6 research outputs found

    Revisiting the returns of public infrastructure in Mexico: A limited information local likelihood estimation

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    This paper revisits the issue of accurately decomposing productivity growth to the impact of public infrastructure at firm level for Mexican industry whether the underlying functional form is a profit or a cost function. Our framework decomposes productivity growth into different components, and in particular the contribution of public infrastructure. We also propose a novel limited information local likelihood (LILL) estimation method that adequately deals with the issue of the endogeneity and model misspecification. The reported evidence shows that public infrastructure enhances productivity growth through profit gains and cost savings in all ten two-digit Mexican industries, though some variability across time exists, notably in the nineties and the 2000s when a shortage of infrastructure is observed

    The rôle of knowledge in system risk identification and assessment: The 2014 Ebola outbreak

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Palgrave Macmillan via the DOI in this recordCurrent approaches to risk management stress the need for dynamic approaches to risk identification aimed at reducing the expected consequences of undesired outcomes. We contend that these approaches place insufficient emphasis on the system knowledge available to the assessor, particularly in respect of three related factors, namely the dynamic behaviour of the system under threat, the role of human agents and the knowledge availability to those agents. In this paper, we address the rôle of knowledge use and availability in critical human activity systems. We emphasise two distinctions: that between information and knowledge used in these systems, and that between knowledge about the system and knowledge deployed within it, the latter forming part of the system itself. Using the ongoing 2014–2015 West African Ebola outbreak as an example, we offer a practical procedure using the well-known systems dynamics technique in its qualitative form for the identification of risks and appropriate policies for managing those risks

    The Optimization in Distribution of Biological Products in the Claus Company

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je izrada prijedloga optimizacije u distribuciji bio proizvoda tvrtke Claus. Rješavanje problema podrazumijeva pronalazak optimalnog redoslijeda obilazaka lokacija uz uvjet da svaku lokaciju posluži samo jedno vozilo. Ograničenje postavljenog uvjeta je da ukupna potražnja svih korisnika na određenoj ruti ne premaši kapacitet vozila. Također, i ograničenja na koje nailaze u sustavu opskrbe u gradskoj logistici. Za taj problem bit će korištena matrica skraćenja prijevoznog puta. Spajanje lokacija kombinirajući rute koje su u dometu vozilu čime se postiže smanjenje vremena putovanja i smanjenje troškova. Analizom trenutnog kretanja vozila i predloženog rješenja, utvrdit će se mogućnost uštede distribucije robe na određenoj ruti.The aim of this thesis is the development of proposals of optimization in the distribution of biological products companies Claus. Problem solving involves finding the optimal order of visits the site on condition that each location serve just one vehicle. Provided that the total demand for all users in the route does not exceed the capacity of the vehicle. Also, and limitations encountered by the supply system in the city's logistics. For this problem has been used matrix shortening transportation times. The merge location combining the routes that are in range of the vehicle which is achieved by reducing travel time and reducing costs. The analysis of the current movement of vehicles and an optimal, determined by the savings in the distribution of goods on the observed area


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