81 research outputs found

    Transport congestion events detection (TCED): towards decorrelating congestion detection from TCP

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    TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) uses a loss-based algorithm to estimate whether the network is congested or not. The main difficulty for this algorithm is to distinguish spurious from real network congestion events. Other research studies have proposed to enhance the reliability of this congestion estimation by modifying the internal TCP algorithm. In this paper, we propose an original congestion event algorithm implemented independently of the TCP source code. Basically, we propose a modular architecture to implement a congestion event detection algorithm to cope with the increasing complexity of the TCP code and we use it to understand why some spurious congestion events might not be detected in some complex cases. We show that our proposal is able to increase the reliability of TCP NewReno congestion detection algorithm that might help to the design of detection criterion independent of the TCP code. We find out that solutions based only on RTT (Round-Trip Time) estimation are not accurate enough to cover all existing cases. Furthermore, we evaluate our algorithm with and without network reordering where other inaccuracies, not previously identified, occur

    Congestion control algorithms of TCP in emerging networks

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    In this dissertation we examine some of the challenges faced by the congestion control algorithms of TCP in emerging networks. We focus on three main issues. First, we propose TCP with delayed congestion response (TCP-DCR), for improving performance in the presence of non-congestion events. TCP-DCR delays the conges- tion response for a short interval of time, allowing local recovery mechanisms to handle the event, if possible. If at the end of the delay, the event persists, it is treated as congestion loss. We evaluate TCP-DCR through analysis and simulations. Results show significant performance improvements in the presence of non-congestion events with marginal impact in their absence. TCP-DCR maintains fairness with standard TCP variants that respond immediately. Second, we propose Layered TCP (LTCP), which modifies a TCP flow to behave as a collection of virtual flows (or layers), to improve eficiency in high-speed networks. The number of layers is determined by dynamic network conditions. Convergence properties and RTT-unfairness are maintained similar to that of TCP. We provide the intuition and the design for the LTCP protocol and evaluation results based on both simulations and Linux implementation. Results show that LTCP is about an order of magnitude faster than TCP in utilizing high bandwidth links while maintaining promising convergence properties. Third, we study the feasibility of employing congestion avoidance algorithms in TCP. We show that end-host based congestion prediction is more accurate than previously characterized. However, uncertainties in congestion prediction may be un- avoidable. To address these uncertainties, we propose an end-host based mechanism called Probabilistic Early Response TCP (PERT). PERT emulates the probabilistic response function of the router-based scheme RED/ECN in the congestion response function of the end-host. We show through extensive simulations that, similar to router-based RED/ECN, PERT provides fair bandwidth sharing with low queuing delays and negligible packet losses, without requiring the router support. It exhibits better characteristics than TCP-Vegas, the illustrative end-host scheme. PERT can also be used for emulating other router schemes. We illustrate this through prelim- inary results for emulating the router-based mechanism REM/ECN. Finally, we show the interactions and benefits of combining the different proposed mechanisms

    Adapting a delay-based protocol to heterogeneous environments

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    We investigate the issues in making a delay-based protocol adaptive to heterogeneous environments. We assess and address the problems a delay-based protocol faces when competing with a loss-based protocol such as TCP. We investigate if noise and variability in delay measurements in environments such as cable and ADSL access networks impact the delay-based protocol behavior significantly. We investigate these issues in the context of incremental deployment of a new delay-based protocol, PERT. We propose design modifications to PERT to compete with the TCP flavor SACK. We show through simulations and real network experiments that, with the proposed changes, PERT experiences lower drop rates than SACK and leads to lower overall drop rates with different mixes of PERT and SACK protocols. Delay-based protocols, being less aggressive, have problems in fully utilizing a highspeed link while operating alone. We show that a single PERT flow can fully utilize a high-speed, high-delay link. We performed several experiments with diverse parameters and simulated numerous scenarios using ns-2. The results from simulations indicate that PERT can adapt to heterogeneous networks and can operate well in an environment of heterogeneous protocols and other miscellaneous scenarios like wireless networks (in the presence of channel errors). We also show that proposed changes retain the desirable properties of PERT such as low loss rates and fairness when operating alone. To see how the protocol performs with the real-world traffic, the protocol has also been implemented in the Linux kernel and tested through experiments on live networks, by measuring the throughput and losses between nodes in our lab at TAMU and different machines at diverse location across the globe on the planet-lab. The results from simulations indicate that PERT can compete with TCP in diverse environments and provides benefits as it is incrementally deployed. Results from real-network experiments strengthen this claim as PERT shows similar behavior with the real-world traffic

    Transport Protocols for Data Center Communication

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    Data centers are becoming more and more important since there is a number of services covered especially by them. At the same time it is reasonable to maintain the costs of data centers low from a number of perspectives. To this end, one could propose a number of changes in the data center environment. While there is a number of studies that focus on different aspects of the data center environment, one of the most important factors that can be studied and changed is the transport protocol used in the data center environment. This change will have an impact on a number of factors in the data centers. For the purpose of this thesis a number of transport protocols were studied, starting from the broadly used TCP to a number of especially designed for data centers ones. These variations were studied for the changes they impose and the positive results they bring. At the same time the significance of DCTCP, the most extensively studied and deployed data center environment protocol was made apparent and the positive results from its deployment. This study outlines the necessity to know its behavior while coexisting with TCP as well since its deployment in the wide Internet would bring positive results for latency, losses and buffer queues minimization. To this end, the protocol was studied by emulating network behavior in Mininet network emulator and it was found out that its coexistence with TCP is possible without the TCP traffic starving as long as some parameters settings are followed

    Network Traffic Control Design and Evaluation

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    Recently, the term bufferbloat has been coined to indicate the uncontrolled growth of the network queueing time. A number of network traffic control strategies have been proposed to control network queueing delay. Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithms such as RED, CoDel and PIE have been proposed to drop packets before the network queues become full and to notify upper layers, e.g., transport protocols, about possible congestion status. Innovative packet schedulers such as FQ-CoDel, have been introduced to prioritize flows which do not build queues. Strategies to reduce device buffering, e.g., BQL, have been proposed to increase the effectiveness of packet schedulers. Network experimentation through simulators such as ns-3, one of the most used network simulators, allows the study of bufferbloat and to evaluate solutions in a controlled environment. In this work, we aligned the ns-3 queueing system to the Linux one, one of the most used networking stacks. We introduced in ns-3 a traffic control module modelled after the Linux one. Our design allowed the introduction in ns-3 of schedulers such as FQ-CoDel and of algorithms to dynamically size the buffers such as BQL. Also, we devised a new emulation methodology to overcome some limitations and increase the emulation fidelity. Then, by using the new emulation methodology, we validated the traffic control module with its AQM algorithms (RED, CoDel, FQ-CoDel and PIE). Our experiments prove the high fidelity of network emulation and the high accuracy of the traffic control module and AQM algorithms. Then, we show two proposals of design and evaluation of traffic control strategies by using ns-3. Firstly, we designed and evaluated a traffic control layer for the backlog management in 3GPP stacks. The approach improves significantly the flows performance in LTE networks. Secondly, we highlighted possible design flaws in rate based AQM algorithms and proposed an alternative flow control approach. The approach allows the improvement of the effectiveness of AQM algorithms. Our work will allow researchers to design and evaluate in a more accurate manner traffic control strategies through ns-3 based simulation and emulation and to evaluate the accuracy of other modules implemented in ns-3

    Reducing Latency in Internet Access Links with Mechanisms in Endpoints and within the Network

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    Excessive and unpredictable end-to-end latency is a major problem for today’s Internet performance, affecting a range of applications from real-time multimedia to web traffic. This is mainly attributed to the interaction between the TCP congestion control mechanism and the unmanaged large buffers deployed across the Internet. This dissertation investigates transport and link layer solutions to solve the Internet’s latency problem on the access links. These solutions operate on the sender side, within the network or use signaling between the sender and the network based on Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN). By changing the sender’s reaction to ECN, a method proposed in this dissertation reduces latency without harming link utilization. Real-life experiments and simulations show that this goal is achieved while maintaining backward compatibility and being gradually deployable on the Internet. This mechanism’s fairness to legacy traffic is further improved by a novel use of ECN within the network

    Evaluation of explicit congestion control for high-speed networks

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    Recently, there has been a significant surge of interest towards the design and development of a new global-scale communication network that can overcome the limitations of the current Internet. Among the numerous directions of improvement in networking technology, recent pursuit to do better flow control of network traffic has led to the emergence of several explicit-feedback congestion control methods. As a first step towards understanding these methods, we analyze the stability and transient performance of Rate Control Protocol (RCP).We find that RCP can become unstable in certain topologies and may exhibit very high buffering requirements at routers. To address these limitations, we propose a new controller called Proportional Integral Queue Independent RCP (PIQI-RCP), prove its stability under heterogeneous delay, and use simulations to show that the new method has significantly lower transient queue lengths, better transient dynamics, and tractable stability properties. As a second step in understanding explicit congestion control, we experimentally evaluate proposed methods such as XCP, JetMax, RCP, and PIQI-RCP using their Linux implementation developed by us. Our experiments show that these protocols are scalable with the increase in link capacity and round-trip propagation delay. In steady-state, they have low queuing delay and almost zero packet-loss rate. We confirm that XCP cannot achieve max-min fairness in certain topologies. We find that JetMax significantly drops link utilization in the presence of short flows with long flow and RCP requires large buffer size at bottleneck routers to prevent transient packet losses and is slower in convergence to steady-state as compared to other methods. We observe that PIQI-RCP performs better than RCP in most of the experiments

    Enabling scalable emulation of differentiated services in mininet

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    Evolving Internet applications, such as immersive multimedia and Industry 4, exhibit stringent delay, loss, and rate requirements. Realizing these requirements would be difficult without advanced dynamic traffic management solutions that leverage state-of-the-art technologies, such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Mininet represents a common choice for evaluating SDN solutions in a single machine. However, Mininet lacks the ability to emulate links that have multiple queues to enable differentiated service for different traffic streams. Additionally, performing a scalable emulation in Mininet would not be possible without light-weight application emulators. In this paper, we introduce two tools, namely: QLink and SPEED. QLink extends Mininet API to enable emulating links with multiple queues to differentiate between different traffic streams. SPEED represents a light-weight web traffic emulation tool that enables scalable HTTP traffic simulation in Mininet. Our performance evaluation shows that SPEED enables scalable emulation of HTTP traffic in Mininet. Additionally, we demo the benefits of using QLink to isolate three different applications (voice, web, and video) in a network bottleneck for numerous users

    Adapting a delay-based protocol to heterogeneous environments

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    We investigate the issues in making a delay-based protocol adaptive to heterogeneous environments. We assess and address the problems a delay-based protocol faces when competing with a loss-based protocol such as TCP. We investigate if noise and variability in delay measurements in environments such as cable and ADSL access networks impact the delay-based protocol behavior significantly. We investigate these issues in the context of incremental deployment of a new delay-based protocol, PERT. We propose design modifications to PERT to compete with the TCP flavor SACK. We show through simulations and real network experiments that, with the proposed changes, PERT experiences lower drop rates than SACK and leads to lower overall drop rates with different mixes of PERT and SACK protocols. Delay-based protocols, being less aggressive, have problems in fully utilizing a highspeed link while operating alone. We show that a single PERT flow can fully utilize a high-speed, high-delay link. We performed several experiments with diverse parameters and simulated numerous scenarios using ns-2. The results from simulations indicate that PERT can adapt to heterogeneous networks and can operate well in an environment of heterogeneous protocols and other miscellaneous scenarios like wireless networks (in the presence of channel errors). We also show that proposed changes retain the desirable properties of PERT such as low loss rates and fairness when operating alone. To see how the protocol performs with the real-world traffic, the protocol has also been implemented in the Linux kernel and tested through experiments on live networks, by measuring the throughput and losses between nodes in our lab at TAMU and different machines at diverse location across the globe on the planet-lab. The results from simulations indicate that PERT can compete with TCP in diverse environments and provides benefits as it is incrementally deployed. Results from real-network experiments strengthen this claim as PERT shows similar behavior with the real-world traffic
