13,766 research outputs found

    Numerically Stable Recurrence Relations for the Communication Hiding Pipelined Conjugate Gradient Method

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    Pipelined Krylov subspace methods (also referred to as communication-hiding methods) have been proposed in the literature as a scalable alternative to classic Krylov subspace algorithms for iteratively computing the solution to a large linear system in parallel. For symmetric and positive definite system matrices the pipelined Conjugate Gradient method outperforms its classic Conjugate Gradient counterpart on large scale distributed memory hardware by overlapping global communication with essential computations like the matrix-vector product, thus hiding global communication. A well-known drawback of the pipelining technique is the (possibly significant) loss of numerical stability. In this work a numerically stable variant of the pipelined Conjugate Gradient algorithm is presented that avoids the propagation of local rounding errors in the finite precision recurrence relations that construct the Krylov subspace basis. The multi-term recurrence relation for the basis vector is replaced by two-term recurrences, improving stability without increasing the overall computational cost of the algorithm. The proposed modification ensures that the pipelined Conjugate Gradient method is able to attain a highly accurate solution independently of the pipeline length. Numerical experiments demonstrate a combination of excellent parallel performance and improved maximal attainable accuracy for the new pipelined Conjugate Gradient algorithm. This work thus resolves one of the major practical restrictions for the useability of pipelined Krylov subspace methods.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 2 algorithm

    Fast linear algebra is stable

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    In an earlier paper, we showed that a large class of fast recursive matrix multiplication algorithms is stable in a normwise sense, and that in fact if multiplication of nn-by-nn matrices can be done by any algorithm in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations for any η>0\eta > 0, then it can be done stably in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations for any η>0\eta > 0. Here we extend this result to show that essentially all standard linear algebra operations, including LU decomposition, QR decomposition, linear equation solving, matrix inversion, solving least squares problems, (generalized) eigenvalue problems and the singular value decomposition can also be done stably (in a normwise sense) in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations.Comment: 26 pages; final version; to appear in Numerische Mathemati

    Analyzing the effect of local rounding error propagation on the maximal attainable accuracy of the pipelined Conjugate Gradient method

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    Pipelined Krylov subspace methods typically offer improved strong scaling on parallel HPC hardware compared to standard Krylov subspace methods for large and sparse linear systems. In pipelined methods the traditional synchronization bottleneck is mitigated by overlapping time-consuming global communications with useful computations. However, to achieve this communication hiding strategy, pipelined methods introduce additional recurrence relations for a number of auxiliary variables that are required to update the approximate solution. This paper aims at studying the influence of local rounding errors that are introduced by the additional recurrences in the pipelined Conjugate Gradient method. Specifically, we analyze the impact of local round-off effects on the attainable accuracy of the pipelined CG algorithm and compare to the traditional CG method. Furthermore, we estimate the gap between the true residual and the recursively computed residual used in the algorithm. Based on this estimate we suggest an automated residual replacement strategy to reduce the loss of attainable accuracy on the final iterative solution. The resulting pipelined CG method with residual replacement improves the maximal attainable accuracy of pipelined CG, while maintaining the efficient parallel performance of the pipelined method. This conclusion is substantiated by numerical results for a variety of benchmark problems.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, 4 algorithm

    Notes on a 3-term Conjugacy Recurrence for the Iterative Solution of Symmetric Linear Systems

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    We consider a 3-term recurrence, namely CG_2step, for the iterative solution of symmetric linear systems. The new algorithm generates conjugate directions and extends some standard theoretical properties of the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method [10]. We prove the finite convergence of CG_2step, and we provide some error analysis. Then, we introduce preconditioning for CG_2step, and we prove that standard error bounds for the CG also hold for our proposal.Iterative methods, 3-term recurrences, Conjugate Gradient method, Error Analysis, Preconditioning

    The impact of global communication latency at extreme scales on Krylov methods

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    Krylov Subspace Methods (KSMs) are popular numerical tools for solving large linear systems of equations. We consider their role in solving sparse systems on future massively parallel distributed memory machines, by estimating future performance of their constituent operations. To this end we construct a model that is simple, but which takes topology and network acceleration into account as they are important considerations. We show that, as the number of nodes of a parallel machine increases to very large numbers, the increasing latency cost of reductions may well become a problematic bottleneck for traditional formulations of these methods. Finally, we discuss how pipelined KSMs can be used to tackle the potential problem, and appropriate pipeline depths

    Deflated GMRES for Systems with Multiple Shifts and Multiple Right-Hand Sides

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    We consider solution of multiply shifted systems of nonsymmetric linear equations, possibly also with multiple right-hand sides. First, for a single right-hand side, the matrix is shifted by several multiples of the identity. Such problems arise in a number of applications, including lattice quantum chromodynamics where the matrices are complex and non-Hermitian. Some Krylov iterative methods such as GMRES and BiCGStab have been used to solve multiply shifted systems for about the cost of solving just one system. Restarted GMRES can be improved by deflating eigenvalues for matrices that have a few small eigenvalues. We show that a particular deflated method, GMRES-DR, can be applied to multiply shifted systems. In quantum chromodynamics, it is common to have multiple right-hand sides with multiple shifts for each right-hand side. We develop a method that efficiently solves the multiple right-hand sides by using a deflated version of GMRES and yet keeps costs for all of the multiply shifted systems close to those for one shift. An example is given showing this can be extremely effective with a quantum chromodynamics matrix.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Parallel tridiagonal equation solvers

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    Three parallel algorithms were compared for the direct solution of tridiagonal linear systems of equations. The algorithms are suitable for computers such as ILLIAC 4 and CDC STAR. For array computers similar to ILLIAC 4, cyclic odd-even reduction has the least operation count for highly structured sets of equations, and recursive doubling has the least count for relatively unstructured sets of equations. Since the difference in operation counts for these two algorithms is not substantial, their relative running times may be more related to overhead operations, which are not measured in this paper. The third algorithm, based on Buneman's Poisson solver, has more arithmetic operations than the others, and appears to be the least favorable. For pipeline computers similar to CDC STAR, cyclic odd-even reduction appears to be the most preferable algorithm for all cases
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