1,572 research outputs found

    Classifier Subset Selection to construct multi-classifiers by means of estimation of distribution algorithms

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to select the individual classifiers to take part in a Multiple-Classifier System. Individual classifier selection is a key step in the development of multi-classifiers. Several works have shown the benefits of fusing complementary classifiers. Nevertheless, the selection of the base classifiers to be used is still an open question, and different approaches have been proposed in the literature. This work is based on the selection of the appropriate single classifiers by means of an evolutionary algorithm. Different base classifiers, which have been chosen from different classifier families, are used as candidates in order to obtain variability in the classifications given. Experimental results carried out with 20 databases from the UCI Repository show how adequate the proposed approach is; Stacked Generalization multi-classifier has been selected to perform the experimental comparisons.The work described in this paper was partially conducted within the Basque Government Research Team grant and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and under grant UFI11/45 (BAILab)

    Machine learning for network based intrusion detection: an investigation into discrepancies in findings with the KDD cup '99 data set and multi-objective evolution of neural network classifier ensembles from imbalanced data.

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    For the last decade it has become commonplace to evaluate machine learning techniques for network based intrusion detection on the KDD Cup '99 data set. This data set has served well to demonstrate that machine learning can be useful in intrusion detection. However, it has undergone some criticism in the literature, and it is out of date. Therefore, some researchers question the validity of the findings reported based on this data set. Furthermore, as identified in this thesis, there are also discrepancies in the findings reported in the literature. In some cases the results are contradictory. Consequently, it is difficult to analyse the current body of research to determine the value in the findings. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation to determine the underlying causes of the discrepancies. Several methodological factors, such as choice of data subset, validation method and data preprocessing, are identified and are found to affect the results significantly. These findings have also enabled a better interpretation of the current body of research. Furthermore, the criticisms in the literature are addressed and future use of the data set is discussed, which is important since researchers continue to use it due to a lack of better publicly available alternatives. Due to the nature of the intrusion detection domain, there is an extreme imbalance among the classes in the KDD Cup '99 data set, which poses a significant challenge to machine learning. In other domains, researchers have demonstrated that well known techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Decision Trees (DTs) often fail to learn the minor class(es) due to class imbalance. However, this has not been recognized as an issue in intrusion detection previously. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation that demonstrates that it is the class imbalance that causes the poor detection of some classes of intrusion reported in the literature. An alternative approach to training ANNs is proposed in this thesis, using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to evolve the weights of the ANNs, referred to as an Evolutionary Neural Network (ENN). When employing evaluation functions that calculate the fitness proportionally to the instances of each class, thereby avoiding a bias towards the major class(es) in the data set, significantly improved true positive rates are obtained whilst maintaining a low false positive rate. These findings demonstrate that the issues of learning from imbalanced data are not due to limitations of the ANNs; rather the training algorithm. Moreover, the ENN is capable of detecting a class of intrusion that has been reported in the literature to be undetectable by ANNs. One limitation of the ENN is a lack of control of the classification trade-off the ANNs obtain. This is identified as a general issue with current approaches to creating classifiers. Striving to create a single best classifier that obtains the highest accuracy may give an unfruitful classification trade-off, which is demonstrated clearly in this thesis. Therefore, an extension of the ENN is proposed, using a Multi-Objective GA (MOGA), which treats the classification rate on each class as a separate objective. This approach produces a Pareto front of non-dominated solutions that exhibit different classification trade-offs, from which the user can select one with the desired properties. The multi-objective approach is also utilised to evolve classifier ensembles, which yields an improved Pareto front of solutions. Furthermore, the selection of classifier members for the ensembles is investigated, demonstrating how this affects the performance of the resultant ensembles. This is a key to explaining why some classifier combinations fail to give fruitful solutions

    Genetic algorithm-neural network: feature extraction for bioinformatics data.

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    With the advance of gene expression data in the bioinformatics field, the questions which frequently arise, for both computer and medical scientists, are which genes are significantly involved in discriminating cancer classes and which genes are significant with respect to a specific cancer pathology. Numerous computational analysis models have been developed to identify informative genes from the microarray data, however, the integrity of the reported genes is still uncertain. This is mainly due to the misconception of the objectives of microarray study. Furthermore, the application of various preprocessing techniques in the microarray data has jeopardised the quality of the microarray data. As a result, the integrity of the findings has been compromised by the improper use of techniques and the ill-conceived objectives of the study. This research proposes an innovative hybridised model based on genetic algorithms (GAs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), to extract the highly differentially expressed genes for a specific cancer pathology. The proposed method can efficiently extract the informative genes from the original data set and this has reduced the gene variability errors incurred by the preprocessing techniques. The novelty of the research comes from two perspectives. Firstly, the research emphasises on extracting informative features from a high dimensional and highly complex data set, rather than to improve classification results. Secondly, the use of ANN to compute the fitness function of GA which is rare in the context of feature extraction. Two benchmark microarray data have been taken to research the prominent genes expressed in the tumour development and the results show that the genes respond to different stages of tumourigenesis (i.e. different fitness precision levels) which may be useful for early malignancy detection. The extraction ability of the proposed model is validated based on the expected results in the synthetic data sets. In addition, two bioassay data have been used to examine the efficiency of the proposed model to extract significant features from the large, imbalanced and multiple data representation bioassay data

    Artificial immune systems based committee machine for classification application

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.A new adaptive learning Artificial Immune System (AIS) based committee machine is developed in this thesis. The new proposed approach efficiently tackles the general problem of clustering high-dimensional data. In addition, it helps on deriving useful decision and results related to other application domains such classification and prediction. Artificial Immune System (AIS) is a branch of computational intelligence field inspired by the biological immune system, and has gained increasing interest among researchers in the development of immune-based models and techniques to solve diverse complex computational or engineering problems. This work presents some applications of AIS techniques to health problems, and a thorough survey of existing AIS models and algorithms. The main focus of this research is devoted to building an ensemble model integrating different AIS techniques (i.e. Artificial Immune Networks, Clonal Selection, and Negative Selection) for classification applications to achieve better classification results. A new AIS-based ensemble architecture with adaptive learning features is proposed by integrating different learning and adaptation techniques to overcome individual limitations and to achieve synergetic effects through the combination of these techniques. Various techniques related to the design and enhancements of the new adaptive learning architecture are studied, including a neuro-fuzzy based detector and an optimizer using particle swarm optimization method to achieve enhanced classification performance. An evaluation study was conducted to show the performance of the new proposed adaptive learning ensemble and to compare it to alternative combining techniques. Several experiments are presented using different medical datasets for the classification problem and findings and outcomes are discussed. The new adaptive learning architecture improves the accuracy of the ensemble. Moreover, there is an improvement over the existing aggregation techniques. The outcomes, assumptions and limitations of the proposed methods with its implications for further research in this area draw this research to its conclusion

    Adaptive 3D facial action intensity estimation and emotion recognition

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    Automatic recognition of facial emotion has been widely studied for various computer vision tasks (e.g. health monitoring, driver state surveillance and personalized learning). Most existing facial emotion recognition systems, however, either have not fully considered subject-independent dynamic features or were limited to 2D models, thus are not robust enough for real-life recognition tasks with subject variation, head movement and illumination change. Moreover, there is also lack of systematic research on effective newly arrived novel emotion class detection. To address these challenges, we present a real-time 3D facial Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation and emotion recognition system. It automatically selects 16 motion-based facial feature sets using minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance criterion based optimization and estimates the intensities of 16 diagnostic AUs using feedforward Neural Networks and Support Vector Regressors. We also propose a set of six novel adaptive ensemble classifiers for robust classification of the six basic emotions and the detection of newly arrived unseen novel emotion classes (emotions that are not included in the training set). A distance-based clustering and uncertainty measures of the base classifiers within each ensemble model are used to inform the novel class detection. Evaluated with the Bosphorus 3D database, the system has achieved the best performance of 0.071 overall Mean Squared Error (MSE) for AU intensity estimation using Support Vector Regressors, and 92.2% average accuracy for the recognition of the six basic emotions using the proposed ensemble classifiers. In comparison with other related work, our research outperforms other state-of-the-art research on 3D facial emotion recognition for the Bosphorus database. Moreover, in on-line real-time evaluation with real human subjects, the proposed system also shows superior real-time performance with 84% recognition accuracy and great flexibility and adaptation for newly arrived novel (e.g. ‘contempt’ which is not included in the six basic emotions) emotion detection

    Combining heterogeneous classifiers via granular prototypes.

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    In this study, a novel framework to combine multiple classifiers in an ensemble system is introduced. Here we exploit the concept of information granule to construct granular prototypes for each class on the outputs of an ensemble of base classifiers. In the proposed method, uncertainty in the outputs of the base classifiers on training observations is captured by an interval-based representation. To predict the class label for a new observation, we first determine the distances between the output of the base classifiers for this observation and the class prototypes, then the predicted class label is obtained by choosing the label associated with the shortest distance. In the experimental study, we combine several learning algorithms to build the ensemble system and conduct experiments on the UCI, colon cancer, and selected CLEF2009 datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms several benchmarked algorithms including two trainable combining methods, i.e., Decision Template and Two Stages Ensemble System, AdaBoost, Random Forest, L2-loss Linear Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree

    Unsupervised Intrusion Detection with Cross-Domain Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Cybercrime is a major concern for corporations, business owners, governments and citizens, and it continues to grow in spite of increasing investments in security and fraud prevention. The main challenges in this research field are: being able to detect unknown attacks, and reducing the false positive ratio. The aim of this research work was to target both problems by leveraging four artificial intelligence techniques. The first technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on skip-gram modeling. It was designed, developed and tested against a public dataset with popular intrusion patterns. A high accuracy and a low false positive rate were achieved without prior knowledge of attack patterns. The second technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on topic modeling. It was applied to three related domains (network attacks, payments fraud, IoT malware traffic). A high accuracy was achieved in the three scenarios, even though the malicious activity significantly differs from one domain to the other. The third technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on deep autoencoders, with feature selection performed by a supervised method, random forest. Obtained results showed that this technique can outperform other similar techniques. The fourth technique is based on an MLP neural network, and is applied to alert reduction in fraud prevention. This method automates manual reviews previously done by human experts, without significantly impacting accuracy