230 research outputs found

    Enumeration and Leader Election in Partially Anonymous and Multi-hop Broadcast Networks

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    We address the enumeration and the leader election problems over partially anonymous and multi-hop broadcast networks. We consider an asynchronous communication model where each process broadcasts a message and all its neighbours receive this message after arbitrary and unpredictable time. In this paper, we present necessary conditions that must be satisfied by any graph to solve these problems and we show that these conditions are sufficient by providing an enumeration algorithm on the one hand and a leader election algorithm on the other hand. From the complexity viewpoint, our algorithms offer a polynomial complexity (memory, number of messages and size of messages)

    The Benefits of Entropy in Population Protocols

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    A distributed computing system can be viewed as the result of the interplay between a distributed algorithm specifying the effects of a local event (e.g. reception of a message), and an adversary choosing the interleaving (schedule) of these events in the execution. In the context of large networks of mobile pairwise interacting agents (population protocols), the adversary models the mobility of the agents by choosing the successive pairs of interacting agents. For some problems, assuming that the adversary selects the schedule according to some probability distribution greatly helps to devise (almost) correct solutions. But how much randomness is really necessary? To what extent does a problem admit implementations that are robust against a "not so random" schedule? This paper takes a first step in addressing this question by borrowing the concept of T-randomness, 0 <= T <= 1, from algorithmic information theory. Roughly speaking, the value T fixes the entropy rate of the considered schedules. For instance, the case T = 1 corresponds, in a specific sense, to schedules in which the pairs of interacting agents are chosen independently and uniformly (perfect randomness). The holy grail question can then be precisely stated as determining the optimal entropy rate to solve a given problem. We first show that perfect randomness is never required. Precisely, if a finite-state algorithm solves a problem with 1-randomness, then this algorithm still solves the same problem with T-randomness for some T < 1. Second, we illustrate how to compute bounds on the optimal entropy rate of a specific problem, namely the leader election problem

    Engineering Self-Adaptive Collective Processes for Cyber-Physical Ecosystems

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    The pervasiveness of computing and networking is creating significant opportunities for building valuable socio-technical systems. However, the scale, density, heterogeneity, interdependence, and QoS constraints of many target systems pose severe operational and engineering challenges. Beyond individual smart devices, cyber-physical collectives can provide services or solve complex problems by leveraging a “system effect” while coordinating and adapting to context or environment change. Understanding and building systems exhibiting collective intelligence and autonomic capabilities represent a prominent research goal, partly covered, e.g., by the field of collective adaptive systems. Therefore, drawing inspiration from and building on the long-time research activity on coordination, multi-agent systems, autonomic/self-* systems, spatial computing, and especially on the recent aggregate computing paradigm, this thesis investigates concepts, methods, and tools for the engineering of possibly large-scale, heterogeneous ensembles of situated components that should be able to operate, adapt and self-organise in a decentralised fashion. The primary contribution of this thesis consists of four main parts. First, we define and implement an aggregate programming language (ScaFi), internal to the mainstream Scala programming language, for describing collective adaptive behaviour, based on field calculi. Second, we conceive of a “dynamic collective computation” abstraction, also called aggregate process, formalised by an extension to the field calculus, and implemented in ScaFi. Third, we characterise and provide a proof-of-concept implementation of a middleware for aggregate computing that enables the development of aggregate systems according to multiple architectural styles. Fourth, we apply and evaluate aggregate computing techniques to edge computing scenarios, and characterise a design pattern, called Self-organising Coordination Regions (SCR), that supports adjustable, decentralised decision-making and activity in dynamic environments.Con lo sviluppo di informatica e intelligenza artificiale, la diffusione pervasiva di device computazionali e la crescente interconnessione tra elementi fisici e digitali, emergono innumerevoli opportunità per la costruzione di sistemi socio-tecnici di nuova generazione. Tuttavia, l'ingegneria di tali sistemi presenta notevoli sfide, data la loro complessità—si pensi ai livelli, scale, eterogeneità, e interdipendenze coinvolti. Oltre a dispositivi smart individuali, collettivi cyber-fisici possono fornire servizi o risolvere problemi complessi con un “effetto sistema” che emerge dalla coordinazione e l'adattamento di componenti fra loro, l'ambiente e il contesto. Comprendere e costruire sistemi in grado di esibire intelligenza collettiva e capacità autonomiche è un importante problema di ricerca studiato, ad esempio, nel campo dei sistemi collettivi adattativi. Perciò, traendo ispirazione e partendo dall'attività di ricerca su coordinazione, sistemi multiagente e self-*, modelli di computazione spazio-temporali e, specialmente, sul recente paradigma di programmazione aggregata, questa tesi tratta concetti, metodi, e strumenti per l'ingegneria di ensemble di elementi situati eterogenei che devono essere in grado di lavorare, adattarsi, e auto-organizzarsi in modo decentralizzato. Il contributo di questa tesi consiste in quattro parti principali. In primo luogo, viene definito e implementato un linguaggio di programmazione aggregata (ScaFi), interno al linguaggio Scala, per descrivere comportamenti collettivi e adattativi secondo l'approccio dei campi computazionali. In secondo luogo, si propone e caratterizza l'astrazione di processo aggregato per rappresentare computazioni collettive dinamiche concorrenti, formalizzata come estensione al field calculus e implementata in ScaFi. Inoltre, si analizza e implementa un prototipo di middleware per sistemi aggregati, in grado di supportare più stili architetturali. Infine, si applicano e valutano tecniche di programmazione aggregata in scenari di edge computing, e si propone un pattern, Self-Organising Coordination Regions, per supportare, in modo decentralizzato, attività decisionali e di regolazione in ambienti dinamici

    On deterministic counting in anonymous dynamic networks

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    Nella tesi di dottorato si analizza il problema del counting in reti anonime dinamiche ed interval connesse. Vengono dimostrati lower bound non triviali sul tempo di conteggio in reti a diametro costante. Inoltre vengono sviluppati nuovi algoritmi di conteggio.Counting is a fundamental problem of every distributed system as it represents a basic building block to implement high level abstractions [2,4,6]. We focus on deterministic counting algorithms, that is we assume that no source of randomness is available to processes. We consider a dynamic system where processes do not leave the compu- tation while there is an adversary that continuously changes the communication graph connecting such processes. The adversary is only constrained to maintain at each round a connected topology, i.e. 1-interval connectivity G(1-IC) [3]. In such environment, it has been shown, [5], that counting cannot be solved without a leader. Therefore, we assume that all processes are anonymous but the distinguished leader. In the thesis we will discuss bounds and algorithms for counting in the aforementioned framework. Our bounds are obtained investigating networks where the distance between the leader and an anonymous process is persistent across rounds and is at most h, we denote such networks as G(PD)h [1]. Interestingly we will show that counting in G(PD)2 requires Ω(log |V |) rounds even when the bandwidth is unlimited. This implies that counting in networks with constant dynamic diameter requires a number of rounds that is function of the network size. We will discuss other results concerning the accuracy of counting algorithms. For the possibility side we will show an optimal counting algorithm for G(PD)h networks and a counting algorithm for G(1-IC) networks

    Probabilistic methods for distributed information dissemination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 457-484).The ever-increasing growth of modern networks comes with a paradigm shift in network operation. Networks can no longer be abstracted as deterministic, centrally controlled systems with static topologies but need to be understood as highly distributed, dynamic systems with inherent unreliabilities. This makes many communication, coordination and computation tasks challenging and in many scenarios communication becomes a crucial bottleneck. In this thesis, we develop new algorithms and techniques to address these challenges. In particular we concentrate on broadcast and information dissemination tasks and introduce novel ideas on how randomization can lead to powerful, simple and practical communication primitives suitable for these modern networks. In this endeavor we combine and further develop tools from different disciplines trying to simultaneously addresses the distributed, information theoretic and algorithmic aspects of network communication. The two main probabilistic techniques developed to disseminate information in a network are gossip and random linear network coding. Gossip is an alternative to classical flooding approaches: Instead of nodes repeatedly forwarding information to all their neighbors, gossiping nodes forward information only to a small number of (random) neighbors. We show that, when done right, gossip disperses information almost as quickly as flooding, albeit with a drastically reduced communication overhead. Random linear network coding (RLNC) applies when a large amount of information or many messages are to be disseminated. Instead of routing messages through intermediate nodes, that is, following a classical store-and-forward approach, RLNC mixes messages together by forwarding random linear combinations of messages. The simplicity and topology-obliviousness of this approach makes RLNC particularly interesting for the distributed settings considered in this thesis. Unfortunately the performance of RLNC was not well understood even for the simplest such settings. We introduce a simple yet powerful analysis technique that allows us to prove optimal performance guarantees for all settings considered in the literature and many more that were not analyzable so far. Specifically, we give many new results for RLNC gossip algorithms, RLNC algorithms for dynamic networks, and RLNC with correlated data. We also provide a novel highly efficient distributed implementation of RLNC that achieves these performance guarantees while buffering only a minimal amount of information at intermediate nodes. We then apply our techniques to improve communication primitives in multi-hop radio networks. While radio networks inherently support broadcast communications, e.g., from one node to all surrounding nodes, interference of simultaneous transmissions makes multihop broadcast communication an interesting challenge. We show that, again, randomization holds the key for obtaining simple, efficient and distributed information dissemination protocols. In particular, using random back-off strategies to coordinate access to the shared medium leads to optimal gossip-like communications and applying RLNC achieves the first throughput-optimal multi-message communication primitives. Lastly we apply our probabilistic approach for analyzing simple, distributed propagation protocols in a broader context by studying algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma. These algorithms find solutions to certain local constraint satisfaction problems by randomly fixing and propagating violations locally. Our two main results show that, firstly, there are also efficient deterministic propagation strategies achieving the same and, secondly, using the random fixing strategy has the advantage of producing not just an arbitrary solution but an approximately uniformly random one. Both results lead to simple, constructions for a many locally consistent structures of interest that were not known to be efficiently constructable before.by Bernhard Haeupler.Ph.D

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Large-Scale Distributed Coalition Formation

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    The CyberCraft project is an effort to construct a large scale Distributed Multi-Agent System (DMAS) to provide autonomous Cyberspace defense and mission assurance for the DoD. It employs a small but flexible agent structure that is dynamically reconfigurable to accommodate new tasks and policies. This document describes research into developing protocols and algorithms to ensure continued mission execution in a system of one million or more agents, focusing on protocols for coalition formation and Command and Control. It begins by building large-scale routing algorithms for a Hierarchical Peer to Peer structured overlay network, called Resource-Clustered Chord (RC-Chord). RC-Chord introduces the ability to efficiently locate agents by resources that agents possess. Combined with a task model defined for CyberCraft, this technology feeds into an algorithm that constructs task coalitions in a large-scale DMAS. Experiments reveal the flexibility and effectiveness of these concepts for achieving maximum work throughput in a simulated CyberCraft environment
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