82 research outputs found

    Bringing Mobile Relays for Wireless Access Networks into Practice - Learning When to Relay

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    Adding fixed relay nodes (RNs) to wireless access networks requires additional costly infrastructure. Utilising mobile RNs, that is, user terminals that relay signals intended for other users being the destination nodes (DNs), is an appealing cost-effective solution. However, the changing node topology increases the required signalling for relay selection (RS). The signalling overhead consists of control signals that need to be exchanged between the RNs, the source node (SN) and the DN, to achieve the objectives of cooperation. To reduce signalling without penalising performance, the authors propose a three-step approach exploiting statistical knowledge on the likelihood of attaining performance gains by using RNs as a function of the node position (position of DNs and RNs). In the first step only the cell DNs that are likely to gain from relaying request the assistance of RNs. In the second step, for each DN that requests relaying, a limited set of RN candidates is formed. These decisions are made with the aid of thresholds applied to inter-node distances whose values are based on the acquired statistical knowledge. In the final step, RN candidates feed back the relevant channel state information to the SN that performs RS. Furthermore, the authors investigate the attained gains from mobile RNs as a function of the fading environment and they show that mobile RNs can help overcome the effects of severe fading

    Performance Analysis, Resource Allocation and Optimization of Cooperative Communication Systems under Generalized Fading Channels

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    The increasing demands for high-speed data transmission, efficient wireless access, high quality of service (QoS) and reliable network coverage with reduced power consumption impose demanding intensive research efforts on the design of novel wireless communication system architectures. A notable development in the area of communication theory is the introduction of cooperative communication systems. These technologies become promising solution for the next-generation wireless transmission systems due to their applicability in size, power, hardware and price constrained devices, such as cellular mobile devices, wireless sensors, ad-hoc networks and military communications, being able to provide, e.g., diversity gain against fading channels without the need for installing multiple antennas in a single terminal. The performance of the cooperative systems can in general be significantly increased by allocating the limited power efficiently. In this thesis, we address in detail the performance analysis, resource allocation and optimization of such cooperative communication systems under generalized fading channels. We focus first on energy-efficiency (EE) optimization and optimal power allocation (OPA) of regenerative cooperative network with spatial correlation effects under given power constraint and QoS requirement. The thesis also investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of a regenerative multi-relay cooperative network over non-homogeneous scattering environment, which is realistic case in practical wireless communication scenarios. Furthermore, the study investigates the end-to-end performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under total power constraint and performance requirement of full-duplex (FD) relaying transmission scheme over asymmetric generalized fading models with relay self-interference (SI) effects.The study first focuses on exact error analysis and EE optimization of regenerative relay systems under spatial correlation effects. It first derives novel exact and asymptotic expressions for the symbol-error-rates (SERs) of M -ary quadrature amplitude and M -ary phase-shift keying (M -QAM) and (M -PSK) modulations, respectively, assuming a dual-hop decode-and-forward relay system, spatial correlation, path-loss effects and maximum-ratio-combing (MRC) at the destination. Based on this, EEoptimization and OPA are carried out under certain QoS requirement and transmit power constraints.Furthermore, the second part of the study investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of MRC based regenerative multi-relay cooperative system over non-homogeneous scattering environment. Novel exact and asymptotic expressions are derived for the end-to-end average SER for M -QAM and M -PSK modulations.The offered results are employed in performance investigations and power allocation formulations under total transmit power constraints.Finally, the thesis investigates outage performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under certain system constraints for the FD and half-duplex (HD) relaying systems. Unlike the previous studies that considered the scenario of information transmission over symmetric fading conditions, in this study we considered the scenario of information transmission over the most generalized asymmetric fading environments.The obtained results indicate that depending on the severity of multipath fading, the spatial correlation between the direct and relayed paths and the relay location, the direct transmission is more energy-efficient only for rather short transmission distances and until a certain threshold. Beyond this, the system benefits substantially from the cooperative transmission approach where the cooperation gain increases as the transmission distance increases. Furthermore, the investigations on the power allocation for the multi-relay system over the generalized small-scale fading model show that substantial performance gain can be achieved by the proposed power allocation scheme over the conventional equal power allocation (EPA) scheme when the source-relay and relay-destination paths are highly unbalanced. Extensive studies on the FD relay system also show that OPA provides significant performance gain over the EPA scheme when the relay SI level is relatively strong. In addition, it is shown that the FD relaying scheme is more energy-efficient than the reference HD relaying scheme at long transmission distances and for moderate relay SI levels.In general, the investigations in this thesis provide tools, results and useful insights for implementing space-efficient, low-cost and energy-efficient cooperative networks, specifically, towards the future green communication era where the optimization of the scarce resources is critical

    Performance enhancement solutions in wireless communication networks

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    In this dissertation thesis, we study the new relaying protocols for different wireless network systems. We analyze and evaluate an efficiency of the transmission in terms of the outage probability over Rayleigh fading channels by mathematical analyses. The theoretical analyses are verified by performing Monte Carlo simulations. First, we study the cooperative relaying in the Two-Way Decode-and-Forward (DF) and multi-relay DF scheme for a secondary system to obtain spectrum access along with a primary system. In particular, we proposed the Two-Way DF scheme with Energy Harvesting, and the Two-Way DF Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) scheme with digital network coding. Besides, we also investigate the wireless systems with multi-relay; the best relay selection is presented to optimize the effect of the proposed scheme. The transmission protocols of the proposed schemes EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) and EHDF (Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) are compared together in the same environment and in term of outage probability. Hence, with the obtained results, we conclude that the proposed schemes improve the performance of the wireless cooperative relaying systems, particularly their throughput. Second, we focus on investigating the NOMA technology and proposing the optimal solutions (protocols) to advance the data rate and to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) for the users in the next generation of wireless communications. In this thesis, we propose a Two-Way DF NOMA scheme (called a TWNOMA protocol) in which an intermediate relay helps two source nodes to communicate with each other. Simulation and analysis results show that the proposed protocol TWNOMA is improving the data rate when comparing with a conventional Two-Way scheme using digital network coding (DNC) (called a TWDNC protocol), Two-Way scheme without using DNC (called a TWNDNC protocol) and Two-Way scheme in amplify-and-forward(AF) relay systems (called a TWANC protocol). Finally, we considered the combination of the NOMA and physical layer security (PLS) in the Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network (UCCN). The best relay selection strategy is investigated, which uses the NOMA and considers the PLS to enhance the transmission efficiency and secrecy of the new generation wireless networks.V této dizertační práci je provedena studie nových přenosových protokolů pro různé bezdrátové síťové systémy. S využitím matematické analýzy jsme analyzovali a vyhodnotili efektivitu přenosu z hlediska pravděpodobnosti výpadku přes Rayleighův kanál. Teoretické analýzy jsou ověřeny provedenými simulacemi metodou Monte Carlo. Nejprve došlo ke studii kooperativního přenosu ve dvoucestném dekóduj-a-předej (Two-Way Decode-and-Forward–TWDF) a vícecestném DF schématu s větším počtem přenosových uzlů pro sekundární systém, kdy takto byl získán přístup ke spektru spolu s primárním systémem. Konkrétně jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF schéma se získáváním energie a dvoucestné DF neortogonální schéma s mnohonásobným přístupem (Non-orthogonal Multiple Access–NOMA) s digitálním síťovým kódováním. Kromě toho rovněž zkoumáme bezdrátové systémy s větším počtem přenosových uzlů, kde je přítomen výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu pro optimalizaci efektivnosti navrženého schématu. Přenosové protokoly navržených schémat EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) a EHDF(Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) jsou společně porovnány v identickém prostředí z pohledu pravděpodobnosti výpadku. Následně, na základě získaných výsledků, jsme dospěli k závěru, že navržená schémata vylepšují výkonnost bezdrátových kooperativních systémů, konkrétně jejich propustnost. Dále jsme se zaměřili na zkoumání NOMA technologie a navrhli optimální řešení (protokoly) pro urychlení datového přenosu a zajištění QoS v další generaci bezdrátových komunikací. V této práci jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF NOMA schéma (nazýváno jako TWNOMA protokol), ve kterém mezilehlý přenosový uzel napomáhá dvěma zdrojovým uzlům komunikovat mezi sebou. Výsledky simulace a analýzy ukazují, že navržený protokol TWNOMA vylepšuje dosaženou přenosovou rychlost v porovnání s konvenčním dvoucestným schématem používajícím DNC (TWDNC protokol), dvoucestným schématem bez použití DNC (TWNDNC protokol) a dvoucestným schématem v zesil-a-předej (amplify-and-forward) přenosových systémech (TWANC protokol). Nakonec jsme zvážili využití kombinace NOMA a zabezpečení fyzické vrstvy (Physical Layer Security–PLS) v podpůrné kooperativní kognitivní síti (Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network–UCCN). Zde je zde zkoumán výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu, který užívá NOMA a bere v úvahu PLS pro efektivnější přenos a zabezpečení nové generace bezdrátových sítí.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Secrecy performance of TAS/SC-based multi-hop harvest-to-transmit cognitive WSNs under joint constraint of interference and hardware imperfection

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    In this paper, we evaluate the secrecy performance of multi-hop cognitive wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In the secondary network, a source transmits its data to a destination via the multi-hop relaying model using the transmit antenna selection (TAS)/selection combining (SC) technique at each hop, in the presence of an eavesdropper who wants to receive the data illegally. The secondary transmitters, including the source and intermediate relays, have to harvest energy from radio-frequency signals of a power beacon for transmitting the source data. Moreover, their transmit power must be adjusted to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) of the primary network. Under the joint impact of hardware imperfection and interference constraint, expressions for the transmit power for the secondary transmitters are derived. We also derive exact and asymptotic expressions of secrecy outage probability (SOP) and probability of non-zero secrecy capacity (PNSC) for the proposed protocol over Rayleigh fading channel. The derivations are then verified by Monte Carlo simulations.Web of Science195art. no. 116

    Performance analysis of relay-aided wireless communication systems

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    Relay-aided networks have been proved to be cost-efficient solutions for wireless communications in respect of high data rates, enhanced spectrum efficiency and improved signal coverage. In the past decade, relaying techniques have been written into standards of modern wireless communications and significantly improve the quality of service (QoS) in wireless communications. In order to satisfy exponentially increased demands for data rates and wireless connectivities, various novel techniques for wireless communications have been proposed in recent years, which have brought significant challenges for the performance analysis of relaying networks. For the purpose of more practical investigations into relaying systems, researchers should not only analyse the relays employing novel techniques but also attach more importance to complex environments of wireless communications. With these objectives in mind, in this thesis, in-depth investigations into system performance for relay-assisted wireless communications are detailed. Firstly, the theoretic reliability of dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) systems over generalised η-μ and κ-μ fading channels are investigated using Gallager’s error exponents. These two versatile channel models can encompass a number of popular fading channels such as Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m, Hoyt and one-sided Gaussian fading channels. We derive new analytical expressions for the probability distribution function (pdf) of the end-to-end signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the system. These analytical expressions are then applied to analyse the system performance through the study of Gallager’s exponents, which are classical tight bounds of error exponents and present the trade-off between the practical information rate and the reliability of communication. Two types of Gallager’s exponents, namely the random coding error exponent (RCEE) and the expurgated error exponent, are studied. Based on the newly derived analytical expressions, we provide an efficient method to compute the required codeword length to achieve a predefined upper bound of error probability. In addition, the analytical expressions are derived for the cut-off rate and ergodic capacity of the system. Moreover, simplified expressions are presented at the high SNR regime. Secondly, the performance of a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) multi-antenna relaying system over complex Gaussian channels is investigated. Three classical receiving strategies, i.e. the maximal-ratio combining (MRC), zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) are employed in the relay to mitigate the impact of co-channel interference (CCI), which follows the Poisson point process (PPP). We derive the exact analytical expressions of the capacities for this system in the infinite-area interference environment and the asymptotic analytical expressions for the lower bounds of capacities in the limited-area interference scenario. By computing the numerical results and the Monte Carlo simulation, we can observe the effect of relay processing schemes under different interference regimes. In the end, the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique is introduced to relaying systems, which exploits multiplexing in the power domain. Order statistics are applied in this part to analyse the performances of ordered users. The randomness of both channel fading and path loss are taken into consideration. In addition to the exact analytical expressions, asymptotic expressions at high-SNR regimes are provided, which clearly show the effects of NOMA techniques using at relaying systems

    Physical Layer Security of Cooperative NOMA for IoT Networks under I/Q Imbalance

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    In this paper, we investigate the reliability and security of cooperative dual-hop non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) for internet-of-thing (IoT) networks, in which the transceivers consider a detrimental factor of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI). The communication between the source and destination is accomplished through a decode-and-forward (DF) relay in the presence of an eavesdropper. In order to characterize the performance of the considered system, exact analytical expressions for the outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) are derived in closed-form. Furthermore, to better understanding the performance of the considered system, we further derive the asymptotic expressions of OP in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime and IP at the high main eavesdropping ratio (MER) region. A large number of analysis and Monte Carlo simulation results show that the existence of IQI usually increases the corresponding OP and reduces the IP, which means that reduces the reliability of the system and improves the security. In addition, the provided results provide useful insights into the trade-off between reliability and security of secure cooperative communication systems

    Komunikace na milimetrových vlnách v 5G a dalších sítích: Nové systémové modely a analýza výkonnosti

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    The dissertation investigates different network models, focusing on three important features for next generation cellular networks with respect to millimeter waves (mmWave) communications: the impact of fading and co-channel interference (CCI), energy efficiency, and spectrum efficiency. To address the first aim, the dissertation contains a study of a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique in a multi-hop relay network which uses relays that harvest energy from power beacons (PB). This part derives the exact throughput expressions for NOMA and provides a performance analysis of three different NOMA schemes to determine the optimal parameters for the proposed system’s throughput. A self-learning clustering protocol (SLCP) in which a node learns its neighbor’s information is also proposed for determining the node density and the residual energy used to cluster head (CH) selection and improve energy efficiency, thereby prolonging sensor network lifetime and gaining higher throughput. Second, NOMA provides many opportunities for massive connectivity at lower latencies, but it may also cause co-channel interference by reusing frequencies. CCI and fading play a major role in deciding the quality of the received signal. The dissertation takes into account the presence of η and µ fading channels in a network using NOMA. The closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and throughput were derived with perfect successive interference cancellation (SIC) and imperfect SIC. The dissertation also addresses the integration of NOMA into a satellite communications network and evaluates its system performance under the effects of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and CCI. Finally, the dissertation presents a new model for a NOMA-based hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network (HSTRN) using mmWave communications. The satellite deploys the NOMA scheme, whereas the ground relays are equipped with multiple antennas and employ the amplify and forward (AF) protocol. The rain attenuation coefficient is considered as the fading factor of the mmWave band to choose the best relay, and the widely applied hybrid shadowed-Rician and Nakagami-m channels characterize the transmission environment of HSTRN. The closed-form formulas for OP and ergodic capacity (EC) were derived to evaluate the system performance of the proposed model and then verified with Monte Carlo simulations.Dizertační práce zkoumala různé modely sítí a zaměřila se na tři důležité vlastnosti pro buňkové sítě příští generace s ohledem na mmW komunikace, kterými jsou: vliv útlumu a mezikanálového rušení (CCI), energetická účinnost a účinnost spektra. Co se týče prvního cíle, dizertace obsahuje studii techniky neortogonálního vícenásobného přístupu (NOMA) v bezdrátové multiskokové relay síti využívající získávání energie, kde relay uzly sbírají energii z energetických majáků (PB). Tato část přináší přesné výrazy propustnosti pro NOMA a analýzu výkonnosti se třemi různými schématy NOMA s cílem určit optimální parametry pro propustnost navrženého systému. Dále byl navržen samoučící se shlukovací protokol (SLCP), ve kterém se uzel učí informace o sousedech, aby určil hustotu uzlů a zbytkovou energii použitou k výběru hlavy shluku CH pro zlepšení energetické účinnosti, čímž může prodloužit životnost sensorové sítě a zvýšit propustnost. Za druhé, přístup NOMA poskytl mnoho příležitostí pro masivní připojení s nižší latencí, NOMA však může způsobovat mezikanálové rušení v důsledku opětovného využívání kmitočtů. CCI a útlum hrají klíčovou roli při rozhodování o kvalitě přijímaného signálu. V této dizertace je brána v úvahu přítomnost η a µ útlumových kanálů v síti užívající NOMA. Odvozeny jsou výrazy v uzavřené formě pro pravděpodobnost výpadku (OP) a propustnost s dokonalým postupným rušením rušení (SIC) a nedokonalým SIC. Dále se dizertace zabývá integrací přístupu NOMA do satelitní komunikační sítě a vyhodnocuje výkonnost systému při dopadech nedokonalé informace o stavu kanálu (CSI) a CCI. Závěrem disertační práce představuje nový model pro hybridní družicově-terestriální přenosovou síť (HSTRN) založenou na NOMA vícenásobném přístupu využívající mmWave komunikaci. Satelit využívá NOMA schéma, zatímco pozemní relay uzly jsou vybaveny více anténami a aplikují protokol zesilování a předávání (AF). Je zaveden srážkový koeficient, který je uvažován jako útlumový faktor mmWave pásma při výběru nejlepšího relay uzlu. Samotné přenosové prostředí HSTRN je charakterizováno pomocí hybridních Rician a Nakagami-m kanálů. Vztahy pro vyhodnocení výkonnosti systému navrženého modelu vyjadřující ergodickou kapacitu (EC) a pravděpodobnost ztrát (OP) byly odvozeny v uzavřené formě a následně ověřeny pomocí simulační numerické metody Monte Carlo.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Esquemas distribuídos para seleção de múltiplas antenas em redes com retransmissores do tipo amplifica-e-encaminha

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    Orientador: José Cândido Silveira Santos FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A seleção de antena na transmissão tem sido apresentada como uma estratégia promissora para explorar os benefícios do uso de múltiplas antenas em sistemas de comunicações com retransmissores. No entanto, essa abordagem pode exigir um montante considerável de estimações de canal, transmissões de realimentação e atraso, dado que a sua implementação ótima e centralizada requer o monitoramento do estado do canal de todos os enlaces. Para aliviar essas deficiências, este trabalho propõe e analisa um conjunto de esquemas subótimos de seleção de antena na transmissão para sistemas com retransmissores do tipo amplifica-e-encaminha, os quais podem ser implementados de uma forma distribuída. Nos esquemas propostos, a antena é selecionada com base na informação local do estado de canal que está disponível na fonte, requerendo, portanto, um atraso e uma carga de realimentação pequenos e constantes. Tal abordagem é considerada em uso conjunto com diferentes técnicas, incluindo métodos de combinação de diversidade (combinação por máxima razão e combinação por seleção) no destino, protocolos de ganho fixo ou variável no relay, e transceptores com múltiplas antenas no relay. Além disso, para o caso particular em que o retransmissor tem ganho fixo e uma única antena, considera-se também o uso de um mecanismo de seleção de enlace na fonte. Para cada caso, o desempenho do sistema é avaliado em termos de probabilidade de outage, eficiência espectral e/ou vazão. O foco principal é direcionado à probabilidade de outage, para a qual são deduzidas expressões exatas e limitantes de desempenho. Uma análise assintótica é também efetuada para enriquecer a compreensão do comportamento do sistema quando operando sob alta relação sinal-ruído. Finalmente, como contribuição isolada, uma estratégia subótima e simples de alocação de potência é elaborada para um sistema com múltiplos retransmissores do tipo decodifica-e-encaminha, considerando-se enlaces com erros e codificação de fonte distribuídaAbstract: Transmit-antenna selection has been presented as a promising strategy for exploiting the benefits of multiple antennas in relaying communication systems. However, this approach may demand a considerable amount of channel estimations, feedback transmissions, and delay, since its optimal centralized implementation requires monitoring the channel state of all links. To alleviate those impairments, this work proposes and analyzes a set of suboptimal transmit-antenna selection schemes for amplify-and-forward relaying systems, which can be implemented in a distributed manner. In the proposed schemes, the antenna is selected based on the local channel-state information that is available at the source, thus requiring a low and constant delay/feedback overhead. Such an approach is considered along with different techniques, including diversity combining methods (maximal-ratio combining and selection combining) at the destination, fixed- and variable-gain protocols at the relay, and multi-antenna transceivers at the relay. A link-selection mechanism at the source is also considered for the special case of a single-antenna fixed-gain relay. For each case, the system performance is assessed in terms of outage probability, spectral efficiency, and/or throughput. The main focus is placed on the outage probability, for which exact or bound expressions are derived. An asymptotic analysis is also performed to provide further insights into the system behavior at high signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, as an isolated contribution, a simple suboptimal power allocation strategy is designed for a decode-and-forward multi-relay system with lossy intra-links and distributed source codingDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutora em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE