25 research outputs found

    Powers of the Stochastic Gompertz and Lognormal Diffusion Processes, Statistical Inference and Simulation

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    In this paper, we study a new family of Gompertz processes, defined by the power of the homogeneous Gompertz diffusion process, which we term the powers of the stochastic Gompertz diffusion process. First, we show that this homogenous Gompertz diffusion process is stable, by power transformation, and determine the probabilistic characteristics of the process, i.e., its analytic expression, the transition probability density function and the trend functions. We then study the statistical inference in this process. The parameters present in the model are studied by using the maximum likelihood estimation method, based on discrete sampling, thus obtaining the expression of the likelihood estimators and their ergodic properties. We then obtain the power process of the stochastic lognormal diffusion as the limit of the Gompertz process being studied and go on to obtain all the probabilistic characteristics and the statistical inference. Finally, the proposed model is applied to simulated data.This research has been funded by “Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020 A-FQM228-UGR18

    Crecimiento y extinción en ambientes que varían aleatoriamente: modelamiento y optimización mediante ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas

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    This paper presents a brief overview of a range of applications of stochastic differential equations (SDE) in describing the growth of wildlife populations living in randomly varying environments and the associated risks of extinction, including profit optimization issues in the particular case of fish or other populations subjected to harvesting. The same basic ideas apply also to the growth of individual animals and how to optimize the profit of the farmers that raise such animals

    Stochastic differential equation harvesting models: sustainable policies and profit optimization

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    We describe the growth dynamics of a fish or some other harvested population in a random environment using a stochastic differential equation ; general model, where the harvest term depends on a constant or on a variable fishing effort. We compare the profit obtained by the fishing activity with two types of harvesting policies, one based on variable effort, which is inapplicable, and the other based on a constant effort, which is applicable, sustainable and is socially advantageous. We use real data and consider a logistic and a Gompertz growth models to perform such comparisons. For both optimal policies, profitwise comparisons are also made when considering a logistic-type growth model with weak Allee effects. The mean and variance of the first passage times by a lower and by an upper thresholds are studied and, for a particular threshold value, we estimate the probability density function of the first passage time using the inversion of the Laplace transform; Resumo: MODELOS DE PESCA USANDO EQUAÇÕES DIFERENCIAIS ESTOCÁSTICAS: POLÍTICAS SUSTENTÁVEIS E OTIMIZAÇÃO DO LUCRO A dinâmica de crescimento de uma população sujeita a pesca em ambiente aleatório é descrita através de modelos de equações diferenciais estocásticas, onde o termo de captura depende de um esforço de pesca constante ou variável. Comparamos o lucro obtido pela atividade de pesca usando dois tipos de políticas de pesca, uma inaplicável e baseada em esforço variável e a outra aplicável, sustentável e socialmente vantajosa, baseada em esforço constante. As comparações são realizadas recorrendo a dados reais e considerando dois modelos de crescimento, o modelo logístico e o modelo de Gompertz. Para ambas as políticas ótimas, as comparações do lucro também são feitas quando se considera um modelo de crescimento do tipo logístico com efeitos de Allee fracos. A média e a variância dos tempos de primeira passagem por um limite inferior e por um limite superior são estudados e, para um determinado valor limite, estimamos a função de densidade do tempo de primeira passagem usando a inversa da transformada de Laplace

    Normas e estabilidade para modelos estocásticos cuja variação do controle e do estado aumentam a incerteza

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    Orientador: João Bosco Ribeiro do ValDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Essa dissertação de mestrado gira em torno da discussão sobre controle de sistemas incertos. Modelos matemáticos utilizados como base para o design de controladores automáticos são naturalmente uma representação aproximada do sistema real, o que, em conjunto com perturbações externas e dinâmica não modelada, gera incertezas a respeito dos sistemas estudados. Na literatura de controle, este tema vêm sendo discutido frequentemente, em particular nas sub-áreas de controle estocástico e controle robusto. Dentre as técnicas desenvolvidas dentro da teoria de controle estocástico, uma proposta recente se diferencia das demais por basear-se na idéia de que variações abruptas na política de controle possam acarretar em maiores incertezas a respeito do sistema. Matematicamente, essa noção é representada pelo uso de um ruído estocástico dependente do módulo da ação de controle, e a técnica foi apelidada de VCAI - acrônimo para variação do controle aumenta a incerteza. A definição da política de controle ótima correspondente, obtida por meio do método de programação dinâmica, mostra a existência de uma região ao redor do ponto de equilíbrio para a qual a política ótima é manter a ação de controle do equilíbrio inalterada, um resultado que parece particular à abordagem VCAI, mas que pode ser relacionado a políticas de gerenciamento cautelosas em áreas como economia e biologia. O problema de controle ótimo VCAI foi anteriormente resolvido ao adotar-se um critério de custo quadrático descontado e um horizonte de otimização infinito, e nessa dissertação nós utilizamos essa solução para atacar o problema de custo médio a longo prazo. Dada certa semelhança entre a estrutura do ruído estocástico na abordavem VCAI e modelos utilizados na teoria de controle robusto, discutimos ainda possíveis relações entre a abordagem proposta e controladores robustos. Discutimos ainda algumas possíveis aplicações do modelo propostoAbstract: This work discusses a new approach to the control of uncertain systems. Uncertain systems and their representation is a recurrent theme in control theory: approximate mathematical models, unmodeled dynamics and external disturbances are all sources of uncertainties in automated systems, and the topic has been extensively studied in the control literature, particularly within the stochastic and robust control research areas. Within the stochastic framework, a recent approach, named CVIU - control variation increases uncertainty, for short -, was recently proposed. The approach differs from previous models for assuming that a control action might actually increase the uncertainty about an unknown system, a notion represented by the use of stochastic noise depending on the absolute value of the control input. Moreover, the solution of the corresponding stochastic optimal control problem shows the existence of a region around the equilibrium point in which the optimal action is to keep the equilibrium control action unchanged. The CVIU control problem was previously solved by adopting a discounted quadratic cost formulation, and in this work we extend this previous result and study the corresponding long run average control problem. We also discuss possible relations between the CVIU approach and models from robust control theory, and present some potential applications of the theory presented hereMestradoAutomaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica2016/02208-6, 2017/10340-4FAPES

    The Effects of Random and Seasonal Environmental Fluctuations on Optimal Harvesting and Stocking

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    Abstract. We analyze the harvesting and stocking of a population that is affected by random and seasonal environmental fluctuations. The main novlty comes from having three layers of environmental fluctuations. The first layer is due to the environment switching at random times between different environmental states. This is similar to having sudden environmental changes or catastrophes. The second layer is due to seasonal variation, where there is a significant change in the dynamics between seasons. Finally, the third layer is due to the constant presence of environmental stochasticity|between the seasonal or random regime switches, the species is affected by fluctuations which can be modelled by white noise. This framework is more realistic because it can capture both significant random and deterministic environmental shifts as well as small and frequent uctuations in abiotic factors. Our framework also allows for the price or cost of harvesting to change deterministically and stochastically, something that is more realistic from an economic point of view. The combined effects of seasonal and random fluctuations make it impossible to find the optimal harvesting-stocking strategy analytically. We get around this roadblock by developing rigorous numerical approximations and proving that they converge to the optimal harvesting-stocking strategy. We apply our methods to multiple population models and explore how prices, or costs, and environmental fluctuations in uence the optimal harvesting-stocking strategy. We show that in many situations the optimal way of harvesting and stocking is not of threshold type

    Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine

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    Mathematical and computational modeling approaches in biological and medical research are experiencing rapid growth globally. This Special Issue Book intends to scratch the surface of this exciting phenomenon. The subject areas covered involve general mathematical methods and their applications in biology and medicine, with an emphasis on work related to mathematical and computational modeling of the complex dynamics observed in biological and medical research. Fourteen rigorously reviewed papers were included in this Special Issue. These papers cover several timely topics relating to classical population biology, fundamental biology, and modern medicine. While the authors of these papers dealt with very different modeling questions, they were all motivated by specific applications in biology and medicine and employed innovative mathematical and computational methods to study the complex dynamics of their models. We hope that these papers detail case studies that will inspire many additional mathematical modeling efforts in biology and medicin

    Dynamics of a stochastic hybrid delay food chain model with jumps in an impulsive polluted environment

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    In this paper, a stochastic hybrid delay food chain model with jumps in an impulsive polluted environment is investigated. We obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for persistence in mean and extinction of each species. The results show that the stochastic dynamics of the system are closely correlated with both time delays and environmental noises. Some numerical examples are introduced to illustrate the main results

    Nonlinear dynamics of plankton ecosystem with impulsive control and environmental fluctuations

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    It is well known that the density of plankton populations always increases and decreases or keeps invariant for a long time, and the variation of plankton density is an important factor influencing the real aquatic environments, why do these situations occur? It is an interesting topic which has become the common interest for many researchers. As the basis of the food webs in oceans, lakes, and reservoirs, plankton plays a significant role in the material circulation and energy flow for real aquatic ecosystems that have a great effect on the economic and social values. Planktonic blooms can occur in some environments, however, and the direct or indirect adverse effects of planktonic blooms on real aquatic ecosystems, such as water quality, water landscape, aquaculture development, are sometimes catastrophic, and thus planktonic blooms have become a challenging and intractable problem worldwide in recent years. Therefore, to understand these effects so that some necessary measures can be taken, it is important and meaningful to investigate the dynamic growth mechanism of plankton and reveal the dynamics mechanisms of formation and disappearance of planktonic blooms. To this end, based on the background of the ecological environments in the subtropical lakes and reservoirs, this dissertation research takes mainly the planktonic algae as the research objective to model the mechanisms of plankton growth and evolution. In this dissertation, some theories related to population dynamics, impulsive control dynamics, stochastic dynamics, as well as the methods of dynamic modeling, dynamic analysis and experimental simulation, are applied to reveal the effects of some key biological factors on the dynamics mechanisms of the spatial-temporal distribution of plankton and the termination of planktonic blooms, and to predict the dynamics evolutionary processes of plankton growth. The main results are as follows: Firstly, to discuss the prevention and control strategies on planktonic blooms, an impulsive reaction-diffusion hybrid system was developed. On the one hand, the dynamic analysis showed that impulsive control can significantly influence the dynamics of the system, including the ultimate boundedness, extinction, permanence, and the existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solution of the system. On the other hand, some experimental simulations were preformed to reveal that impulsive control can lead to the extinction and permanence of population directly. More precisely, the prey and intermediate predator populations can coexist at any time and location of their inhabited domain, while the top predator population undergoes extinction when the impulsive control parameter exceeds some a critical value, which can provide some key arguments to control population survival by means of some reaction-diffusion impulsive hybrid systems in the real life. Additionally, a heterogeneous environment can affect the spatial distribution of plankton and change the temporal-spatial oscillation of plankton distribution. All results are expected to be helpful in the study of dynamic complex of ecosystems. Secondly, a stochastic phytoplankton-zooplankton system with toxic phytoplankton was proposed and the effects of environmental stochasticity and toxin-producing phytoplankton (TPP) on the dynamics mechanisms of the termination of planktonic blooms were discussed. The research illustrated that white noise can aggravate the stochastic oscillation of plankton density and a high-level intensity of white noise can accelerate the extinction of plankton and may be advantageous for the disappearance of harmful phytoplankton, which imply that the white noise can help control the biomass of plankton and provide a guide for the termination of planktonic blooms. Additionally, some experimental simulations were carried out to reveal that the increasing toxin liberation rate released by TPP can increase the survival chance of phytoplankton population and reduce the biomass of zooplankton population, but the combined effects of those two toxin liberation rates on the changes in plankton are stronger than that of controlling any one of the two TPP. All results suggest that both white noise and TPP can play an important role in controlling planktonic blooms. Thirdly, we established a stochastic phytoplankton-toxic producing phytoplankton-zooplankton system under regime switching and investigated how the white noise, regime switching and TPP affect the dynamics mechanisms of planktonic blooms. The dynamical analysis indicated that both white noise and toxins released by TPP are disadvantageous to the development of plankton and may increase the risk of plankton extinction. Also, a series of experimental simulations were carried out to verify the correctness of the dynamical analysis and further reveal the effects of the white noise, regime switching and TPP on the dynamics mechanisms of the termination of planktonic blooms. On the one hand, the numerical study revealed that the system can switch from one state to another due to regime shift, and further indicated that the regime switching can balance the different survival states of plankton density and decrease the risk of plankton extinction when the density of white noise are particularly weak. On the other hand, an increase in the toxin liberation rate can increase the survival chance of phytoplankton but reduce the biomass of zooplankton, which implies that the presence of toxic phytoplankton may have a positive effect on the termination of planktonic blooms. These results may provide some insightful understanding on the dynamics of phytoplankton-zooplankton systems in randomly disturbed aquatic environments. Finally, a stochastic non-autonomous phytoplankton-zooplankton system involving TPP and impulsive perturbations was studied, where the white noise, impulsive perturbations and TPP are incorporated into the system to simulate the natural aquatic ecological phenomena. The dynamical analysis revealed some key threshold conditions that ensure the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution, plankton extinction and persistence in the mean. In particular, we determined if there is a positive periodic solution for the system when the toxin liberation rate reaches a critical value. Some experimental simulations also revealed that both white noise and impulsive control parameter can directly influence the plankton extinction and persistence in the mean. Significantly, enhancing the toxin liberation rate released by TPP increases the possibility of phytoplankton survival but reduces the zooplankton biomass. All these results can improve our understanding of the dynamics of complex of aquatic ecosystems in a fluctuating environment