14 research outputs found

    Characterization of Single- and Multi-antenna Wireless Channels

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    The wireless propagation channel significantly influences the received signal, so that it needs to be modeled effectively. Extensive measurements and analysis are required for investigating the validity of theoretical models and postulating new models based on measurements. Such measurements, analysis, and modeling are the topic of this thesis. The focus of the included contributions are Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) propagation channels and radio channels for sensor network applications. Paper I presents results from one of the first MIMO measurements for a double-directional characterization of the outdoor-to-indoor wireless propagation channel. Such channels are of interest for both cellular and wireless LAN applications. We discuss physical aspects of building penetration, and also provide statistics of angle and delay spreads in the channel. The paper also investigates the coupling between DOD and DOA and the two spectra are found to have non-negligible dependence. We test the applicability of three analytical channel models that make different assumptions on the coupling between DODs and DOAs. Our results indicate that analytical models, that impose fewer restrictions on the DOD to DOA coupling, should be used preferrably over models such as the Kronecker model that have more restrictive assumptions. Paper II presents a cluster-based analysis of the outdoor-to-indoor MIMO measurements analyzed in Paper I. A subset of parameters of the COST 273 channel model, a generic model for MIMO propagation channels, are characterized for the outdoor-to-indoor scenario. MPC parameters are extracted at each measured location using a high-resolution algorithm and clusters of MPCs are identified with an automated clustering approach. In particular, the adopted clustering approach requires that all MPC parameters must be similar in order for the MPCs to form a cluster. A statistical analysis of the identified clusters is performed for both the intra- and inter-cluster properties. Paper III analyzes the spatial fading distribution for a range of canonical sensor deployment scenarios. The presented results are relevant to communicating within, and between, clusters of nodes. Contrary to the widely accepted assumption in published literature that the channel is AWGN at a small-enough distance, our measurements indicate that values of the Rice factor do not, in general, increase monotonically as the Tx-Rx distance is reduced. A probability mixture model is presented, with distance dependent parameters, to account for the distance dependent variations of the Rice factor. A simulation model that includes small- and large-scale fading effects is presented. According to the modeling approach, a sensor node placed anywhere within the spatial extent of a small-scale region will experience the channel statistics applicable to that region. Paper IV presents results characterizing a radio channel for outdoor short-range sensor networks. A number of antennas are placed on the ground in an open area and time-variation of the channel is induced by a person moving in the vicinity of the nodes. The channel statistics of both the LOS path and the overall narrowband signal are non-stationary. We investigate the stationarity interval length to be used for small-scale analysis. Our analysis of the various measured links shows that the Rx signal strength is significantly influenced by a moving person only when the person blocks the LOS path. We present a generic approach for modeling the LOS blockage, and also model the time-variant Doppler spectrum of the channel's scattered components

    Performance Analysis, Resource Allocation and Optimization of Cooperative Communication Systems under Generalized Fading Channels

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    The increasing demands for high-speed data transmission, efficient wireless access, high quality of service (QoS) and reliable network coverage with reduced power consumption impose demanding intensive research efforts on the design of novel wireless communication system architectures. A notable development in the area of communication theory is the introduction of cooperative communication systems. These technologies become promising solution for the next-generation wireless transmission systems due to their applicability in size, power, hardware and price constrained devices, such as cellular mobile devices, wireless sensors, ad-hoc networks and military communications, being able to provide, e.g., diversity gain against fading channels without the need for installing multiple antennas in a single terminal. The performance of the cooperative systems can in general be significantly increased by allocating the limited power efficiently. In this thesis, we address in detail the performance analysis, resource allocation and optimization of such cooperative communication systems under generalized fading channels. We focus first on energy-efficiency (EE) optimization and optimal power allocation (OPA) of regenerative cooperative network with spatial correlation effects under given power constraint and QoS requirement. The thesis also investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of a regenerative multi-relay cooperative network over non-homogeneous scattering environment, which is realistic case in practical wireless communication scenarios. Furthermore, the study investigates the end-to-end performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under total power constraint and performance requirement of full-duplex (FD) relaying transmission scheme over asymmetric generalized fading models with relay self-interference (SI) effects.The study first focuses on exact error analysis and EE optimization of regenerative relay systems under spatial correlation effects. It first derives novel exact and asymptotic expressions for the symbol-error-rates (SERs) of M -ary quadrature amplitude and M -ary phase-shift keying (M -QAM) and (M -PSK) modulations, respectively, assuming a dual-hop decode-and-forward relay system, spatial correlation, path-loss effects and maximum-ratio-combing (MRC) at the destination. Based on this, EEoptimization and OPA are carried out under certain QoS requirement and transmit power constraints.Furthermore, the second part of the study investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of MRC based regenerative multi-relay cooperative system over non-homogeneous scattering environment. Novel exact and asymptotic expressions are derived for the end-to-end average SER for M -QAM and M -PSK modulations.The offered results are employed in performance investigations and power allocation formulations under total transmit power constraints.Finally, the thesis investigates outage performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under certain system constraints for the FD and half-duplex (HD) relaying systems. Unlike the previous studies that considered the scenario of information transmission over symmetric fading conditions, in this study we considered the scenario of information transmission over the most generalized asymmetric fading environments.The obtained results indicate that depending on the severity of multipath fading, the spatial correlation between the direct and relayed paths and the relay location, the direct transmission is more energy-efficient only for rather short transmission distances and until a certain threshold. Beyond this, the system benefits substantially from the cooperative transmission approach where the cooperation gain increases as the transmission distance increases. Furthermore, the investigations on the power allocation for the multi-relay system over the generalized small-scale fading model show that substantial performance gain can be achieved by the proposed power allocation scheme over the conventional equal power allocation (EPA) scheme when the source-relay and relay-destination paths are highly unbalanced. Extensive studies on the FD relay system also show that OPA provides significant performance gain over the EPA scheme when the relay SI level is relatively strong. In addition, it is shown that the FD relaying scheme is more energy-efficient than the reference HD relaying scheme at long transmission distances and for moderate relay SI levels.In general, the investigations in this thesis provide tools, results and useful insights for implementing space-efficient, low-cost and energy-efficient cooperative networks, specifically, towards the future green communication era where the optimization of the scarce resources is critical

    Spatial diversity in MIMO communication systems with distributed or co-located antennas

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    The use of multiple antennas in wireless communication systems has gained much attention during the last decade. It was shown that such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems offer huge advantages over single-antenna systems. Typically, quite restrictive assumptions are made concerning the spacing of the individual antenna elements. On the one hand, it is typically assumed that the antenna elements at transmitter and receiver are co-located, i.e., they belong to some sort of antenna array. On the other hand, it is often assumed that the antenna spacings are sufficiently large, so as to justify the assumption of independent fading. In this thesis, the above assumptions are relaxed. In the first part, it is shown that MIMO systems with distributed antennas and MIMO systems with co-located antennas can be treated in a single, unifying framework. In the second part this fact is utilized, in order to develop appropriate transmit power allocation strategies for co-located and distributed MIMO systems. Finally, the third part focuses on specific synchronization problems that are of interest for distributed MIMO systems

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Inter-Vehicle Communication at Intersections : An Evaluation of Ad-Hoc and Cellular Communication

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    This book evaluates the ability of ad-hoc and cellular communication to enable cross-traffic assistance at intersections. Potential issues like Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) reception with ad-hoc and limited capacity, higher latency and costs with cellular technology are investigated in two individual evaluations. A method for efficient information delivery via cellular systems and an inter-vehicle NLOS radio propagation model are proposed. Finally, the suitability of both technologies is compared

    Exploiting spatial modulation and analog network coding for the design of energy-efficient wireless networks

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    As the data rate demands of the cellular users increase, together with their number, it is expected that unprecedented capacity demands should be met in wireless networks in the forthcoming years. However, the energy consumption to meet these rates is expected to increase exponentially, according to trends. This can become a serious issue for both the environment, due to CO2 emissions, and the operators, which will have to pay more for electricity. Hence, several energy-efficient solutions have been proposed, such as multiple antenna systems, dynamic spectrum allocation, heterogeneous networks, and Network Coding, to name a few. Based on the above, the aim of this thesis to propose low-complexity and energy-efficient physical layer-based solutions compared to the already existing approaches, without sacrificing the quality of performance. More specifically, the focus is on the technologies of Spatial Modulation and Analog Network Coding. Both schemes offer the so-called multiplexing gain, which means that multiple streams can be transmitted without sacrificing resources, such as bandwidth. As far as Spatial Modulation is concerned, Spatial Modulation-based schemes are proposed that are more energy efficient than state-of-the-art technologies. Regarding Analog Network Coding, we study its implementation in relay-based scenarios and how it compares in terms of energy efficiency with conventional protocols, such as the time-division multiple access protocol. From the obtained results, the conclusion that can be drawn is that depending on the scenario both Spatial Modulation and Analog Network Coding can provide significant energy gains compared to existing technologies without sacrificing performance.A medida que las demandas de velocidad de datos de los usuarios de redes celulares aumentan, así como su número, se espera que las demandas de capacidad sin precedentes se deban cumplir en las redes inalámbricas en los próximos años. Sin embargo, se espera que aumente de forma exponencial el consumo de energía para satisfacer estas tasas, de acuerdo a las tendencias. Esto puede convertirse en un grave problema ambos para el medio ambiente, debido a las emisiones de CO2, y los operadores, que tendrán que pagar más por la electricidad. Por lo tanto, se han propuesto varias soluciones de eficiencia energética, tales como sistemas de múltiples antenas, la asignación de espectro dinámico, redes heterogéneas, y Network Coding, para nombrar unos pocos. Con base en lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis es proponer soluciones de baja complejidad y de eficiencia energética basadas en la capa física, en comparación con los enfoques ya existentes, sin sacrificar la calidad del funcionamiento. Más específicamente, la atención se centra en las tecnologías de Spatial Modulation y Analog Network Coding. Ambos esquemas ofrecen la llamada ganancia de multiplexación, lo que significa que múltiples flujos pueden ser transmitidos sin sacrificar recursos, tales como el ancho de banda. En lo que se refiere a Spatial Modulation, se proponen esquemas basados en Spatial Modulation que son más energéticamente que tecnologías ya existentes. En cuanto a Analog Network Coding, se estudia su aplicación en escenarios inalámbricos basados en relays y cómo se compara en términos de eficiencia energética con los protocolos convencionales, tales como el protocolo de acceso mútiple por división de tiempo. De los resultados obtenidos, la conclusión que se puede extraer es que dependiendo del escenario, ambos Spatial Modulation y Analog Network Coding pueden proporcionar beneficios significativos de energía en comparación con las tecnologías existentes sin sacrificar el funcionamiento