17,217 research outputs found

    Adaptive Conversational Agents: Exploring the Effect of Individualized Design on User Experience

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    Conversational agents (CA) offer a range of benefits to firms and users, yet user experiences are often unsatisfying. An explanation might be that individual differences of users are only insufficiently addressed in today’s CA design. Drawing on communication accommodation theory, we develop a research model and study design to investigate how adapting CA design to users’ individual characteristics influences the user experience. In particular, we develop text-based CAs (i.e., chatbots) that are adapted to users’ rational/intuitive cognitive style or need for interaction, and compare the user experience to non-adapted CAs. Initial results from our pilot study (n=37) confirm that individualized CA design can enhance the user experience. We expect to contribute to the growing research field of adaptive CA design. Moreover, our results will provide guidance for developers on how to facilitate a pleasing user experience by adapting the CA design to users

    Fuchs seminar n.1

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    Voice-Based Agents as Personified Things: Assimilation and Accommodation as Equilibration of Doubt

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    We aim to investigate the nature of doubt regarding voice-based agents by referring to Piaget’s ontological object–subject classification “thing” and “person,” its associated equilibration processes, and influential factors of the situation, the user, and the agent. In two online surveys, we asked 853 and 435 participants, ranging from 17 to 65 years of age, to assess Alexa and the Google Assistant. We discovered that only some people viewed voice-based agents as mere things, whereas the majority classified them into personified things. However, their classification is fragile and depends basically on the imputation of subject-like attributes of agency and mind to the voice-based agents, increased by a dyadic using situation, previous regular interactions, a younger age, and an introverted personality of the user. We discuss these results in a broader context

    Digital nomadism as a new form of remote work for companies : a first evaluation of the business idea of a digital nomad platform

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    Digital nomadism, an enhanced form of remote work that combines work with travel and leisure, has become increasingly popular in the course of the COVID pandemic. With nearly twice as many digital nomads now permanently employed by companies (MBO Partners, 2021), it is important to examine how this work model affects employee performance and well-being. This master’s thesis hypothesizes that if digital nomadism has positive effects on employee performance and well-being, managers would be willing to integrate it into their companies. To support this integration, the author proposes a digital nomad platform. In the course of this master thesis, the business idea is subjected to a first evaluation. An online questionnaire was applied for empirical research, and data from 115 managers were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings show that managers believe that digital nomadism can have a positive impact on employee well-being, which in turn would be a reason for them to adopt it. The findings also show that managers have doubts about whether the proposed digital nomad platform is useful enough. From the results, it can be concluded that there is a great deal of interest in the idea of introducing digital nomadism into corporate structures. However, the actual business idea of the digital nomad platform still needs to be further validated with the help of a prototype.O nomadismo digital, uma forma melhorada de trabalho remoto que combina trabalho com viagens e lazer, tornou-se cada vez mais popular no decurso da pandemia da COVID. Com quase o dobro dos nómadas digitais agora permanentemente empregados pelas empresas (MBO Partners, 2021), é importante examinar como este modelo de trabalho afeta o desempenho e bem-estar dos empregados. A tese de mestrado parte da hipótese de que se o nomadismo digital tiver efeitos positivos no desempenho e bem-estar dos empregados, os gestores estariam dispostos a integrá-lo nas suas empresas. Para apoiar esta integração, o autor propõe uma plataforma nómada digital. Esta ideia empresarial é submetida a uma primeira avaliação nesta tese de mestrado. Foi aplicado um questionário online para pesquisa empírica, e os dados de 115 gestores foram recolhidos e analisados utilizando modelos de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostram que os gestores acreditam que o nomadismo digital pode ter um impacto positivo no bem-estar dos empregados, o que, por sua vez, seria uma razão para a sua adoção. V Os resultados mostram também que os gestores têm dúvidas sobre se a plataforma nómada digital proposta é suficientemente útil. Dos resultados, pode concluir-se que existe um grande interesse na ideia de introduzir o nomadismo digital nas estruturas corporativas. Contudo, a atual ideia empresarial da plataforma digital nómada ainda precisa de ser mais validada com a ajuda de um protótipo

    Developing an Online Student Accommodation Registration in UUM

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    The online reservation services allow persons to employ Information Technology without being tied to a single location; it provides greater flexibility than what is possible with desktop. This technology enables users to access the Internet at any time in any location. Different issues have been raised due to the limit of adopting technology to provide flexible techniques, such as UUM accommodation booking system. Hence, this study aimed to develop an online accommodation registration in UUM for managing and organizing UUM accommodation facilities for new postgraduate students. The study adopted the use of System Development Lifecycle methodology for designing and developing the proposed system. In addition, an evaluation was also conducted with 50 post graduate student from UUM to indicate their opinion about the proposed system. The result showed that online accommodation booking system was ease, useful, and satisfies the user's perspectives

    i-FRAME – Assessing impacts of social policy innovation in the EU: Proposed methodological framework to evaluate socio-economic returns on investment of social policy innovations

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    This report presents the final proposal for developing a methodological framework to assess the impacts generated by social policy innovations which promote social investment in the EU, in short i-FRAME. This framework has the objective to provide a structured approach that shall serve as a comprehensive framework for conducting analysis of the economic and social returns on investments of social policy innovations. It also aims to act as a guide to gather insights into replicability and transferability of initiatives which promote social investment across the EU. The report outlines the reviewed and improved theoretical and methodological approach developed by the JRC with help from external experts, and validated by testing the operational components proposed on a number of case studies and scenarios of use. After outlining the conceptual and methodological approach underpinning the i-FRAME (V1.0), the report discusses the proposal for building its operational components according to a structured theoretical framework of a dynamic simulation model for social impact assessment (V1.5). The final proposal for i-FRAME (V2.0) and an overview of the operational components for its implementation are then presented discussing the key elements that should be developed to build a comprehensive i-FRAME Web-Platform and simulator for social impact assessment. Conclusions are then offered in terms of implications for policy and directions for future research. These were drawn after consulting experts from different research disciplines, practitioners and representatives of relevant stakeholders and policymakers, and they include .recommendations for further developing the operational components proposed, paving the way towards building the i-FRAME (V3.0) and beyond.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Information and communication technology solutions for outdoor navigation in dementia

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    INTRODUCTION: Information and communication technology (ICT) is potentially mature enough to empower outdoor and social activities in dementia. However, actual ICT-based devices have limited functionality and impact, mainly limited to safety. What is an ideal operational framework to enhance this field to support outdoor and social activities? METHODS: Review of literature and cross-disciplinary expert discussion. RESULTS: A situation-aware ICT requires a flexible fine-tuning by stakeholders of system usability and complexity of function, and of user safety and autonomy. It should operate by artificial intelligence/machine learning and should reflect harmonized stakeholder values, social context, and user residual cognitive functions. ICT services should be proposed at the prodromal stage of dementia and should be carefully validated within the life space of users in terms of quality of life, social activities, and costs. DISCUSSION: The operational framework has the potential to produce ICT and services with high clinical impact but requires substantial investment

    Moving towards appropriability of academic knowledge: a post-actionalist perspective

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    Based on recent contributions in managerial research, this article aims to suggest a new perspective for appraising and developing knowledge usability by studying the processes underlying its production: appropriation. The underlying problem is the following: how can the academic community help a community of practitioners appropriate knowledge it produced, co-produced or stimulated? First, a preliminary analysis is put forward as regards management sciences and the concept of knowledge 'actionability'. Some limitations are raised (1.). Then, the authors suggest to move from an 'actionability' (rather coherent with a classic vision of management sciences linked to the "sciences of the artificial") to an 'appropriability' perspective (2.). Lastly, the specificities of both perspectives are discussed (3.). Some limitations of this new vision are also pointed out, especially from a psychological standpoint.Management sciences; actionable knowledge; appropriability of knowledge; epistemology; methodology
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