16 research outputs found

    Evaluating higher education teaching performance using combined analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis

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    Evaluating higher education teaching performance is complex as it involves consideration of both objective and subjective criteria. The student evaluation of teaching (SET) is used to improve higher education quality. However, the traditional approaches to considering students’ responses to SET questionnaires for improving teaching quality have several shortcomings. This study proposes an integrated approach to higher education teaching evaluation that combines the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The AHP allows consideration of the varying importance of each criterion of teaching performance, while DEA enables the comparison of tutors on teaching as perceived by students with a view to identifying the scope for improvement by each tutor. The proposed teaching evaluation method is illustrated using data from a higher education institution in Greece

    Evaluation of Performance Based Appraisal System in Higher Education Sector using DEA and AHP

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    There is a broad interest in the study of schemes for the measurement of the efficiency of the higher education sector, which generates demand but at the same time is controversial because of the complexity of the problem. Performance evaluation in Higher Education institutions is one of the essential activities in teaching and learning procedure. This problem is associated with the highly combinatorial characteristics that occur when facing the selection of the proper combination of the attributes, namely inputs and outputs. This study proposes an integrated approach to measure performance based appraisal system (PBAS) in higher educational institutions combining Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).The AHP allows consideration of the varying importance of each criterion of teaching performance, while DEA enables to the comparison of teachers on teaching as perceived by students with a view to identifying the scope for improvement by each teacher

    Parallel Class Ranking Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process With Multi Criteria

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    Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Banyuwangi using a worksheet which can lead to error occurrences and slow decision making. A system for decision support that can improve the ranking process and quality were developed in this paper. The proposed system implemented the codeigniter framework, MySQL database, and PHP programming language. The system provided three user roles which are teacher, student, and administrator role. These four parameters are used as ranking system input, including academic values, non-academic values, violation scores, and student attendance. The ranking process was conducted by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The developed decision support system was tested using two ways: the black box testing method and providing questionnaires. Black box testing result shows that the system has functionally worked, while user’s questionnaire gives 92,29% well accepted by users. The results show that the decision support system can help manage values and determine the parallel ranking list.Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Banyuwangi using a worksheet which can lead to error occurrences and slow decision making. A system for decision support that can improve the ranking process and quality were developed in this paper. The proposed system implemented the codeigniter framework, MySQL database, and PHP programming language. The system provided three user roles which are teacher, student, and administrator role. These four parameters are used as ranking system input, including academic values, non-academic values, violation scores, and student attendance. The ranking process was conducted by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The developed decision support system was tested using two ways: the black box testing method and providing questionnaires. Black box testing result shows that the system has functionally worked, while user’s questionnaire gives 92,29% well accepted by users. The results show that the decision support system can help manage values and determine the parallel ranking list

    Quality Management System Admin Module Development: A Study in the Department of Computer Science

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    Elevating the quality of learning is central to ensuring academic programs align with national standards. One crucial aspect of this process is the semester-based learning planning. Traditionally, the Department of Computer Science orchestrates this planning by creating separate documents for various data points, including courses, CPL (Graduate Learning Outcomes), and CPMK (Course Learning Outcomes), which are then integrated into the RPS (Semester Learning Plan) document each term. This study seeks a solution to enhance the efficiency of such data management through the development of an admin module. The system, designed using the Rapid Test Development (RAD) approach and the Laravel framework, offers a more effective data management solution, subsequently elevating the pedagogical quality of the Department of Computer Science. In conclusion, an integrated approach to data management can make a significant contribution to educational quality. Through this research, the scholarly contribution provided is the introduction of a systematic model in educational data management to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process in higher education institution

    How do weights affect faculty performance evaluations?

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    Quite commonly, faculty performance evaluations use a weighted scheme. Individual faculty members are evaluated on a scale with respect to teaching, research, and service activities. These scores are then combined using pre-determined weights to obtain a combined score that is often used to compare different members. The presented study aimed to investigate the effects of selecting the weights on the individual scores and rankings. The interest is not on single faculty members, but rather on the systems aspects of the practice. That is, how do the weights affect the educational system as a whole? How sensitive is the evaluation system to the selection of the weights? In order to question the leverage, a decision-maker who determines the weights would have on the outcome of the rankings, the approach based on numerical examples and formal linear programming (LP) considerations is used

    Efficiency in education

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    Education is important at national, local and individual levels. Its benefits accrue both to society and to individuals, and as such provision of education in many countries is paid for at least in part from the public purse. With competing demands for government funding, it is important for education to be provided as efficiently as possible. Efficiency occurs when outputs from education (such as test results or value added) are produced at the lowest level of resource (be that financial or, for example, the innate ability of students). This special issue is devoted to the topic of efficiency in education, and is well-timed given that governments around the world struggle with public finances in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008. In this paper, we explore and provide an overview of the themes of the special issue and introduce the papers contained therein

    Parallel Class Ranking Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process With Multi Criteria

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    Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Banyuwangi using a worksheet which can lead to error occurrences and slow decision making. A system for decision support that can improve the ranking process and quality were developed in this paper. The proposed system implemented the codeigniter framework, MySQL database, and PHP programming language. The system provided three user roles which are teacher, student, and administrator role. These four parameters are used as ranking system input, including academic values, non-academic values, violation scores, and student attendance. The ranking process was conducted by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The developed decision support system was tested using two ways: the black box testing method and providing questionnaires. Black box testing result shows that the system has functionally worked, while user’s questionnaire gives 92,29% well accepted by users. The results show that the decision support system can help manage values and determine the parallel ranking list

    Assessing and classification of academic efficiency in engineering teaching programs

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    This research uses a three-phase method to evaluate and forecast the academic efficiency of engineering programs. In the first phase, university profiles are created through cluster analysis. In the second phase, the academic efficiency of these profiles is evaluated through Data Envelopment Analysis. Finally, a machine learning model is trained and validated to forecast the categories of academic efficiency. The study population corresponds to 256 university engineering programs in Colombia and the data correspond to the national examination of the quality of education in Colombia in 2018. In the results, two university profiles were identified with efficiency levels of 92.3% and 97.3%, respectively. The Random Forest model presents an Area under ROC value of 95.8% in the prediction of the efficiency profiles. The proposed structure evaluates and predicts university programs’ academic efficiency, evaluating the efficiency between institutions with similar characteristics, avoiding a negative bias toward those institutions that host students with low educational levels

    Impact evaluation and features of university cooperation for development in Latin America

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    Extracto de la tesis doctoral “La contribución del enfoque de capacidades a las metodologías de evaluación de la cooperación universitaria al desarrollo: Una aplicación a la cooperación universitaria en américa latina”. La Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo constituye una parte importante de la “tercera misión” de las universidades. Este estudio investiga, desde un enfoque de capacidades, la percepción que tienen las universidades latinoamericanas, como receptoras de ayuda, sobre los efectos a largo plazo de losprogramas de cooperación para el desarrollo que mantienen con universidades del Norte. Utilizando una combinación de metodologías cualitativa (método de Colaizzi) y cuantitativa (Analytic Hierarchy Process), se ha obtenido una valoración de los distintos tipos de actividades propios de la cooperación universitaria y se han categorizado y priorizado los impactos de las intervenciones, distinguiendo las valoraciones emitidas por universidades públicas y universidades privadas. Esta evaluación de impacto puede orientar futuros programas de ayuda universitaria más eficaces, desde el punto de vista de los receptores de la ayuda

    Relación entre teletrabajo y desempeño docente en una institución educativa nacional de Chiclayo, 2021

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    El presente estudio titulado relación entre teletrabajo y desempeño docente en una institución educativa nacional de Chiclayo, 2021. Tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre teletrabajo y desempeño docente en una institución educativa nacional de Chiclayo, 2021. Conjuntamente, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada con diseño no experimental correlacional. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 56 docentes la institución educativa, a los cuales se les realizó una encuesta mediante el cuestionario de teletrabajo de la Universidad de Vigo (2020) y el cuestionario de desempeño según Celis (2018). Se obtuvo como resultado que existe una relación moderada y directamente proporcional entre teletrabajo y desempeño docente. Igualmente, las dimensiones el equipo y conexiones, la pantalla del ordenador, el teclado y mouse, la mesa/superficie de trabajo, la silla de trabajo y el entorno de trabajo se relaciona de manera positiva con el desempeño docente. Por otro lado, existe una relación entre teletrabajo y dimensión competencia didáctica del docente. Asimismo, no existe relación entre el teletrabajo y la dimensión aspectos profesionales del docente