116,580 research outputs found

    Developing an enterprising spirit among engineering college students : what are the educational factors ?

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    The purpose of this chapter is to further what can be called the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Indeed these words, although widely used, have not yet been properly defined in the literature as to how it is created, and what precise aspects can be enhanced through teaching activities. It is a matter of suggesting hypotheses in order to build up a model of how an Entrepreneurial Spirit is engendered among newly trained engineers. Our chapter is divided into four section. The first deals with the question of the definition of the Entrepreneurial Spirit: How does it arise prior to the decision to set up a business? How can the components of an Entrepreneurial Spirit be defined? We suggest a dynamic model. The second section deals with the factors leading to an Entrepreneurial Spirit among young engineers: What is the relevance of the educational background ? What are the possible teaching method variables within engineering college training? The third section presents methodological features of our research. The fourth section presents early results about the projective dimensions of our model of engineering students in 2004. As a conclusion, we present theoretical and practical implications of our research.entreprising spirit, entrepreneurship education

    Economic impact of entrepreneurial universities’ activities: An exploratory study of the United Kingdom

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    Throughout economic history, institutions have established the rules that shape human interaction. In this sense, political, socio-cultural, and economic issues respond to particular forces: managed economy or entrepreneurial economy. In the entrepreneurial economy, the dominant production factor is knowledge capital that is the source of competitive advantage, which is complemented by entrepreneurship capital, representing the capacity to engage in and generate entrepreneurial activity. Thus, an entrepreneurial economy generates scenarios in which its members can explore and exploit economic opportunities and knowledge to promote new entrepreneurial phenomena that have not been previously visualised. In this context, the entrepreneurial university serves as a conduit of spillovers contributing to economic and social development through its multiple missions of teaching, research, and entrepreneurial activities. In particular, the outcomes of its missions are associated with the determinants of production functions (e.g. human capital, knowledge capital, social capital, and entrepreneurship capital). All these themes are still considerate potentially in the research agenda in academic entrepreneurship literature. This paper modestly tries to contribute to a better understanding of the economic impact of entrepreneurial universities’ teaching, research, and entrepreneurial activities. Taking an endogenous growth perspective, the proposed conceptual model is tested using data collected from 2005-2007 for 147 universities located in 74 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics-3 (NUTS-3) regions of the United Kingdom. The results of this exploratory analysis show the positive and significant economic impact of teaching, research, and entrepreneurial activities. Interestingly, the higher economic impact of the United Kingdom’s entrepreneurial universities (the Russell group) is explained by entrepreneurial spin-offs. However, our control group composed by the rest of the country’s universities, the highest economic impact is associated with knowledge transfer (knowledge capital)

    Impact of personality traits on entrepreneurial intentions in Pakistan : the moderating role of teaching methodology

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    An important aspect needed for promoting entrepreneurship is the identification of individuals possessing a specific personality suitable to foster entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurial intentions can be strengthened among the students of the right personality type by endowing them with the required skills and knowledge using experiential teaching methodology. Therefore, this study focused on investigating teaching methodology as the moderating variable in the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intentions. This study utilised the dynamic view of Entrepreneurial Event Model. Data was collected using the stratified proportionate random sampling through a cross-sectional survey of 315 students of sixteen universities in Islamabad, Pakistan. The study used structural equation modelling to test the inter-relationship among the variables. Finding of this study reveals a significant and positive relationship between personality (entrepreneurial proactivity, entrepreneurial creativity, entrepreneurial opportunism and entrepreneurial vision) and entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, the study further tests the impact of teaching methodologies adopted by lecturers of entrepreneurship in the university. Finding also reveals that experiential teaching methodology has a moderating impact on the relationship between entrepreneurial creativity, entrepreneurial vision and entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, teaching methodology does not have a significant moderating influence on the relationship between entrepreneurial proactivity and entrepreneurial intentions, and entrepreneurial vision and entrepreneurial intentions. This study contributes to the literature by suggesting that appropriate experiential teaching methodologies strengthen entrepreneurial intentions. This study provides empirical evidence on personality, teaching methodology and entrepreneurial intentions within the domain of Entrepreneurial Event Model and Human Capital Theory, in the context of Pakistan. The results of this study have implications for students, entrepreneurship teachers, university management, incubation centre managers and policy makers. Finally, limitation of the study and future research directions are discussed

    Evolving missions and university entrepreneurship:Academic spin-offs and graduate start-ups in the entrepreneurial society

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    A recent call has urged to broaden the conceptualization of university entrepreneurship in order to appreciate the heterogeneity of contexts and actors involved in the process of entrepreneurial creation. A gap still persists in the understanding of the variety of ventures generated by different academic stakeholders, and the relationships between these entrepreneurial developments and university missions, namely, teaching and research. This paper addresses this particular gap by looking at how university teaching and research activities influence universities’ entrepreneurial ventures such as academic spin-offs and graduate start-ups. Empirically, we analyse the English higher education sector, drawing on institutional data at the university level. First, we explore the ways in which teaching and research activities are configured, and secondly, we examine how such configurations relate to academic spin-offs and graduate start-ups across different universities over time. Our findings suggest, first, that the evolution of USOs and graduate start-ups exhibit two different pathways over time; and second, that teaching and research both affect entrepreneurial ventures but their effect is different.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen


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    The objectives of this research are (1) to understand the management of teaching factory learning which includes planning, implementation and evaluation in realizing an entrepreneurial spirit for students; (2) knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors and their solutions; (3) knowing the results of teaching factory learning management in realizing students' entrepreneurial spirit. This research is qualitative research whose data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research are (1) teaching factory learning management can be seen in planning that has been carried out well, organization that is structured and carried out well, implementation according to industry standards, evaluation of learning achievement analysis; (2) the supporting factors in teaching factory learning are infrastructure according to industry standards and competent teachers, the inhibiting factors are the planning time not matching the implementation, and there are not many industries collaborating to carry out teaching factory learning, while the solution is to make a schedule block and increase cooperation with related industries; (3) the results of the teaching factory learning management show that the teaching factory learning management is running well and can realize the entrepreneurial spirit of students


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    Educational institutions are urged to provide more enterprising individuals who will either act as entrepreneurs, or will be able to manage their careers and lives in an entrepreneurial way.The purpose of this study is to address the role of teaching at universities in maximizing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and to examine the possibility to maximize the likelihood of entrepreneurial behavior by enhancing entrepreneurial self-efficacy with university students. The study investigates the impact that entrepreneurial self-efficacy has on the development of entrepreneurial motivation and behavior using a sample of 324 students of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia.The results of the research indicate that students demonstrate a higher propensity for entrepreneurial behavior and a higher probability of starting their own business if they feel more self-efficient. The research has also highlighted that teaching at universities does not significantly improve the perception of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in students and that firsthand experience has a more important role in that.An important conclusion to emerge from this research is that in order to influence entrepreneurial behavior, it is necessary to make better use of experience-based learning and supplement university courses with components of informal and/or non-formal education

    PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TEACHING FACTORY TERHADAP KESIAPAN BERWIRAUSAHA (Survei pada Siswa Kelas XI Program Keahlian Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung)

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    ABSTRAK Model pembelajaran teaching factory merupakan model pembelajaran terpadu. Pendidikan kewirausahaan merupakan proses pembelajaran penanaman tata nilai kewirausahaan melalui pembiasaan dan pemeliharaan perilaku dan sikap. Melalui model pembelajaran teaching factory yang ditunjang dengan pembelajaran Kewirausahaan, diharapkan siswa mempunyai kesiapan untuk berwirausaha. Penerapan model pembelajaran teaching factory bertujuan untuk membentuk kompetensi siswa melalui satuan kesatuan lingkungan sekolah dengan berbasis pada industri dan ditunjang dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kewirausahaan dalam pembentukan mental kewirausahaan. Artikel ini menelaah Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Teaching Factory Terhadap Kesiapan Berwirausaha pada siswa kelas XI Program Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran SMKN 1 Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif menggunakan path analysis. Kata kunci: Model Pembelajaran Teaching Factory, Kesiapan Berwirausaha ABSTRACT The teaching factory learning model is an integrated learning model. Entrepreneurship education is a process of learning to instill entrepreneurial values through habituation and maintenance of behavior and attitudes. Through the teaching factory learning model that is supported by learning entrepreneurship, students are expected to have readiness for entrepreneurship. The application of teaching factory teaching model aims to form student competencies through the unit of the school environment unit based on industry and supported by the implementation of entrepreneurial learning in the formation of an entrepreneurial mentality. This article examines the effect of the application of the Teaching Factory Learning Model to entrepreneurial readiness in class XI students of the Online Business and Marketing Program at SMKN 1 Bandung. The research method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods using path analysis. Keywords: Teaching Factory learning model, Kesiapan Berwirausah

    MBA education: curriculum to creation (C2C) of potential entrepreneurs

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    Malaysia has greatly recognized entrepreneurs’ growth and has introduced many entrepreneurial policy inceptions to boost the number of entrepreneurs, and to create entrepreneurial interests among future generations. There is a growing development in entrepreneurship education to educate and advocate entrepreneurship start-up intentions among students. In conjunction with it, this research aimed to investigate the creation of entrepreneurial start-up intention among MBA students in Malaysia through course experience in developing entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. Course experience consists of good teaching, clear goals and standards, generic skills, and motivation has accessed the development of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, and eventually the start-up intention among students. 219 MBA students from Malaysia participated as respondents and it’s concluded that course experience has a significant relationship in developing entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and these developments do have a significant relationship in creating entrepreneurial start-up intentions. In particular, the entrepreneurial skills found to have the strongest significance in creating entrepreneurial start-up intentions. These research findings have added to the existing body of knowledge in entrepreneurial research and entrepreneurial education domain

    Exploring the entrepreneurial mind set of Students: Implication for improvement of entrepreneurial learning at university

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the entrepreneurial mindset of students after following an entrepreneurship education course. Several teaching techniques were utilized to infuse entrepreneurial skills and behaviour among students in the university settings. A modified version of entrepreneurial directed approach as discussed in the literature was adapted to conduct the study. Data were collected using qualitative and quantitative research method. Findings indicate that the entrepreneurial directed approach had broadened students’ entrepreneurial understanding, and students are able to develop the entrepreneurial skills and behaviour required for their studies. The paper discusses practical implications for university entrepreneurship learning to guide students to have an entrepreneurial mindset
