608 research outputs found

    Reliably composable language extensions

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Eric Van Wyk. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 300 pages.Many programming tasks are dramatically simpler when an appropriate domain-specific language can be used to accomplish them. These languages offer a variety of potential advantages, including programming at a higher level of abstraction, custom analyses specific to the problem domain, and the ability to generate very efficient code. But they also suffer many disadvantages as a result of their implementation techniques. Fully separate languages (such as YACC, or SQL) are quite flexible, but these are distinct monolithic entities and thus we are unable to draw on the features of several in combination to accomplish a single task. That is, we cannot compose their domain-specific features. "Embedded" DSLs (such as parsing combinators) accomplish something like a different language, but are actually implemented simply as libraries within a flexible host language. This approach allows different libraries to be imported and used together, enabling composition, but it is limited in analysis and translation capabilities by the host language they are embedded within. A promising combination of these two approaches is to allow a host language to be directly extended with new features (syntactic and semantic.) However, while there are plausible ways to attempt to compose language extensions, they can easily fail, making this approach unreliable. Previous methods of assuring reliable composition impose onerous restrictions, such as throwing out entirely the ability to introduce new analysis. This thesis introduces reliably composable language extensions as a technique for the implementation of DSLs. This technique preserves most of the advantages of both separate and "embedded" DSLs. Unlike many prior approaches to language extension, this technique ensures composition of multiple language extensions will succeed, and preserves strong properties about the behavior of the resulting composed compiler. We define an analysis on language extensions that guarantees the composition of several extensions will be well-defined, and we further define a set of testable properties that ensure the resulting compiler will behave as expected, along with a principle that assigns "blame" for bugs that may ultimately appear as a result of composition. Finally, to concretely compare our approach to our original goals for reliably composable language extension, we use these techniques to develop an extensible C compiler front-end, together with several example composable language extensions


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    Contract theories have been proposed to formally support distributed and decentralized system design while ensuring safe system integration. In this paper we propose hypercontracts, a generic model with a richer structure for its underlying model of components, subsuming simulation preorders. While this new model remains generic, it provides a much more elegant and richer algebra for its key notions of refinement, parallel composition, and quotient, and it allows inclusion of new operations. On top of these foundations, we propose conic hypercontracts, which are still generic but come with a finite description

    Developing correct, distributed, adaptive software

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    We illustrate our approach to develop and verify distributed, adaptive software systems. The cornerstone of our framework is the use of choreography languages, which allow us to obtain correctness by construction. Behavioural Design Patterns are also used as abstract tools to design real systems, while techniques based on abstract interpretation and on dynamic verication are integrated in our framework to reduce the complexity of verication

    Contracts for Systems Design: Theory

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    Aircrafts, trains, cars, plants, distributed telecommunication military or health care systems,and more, involve systems design as a critical step. Complexity has caused system design times and coststo go severely over budget so as to threaten the health of entire industrial sectors. Heuristic methods andstandard practices do not seem to scale with complexity so that novel design methods and tools based on astrong theoretical foundation are sorely needed. Model-based design as well as other methodologies suchas layered and compositional design have been used recently but a unified intellectual framework with acomplete design flow supported by formal tools is still lacking.Recently an “orthogonal” approach has been proposed that can be applied to all methodologies introducedthus far to provide a rigorous scaffolding for verification, analysis and abstraction/refinement: contractbaseddesign. Several results have been obtained in this domain but a unified treatment of the topic that canhelp in putting contract-based design in perspective is missing. This paper intends to provide such treatmentwhere contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be used in design methodologiessuch as the ones mentioned above with no ambiguity. In addition, the paper provides an important linkbetween interface and contract theories to show similarities and correspondences.This paper is complemented by a companion paper where contract based design is illustrated throughuse cases

    A Survey of Symbolic Methods in Computational Analysis of Cryptographic Systems

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    Since the 1980s, two approaches have been developed for analyzing security protocols. One of the approaches relies on a computational model that considers issues of complexity and probability. This approach captures a strong notion of security, guaranteed against all probabilistic polynomial-time attacks. The other approach relies on a symbolic model of protocol executions in which cryptographic primitives are treated as black boxes. Since the seminal work of Dolev and Yao, it has been realized that this latter approach enables significantly simpler and often automated proofs. However, the guarantees that it offers have been quite unclear. For more than twenty years the two approaches have coexisted but evolved mostly independently. Recently, significant research efforts attempt to develop paradigms for cryptographic systems analysis that combines the best of both worlds. There are two broad directions that have been followed. {\em Computational soundness} aims to establish sufficient conditions under which results obtained using symbolic models imply security under computational models. The {\em direct approach} aims to apply the principles and the techniques developed in the context of symbolic models directly to computational ones. In this paper we survey existing results along both of these directions. Our goal is to provide a rather complete summary that could act as a quick reference for researchers who want to contribute to the field, want to make use of existing results, or just want to get a better picture of what results already exist

    LEGaTO: first steps towards energy-efficient toolset for heterogeneous computing

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    LEGaTO is a three-year EU H2020 project which started in December 2017. The LEGaTO project will leverage task-based programming models to provide a software ecosystem for Made-in-Europe heterogeneous hardware composed of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and dataflow engines. The aim is to attain one order of magnitude energy savings from the edge to the converged cloud/HPC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages

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    This paper formalizes and proves correct a compilation scheme for mutually-recursive definitions in call-by-value functional languages. This scheme supports a wider range of recursive definitions than previous methods. We formalize our technique as a translation scheme to a lambda-calculus featuring in-place update of memory blocks, and prove the translation to be correct.Comment: 62 pages, uses pi

    An Object-Oriented Model for Extensible Concurrent Systems: the Composition-Filters Approach

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    Applying the object-oriented paradigm for the development of large and complex software systems offers several advantages, of which increased extensibility and reusability are the most prominent ones. The object-oriented model is also quite suitable for modeling concurrent systems. However, it appears that extensibility and reusability of concurrent applications is far from trivial. The problems that arise, the so-called inheritance anomalies are analyzed and presented in this paper. A set of requirements for extensible concurrent languages is formulated. As a solution to the identified problems, an extension to the object-oriented model is presented; composition filters. Composition filters capture messages and can express certain constraints and operations on these messages, for example buffering. In this paper we explain the composition filters approach, demonstrate its expressive power through a number of examples and show that composition filters do not suffer from the inheritance anomalies and fulfill the requirements that were established

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications
