2,245 research outputs found

    On the design of an ECOC-compliant genetic algorithm

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    Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been previously applied to Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) in state-of-the-art works in order to find a suitable coding matrix. Nevertheless, none of the presented techniques directly take into account the properties of the ECOC matrix. As a result the considered search space is unnecessarily large. In this paper, a novel Genetic strategy to optimize the ECOC coding step is presented. This novel strategy redefines the usual crossover and mutation operators in order to take into account the theoretical properties of the ECOC framework. Thus, it reduces the search space and lets the algorithm to converge faster. In addition, a novel operator that is able to enlarge the code in a smart way is introduced. The novel methodology is tested on several UCI datasets and four challenging computer vision problems. Furthermore, the analysis of the results done in terms of performance, code length and number of Support Vectors shows that the optimization process is able to find very efficient codes, in terms of the trade-off between classification performance and the number of classifiers. Finally, classification performance per dichotomizer results shows that the novel proposal is able to obtain similar or even better results while defining a more compact number of dichotomies and SVs compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Unbalanced load flow with hybrid wavelet transform and support vector machine based Error-Correcting Output Codes for power quality disturbances classification including wind energy

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    Purpose. The most common methods to designa multiclass classification consist to determine a set of binary classifiers and to combine them. In this paper support vector machine with Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC-SVM) classifier is proposed to classify and characterize the power qualitydisturbances such as harmonic distortion,voltage sag, and voltage swell include wind farms generator in power transmission systems. Firstly three phases unbalanced load flow analysis is executed to calculate difference electric network characteristics, levels of voltage, active and reactive power. After, discrete wavelet transform is combined with the probabilistic ECOC-SVM model to construct the classifier. Finally, the ECOC-SVM classifies and identifies the disturbance type according tothe energy deviation of the discrete wavelet transform. The proposedmethod gives satisfactory accuracy with 99.2% compared with well known methods and shows that each power quality disturbances has specific deviations from the pure sinusoidal waveform,this is good at recognizing and specifies the type of disturbance generated from the wind power generator.Наиболее распространенные методы построения мультиклассовой классификации заключаются в определении набора двоичных классификаторов и их объединении. В данной статье предложена машина опорных векторов с классификатором выходных кодов исправления ошибок(ECOC-SVM) с целью классифицировать и характеризовать такие нарушения качества электроэнергии, как гармонические искажения, падение напряжения и скачок напряжения, включая генератор ветровых электростанций в системах передачи электроэнергии. Сначала выполняется анализ потока несимметричной нагрузки трех фаз для расчета разностных характеристик электрической сети, уровней напряжения, активной и реактивной мощности. После этого дискретное вейвлет-преобразование объединяется с вероятностной моделью ECOC-SVM для построения классификатора. Наконец, ECOC-SVM классифицирует и идентифицирует тип возмущения в соответствии с отклонением энергии дискретного вейвлет-преобразования. Предложенный метод дает удовлетворительную точность 99,2% по сравнению с хорошо известными методами и показывает, что каждое нарушение качества электроэнергии имеет определенные отклонения от чисто синусоидальной формы волны, что способствует распознаванию и определению типа возмущения, генерируемого ветровым генератором


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    Genetic programming (GP), a capable machine learning and search method, motivated by Darwinian-evolution, is an evolutionary learning algorithm which automatically evolves computer programs in the form of trees to solve problems. This thesis studies the application of GP for data mining and image processing. Knowledge discovery and data mining have been widely used in business, healthcare, and scientific fields. In data mining, classification is supervised learning that identifies new patterns and maps the data to predefined targets. A GP based classifier is developed in order to perform these mappings. GP has been investigated in a series of studies to classify data; however, there are certain aspects which have not formerly been studied. We propose an optimized GP classifier based on a combination of pruning subtrees and a new fitness function. An orthogonal least squares algorithm is also applied in the training phase to create a robust GP classifier. The proposed GP classifier is validated by 10-fold cross validation. Three areas were studied in this thesis. The first investigation resulted in an optimized genetic-programming-based classifier that directly solves multi-class classification problems. Instead of defining static thresholds as boundaries to differentiate between multiple labels, our work presents a method of classification where a GP system learns the relationships among experiential data and models them mathematically during the evolutionary process. Our approach has been assessed on six multiclass datasets. The second investigation was to develop a GP classifier to segment and detect brain tumors on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. The findings indicated the high accuracy of brain tumor classification provided by our GP classifier. The results confirm the strong ability of the developed technique for complicated image classification problems. The third was to develop a hybrid system for multiclass imbalanced data classification using GP and SMOTE which was tested on satellite images. The finding showed that the proposed approach improves both training and test results when the SMOTE technique is incorporated. We compared our approach in terms of speed with previous GP algorithms as well. The analyzed results illustrate that the developed classifier produces a productive and rapid method for classification tasks that outperforms the previous methods for more challenging multiclass classification problems. We tested the approaches presented in this thesis on publicly available datasets, and images. The findings were statistically tested to conclude the robustness of the developed approaches

    Hybrid ACO and SVM algorithm for pattern classification

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic algorithm that can be used to solve a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. A new direction for ACO is to optimize continuous and mixed (discrete and continuous) variables. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a pattern classification approach originated from statistical approaches. However, SVM suffers two main problems which include feature subset selection and parameter tuning. Most approaches related to tuning SVM parameters discretize the continuous value of the parameters which will give a negative effect on the classification performance. This study presents four algorithms for tuning the SVM parameters and selecting feature subset which improved SVM classification accuracy with smaller size of feature subset. This is achieved by performing the SVM parameters’ tuning and feature subset selection processes simultaneously. Hybridization algorithms between ACO and SVM techniques were proposed. The first two algorithms, ACOR-SVM and IACOR-SVM, tune the SVM parameters while the second two algorithms, ACOMV-R-SVM and IACOMV-R-SVM, tune the SVM parameters and select the feature subset simultaneously. Ten benchmark datasets from University of California, Irvine, were used in the experiments to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Experimental results obtained from the proposed algorithms are better when compared with other approaches in terms of classification accuracy and size of the feature subset. The average classification accuracies for the ACOR-SVM, IACOR-SVM, ACOMV-R and IACOMV-R algorithms are 94.73%, 95.86%, 97.37% and 98.1% respectively. The average size of feature subset is eight for the ACOR-SVM and IACOR-SVM algorithms and four for the ACOMV-R and IACOMV-R algorithms. This study contributes to a new direction for ACO that can deal with continuous and mixed-variable ACO

    A Novel Hybrid Dimensionality Reduction Method using Support Vector Machines and Independent Component Analysis

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    Due to the increasing demand for high dimensional data analysis from various applications such as electrocardiogram signal analysis and gene expression analysis for cancer detection, dimensionality reduction becomes a viable process to extracts essential information from data such that the high-dimensional data can be represented in a more condensed form with much lower dimensionality to both improve classification accuracy and reduce computational complexity. Conventional dimensionality reduction methods can be categorized into stand-alone and hybrid approaches. The stand-alone method utilizes a single criterion from either supervised or unsupervised perspective. On the other hand, the hybrid method integrates both criteria. Compared with a variety of stand-alone dimensionality reduction methods, the hybrid approach is promising as it takes advantage of both the supervised criterion for better classification accuracy and the unsupervised criterion for better data representation, simultaneously. However, several issues always exist that challenge the efficiency of the hybrid approach, including (1) the difficulty in finding a subspace that seamlessly integrates both criteria in a single hybrid framework, (2) the robustness of the performance regarding noisy data, and (3) nonlinear data representation capability. This dissertation presents a new hybrid dimensionality reduction method to seek projection through optimization of both structural risk (supervised criterion) from Support Vector Machine (SVM) and data independence (unsupervised criterion) from Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The projection from SVM directly contributes to classification performance improvement in a supervised perspective whereas maximum independence among features by ICA construct projection indirectly achieving classification accuracy improvement due to better intrinsic data representation in an unsupervised perspective. For linear dimensionality reduction model, I introduce orthogonality to interrelate both projections from SVM and ICA while redundancy removal process eliminates a part of the projection vectors from SVM, leading to more effective dimensionality reduction. The orthogonality-based linear hybrid dimensionality reduction method is extended to uncorrelatedness-based algorithm with nonlinear data representation capability. In the proposed approach, SVM and ICA are integrated into a single framework by the uncorrelated subspace based on kernel implementation. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches give higher classification performance with better robustness in relatively lower dimensions than conventional methods for high-dimensional datasets

    A Review of Classification Problems and Algorithms in Renewable Energy Applications

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    Classification problems and their corresponding solving approaches constitute one of the fields of machine learning. The application of classification schemes in Renewable Energy (RE) has gained significant attention in the last few years, contributing to the deployment, management and optimization of RE systems. The main objective of this paper is to review the most important classification algorithms applied to RE problems, including both classical and novel algorithms. The paper also provides a comprehensive literature review and discussion on different classification techniques in specific RE problems, including wind speed/power prediction, fault diagnosis in RE systems, power quality disturbance classification and other applications in alternative RE systems. In this way, the paper describes classification techniques and metrics applied to RE problems, thus being useful both for researchers dealing with this kind of problem and for practitioners of the field