6,759 research outputs found

    Cognition-Based Networks: A New Perspective on Network Optimization Using Learning and Distributed Intelligence

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    IEEE Access Volume 3, 2015, Article number 7217798, Pages 1512-1530 Open Access Cognition-based networks: A new perspective on network optimization using learning and distributed intelligence (Article) Zorzi, M.a , Zanella, A.a, Testolin, A.b, De Filippo De Grazia, M.b, Zorzi, M.bc a Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Padua, Italy b Department of General Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy c IRCCS San Camillo Foundation, Venice-Lido, Italy View additional affiliations View references (107) Abstract In response to the new challenges in the design and operation of communication networks, and taking inspiration from how living beings deal with complexity and scalability, in this paper we introduce an innovative system concept called COgnition-BAsed NETworkS (COBANETS). The proposed approach develops around the systematic application of advanced machine learning techniques and, in particular, unsupervised deep learning and probabilistic generative models for system-wide learning, modeling, optimization, and data representation. Moreover, in COBANETS, we propose to combine this learning architecture with the emerging network virtualization paradigms, which make it possible to actuate automatic optimization and reconfiguration strategies at the system level, thus fully unleashing the potential of the learning approach. Compared with the past and current research efforts in this area, the technical approach outlined in this paper is deeply interdisciplinary and more comprehensive, calling for the synergic combination of expertise of computer scientists, communications and networking engineers, and cognitive scientists, with the ultimate aim of breaking new ground through a profound rethinking of how the modern understanding of cognition can be used in the management and optimization of telecommunication network

    LIME: A Coordination Middleware Supporting Mobility of Agents and Hosts

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    LIME (Linda in a Mobile Environment) is a middleware supporting the development of applications that exhibit physical mobility of hosts, logical mobility of agents, or both. LIME adopts a coordination perspective inspired by work on the Linda model. The context for computation, represented in Linda by a globally accessible, persistent tuple space, is refined in LIME to transient sharing of identically-named tuple spaces carried by individual mobile units. Tuple spaces are also extended with a notion of location and programs are given the ability to react to specified states. The resulting model provides a minimalist set of abstractions that promise to facilitate rapid and dependable development of mobile applications. In this paper, we illustrate the model underlying LIME, provide a formal semantic characterization for the operations it makes available to the application developer, present its current design and implementation, and discuss lessons learned in developing applications that involve physical mobility

    System Optimisation for Multi-access Edge Computing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is an emerging and important distributed computing paradigm that aims to extend cloud service to the network edge to reduce network traffic and service latency. Proper system optimisation and maintenance are crucial to maintaining high Quality-of-service (QoS) for end-users. However, with the increasing complexity of the architecture of MEC and mobile applications, effectively optimising MEC systems is non-trivial. Traditional optimisation methods are generally based on simplified mathematical models and fixed heuristics, which rely heavily on expert knowledge. As a consequence, when facing dynamic MEC scenarios, considerable human efforts and expertise are required to redesign the model and tune the heuristics, which is time-consuming. This thesis aims to develop deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods to handle system optimisation problems in MEC. Instead of developing fixed heuristic algorithms for the problems, this thesis aims to design DRL-based methods that enable systems to learn optimal solutions on their own. This research demonstrates the effectiveness of DRL-based methods on two crucial system optimisation problems: task offloading and service migration. Specifically, this thesis first investigate the dependent task offloading problem that considers the inner dependencies of tasks. This research builds a DRL-based method combining sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) neural network to address the problem. Experiment results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing heuristic algorithms and achieves near-optimal performance. To further enhance the learning efficiency of the DRL-based task offloading method for unseen learning tasks, this thesis then integrates meta reinforcement learning to handle the task offloading problem. Our method can adapt fast to new environments with a small number of gradient updates and samples. Finally, this thesis exploits the DRL-based solution for the service migration problem in MEC considering user mobility. This research models the service migration problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and propose a tailored actor-critic algorithm combining Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) to solve the POMDP. Results from extensive experiments based on real-world mobility traces demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms both the heuristic and state-of-the-art learning-driven algorithms on various MEC scenarios

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design and implementation of a multi-agent opportunistic grid computing platform

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    Opportunistic Grid Computing involves joining idle computing resources in enterprises into a converged high performance commodity infrastructure. The research described in this dissertation investigates the viability of public resource computing in offering a plethora of possibilities through seamless access to shared compute and storage resources. The research proposes and conceptualizes the Multi-Agent Opportunistic Grid (MAOG) solution in an Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) initiative to address some limitations prevalent in traditional distributed system implementations. Proof-of-concept software components based on JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) validated Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) as an important tool for provisioning of Opportunistic Grid Computing platforms. Exploration of agent technologies within the research context identified two key components which improve access to extended computer capabilities. The first component is a Mobile Agent (MA) compute component in which a group of agents interact to pool shared processor cycles. The compute component integrates dynamic resource identification and allocation strategies by incorporating the Contract Net Protocol (CNP) and rule based reasoning concepts. The second service is a MAS based storage component realized through disk mirroring and Google file-system’s chunking with atomic append storage techniques. This research provides a candidate Opportunistic Grid Computing platform design and implementation through the use of MAS. Experiments conducted validated the design and implementation of the compute and storage services. From results, support for processing user applications; resource identification and allocation; and rule based reasoning validated the MA compute component. A MAS based file-system that implements chunking optimizations was considered to be optimum based on evaluations. The findings from the undertaken experiments also validated the functional adequacy of the implementation, and show the suitability of MAS for provisioning of robust, autonomous, and intelligent platforms. The context of this research, ICT4D, provides a solution to optimizing and increasing the utilization of computing resources that are usually idle in these contexts

    FIGARO: reinForcement learnInG mAnagement acRoss the computing cOntinuum

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    The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence applications to analyze data generated by Internet of Things sensors leads to the development of the edge computing paradigm. Deploying applications at the periphery of the network effectively addresses cost and latency concerns associated with cloud computing. However, it generates a highly distributed environment with heterogeneous devices, opening the challenges of how to select resources and place application components. Starting from a state-of-the-art design-time tool, we present in this paper a novel framework based on Reinforcement Learning, named FIGARO (reinForcement learnInG mAnagement acRoss the computing cOntinuum). It handles the runtime adaptation of a computing continuum environment, dealing with the variability of the incoming load and service times. To reduce the training time, we exploit the design-time knowledge, achieving a significant reduction in the violations of the response time constraint

    Cross-VM network attacks & their countermeasures within cloud computing environments

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    Cloud computing is a contemporary model in which the computing resources are dynamically scaled-up and scaled-down to customers, hosted within large-scale multi-tenant systems. These resources are delivered as improved, cost-effective and available upon request to customers. As one of the main trends of IT industry in modern ages, cloud computing has extended momentum and started to transform the mode enterprises build and offer IT solutions. The primary motivation in using cloud computing model is cost-effectiveness. These motivations can compel Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) organizations to shift their sensitive data and critical infrastructure on cloud environments. Because of the complex nature of underlying cloud infrastructure, the cloud environments are facing a large number of challenges of misconfigurations, cyber-attacks, root-kits, malware instances etc which manifest themselves as a serious threat to cloud environments. These threats noticeably decline the general trustworthiness, reliability and accessibility of the cloud. Security is the primary concern of a cloud service model. However, a number of significant challenges revealed that cloud environments are not as much secure as one would expect. There is also a limited understanding regarding the offering of secure services in a cloud model that can counter such challenges. This indicates the significance of the fact that what establishes the threat in cloud model. One of the main threats in a cloud model is of cost-effectiveness, normally cloud providers reduce cost by sharing infrastructure between multiple un-trusted VMs. This sharing has also led to several problems including co-location attacks. Cloud providers mitigate co-location attacks by introducing the concept of isolation. Due to this, a guest VM cannot interfere with its host machine, and with other guest VMs running on the same system. Such isolation is one of the prime foundations of cloud security for major public providers. However, such logical boundaries are not impenetrable. A myriad of previous studies have demonstrated how co-resident VMs could be vulnerable to attacks through shared file systems, cache side-channels, or through compromising of hypervisor layer using rootkits. Thus, the threat of cross-VM attacks is still possible because an attacker uses one VM to control or access other VMs on the same hypervisor. Hence, multiple methods are devised for strategic VM placement in order to exploit co-residency. Despite the clear potential for co-location attacks for abusing shared memory and disk, fine grained cross-VM network-channel attacks have not yet been demonstrated. Current network based attacks exploit existing vulnerabilities in networking technologies, such as ARP spoofing and DNS poisoning, which are difficult to use for VM-targeted attacks. The most commonly discussed network-based challenges focus on the fact that cloud providers place more layers of isolation between co-resided VMs than in non-virtualized settings because the attacker and victim are often assigned to separate segmentation of virtual networks. However, it has been demonstrated that this is not necessarily sufficient to prevent manipulation of a victim VM’s traffic. This thesis presents a comprehensive method and empirical analysis on the advancement of co-location attacks in which a malicious VM can negatively affect the security and privacy of other co-located VMs as it breaches the security perimeter of the cloud model. In such a scenario, it is imperative for a cloud provider to be able to appropriately secure access to the data such that it reaches to the appropriate destination. The primary contribution of the work presented in this thesis is to introduce two innovative attack models in leading cloud models, impersonation and privilege escalation, that successfully breach the security perimeter of cloud models and also propose countermeasures that block such types of attacks. The attack model revealed in this thesis, is a combination of impersonation and mirroring. This experimental setting can exploit the network channel of cloud model and successfully redirects the network traffic of other co-located VMs. The main contribution of this attack model is to find a gap in the contemporary network cloud architecture that an attacker can exploit. Prior research has also exploited the network channel using ARP poisoning, spoofing but all such attack schemes have been countered as modern cloud providers place more layers of security features than in preceding settings. Impersonation relies on the already existing regular network devices in order to mislead the security perimeter of the cloud model. The other contribution presented of this thesis is ‘privilege escalation’ attack in which a non-root user can escalate a privilege level by using RoP technique on the network channel and control the management domain through which attacker can manage to control the other co-located VMs which they are not authorized to do so. Finally, a countermeasure solution has been proposed by directly modifying the open source code of cloud model that can inhibit all such attacks

    Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation

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    We have developed an infrastructure for end-to-end run-time monitoring, behavior/performance analysis, and dynamic adaptation of distributed software. This infrastructure is primarily targeted to pre-existing systems and thus operates outside the target application, without making assumptions about the target's implementation, internal communication/computation mechanisms, source code availability, etc. This paper assumes the existence of the monitoring and analysis components, presented elsewhere, and focuses on the mechanisms used to control and coordinate possibly complex repairs/reconfigurations to the target system. These mechanisms require lower level effectors somehow attached to the target system, so we briefly sketch one such facility (elaborated elsewhere). Our main contribution is the model, architecture, and implementation of Workflakes, the decentralized process engine we use to tailor, control, coordinate, etc. a cohort of such effectors. We have validated the Workflakes approach with case studies in several application domains. Due to space restrictions we concentrate primarily on one case study, briefly discuss a second, and only sketch others

    Privacy in Mobile Agent Systems: Untraceability

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    Agent based Internet environments are an interesting alternative to existing approaches of building software systems. The enabling feature of agents is that they allow software development based on the abstraction (a "metaphor") of elements of the real world. In other words, they allow building software systems, which work as human societies, in which members share products and services, cooperate or compete with each other. Organisational, behavioural and functional models etc applied into the systems can be copied from the real world. The growing interest in agent technologies in the European Union was expressed through the foundation of the Coordination Action for Agent-Based Computing, funded under the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The action, called AgentLink III is run by the Information Society Technologies (IST) programme. The long-term goal of AgentLink is to put Europe at the leading edge of international competitiveness in this increasingly important area. According to AgentLink "Roadmap for Agent Based Computing"; agent-based systems are perceived as "one of the most vibrant and important areas of research and development to have emerged in information technology in recent years, underpinning many aspects of broader information society technologies"; However, with the emergence of the new paradigm, came also new challenges. One of them is that agent environments, especially those which allow for mobility of agents, are much more difficult to protect from intruders than conventional systems. Agent environments still lack sufficient and effective solutions to assure their security. The problem which till now has not been addressed sufficiently in agent-based systems is privacy, and particularly the anonymity of agent users. Although anonymity was studied extensively for traditional message-based communication for which during the past twenty five years various techniques have been proposed, for agent systems this problem has never been directly addressed. The research presented in this report aimed at filling this gap. This report summarises results of studies aiming at the identification of threats to privacy in agent-based systems and the methods of their protection.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit