallelism: application-, function-, and loop-level. Scalable simultaneous multi-threading combines static and dynamic mechanisms to assemble a complexity-effective design that provides high instruction per cycle rates without sacrificing cycle time nor single-thread performance. This paper addresses the design of the fetch unit for a high-performance, scalable, simultaneous multithreaded processor. We present the detailed microarchitecture of a clustered and reconfigurable fetch unit based on an existing single-thread fetch unit. In order to minimize the occurrence of fetch hazards, the fetch unit dynamically adapts to the available thread-level parallelism and to the fetch characteristics of the active threads, working as a single shared unit or as two separate clusters. It combines static and dynamic methods in a complexity-efficient way. The design is supported by a simulation- based analysis of different instruction cache and branch target buffer configurations on the context of a multithreaded execution workload. Average reductions on the miss rates between 30% and 60% and peak reductions greater than 200% are obtained.Facultad de Informátic

    Fetch unit design for scalable simultaneous multithreading (ScSMT)

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    Continuous IC process enhancements make possible to integrate on a single chip the re-sources required for simultaneously executing multiple control flows or threads, exploiting different levels of thread-level parallelism: application-, function-, and loop-level. Scalable simultaneous multi-threading combines static and dynamic mechanisms to assemble a complexity-effective design that provides high instruction per cycle rates without sacrificing cycle time nor single-thread performance. This paper addresses the design of the fetch unit for a high-performance, scalable, simultaneous multithreaded processor. We present the detailed microarchitecture of a clustered and reconfigurable fetch unit based on an existing single-thread fetch unit. In order to minimize the occurrence of fetch hazards, the fetch unit dynamically adapts to the available thread-level parallelism and to the fetch characteristics of the active threads, working as a single shared unit or as two separate clusters. It combines static and dynamic methods in a complexity-efficient way. The design is supported by a simulation- based analysis of different instruction cache and branch target buffer configurations on the context of a multithreaded execution workload. Average reductions on the miss rates between 30% and 60% and peak reductions greater than 200% are obtained.Facultad de Informátic

    Parallel fast fourier transform in SPMD style of cilk

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    Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. In this paper, we propose a parallel one-dimensional non-recursive fast Fourier transform (FFT) program based on conventional Cooley-Tukey’s algorithm written in C using Cilk in single program multiple data (SPMD) style. As a highly compact designed code, this code is compared with a highly tuned parallel recursive fast Fourier transform (FFT) using Cilk, which is included in Cilk package of version 5.4.6. Both algorithms are executed on multicore servers, and experimental results show that the performance of the SPMD style of Cilk fast Fourier transform (FFT) parallel code is highly competitive and promising

    Fetch unit design for scalable simultaneous multithreading (ScSMT)

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    Continuous IC process enhancements make possible to integrate on a single chip the re-sources required for simultaneously executing multiple control flows or threads, exploiting different levels of thread-level parallelism: application-, function-, and loop-level. Scalable simultaneous multi-threading combines static and dynamic mechanisms to assemble a complexity-effective design that provides high instruction per cycle rates without sacrificing cycle time nor single-thread performance. This paper addresses the design of the fetch unit for a high-performance, scalable, simultaneous multithreaded processor. We present the detailed microarchitecture of a clustered and reconfigurable fetch unit based on an existing single-thread fetch unit. In order to minimize the occurrence of fetch hazards, the fetch unit dynamically adapts to the available thread-level parallelism and to the fetch characteristics of the active threads, working as a single shared unit or as two separate clusters. It combines static and dynamic methods in a complexity-efficient way. The design is supported by a simulation- based analysis of different instruction cache and branch target buffer configurations on the context of a multithreaded execution workload. Average reductions on the miss rates between 30% and 60% and peak reductions greater than 200% are obtained.Facultad de Informátic

    Adaptive memory hierarchies for next generation tiled microarchitectures

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    Les últimes dècades el rendiment dels processadors i de les memòries ha millorat a diferent ritme, limitant el rendiment dels processadors i creant el conegut memory gap. Sol·lucionar aquesta diferència de rendiment és un camp d'investigació d'actualitat i que requereix de noves sol·lucions. Una sol·lució a aquest problema són les memòries “cache”, que permeten reduïr l'impacte d'unes latències de memòria creixents i que conformen la jerarquia de memòria. La majoria de d'organitzacions de les “caches” estan dissenyades per a uniprocessadors o multiprcessadors tradicionals. Avui en dia, però, el creixent nombre de transistors disponible per xip ha permès l'aparició de xips multiprocessador (CMPs). Aquests xips tenen diferents propietats i limitacions i per tant requereixen de jerarquies de memòria específiques per tal de gestionar eficientment els recursos disponibles. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en millorar el rendiment i la eficiència energètica de la jerarquia de memòria per CMPs, des de les “caches” fins als controladors de memòria. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, s'han estudiat organitzacions tradicionals per les “caches” com les privades o compartides i s'ha pogut constatar que, tot i que funcionen bé per a algunes aplicacions, un sistema que s'ajustés dinàmicament seria més eficient. Tècniques com el Cooperative Caching (CC) combinen els avantatges de les dues tècniques però requereixen un mecanisme centralitzat de coherència que té un consum energètic molt elevat. És per això que en aquesta tesi es proposa el Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), un mecanisme que proporciona coherència en CMPs i aplica el concepte del cooperative caching de forma distribuïda. Mitjançant l'ús de directoris distribuïts s'obté una sol·lució més escalable i que, a més, disposa d'un mecanisme de marcatge més flexible i eficient energèticament. A la segona part, es demostra que les aplicacions fan diferents usos de la “cache” i que si es realitza una distribució de recursos eficient es poden aprofitar els que estan infrautilitzats. Es proposa l'Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), una organització capaç de redistribuïr la memòria “cache” dinàmicament segons els requeriments de cada aplicació. Una de les contribucions més importants d'aquesta tècnica és que la reconfiguració es decideix completament a través del maquinari i que tots els mecanismes utilitzats es basen en estructures distribuïdes, permetent una millor escalabilitat. ElasticCC no només és capaç de reparticionar les “caches” segons els requeriments de cada aplicació, sinó que, a més a més, és capaç d'adaptar-se a les diferents fases d'execució de cada una d'elles. La nostra avaluació també demostra que la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'ElasticCC és tant eficient que gairebé proporciona la mateixa taxa de fallades que una configuració amb el doble de memòria.Finalment, la tesi es centra en l'estudi del comportament de les memòries DRAM i els seus controladors en els CMPs. Es demostra que, tot i que els controladors tradicionals funcionen eficientment per uniprocessadors, en CMPs els diferents patrons d'accés obliguen a repensar com estan dissenyats aquests sistemes. S'han presentat múltiples sol·lucions per CMPs però totes elles es veuen limitades per un compromís entre el rendiment global i l'equitat en l'assignació de recursos. En aquesta tesi es proposen els Thread Row Buffers (TRBs), una zona d'emmagatenament extra a les memòries DRAM que permetria guardar files de dades específiques per a cada aplicació. Aquest mecanisme permet proporcionar un accés equitatiu a la memòria sense perjudicar el seu rendiment global. En resum, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves organitzacions per la jerarquia de memòria dels CMPs centrades en la escalabilitat i adaptativitat als requeriments de les aplicacions. Els resultats presentats demostren que les tècniques proposades proporcionen un millor rendiment i eficiència energètica que les millors tècniques existents fins a l'actualitat.Processor performance and memory performance have improved at different rates during the last decades, limiting processor performance and creating the well known "memory gap". Solving this performance difference is an important research field and new solutions must be proposed in order to have better processors in the future. Several solutions exist, such as caches, that reduce the impact of longer memory accesses and conform the system memory hierarchy. However, most of the existing memory hierarchy organizations were designed for single processors or traditional multiprocessors. Nowadays, the increasing number of available transistors has allowed the apparition of chip multiprocessors, which have different constraints and require new ad-hoc memory systems able to efficiently manage memory resources. Therefore, in this thesis we have focused on improving the performance and energy efficiency of the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors, ranging from caches to DRAM memories. In the first part of this thesis we have studied traditional cache organizations such as shared or private caches and we have seen that they behave well only for some applications and that an adaptive system would be desirable. State-of-the-art techniques such as Cooperative Caching (CC) take advantage of the benefits of both worlds. This technique, however, requires the usage of a centralized coherence structure and has a high energy consumption. Therefore we propose the Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), a mechanism to provide coherence to chip multiprocessors and apply the concept of cooperative caching in a distributed way. Through the usage of distributed directories we obtain a more scalable solution and, in addition, has a more flexible and energy-efficient tag allocation method. We also show that applications make different uses of cache and that an efficient allocation can take advantage of unused resources. We propose Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), an adaptive cache organization able to redistribute cache resources dynamically depending on application requirements. One of the most important contributions of this technique is that adaptivity is fully managed by hardware and that all repartitioning mechanisms are based on distributed structures, allowing a better scalability. ElasticCC not only is able to repartition cache sizes to application requirements, but also is able to dynamically adapt to the different execution phases of each thread. Our experimental evaluation also has shown that the cache partitioning provided by ElasticCC is efficient and is almost able to match the off-chip miss rate of a configuration that doubles the cache space. Finally, we focus in the behavior of DRAM memories and memory controllers in chip multiprocessors. Although traditional memory schedulers work well for uniprocessors, we show that new access patterns advocate for a redesign of some parts of DRAM memories. Several organizations exist for multiprocessor DRAM schedulers, however, all of them must trade-off between memory throughput and fairness. We propose Thread Row Buffers, an extended storage area in DRAM memories able to store a data row for each thread. This mechanism enables a fair memory access scheduling without hurting memory throughput. Overall, in this thesis we present new organizations for the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors which focus on the scalability and of the proposed structures and adaptivity to application behavior. Results show that the presented techniques provide a better performance and energy-efficiency than existing state-of-the-art solutions

    The Potential for a GPU-Like Overlay Architecture for FPGAs

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    We propose a soft processor programming model and architecture inspired by graphics processing units (GPUs) that are well-matched to the strengths of FPGAs, namely, highly parallel and pipelinable computation. In particular, our soft processor architecture exploits multithreading, vector operations, and predication to supply a floating-point pipeline of 64 stages via hardware support for up to 256 concurrent thread contexts. The key new contributions of our architecture are mechanisms for managing threads and register files that maximize data-level and instruction-level parallelism while overcoming the challenges of port limitations of FPGA block memories as well as memory and pipeline latency. Through simulation of a system that (i) is programmable via NVIDIA's high-level Cg language, (ii) supports AMD's CTM r5xx GPU ISA, and (iii) is realizable on an XtremeData XD1000 FPGA-based accelerator system, we demonstrate the potential for such a system to achieve 100% utilization of a deeply pipelined floating-point datapath

    Real-Time Operating Systems and Programming Languages for Embedded Systems

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    In this chapter, we present the different alternatives that are available today for the development of real-time embedded systems. In particular, we will focus on the programming languages use like C++, Java and Ada and the operating systems like Linux-RT, FreeRTOS, TinyOS, etc. In particular we will analyze the actual state of the art for developing embedded systems under the WORA paradigm with standard Java [1], its Real-Time Specification and with the use of Real-Time Core Extensions and pico Java based CPUs [5]. We expect the reader to have a clear view of the opportunities present at the moment of starting a design with its pros and cons so it can choose the best one to fit its case.Fil: Orozco, Javier Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Eléctrica "Alfredo Desages". Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Eléctrica "Alfredo Desages"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras. Laboratorio de Sistemas Digitales; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Rodrigo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Eléctrica "Alfredo Desages". Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Eléctrica "Alfredo Desages"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras. Laboratorio de Sistemas Digitales; Argentin