1,010,558 research outputs found

    Insolubilization process increases enzyme stability

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    Enzymes complexed with polymeric matrices contain properties suggesting application to enzyme-controlled reactions. Stability of insolubilized enzyme derivatives is markedly greater than that of soluble enzymes and physical form of insolubilized enzymes is useful in column and batch processes

    Identification of functionally related enzymes by learning-to-rank methods

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    Enzyme sequences and structures are routinely used in the biological sciences as queries to search for functionally related enzymes in online databases. To this end, one usually departs from some notion of similarity, comparing two enzymes by looking for correspondences in their sequences, structures or surfaces. For a given query, the search operation results in a ranking of the enzymes in the database, from very similar to dissimilar enzymes, while information about the biological function of annotated database enzymes is ignored. In this work we show that rankings of that kind can be substantially improved by applying kernel-based learning algorithms. This approach enables the detection of statistical dependencies between similarities of the active cleft and the biological function of annotated enzymes. This is in contrast to search-based approaches, which do not take annotated training data into account. Similarity measures based on the active cleft are known to outperform sequence-based or structure-based measures under certain conditions. We consider the Enzyme Commission (EC) classification hierarchy for obtaining annotated enzymes during the training phase. The results of a set of sizeable experiments indicate a consistent and significant improvement for a set of similarity measures that exploit information about small cavities in the surface of enzymes

    Host and bacterial proteases influence biofilm formation and virulence in a murine model of enterococcal catheter-associated urinary tract infection

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    Urinary tract infections: targeting enzymes might help Identifying bacterial and host enzymes that support biofilm formation may help prevent urinary tract infections caused by catheters. Enterococcus faecalis bacteria is a leading cause of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, the most common type of hospital-acquired infections. Michael Caparon and colleagues at Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri, USA, studied these infections in mice. They examined the effects of two protein-degrading enzymes, both from the bacterium and one can be activated by urine trypsin-like protease from the animals. Mutations that impaired either one of the enzymes had no effect on the infection, but when both the bacterial enzymes were impaired by mutation the formation of biofilms was significantly reduced. Treating the mice with chemicals that inhibited both bacterial and host enzymes dramatically reduced catheter-induced inflammation and related problems. This suggests drugs targeting these enzymes could be useful in clinical care

    Biotransformation of explosives by the old yellow enzyme family of flavoproteins

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    Several independent studies of bacterial degradation of nitrate ester explosives have demonstrated the involvement of flavin-dependent oxidoreductases related to the old yellow enzyme (OYE) of yeast. Some of these enzymes also transform the nitroaromatic explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). In this work, catalytic capabilities of five members of the OYE family were compared, with a view to correlating structure and function. The activity profiles of the five enzymes differed substantially; no one compound proved to be a good substrate for all five enzymes. TNT is reduced, albeit slowly, by all five enzymes. The nature of the transformation products differed, with three of the five enzymes yielding products indicative of reduction of the aromatic ring. Our findings suggest two distinct pathways of TNT transformation, with the initial reduction of TNT being the key point of difference between the enzymes. Characterization of an active site mutant of one of the enzymes suggests a structural basis for this difference

    Alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenase and alternative oxidase: proposed physiological roles in animals

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    The electron transport systems in mitochondria of many organisms contain alternative respiratory enzymes distinct from those of the canonical respiratory system depicted in textbooks. Two of these enzymes, the alternative NADH dehydrogenase and the alternative oxidase, were of interest to a limited circle of researchers until they were envisioned as gene therapy tools for mitochondrial disease treatment. Recently, these enzymes were discovered in several animals. Here, we analyse the functioning of alternative NADH dehydrogenases and oxidases in different organisms. We propose that both enzymes ensure bioenergetic and metabolic flexibility during environmental transitions or other conditions which may compromise the operation of the canonical respiratory system. The electron transport systems in mitochondria of many organisms contain alternative respiratory enzymes distinct from those of the canonical respiratory system depicted in textbooks. Two of these enzymes, the alternative NADH dehydrogenase and the alternative oxidase, were of interest to a limited circle of researchers until they were envisioned as gene therapy tools for mitochondrial disease treatment. Recently, these enzymes were discovered in several animals. Here, we analyse the functioning of alternative NADH dehydrogenases and oxidases in different organisms. We propose that both enzymes ensure bioenergetic and metabolic flexibility during environmental transitions or other conditions which may compromise the operation of the canonical respiratory system

    Regulating Retinoic Acid Availability during Development and Regeneration: The Role of the CYP26 Enzymes.

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    This review focuses on the role of the Cytochrome p450 subfamily 26 (CYP26) retinoic acid (RA) degrading enzymes during development and regeneration. Cyp26 enzymes, along with retinoic acid synthesising enzymes, are absolutely required for RA homeostasis in these processes by regulating availability of RA for receptor binding and signalling. Cyp26 enzymes are necessary to generate RA gradients and to protect specific tissues from RA signalling. Disruption of RA homeostasis leads to a wide variety of embryonic defects affecting many tissues. Here, the function of CYP26 enzymes is discussed in the context of the RA signalling pathway, enzymatic structure and biochemistry, human genetic disease, and function in development and regeneration as elucidated from animal model studies

    Regulating Retinoic Acid Availability during Development and Regeneration: The Role of the CYP26 Enzymes.

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    This review focuses on the role of the Cytochrome p450 subfamily 26 (CYP26) retinoic acid (RA) degrading enzymes during development and regeneration. Cyp26 enzymes, along with retinoic acid synthesising enzymes, are absolutely required for RA homeostasis in these processes by regulating availability of RA for receptor binding and signalling. Cyp26 enzymes are necessary to generate RA gradients and to protect specific tissues from RA signalling. Disruption of RA homeostasis leads to a wide variety of embryonic defects affecting many tissues. Here, the function of CYP26 enzymes is discussed in the context of the RA signalling pathway, enzymatic structure and biochemistry, human genetic disease, and function in development and regeneration as elucidated from animal model studies

    Paradoxical roles of antioxidant enzymes:Basic mechanisms and health implications

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are generated from aerobic metabolism, as a result of accidental electron leakage as well as regulated enzymatic processes. Because ROS/RNS can induce oxidative injury and act in redox signaling, enzymes metabolizing them will inherently promote either health or disease, depending on the physiological context. It is thus misleading to consider conventionally called antioxidant enzymes to be largely, if not exclusively, health protective. Because such a notion is nonetheless common, we herein attempt to rationalize why this simplistic view should be avoided. First we give an updated summary of physiological phenotypes triggered in mouse models of overexpression or knockout of major antioxidant enzymes. Subsequently, we focus on a series of striking cases that demonstrate “paradoxical” outcomes, i.e., increased fitness upon deletion of antioxidant enzymes or disease triggered by their overexpression. We elaborate mechanisms by which these phenotypes are mediated via chemical, biological, and metabolic interactions of the antioxidant enzymes with their substrates, downstream events, and cellular context. Furthermore, we propose that novel treatments of antioxidant enzyme-related human diseases may be enabled by deliberate targeting of dual roles of the pertaining enzymes. We also discuss the potential of “antioxidant” nutrients and phytochemicals, via regulating the expression or function of antioxidant enzymes, in preventing, treating, or aggravating chronic diseases. We conclude that “paradoxical” roles of antioxidant enzymes in physiology, health, and disease derive from sophisticated molecular mechanisms of redox biology and metabolic homeostasis. Simply viewing antioxidant enzymes as always being beneficial is not only conceptually misleading but also clinically hazardous if such notions underpin medical treatment protocols based on modulation of redox pathways

    Accelerated search kinetics mediated by redox reactions of DNA repair enzymes

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    A Charge Transport (CT) mechanism has been proposed in several papers (e.g., Yavin, et al. PNAS, v102 3546 (2005)) to explain the localization of Base Excision Repair (BER) enzymes to lesions on DNA. The CT mechanism relies on redox reactions of iron-sulfur cofactors that modify the enzyme's binding affinity. These redox reactions are mediated by the DNA strand and involve the exchange of electrons between BER enzymes along DNA. We propose a mathematical model that incorporates enzyme binding/unbinding, electron transport, and enzyme diffusion along DNA. Analysis of our model within a range of parameter values suggests that the redox reactions can increase desorption of BER enzymes not already bound to their targets, allowing the enzymes to be recycled, thus accelerating the overall search process. This acceleration mechanism is most effective when enzyme copy numbers and enzyme diffusivity along the DNA are small. Under such conditions, we find that CT BER enzymes find their targets more quickly than simple "passive" enzymes that simply attach to the DNA without desorbing.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure