447 research outputs found

    Real-Time Ethernet Networks: a practical approach to cycle time influence in control applications

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    Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais digital e informatizado onde existe uma constante necessidade de interligação entre tudo e todos. Os sistemas robóticos modernos não escapam a esta necessidade e, por isso, é preciso adaptá-los. Existem no mercado várias soluções de redes de comunicação de tempo real, já bem estabelecidas, mas em todas se encontra a mesma lacuna: a escassez de material educativo acerca delas. Este documento pretende apresentar as duas soluções propostas para colmatar um pouco esta lacuna na rede EtherCAT e demonstrar o trabalho de pesquisa e estudo preliminar efetuado para suportar e servir de ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento aprofundado de uma das soluções. Nos capítulos seguintes será explicitado o contexto e motivação para a realização deste projeto, os objetivos que propomos alcaçar, uma descrição do problema incluindo a sua caraterização, uma apresentação não exaustiva da tecnologia por detrás da rede EtherCAT, a explicação das soluções propostas e, por fim, um planeamento de tarefas e objetivos com calendarização dos mesmos

    A Real-time Network for a Solid-State Transformer

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    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão técnica centralizado

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    A building management system has user confort and comodity, as well as reduction of energy consumption, as its main goals. To accomplish this, it is necessary to integrate sensors and actuators as to control and retrieve information about the physical processes of a building. These processes include control over illumination and temperature of a room, and even access control. The information, after processed, allows a more intelligent and efficient way of controlling electronic and mechanical systems of a building, such as HVAC and illumination, while also trying to reduce energy expenditure. The emergence of IoT allowed to increment the number of low level devices on these systems, thanks to their cost reduction, increased performance and improved connectivity. To better make use of the new paradigm, it is required a modern system with multi-protocol capabilities, as well as tools for data processing and presentation. Therefore, the most relevant industrial and building automation technologies were studied, as to define a modern, IoT compatible, architecture and choose its constituting software platforms. InfluxDB, EdgeX Foundry and Node-Red were the selected technologies for the database, gateway and dashboard, respectively, as they closely align with the requirements set. This way, a demonstrator was developed in order to assess a systems’s operation, using these technologies, as well as to evaluate EdgeX’s performance for jitter and latency. From the obtained results, it was verified that, although versatile and complete, this platform underperforms for real-time applications and high reading rate workloads.Um Sistema de Gestão Centralizado tem por objetivo aumentar a comodidade e conforto dos utilizadores de um edifício, ao mesmo tempo que tenta reduzir os consumos energéticos do mesmo. Para isso, torna-se necessário integrar sensores e atuadores para controlar e recolher informação acerca dos processos físicos existentes. Nestes processos estão incluídos a iluminação e temperatura de, por exemplo, uma sala, ou até controlo de acesso. Esta informação, após processamento, permite, de uma maneira mais inteligente e eficiente, controlar os sistemas eletrónicos e mecânicos de um edifício, tais como os sistemas de AVAC ou iluminação, tentando, simultaneamente, diminuir gastos energéticos. O aparecimento do IoT, tornou possível o aumento do número de dispositivos de baixo nível nestes sistemas, graças à redução de custo e aumento de performance e conectividade que estes têm sofrido. Para melhor usufruir deste paradigma, é necessário um sistema moderno, com capacidade de conexão multi-protocolo e ferramentas para processamento e apresentação de informação. Neste sentido, fez-se um estudo das tecnologias mais relevantes da área da automação industrial e de edifícios, de modo a definir uma arquitetura moderna compatível com IoT e a escolher as plataformas de software que a constituem. InfluxDB, EdgeX Foundry e Node-Red foram as tecnologias escolhidas para a base de dados, gateway e dashboard, respetivamente, por serem as que mais se aproximaram dos requisitos definidos. Assim, foi desenvolvido um demonstrador que permitiu verificar o funcionamento de um sistema com a utilização destas tecnologias, assim como avaliar a performance da plataforma EdgeX em termos de jitter e latência. Verificou-se a partir dos resultados obtidos, que embora versátil e completa, esta plataforma ficou aquém do que se pretendia, tanto para aplicações real-time, como para as que necessitem de uma taxa de leitura de sensores elevada.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Cloud-based Networked Visual Servo Control

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    Aircraft Communication Systems - Topologies, Protocols, and Vulnerabilities

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    Aviation systems are facing fierce competition driven by private investments promoting the development of new avionics suites (AS). With these new AS comes the need for a faster and larger bandwidth requirement for next generation communication systems. The legacy military (MIL) standard 1553 communication system (e.g., 1Mbps) can no longer keep up with the surge in bandwidth demand requirements. The new communication systems need to be designed with a system architecture background that can enable simplistic integration with Information Technology (IT) controlled groundnetworks, military, and commercial payloads. To facilitate a seamless integration with communication architecture, the current system is highly dependent on the Ethernet based IEEE 802.3 standard. Using a standard protocol cuts down on cost and shortens time for accessibility. However, it introduces several other new problems that developers are actively working through. These problems include a loss of redundancy, lower reliability, and cyber-security vulnerabilities. The cyber-security vulnerabilities that are introduced by IEEE 802.3 Ethernet are one of the larger concerns to military defense programs, and other aviation companies. Impacts of these new communication protocols are quantified and presented as cost, redundancy, topology, and vulnerability. This review paper introduces four communication protocols that can replace heritage systems. These protocols are presented and compared against each other in redundancy, reliability, topology and security vulnerabilities in their application on aircraft, space launch vehicles and satellites

    An Application Of Artificial Immune System In A Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    Guaranteeing the continuity and the quality of services in network plants is a key issue in the research area of asset management. Especially when the plants are located in a wide area where machines are not continuously monitored by the operators. In particular, the pervasive adoption of smart sensors could be able to develop intelligent maintenance system through an elaboration of data coming from the machines: this data could be processed by diagnostics algorithms to warn preventively the fault status of the components or machines monitored. The algorithms’ structure is contained in a multiple system of agents that have different tasks to manage both the single machine and the information exchanged within the whole system. This paper aims to present an application of Artificial Immune System defining, for each plant section, the kind of agents employed and the related sensors that must be adopted to collect the useful data. In order to provide a practical example, the structure of an Artificial Immune System has been implemented in a wastewater treatment plant where the agents are tested with noteworthy results. © 20164928556