119 research outputs found

    User-Specific Bicluster-based Collaborative Filtering

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Collaborative Filtering is one of the most popular and successful approaches for Recommender Systems. However, some challenges limit the effectiveness of Collaborative Filtering approaches when dealing with recommendation data, mainly due to the vast amounts of data and their sparse nature. In order to improve the scalability and performance of Collaborative Filtering approaches, several authors proposed successful approaches combining Collaborative Filtering with clustering techniques. In this work, we study the effectiveness of biclustering, an advanced clustering technique that groups rows and columns simultaneously, in Collaborative Filtering. When applied to the classic U-I interaction matrices, biclustering considers the duality relations between users and items, creating clusters of users who are similar under a particular group of items. We propose USBCF, a novel biclustering-based Collaborative Filtering approach that creates user specific models to improve the scalability of traditional CF approaches. Using a realworld dataset, we conduct a set of experiments to objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, comparing it against baseline and state-of-the-art Collaborative Filtering methods. Our results show that the proposed approach can successfully suppress the main limitation of the previously proposed state-of-the-art biclustering-based Collaborative Filtering (BBCF) since BBCF can only output predictions for a small subset of the system users and item (lack of coverage). Moreover, USBCF produces rating predictions with quality comparable to the state-of-the-art approaches

    Data-Driven Modeling For Decision Support Systems And Treatment Management In Personalized Healthcare

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    Massive amount of electronic medical records (EMRs) accumulating from patients and populations motivates clinicians and data scientists to collaborate for the advanced analytics to create knowledge that is essential to address the extensive personalized insights needed for patients, clinicians, providers, scientists, and health policy makers. Learning from large and complicated data is using extensively in marketing and commercial enterprises to generate personalized recommendations. Recently the medical research community focuses to take the benefits of big data analytic approaches and moves to personalized (precision) medicine. So, it is a significant period in healthcare and medicine for transferring to a new paradigm. There is a noticeable opportunity to implement a learning health care system and data-driven healthcare to make better medical decisions, better personalized predictions; and more precise discovering of risk factors and their interactions. In this research we focus on data-driven approaches for personalized medicine. We propose a research framework which emphasizes on three main phases: 1) Predictive modeling, 2) Patient subgroup analysis and 3) Treatment recommendation. Our goal is to develop novel methods for each phase and apply them in real-world applications. In the fist phase, we develop a new predictive approach based on feature representation using deep feature learning and word embedding techniques. Our method uses different deep architectures (Stacked autoencoders, Deep belief network and Variational autoencoders) for feature representation in higher-level abstractions to obtain effective and more robust features from EMRs, and then build prediction models on the top of them. Our approach is particularly useful when the unlabeled data is abundant whereas labeled one is scarce. We investigate the performance of representation learning through a supervised approach. We perform our method on different small and large datasets. Finally we provide a comparative study and show that our predictive approach leads to better results in comparison with others. In the second phase, we propose a novel patient subgroup detection method, called Supervised Biclustring (SUBIC) using convex optimization and apply our approach to detect patient subgroups and prioritize risk factors for hypertension (HTN) in a vulnerable demographic subgroup (African-American). Our approach not only finds patient subgroups with guidance of a clinically relevant target variable but also identifies and prioritizes risk factors by pursuing sparsity of the input variables and encouraging similarity among the input variables and between the input and target variables. Finally, in the third phase, we introduce a new survival analysis framework using deep learning and active learning with a novel sampling strategy. First, our approach provides better representation with lower dimensions from clinical features using labeled (time-to-event) and unlabeled (censored) instances and then actively trains the survival model by labeling the censored data using an oracle. As a clinical assistive tool, we propose a simple yet effective treatment recommendation approach based on our survival model. In the experimental study, we apply our approach on SEER-Medicare data related to prostate cancer among African-Americans and white patients. The results indicate that our approach outperforms significantly than baseline models

    A reinforcement learning recommender system using bi-clustering and Markov Decision Process

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) recommender systems are static in nature and does not adapt well with changing user preferences. User preferences may change after interaction with a system or after buying a product. Conventional CF clustering algorithms only identifies the distribution of patterns and hidden correlations globally. However, the impossibility of discovering local patterns by these algorithms, headed to the popularization of bi-clustering algorithms. Bi-clustering algorithms can analyze all dataset dimensions simultaneously and consequently, discover local patterns that deliver a better understanding of the underlying hidden correlations. In this paper, we modelled the recommendation problem as a sequential decision-making problem using Markov Decision Processes (MDP). To perform state representation for MDP, we first converted user-item votings matrix to a binary matrix. Then we performed bi-clustering on this binary matrix to determine a subset of similar rows and columns. A bi-cluster merging algorithm is designed to merge similar and overlapping bi-clusters. These bi-clusters are then mapped to a squared grid (SG). RL is applied on this SG to determine best policy to give recommendation to users. Start state is determined using Improved Triangle Similarity (ITR similarity measure. Reward function is computed as grid state overlapping in terms of users and items in current and prospective next state. A thorough comparative analysis was conducted, encompassing a diverse array of methodologies, including RL-based, pure Collaborative Filtering (CF), and clustering methods. The results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms its competitors in terms of precision, recall, and optimal policy learning

    Statistical Algorithms and Bioinformatics Tools Development for Computational Analysis of High-throughput Transcriptomic Data

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    Next-Generation Sequencing technologies allow for a substantial increase in the amount of data available for various biological studies. In order to effectively and efficiently analyze this data, computational approaches combining mathematics, statistics, computer science, and biology are implemented. Even with the substantial efforts devoted to development of these approaches, numerous issues and pitfalls remain. One of these issues is mapping uncertainty, in which read alignment results are biased due to the inherent difficulties associated with accurately aligning RNA-Sequencing reads. GeneQC is an alignment quality control tool that provides insight into the severity of mapping uncertainty in each annotated gene from alignment results. GeneQC used feature extraction to identify three levels of information for each gene and implements elastic net regularization and mixture model fitting to provide insight in the severity of mapping uncertainty and the quality of read alignment. In combination with GeneQC, the Ambiguous Reads Mapping (ARM) algorithm works to re-align ambiguous reads through the integration of motif prediction from metabolic pathways to establish coregulatory gene modules for re-alignment using a negative binomial distribution-based probabilistic approach. These two tools work in tandem to address the issue of mapping uncertainty and provide more accurate read alignments, and thus more accurate expression estimates. Also presented in this dissertation are two approaches to interpreting the expression estimates. The first is IRIS-EDA, an integrated shiny web server that combines numerous analyses to investigate gene expression data generated from RNASequencing data. The second is ViDGER, an R/Bioconductor package that quickly generates high-quality visualizations of differential gene expression results to assist users in comprehensive interpretations of their differential gene expression results, which is a non-trivial task. These four presented tools cover a variety of aspects of modern RNASeq analyses and aim to address bottlenecks related to algorithmic and computational issues, as well as more efficient and effective implementation methods

    A framework for dataset benchmarking and its application to a new movie rating dataset

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2751565Rating datasets are of paramount importance in recommender systems research. They serve as input for recommendation algorithms, as simulation data, or for evaluation purposes. In the past, public accessible rating datasets were not abundantly available, leaving researchers no choice but to work with old and static datasets like MovieLens and Netflix. More recently, however, emerging trends as social media and smart-phones are found to provide rich data sources which can be turned into valuable research datasets. While dataset availability is growing, a structured way for introducing and comparing new datasets is currently still lacking. In this work, we propose a five-step framework to introduce and benchmark new datasets in the recommender systems domain. We illustrate our framework on a new movie rating dataset-called Movie Tweetings-collected from Twitter. Following our framework, we detail the origin of the dataset, provide basic descriptive statistics, investigate external validity, report the results of a number of reproducible benchmarks, and conclude by discussing some interesting advantages and appropriate research use cases.This work is funded by a PhD grant to Simon Dooms of the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT Vlaanderen) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2013-47090-C3-2). Part of this work was carried out during the tenure of an ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme, funded by European Comission FP7 grant agreement no. 246016. The experiments in this work were carried out using the Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure at Ghent University, funded by Ghent University, the Hercules Foundation, and the Flemish Government - department EWI
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