44 research outputs found

    Object Tracking

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    Object tracking consists in estimation of trajectory of moving objects in the sequence of images. Automation of the computer object tracking is a difficult task. Dynamics of multiple parameters changes representing features and motion of the objects, and temporary partial or full occlusion of the tracked objects have to be considered. This monograph presents the development of object tracking algorithms, methods and systems. Both, state of the art of object tracking methods and also the new trends in research are described in this book. Fourteen chapters are split into two sections. Section 1 presents new theoretical ideas whereas Section 2 presents real-life applications. Despite the variety of topics contained in this monograph it constitutes a consisted knowledge in the field of computer object tracking. The intention of editor was to follow up the very quick progress in the developing of methods as well as extension of the application

    Visual Tracking Algorithms using Different Object Representation Schemes

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    Visual tracking, being one of the fundamental, most important and challenging areas in computer vision, has attracted much attention in the research community during the past decade due to its broad range of real-life applications. Even after three decades of research, it still remains a challenging problem in view of the complexities involved in the target searching due to intrinsic and extrinsic appearance variations of the object. The existing trackers fail to track the object when there are considerable amount of object appearance variations and when the object undergoes severe occlusion, scale change, out-of-plane rotation, motion blur, fast motion, in-plane rotation, out-of-view and illumination variation either individually or simultaneously. In order to have a reliable and improved tracking performance, the appearance variations should be handled carefully such that the appearance model should adapt to the intrinsic appearance variations and be robust enough for extrinsic appearance variations. The objective of this thesis is to develop visual object tracking algorithms by addressing the deficiencies of the existing algorithms to enhance the tracking performance by investigating the use of different object representation schemes to model the object appearance and then devising mechanisms to update the observation models. A tracking algorithm based on the global appearance model using robust coding and its collaboration with a local model is proposed. The global PCA subspace is used to model the global appearance of the object, and the optimum PCA basis coefficients and the global weight matrix are estimated by developing an iteratively reweighted robust coding (IRRC) technique. This global model is collaborated with the local model to exploit their individual merits. Global and local robust coding distances are introduced to find the candidate sample having similar appearance as that of the reconstructed sample from the subspace, and these distances are used to define the observation likelihood. A robust occlusion map generation scheme and a mechanism to update both the global and local observation models are developed. Quantitative and qualitative performance evaluations on OTB-50 and VOT2016, two popular benchmark datasets, demonstrate that the proposed algorithm with histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features generally performs better than the state-of-the-art methods considered do. In spite of its good performance, there is a need to improve the tracking performance in some of the challenging attributes of OTB-50 and VOT2016. A second tracking algorithm is developed to provide an improved performance in situations for the above mentioned challenging attributes. The algorithms is designed based on a structural local 2DDCT sparse appearance model and an occlusion handling mechanism. In a structural local 2DDCT sparse appearance model, the energy compaction property of the transform is exploited to reduce the size of the dictionary as well as that of the candidate samples in the object representation so that the computational cost of the l_1-minimization used could be reduced. This strategy is in contrast to the existing models that use raw pixels. A holistic image reconstruction procedure is presented from the overlapped local patches that are obtained from the dictionary and the sparse codes, and then the reconstructed holistic image is used for robust occlusion detection and occlusion map generation. The occlusion map thus obtained is used for developing a novel observation model update mechanism to avoid the model degradation. A patch occlusion ratio is employed in the calculation of the confidence score to improve the tracking performance. Quantitative and qualitative performance evaluations on the two above mentioned benchmark datasets demonstrate that this second proposed tracking algorithm generally performs better than several state-of-the-art methods and the first proposed tracking method do. Despite the improved performance of this second proposed tracking algorithm, there are still some challenging attributes of OTB-50 and of VOT2016 for which the performance needs to be improved. Finally, a third tracking algorithm is proposed by developing a scheme for collaboration between the discriminative and generative appearance models. The discriminative model is explored to estimate the position of the target and a new generative model is used to find the remaining affine parameters of the target. In the generative model, robust coding is extended to two dimensions and employed in the bilateral two dimensional PCA (2DPCA) reconstruction procedure to handle the non-Gaussian or non-Laplacian residuals by developing an IRRC technique. A 2D robust coding distance is introduced to differentiate the candidate sample from the one reconstructed from the subspace and used to compute the observation likelihood in the generative model. A method of generating a robust occlusion map from the weights obtained during the IRRC technique and a novel update mechanism of the observation model for both the kernelized correlation filters and the bilateral 2DPCA subspace are developed. Quantitative and qualitative performance evaluations on the two datasets demonstrate that this algorithm with HOG features generally outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and the other two proposed algorithms for most of the challenging attributes

    Tensor Representations for Object Classification and Detection

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    A key problem in object recognition is finding a suitable object representation. For historical and computational reasons, vector descriptions that encode particular statistical properties of the data have been broadly applied. However, employing tensor representation can describe the interactions of multiple factors inherent to image formation. One of the most convenient uses for tensors is to represent complex objects in order to build a discriminative description. Thus thesis has several main contributions, focusing on visual data detection (e.g. of heads or pedestrians) and classification (e.g. of head or human body orientation) in still images and on machine learning techniques to analyse tensor data. These applications are among the most studied in computer vision and are typically formulated as binary or multi-class classification problems. The applicative context of this thesis is the video surveillance, where classification and detection tasks can be very hard, due to the scarce resolution and the noise characterising sensor data. Therefore, the main goal in that context is to design algorithms that can characterise different objects of interest, especially when immersed in a cluttered background and captured at low resolution. In the different amount of machine learning approaches, the ensemble-of-classifiers demonstrated to reach excellent classification accuracy, good generalisation ability, and robustness of noisy data. For these reasons, some approaches in that class have been adopted as basic machine classification frameworks to build robust classifiers and detectors. Moreover, also kernel machines has been exploited for classification purposes, since they represent a natural learning framework for tensors

    Dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in computer vision

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    The proliferation of camera equipped devices, such as netbooks, smartphones and game stations, has led to a significant increase in the production of visual content. This visual information could be used for understanding the environment and offering a natural interface between the users and their surroundings. However, the massive amounts of data and the high computational cost associated with them, encumbers the transfer of sophisticated vision algorithms to real life systems, especially ones that exhibit resource limitations such as restrictions in available memory, processing power and bandwidth. One approach for tackling these issues is to generate compact and descriptive representations of image data by exploiting inherent redundancies. We propose the investigation of dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in order to accomplish this task. In dimensionality reduction, the aim is to reduce the dimensions of the space where image data reside in order to allow resource constrained systems to handle them and, ideally, provide a more insightful description. This goal is achieved by exploiting the inherent redundancies that many classes of images, such as faces under different illumination conditions and objects from different viewpoints, exhibit. We explore the description of natural images by low dimensional non-linear models called image manifolds and investigate the performance of computer vision tasks such as recognition and classification using these low dimensional models. In addition to dimensionality reduction, we study a novel approach in representing images as a sparse linear combination of dictionary examples. We investigate how sparse image representations can be used for a variety of tasks including low level image modeling and higher level semantic information extraction. Using tools from dimensionality reduction and sparse representation, we propose the application of these methods in three hierarchical image layers, namely low-level features, mid-level structures and high-level attributes. Low level features are image descriptors that can be extracted directly from the raw image pixels and include pixel intensities, histograms, and gradients. In the first part of this work, we explore how various techniques in dimensionality reduction, ranging from traditional image compression to the recently proposed Random Projections method, affect the performance of computer vision algorithms such as face detection and face recognition. In addition, we discuss a method that is able to increase the spatial resolution of a single image, without using any training examples, according to the sparse representations framework. In the second part, we explore mid-level structures, including image manifolds and sparse models, produced by abstracting information from low-level features and offer compact modeling of high dimensional data. We propose novel techniques for generating more descriptive image representations and investigate their application in face recognition and object tracking. In the third part of this work, we propose the investigation of a novel framework for representing the semantic contents of images. This framework employs high level semantic attributes that aim to bridge the gap between the visual information of an image and its textual description by utilizing low level features and mid level structures. This innovative paradigm offers revolutionary possibilities including recognizing the category of an object from purely textual information without providing any explicit visual example


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    Ogni giorno milioni e milioni di videocamere monitorano la vita quotidiana delle persone, registrando e collezionando una grande quantit\ue0 di dati. Questi dati possono essere molto utili per scopi di video-sorveglianza: dalla rilevazione di comportamenti anomali all'analisi del traffico urbano nelle strade. Tuttavia i dati collezionati vengono usati raramente, in quanto non \ue8 pensabile che un operatore umano riesca a esaminare manualmente e prestare attenzione a una tale quantit\ue0 di dati simultaneamente. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 verificato un incremento della richiesta di strumenti per l'analisi automatica di dati acquisiti da sistemi di video-sorveglianza in modo da estrarre informazione di pi\uf9 alto livello (per esempio, John, Sam e Anne stanno camminando in gruppo al parco giochi vicino alla stazione) a partire dai dati a disposizione che sono solitamente a basso livello e ridondati (per esempio, una sequenza di immagini). L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi \ue8 quello di proporre soluzioni e algoritmi automatici che permettono di estrarre informazione ad alto livello da una zona di interesse che viene monitorata da telecamere. Cos\uec i dati sono rappresentati in modo da essere facilmente interpretabili e analizzabili da qualsiasi persona. In particolare, questo lavoro \ue8 focalizzato sull'analisi di persone e i loro comportamenti sociali collettivi. Il titolo della tesi, beyond multi-target tracking, evidenzia lo scopo del lavoro: tutti i metodi proposti in questa tesi che si andranno ad analizzare hanno come comune denominatore il target tracking. Inoltre andremo oltre le tecniche standard per arrivare a una rappresentazione del dato a pi\uf9 alto livello. Per prima cosa, analizzeremo il problema del target tracking in quanto \ue8 alle basi di questo lavoro. In pratica, target tracking significa stimare la posizione di ogni oggetto di interesse in un immagine e la sua traiettoria nel tempo. Analizzeremo il problema da due prospettive complementari: 1) il punto di vista ingegneristico, dove l'obiettivo \ue8 quello di creare algoritmi che ottengono i risultati migliori per il problema in esame. 2) Il punto di vista della neuroscienza: motivati dalle teorie che cercano di spiegare il funzionamento del sistema percettivo umano, proporremo in modello attenzionale per tracking e il riconoscimento di oggetti e persone. Il secondo problema che andremo a esplorare sar\ue0 l'estensione del tracking alla situazione dove pi\uf9 telecamere sono disponibili. L'obiettivo \ue8 quello di mantenere un identificatore univoco per ogni persona nell'intera rete di telecamere. In altre parole, si vuole riconoscere gli individui che vengono monitorati in posizioni e telecamere diverse considerando un database di candidati. Tale problema \ue8 chiamato in letteratura re-indetificazione di persone. In questa tesi, proporremo un modello standard di come affrontare il problema. In questo modello, presenteremo dei nuovi descrittori di aspetto degli individui, in quanto giocano un ruolo importante allo scopo di ottenere i risultati migliori. Infine raggiungeremo il livello pi\uf9 alto di rappresentazione dei dati che viene affrontato in questa tesi, che \ue8 l'analisi di interazioni sociali tra persone. In particolare, ci focalizzeremo in un tipo specifico di interazione: il raggruppamento di persone. Proporremo dei metodi di visione computazionale che sfruttano nozioni di psicologia sociale per rilevare gruppi di persone. Inoltre, analizzeremo due modelli probabilistici che affrontano il problema di tracking (congiunto) di gruppi e individui.Every day millions and millions of surveillance cameras monitor the world, recording and collecting huge amount of data. The collected data can be extremely useful: from the behavior analysis to prevent unpleasant events, to the analysis of the traffic. However, these valuable data is seldom used, because of the amount of information that the human operator has to manually attend and examine. It would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. The automatic analysis of data is becoming mandatory for extracting summarized high-level information (e.g., John, Sam and Anne are walking together in group at the playground near the station) from the available redundant low-level data (e.g., an image sequence). The main goal of this thesis is to propose solutions and automatic algorithms that perform high-level analysis of a camera-monitored environment. In this way, the data are summarized in a high-level representation for a better understanding. In particular, this work is focused on the analysis of moving people and their collective behaviors. The title of the thesis, beyond multi-target tracking, mirrors the purpose of the work: we will propose methods that have the target tracking as common denominator, and go beyond the standard techniques in order to provide a high-level description of the data. First, we investigate the target tracking problem as it is the basis of all the next work. Target tracking estimates the position of each target in the image and its trajectory over time. We analyze the problem from two complementary perspectives: 1) the engineering point of view, where we deal with problem in order to obtain the best results in terms of accuracy and performance. 2) The neuroscience point of view, where we propose an attentional model for tracking and recognition of objects and people, motivated by theories of the human perceptual system. Second, target tracking is extended to the camera network case, where the goal is to keep a unique identifier for each person in the whole network, i.e., to perform person re-identification. The goal is to recognize individuals in diverse locations over different non-overlapping camera views or also the same camera, considering a large set of candidates. In this context, we propose a pipeline and appearance-based descriptors that enable us to define in a proper way the problem and to reach the-state-of-the-art results. Finally, the higher level of description investigated in this thesis is the analysis (discovery and tracking) of social interaction between people. In particular, we focus on finding small groups of people. We introduce methods that embed notions of social psychology into computer vision algorithms. Then, we extend the detection of social interaction over time, proposing novel probabilistic models that deal with (joint) individual-group tracking

    Of Priors and Particles: Structured and Distributed Approaches to Robot Perception and Control

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    Applications of robotic systems have expanded significantly in their scope, moving beyond the caged predictability of industrial automation and towards more open, unstructured environments. These agents must learn to reliably perceive their surroundings, efficiently integrate new information and quickly adapt to dynamic perturbations. To accomplish this, we require solutions which can effectively incorporate prior knowledge while maintaining the generality of learned representations. These systems must also contend with uncertainty in both their perception of the world and in predicting possible future outcomes. Efficient methods for probabilistic inference are then key to realizing robust, adaptive behavior. This thesis will first examine data-driven approaches for learning and combining perceptual models for both visual and tactile sensor modalities, common in robotics. Modern variational inference methods will then be examined in the context of online optimization and stochastic optimal control. Specifically, this thesis will contribute (1) data-driven visual and tactile perceptual models leveraging kinematic and dynamic priors, (2) a framework for joint inference with visuo-tactile sensing, (3) a family of particle-based, variational model predictive control and planning algorithms, and (4) a distributed inference scheme for online model adaptation.Ph.D

    Inferring Geodesic Cerebrovascular Graphs: Image Processing, Topological Alignment and Biomarkers Extraction

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    A vectorial representation of the vascular network that embodies quantitative features - location, direction, scale, and bifurcations - has many potential neuro-vascular applications. Patient-specific models support computer-assisted surgical procedures in neurovascular interventions, while analyses on multiple subjects are essential for group-level studies on which clinical prediction and therapeutic inference ultimately depend. This first motivated the development of a variety of methods to segment the cerebrovascular system. Nonetheless, a number of limitations, ranging from data-driven inhomogeneities, the anatomical intra- and inter-subject variability, the lack of exhaustive ground-truth, the need for operator-dependent processing pipelines, and the highly non-linear vascular domain, still make the automatic inference of the cerebrovascular topology an open problem. In this thesis, brain vessels’ topology is inferred by focusing on their connectedness. With a novel framework, the brain vasculature is recovered from 3D angiographies by solving a connectivity-optimised anisotropic level-set over a voxel-wise tensor field representing the orientation of the underlying vasculature. Assuming vessels joining by minimal paths, a connectivity paradigm is formulated to automatically determine the vascular topology as an over-connected geodesic graph. Ultimately, deep-brain vascular structures are extracted with geodesic minimum spanning trees. The inferred topologies are then aligned with similar ones for labelling and propagating information over a non-linear vectorial domain, where the branching pattern of a set of vessels transcends a subject-specific quantized grid. Using a multi-source embedding of a vascular graph, the pairwise registration of topologies is performed with the state-of-the-art graph matching techniques employed in computer vision. Functional biomarkers are determined over the neurovascular graphs with two complementary approaches. Efficient approximations of blood flow and pressure drop account for autoregulation and compensation mechanisms in the whole network in presence of perturbations, using lumped-parameters analog-equivalents from clinical angiographies. Also, a localised NURBS-based parametrisation of bifurcations is introduced to model fluid-solid interactions by means of hemodynamic simulations using an isogeometric analysis framework, where both geometry and solution profile at the interface share the same homogeneous domain. Experimental results on synthetic and clinical angiographies validated the proposed formulations. Perspectives and future works are discussed for the group-wise alignment of cerebrovascular topologies over a population, towards defining cerebrovascular atlases, and for further topological optimisation strategies and risk prediction models for therapeutic inference. Most of the algorithms presented in this work are available as part of the open-source package VTrails

    3D Shape Descriptor-Based Facial Landmark Detection: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Facial landmark detection on 3D human faces has had numerous applications in the literature such as establishing point-to-point correspondence between 3D face models which is itself a key step for a wide range of applications like 3D face detection and authentication, matching, reconstruction, and retrieval, to name a few. Two groups of approaches, namely knowledge-driven and data-driven approaches, have been employed for facial landmarking in the literature. Knowledge-driven techniques are the traditional approaches that have been widely used to locate landmarks on human faces. In these approaches, a user with sucient knowledge and experience usually denes features to be extracted as the landmarks. Data-driven techniques, on the other hand, take advantage of machine learning algorithms to detect prominent features on 3D face models. Besides the key advantages, each category of these techniques has limitations that prevent it from generating the most reliable results. In this work we propose to combine the strengths of the two approaches to detect facial landmarks in a more ecient and precise way. The suggested approach consists of two phases. First, some salient features of the faces are extracted using expert systems. Afterwards, these points are used as the initial control points in the well-known Thin Plate Spline (TPS) technique to deform the input face towards a reference face model. Second, by exploring and utilizing multiple machine learning algorithms another group of landmarks are extracted. The data-driven landmark detection step is performed in a supervised manner providing an information-rich set of training data in which a set of local descriptors are computed and used to train the algorithm. We then, use the detected landmarks for establishing point-to-point correspondence between the 3D human faces mainly using an improved version of Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithms. Furthermore, we propose to use the detected landmarks for 3D face matching applications